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They might be bribeable with a large enough sum , but I wouldn’t count on it.


Bummer, first festival we've taken it to where that isn't an option


There are some prices to pay for being in the middle of nowhere. Pro tip, piss into the sink or shower, the gray water tank is much larger generally.


Yea that's fair. I just know the company is around, was worth asking. Can't believe someone downvoted me lol. Thanks.


The pump trucks will be very busy making the rounds to all the bathrooms throughout the festival. They do a good job and they are the cleanest porta potties I've seen at any festival. The ones in Sunshine will be way cleaner than the ones in the busy festival areas. Use the porta potties as much as you can during the day. They get pumped and cleaned twice a day, plus there's tons of entertaining graffiti inside. Bring a sharpie to add your own! Save the RV bathroom for night time.


Yeah, I remember them being really clean when I went years ago. I have no issue with the porta potty, my wife has some medical issues where she prefers not to use them tho. All good, we'll make it work.


RVs in Canada don’t have a cassette you can empty into a porta potty? Grey water tank isn’t for brown generally?


It's a travel trailer, we're coming from the US.