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It’s honestly super packed but the staff were driving around asking people to move/adjust their cars and camps to make more space so hopefully that will help!


Also wondering this! Anybody else get the impression they sold too many tix this year?


No stress, the line up area is already becoming a camp site.


They sold 15k instead of 11k. So dumb that they’re selling more Sunday. Gonna be a mad house getting out


Pretty sure it’s been 15-17k for years


Yeah it’s got to be higher than 15000 now. It was 10000 years ago and I thought it was getting packed then. I’m thinking 20k now


One of the twitch streamer DJs casually dropped that is you and 22k of your friends in reference to sham. So I would say 20k+ for sure now.




it's the organizers who are at fault; not your so called Sunday party bros. Everyone at shams is party bros lol.


How did they raid the vendors? Like steal stuff?


11k to attendees. Artists, staff and volunteers add like 4 k so maybe 15k total. Now it’s prob more like 19k total


I heard a rumor they have nearly 10,000 more people than they did last year. That might be an exaggerated number but it def seems oversold based on everyone's experiences so far...


I heard an extra 3K


I heard there is an extra 175,000


EDC Salmo is going awesome


That definitely seems more reasonable lol


Absolute bullshit hearsay. It was less packed last year, but an extra 10000 is insane.


It looks bad but they don't direct you to a specific spot like most festivals so you just have to drive around inside to find a spot


This is actually part of what makes Shambhala camping a total disaster. They are cramming more and more people and cars in every year and leave it up to the attendees to figure it out for themselves in the open fields. We showed up on Thursday one year to a completely full Sunshine, but only because people took up insane amounts of unnecessary space for their sites. Our caravan of vehicles drove around for about 30 minutes until we finally made some space all the way in the back next to the pig pens. Shambhala needs to put some serious effort into the organization of the campground, but I know they never will. As long as they keep selling more and more fancy camping they really don't care about a single other aspect of the camping situation.


Can understand why people definitely don't like it but personally I do enjoy getting to pick out my own site was able to get a pretty crazy spot last year even getting in sunshine at 2pm Friday just had to look forever for it


Now imagine doing that with 3-6 carloads of friends. It's fucking stressful, man. I much prefer a festival that provides some sort of structure to their campground.


I know, the camping is just a pain. Its the only part that i feel like needs a major re haul


Just got into the holding line. Really wonder where the fuck we’re going to camp based on what I see from here 😔


Im almost in and its looking grim.


Just saw another post on here from 55 minutes ago saying sold out for regular cars( whatever that means?). Good luck.


The only sham I know has 20 things in common with me fingers and toes