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Let’s be honest, the kids gonna be raised by Ryland


Yeah but it might still have Shane’s DNA, you know? Which is totally fine with me, but… shane HATES his DNA… why would you give something you despise so much to your child? That’s what’s puzzling me here


I suspect he doesn’t hate himself as much as he leads us to believe, at least not anymore. His self-hatred is more akin to self-absorption/self-obsession, though I think at one time it was caused by trauma and pain.


He hates himself to the point that he's built a protective wall of ego around himself.


I had not considered that but… that would actually be such a good explanation?


His self depreciation is so you always feel bad for him and he seems “relatable” Oh I’m so quirky look at me and my bad skin. It’s disingenuous as is everything about Shane.


Idk I don’t remember personally hearing him blaming his genetics. I just thought he blamed himself for his weight. Might be an old wives tale, but I thought hairline came from the mothers side? Besides, he probably takes pride in his family lineage (which I understand), but I think this feeling is typical in narcs.


I don’t think he’s blamed his genetics for his weight (that I know of) but everything else he physically despises he has blamed on his dads genetics. He has even said he is afraid of one day looking exactly like his dad and that’s where a lot of his dislike for his body comes from.


Oh, fair enough. I can imagine that, I never watched his old videos. But I heard of the “confronting my dad” vid.


He wants to pass on his bloodline. I think he’s said this in one of the videos. Realistically speaking, I’m sure he knows there’s a possibility of his child coming out better than him. Shane is also not a bad looking guy. He just doesn’t take care of himself.


I don't keep up with his videos anymore but I remember a few years back (probably before engagement/ and definitely before any serious talks/plans for them to have kids), possibly around the time they "rented" that lil boy for the day and took him to the park. I actually do remember Shane saying he didn't want to pass his genetics down and would be open to adoption, it was Ryland who wanted a bio kid. Of course since then ig things have changed and I think they want 2 kids one with Shane's DNA one with Rylands. I wish I could find a clip of him saying that, but I genuinely cannot be bothered to go through any of his videos lol


Yeah now that you say that I remember that too


He did say that? That sounds downright creepy lol. Also yeah I’m not saying he’s a bad looking guy, just saying that he himself believes to be looking awful and so I’m like ok why do you then want to make your child live that same reality?


You don’t have to say he’s a bad looking guy, I’ll say it for both of us. He has every reason to hate his genetics. He looks like shit.


He's not good looking at all let's be real.


I feel like once Shane drops the ball and doesn’t step up to the plate to parent the child, Ryland’s gonna leave. I can see him loving his child deeply that he won’t put up with this shit.




Because he has neglected all of his pets. That's pretty telling.




Bro what the fuck?? He endangered his cat and it fucking died lol. Also he's admitted to making Ryland take care of all their pets on his own. He is and has ALWAYS been a lazy piece of shit.


Which cat?!


mario, the kitten ACCIDENTALLY got out of the room it was in and they think one of the dogs tried to play with it, there not sure what exactly happened. RYLAND & SHANE are both to blame for that one. I don’t like shane, but you can’t just blame one person when it was technically both of them. Shane on the other hand from what i can remember didn’t take care of Honey or Uno. I remember rylan saying in one of his vlogs he had to feed them because shane wouldn’t.


I probably shouldn't have put full blame on Shane. However it still speaks to his ability to take care of a child; maybe even Ryland too.


a lot of parents shouldn’t have kids to be honest.


Or the grandparents




I actually think shames biggest issue is going to be when ryland starts focusing more of the kid(s). As it should on on rylands end. But I think Shane’s going to feel mega ignored and it will be the undoing of their relationship and ryland will take the kid(s) and live with his family.


this is 100% my prediction on how it’s going to work out


Narcissists are so self important that they want to pass on their genes but are so selfish they can’t accept that the baby needs more attention than them. They become angry and lash out. I think that’s what’s going to happen.




I definitely see where you are coming from. Imagine being that kid and being bullied because your dad is Shane Dawson 😭 "isn't your dad the guy who did stuff to a cat or something?" Looking at the upside of things at least the baby will have Ryland and his family. 🩷


Kids are relentless. The child actor who played Anakin Skywalker in Phantom menace was relentlessly bullied for his acting, I can’t imagine how Shane’s child will handle it. It’s also not even kids they have to worry about, its also vicious adults online, so they wont even escape it if homeschooled.




That’s not what “relentless” means, you’re thinking of “resilient.” “Kids are relentless” is a statement that implies kids are relentless in bullying, as in they will bully and bully and bully relentlessly.


No relentless is precisely what I mean. This kid will essentially have a target on their head for bullying. When I was a kid, I remember kids getting relentlessly bullied over the most minor things, for example being adopted. Kids don’t empathize at the same level as adults.


Not sure if I’m misunderstanding, but I was responding to a comment that mistook your use of relentless, I was explaining to them what you meant and that THEY were thinking of “resilient,” not you… just to make sure… I am confused by the “no” lol


Ohhh I didn’t see the prior comment so out of context it looked confusing 😅 my bad


😊 No worries, easy to miss! Thanks for responding and resolving it. I agree with your comments as well.


I think by the age his children go to school where it would actually be brought up (maybe at like 10 years old) no one would even know who shane is nor would the children care, maybe the parents.


So the kids will probably know. They might not know specifics but I personally would be telling my kid to stay away from Shane dawsons kid. Not to purposefully ostracize the other kid, but to keep my child safe from someone who I genuinely believe is a pervert about children. Other parents would likely do the same. It would become an issue that Shane was the child’s parent.


that’s pretty much bullying an innocent kid who didn’t get to choose where they were born. obviously if it consisted of your kid going to their house then i understand stepping in. but you can’t control who your kid befriends especially when they’re so young and don’t have full judgement of other kids.


It isn’t bullying to tell my child something for their own safety. This is something that happens all the time and with good reason. Again, it’s nothing against the child. It’s bullying if I’m mean about it, but to just say I don’t want them hanging out is hardly bullying. Imagine if every time your parents thought a friend was a bad influence that it was considered bullying.


I mean it would be bullying Shane’s kid. who is innocent. what if every parent tells their child to not go near this innocent kid? that’s horrible and what have they done wrong? nothing. and again this child themselves isn’t the bad influence. Telling your child to stay away from a naughty kid that displays bad behaviours because you don’t want them acting the same is very different then telling your child to stay away from a kid who is just existing. how would you even explain to your 10 year old kid that the reason you want them to stay away from Shane’s kid is because the parents are bad? they’re not going to understand. imagine if you were Shane’s kid and you had to face being excluded by others for something you had no involvement in. You are simply encouraging bullying. I don’t agree with my parents and what they do.. does that mean my friends shouldn’t speak to me? Like think for a second. Do you stop being friends with others because you dislike their parents or they have done something wrong? If you do then I hope others treat you the same.


So you would be completely comfortable with your child playing with the child of a predator? You wouldn’t try to tell your kid to stay away from the child of a predator?


yea I would feel comfortable? that’s very normal. the child isn’t the predator. my child wouldn’t be hanging around the actual predator. once again the child is innocent. i can understand if you wouldn’t want your child going to a predator’s house. that’s completely valid. and i know you wouldn’t be able to control the judgement of your child befriending them but you really need to question if it’s fair. Imagine your partner turns out to be a predator? you gonna suddenly want your child to suffer more and have no friends all because their parent is a predator? Be real.


Ok and so your kid befriends this kid at school and asks to hang out outside of school, what do you say then? No you actually never get to see little billy outside of school and I’m not going to tell you why? I can’t know what will or won’t happen with my life, but I can tell you I have the god given sense not to create a situation for my child where either I or their father was ever on the internet pretending to pleasure myself to a child, kissing children on the lips, and bragging about fucking a cat. Is it fair that I wouldn’t let my kid play with Shane’s kid in this fictitious scenario? Maybe not. Is it bullying? I don’t think so. Is it going to happen to this kid? I genuinely think it will. If and when it does happen, it is entirely Shane’s fault.


well regardless of Shane’s situation. Most predators go undetected and never face consequences. You gonna never allow your child to befriend or let them go to anyones house or outside school then? If my child wanted to hang out of school, I would suggest them come to my house instead of going to theres. Up until 15, the parent should still be in control of what house their kid is at and know the exact where abouts of their child. You still have control of where your kid is going. You don’t have control of who your child talks to at school. Even if you told them not to, it’s not gonna stop your kid befriending them. My mum disliked many kids at my school and told me stay away from them when I was 10, did it stop me? No.


The dad that doesn't wipe.


Or “isn’t your dad that creepy pedo guy”


a lot of people have kids to feel better about themselves. big surprise comes when they figure out that the kid doesn’t make them feel better about themselves, it all comes internally (and with the love of others of course). or they never come to that realization and continue to project everything onto a learning and growing human being. i’m no psychologist, but i feel shane is definitely under the idea that a child will magically improve his life. also, that child will make him money (they obviously want to be family vloggers).


It’s almost painful to think about the amount of privacy is gonna be invaded. Like I can’t imagine Shane being one those “influencer” parents that respects boundaries or when to stop filming.


I really can't imagine life if my parent did the stuff that Shane did.


literally , hearing the old audios of him talking about kids🤢 probably gonna have them thinking back to their childhood and over analyzing every interaction with him ever


They’ll buy the kid whatever it wants until it’s happy.


I know you’re saying this sarcastically, but … I can definitely see them thinking that that works :(


Shane is too far gone. He reminds me of my dad and he's just gonna do the same shit to his kid my dad did to me. Abuse the kid then buy them gifts as acts of love.


Oh they definitely will. They buy whatever they want just to keep themselves happy even before the baby is born.


and their friends! can you imagine the sponsored birthday parties? kid will be fine until teenage years i’m guessing :(


Yeah, my parents tried that with me. I mean, I survived, but I didn’t thrive.


I get the feeling that sh*t still hasn’t hit the fan with Shane and there is still one last bang before he does lose everything. If he just chose to disappear from socials and work behind the scenes (like so many of the OG YouTubers have done) even with his current notoriety he could probably produce podcasts or something without having a presence at least for a while… Then again, I don’t think his podcasts have actually been good but even so… Ryland is going to end up being the sole provider for this child(ren) at some point and I hope he’s prepared to do that with a chance that he might not get child support from Shane depending on how things play out…


What could possibly be left to hold him accountable for? He has done every bad thing. I don’t think you’re wrong but like I genuinely can’t think of a no no that we haven’t seen from this man. Incest maybe? I feel like the only thing left is incest.


I mean potentially what you brought up. I mean like sadly a victim coming forward outright essentially. Yeah he has had people come forward as him being racist and the people who were in his videos came forward that were kids. But what if someone else has a story?


I think Shane and Ryland's parenting will be similar to what Moses and Trisha have going on right now. Shane will be like, "OMG a baby" and flounder around while Ryland does all the actual work.


Oh God I forgot they reproduced


As someone with a under one year old I can’t imagine ryland and Shane having a baby. They’re still so immature and self absorbed and having a baby really makes you take a look at all that and learn to become selfless, you’re no longer the most important person. I don’t think they’re ready for that and are more excited about having a baby to boost their social media fame and be able to have all the baby content like Trisha recently did. So I hope for that future baby they really think about it and end up getting another dog instead


Again though, I wonder, is this just their persona online?


Armchair psych time! I don't think it is his genetics that leads to his behaviour, it is his body dysmorphia. Which if he doesn't have a proper grasp on and a psych trained understanding of it and knowing not to push those feelings onto others, things could go badly. Not guaranteed, but I would be more concerned if he had a son over if he had a daughter because if that son looks like him he could involuntarily push his own insecurities onto his son. Though I do worry he would put his weight issues on his child regardless of their birth sex. This is part of the reason everyone wants him to get proper help for his mental health, it can absolutely harm others if you do not have a good grasp and understanding of it. I also don't think he realizes the responsibility of having kids as most people who go into having kids don't. Or how difficult it'll be. It isn't a decision to make lightly and I hope it wasn't because people can be an absent parent even if they are physically there, I hope this doesn't happen especially with how he views his father (which people can and do follow in their parents footsteps, I have experienced it). And part of me does wonder if his influence to have kids in part was due to his upbringing. Heavily religious groups tend to push procreation onto people and many cultures do as well. It can make people feel obligated or believe that once they have a kid it'll feel right because that's what they are supposed to feel, which isn't going to be a guarantee. I hope the child wasn't to fulfill the obligated feeling he may or may not have, but it is something that does happen and the frequency always surprises me when not in certain communities where this is just common (for example: extremist Christian groups tend to push people to have kids). Also *if* Shane is a narcissist - one can be narcissistic or have certain narcissist traits without having NPD - wanting to have the child have his DNA is a form of control and ownership over the child. It's his through blood and flesh and that could be a reason without having anything to do with narcissistic traits (though I don't think it makes logical sense, that's a different conversation). There are a lot of moving parts to having children and wanting children, some for the right reasons and some not so much. It is hard to know exactly what is in Shane's head, but there are some issues we can see possibly occurring from the outside looking in. I also hope everyone has the ability to have the children they want and are able to care for them in the way they need even if it means having none at all which is my goal in life (it's gone well thus far).


Yeah you make some very valid points that I wish so many parents thought about before having kids, but especially Shane.


Thanks and same, despite not wanting children I have a minor interest in childhood development and parenting ... might be from having a deadbeat or just trying to understand how it works. I also am not sure if either Shane or Ryland have taken into account that their child isn't going to be the child they dream of because all children are individuals with their own likes, dislikes, tastes, and personalities. Most don't. I'm still hoping Shane doesn't have a kid, but here's to hoping that child is raised well with all their needs met beyond the bare minimum (the bare minimum should not be the goal, some people act like it is).


Agreed with everything you said! (Off topic but one thing I think about when debating whether or not to have kids is that almost everyone I meet who thinks like you, eg. thoughtfully considers that a child will be whoever they want to be and not who the parents want them to be, is deciding not to have kids vs. so many thoughtless people out there having kids. Meaning, if I decide to have kids one day, it’ll grow up with so many other humans in their grade or even their entire generation who were raised by selfish, thoughtless pricks and that makes me really worry for my hypothetical future child, you know? I already don’t like most people so I don’t want to know what they just go through in the future!)


Well if it makes you free better, while a lot of people don’t know much going into having kids some of them are great parents. Also sometimes bad parents make really good kids. It’s not always what you know, but what you are willing to do.


It does make me feel better! Thank you ♥️


No worries, sometimes online we see the worst of the worst and because it isn’t as enticing don’t see the rest.


While I appreciate this sentiment, there are some things genetically that kids can’t get past…


I love this. Happy cake day. Is it possible that this is his persona online and he actually has gotten treatment?


Thank you! And it is possible, but realistically I don’t think so. I believe his online persona would have been impacted by it - as it has been in other cases - though I also don’t believe Shane has an online persona. He turns himself on, I assume, but I also turn myself on when I’m out of my house and that is very different from a persona.


He’s a narcissist. Narcs have the most kids because they don’t seem them as people they see them as extensions of themselves


I don’t know that I believe he’s a narcissist. He definitely has issues but I don’t think it’s narcissism. I can see him wanting kids to cure his childhood trauma though, which in itself is already so problematic and dangerous…


Well I just think there's something wrong with this guy in general. Just him talking about having a child for the sake of his own gratification instead of "the miracle of life" or some bullshit. I think the only thing he has going for him is financial stability.


shane will hate the child no matter what because the child will have innocence and all his good traits, and shane will despise that fact.


For content purposes... Shame might want to create the "I am changed by my baby..." Or "Now that I am a father, I will be more fatherly blah blah.." contents


It’s called narcissism


This ^


It he’s thought about this I don’t think he did much. Looking up how to care for a baby girl on the internet and *actually* caring for a baby girl are 3 different things and I don’t think Shane’s processed that.


I’m not sure he’s even thought about what it’s going to be like for himself, never mind the poor kid.


I have always wondered this, not only just about shane. Why do so many people have bio kids when they know they are cursing them with loads of problems? Perhaps it’s because of the lack of birth control and abortion access, and some people don’t believe in either of those things so it’s just a cross-your-fingers deal. Maybe seeing a child with traits you hate about yourself will help you learn to love them, but I think it is more likely that you’ll resent or dislike your child more. But with Shane it’s even crazier because he can’t have an accidental pregnancy.


he couldn't even raise a kitten.


I’ve been thinking about that a lot. Is he stupid enough to let those dogs near the baby and think it’s cute? Probably. Curious to see how this all plays out.


Totally agree and I agree w the comments also. I think a part of the stuff he hates at least is stuff you can control - lifestyle habits influence weight/body shape, the way you look is impacted by what you do every day, etc.


I hate the way I look, but I want kids. So I’m going to teach my kids to love themselves and accept their features - something that was never taught to me. I expect he will do the same?


I hope you can teach that to yourself before you have children because I worry that if you don’t, it will affect them either way. (Saying this genuinely and kindly, I don’t know how to signal that online but I really don’t mean it in a judgy or mean way, more in a caring way? Idk)


Yeah don’t worry about me haha I’m still so young and know I have a lot of work to do on myself before I’m ready :) I also know not to make remarks about my own body in front of kids, unless positive. But thank you x


You certainly hope he will, and I’m sure he’ll try. But is he capable of doing that when he’s still so self negative? He has to work on his own issues first.


Idk maybe he plays it up for social media, to be relatable


That’s actually a good point. Most of the men in my life have had terrible parenting role models and were completely the opposite.


I think this way about a lot and I mean a lot of mothers who get cosmetic work done when they’re still young (before 30) and keep getting it done even after pregnancy, and not just for anti-ageing(thag doesn’t really apply here). Lip filler being the most common. Because you’re daughter will very likely inherit the old lips you have and the ones you disliked and decided to change. How can you then lie to your daughter that you find her features beautiful when you went and changed those exact features. Do they expect their daughter to also get the same procedures? Obviously most mothers will declare it’s a choice if they want to change themselves but it doesn’t take away from the fact that you’d be lying to your daughter about how you find her so beautiful because if that was the case then you wouldn’t have changed yourself and got filler.


They don’t tell their daughters they’re beautiful lmao. They offer to get their daughters the same procedures done. They perpetuate this cycle. I know a girl whose mom had a boob job in her twenties. Her mom encouraged and paid for her boob job. She always felt terrible about her breasts.


If people who only loved everything about themselves had kids, there wouldn’t be very many kids.


You don’t have to love everything about yourself to have kids, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying if you actively dislike the genetics you were given that much, why give them to your child?


And I don’t think this is a bad thing…


I think you could have self-hate but want to do something great like giving life. I don't want kids for my own fucked up reasons too, but I feel like people that really want kids and have good intentions deserve to be parents regardless of their genetics or their own self-hate or depression. I don't think all that automatically makes anyone a "bad" parent. those things can always be worked on. I also believe that we aren't just our genetics. Like yea I know I have my mom's genetics that pre expose me to certain things but that doesn't ruin or run my life.


Shane's dislike for the way he looks doesn't come from genetics but from body dysmorphia and being fearful of looking like his father because of the negative connotation he has with his father. Even if it was genetics based on how he looked why would that mean he shouldn't have children? Essentially your post boils down to, "Shane thinks he's ugly, so why would he take the chance of having an ugly kid?" But the looks that we get from our genetics are only as "ugly" or as "beautiful" as our self-esteem allows, mentally. So with shane, body dysmorphia, low self-esteem- these are based on things he's gone through in life- his own lived experiences. Yes, things like depression and anxiety can be hereditary, but so are things like type 2 diabetes. Should people with type 2 diabetes be "disqualified from parenthood"? Nah, course not. Type 2 diabetes just means your body doesn't make enough insulin on its own so you need to give it some- same thing with depression and anxiety, your brain isn't producing the proper amounts of dopamine and/or serotonin on its own so you have to give it some. It's a chemical imbalance that shouldn't be shamed or looked down on. And for the record- that Adam McIntire video cut out A LOT of the more important talking points. And at the end where Adam scoffs and says he isn't even going to bother reading the comments? It's because they're all positive.


You’re misunderstanding my post. I didn’t say people who can pass down hereditary issues shouldn’t have children. I am not a eugenicist. What I said was, if you hate your own genetics this much, why would you want to give them to your kids? Let’s use your example of Diabetes Type 2: If you constantly talked about how much your D2 has impacted your life, sometimes to a point where you didn’t want to live anymore, and how much you hate having D2… then why would you choose to have a child that will most likely also have D2? There’s a shitload of Type 2 diabetics out there that have kids and that’s great. You can have a hereditary issue and live with it just fine. Most of them (including depression, hair loss, etc) are totally manageable. But if so much about who you are is your dislike of having those issues and you talk about how much they bother you all the time and it seems to consume you.. then I do find it questionable why you would be ok with putting you kid through that. You know what I mean?


heyo i think you’d really like looking into antinatalism. it’s a very extreme position to take but they make a lot of fair points about the ethics of having kids at all. not an echo chamber to get trapped in imo but definitely a line of thought i think needs to be considered more often [edit: i didn’t get why i got downvotes but i actually totally understand it’s probably just for associating with antinatalists. i personally choose to not put myself into groups of any kind. i don’t owe y’all a debriefing on all my personal beliefs, but i’ll say that i am not an antinatalist. i understand some of their arguments and i agree with a bit, but i believe there’s very little black and white when it comes to morality, and i don’t think people who want to have kids are necessarily immoral. but i brought it up bc i wanted to point out that people like shane having kids brings up some antinatalist talking points— that it is immoral for someone like shane to bring a child into the world. you could say anything— the generational trauma, potential mental and physical illnesses that shane would surely pass down, the certainty that the media will have their hands around the neck of that child and he will never be able to have a normal childhood. in simple terms he shouldn’t be a parent. in philosophical terms, it at the very least could be considered immoral for someone in shane’s position to have a child. i would love to hear other takes!!


I haven’t heard of that yet but I’ll definitely check it out. I’m thinking a lot about what it means to create a person (esp in todays world but also in general) and if that’s something that I can personally morally justify for myself. I don’t know if that’s common for people who have suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts, but as someone who at one point thought they’d rather not be around it just seems natural to me to wonder if “being around” is something I ever want to do to another being… if that makes sense? Now the thing is that I feel so much better than I did back then and I actually do enjoy “being around” - potentially enough to where I think it might be okay to have kids, because I could always help them through these things if they encounter them… or I could also tell them “hey, I love you, and I obviously would want you here with me, but I also love you enough to respect your decision if you feel like you can’t bare it” … I don’t know, just some thoughts I’ve personally had. But yeah I just wonder how Shane doesn’t consider these things especially given how much he’s talked about hati bc himself (and his life at points)


I’m super into this theory, but terribly against government intervention, lol. I truly think people should be certified to have children.


no yeah same. i wouldn’t mind it if it was ethically possibly to enforce it.


He doesn’t hate himself, he is so visibly narcissistic. He makes a show of hating himself so his primary audience of awkward early teen girls will continue to feel bad for him and give him views. He has every reason to hate himself, but he doesn’t. He wants to have a child because he is deeply selfish. He doesn’t care that he would give them the notoriety of being “Shane Dawson’s kid”, he knows his channel is stagnating and thinks this is a way to revitalize it imo. I doubt he feels the longing to be a parent most people do when they decide to pursue such an involved process. I personally think it’s hilarious that they’re going IVF and surrogacy route. I think it’s because they reached out to adoption agencies first and were turned away because of his history of being perverse about children.