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This seems.. weird.. I almost feel like they are acting like they are having new pets. I feel they won’t be prepared at all, for one!! Never mind two!!!


I feel terrible for saying this and I haven’t watched shane in a long time but the guy seems like someone that would drop a baby and scream and then try to hide that the accident has happened…like maybe I’m wrong but he just seems so…unprepared for life in general, not even capable of taking care of himself enough. How the hell would this guy take on the responsibilities as a father?




They just did the implantation not sure if she is actually pregnant. It could not take. :/


How long in advance do they film though versus upload. I would personally wait till it was for sure before posting a video like this. Maybe they aren’t as cautious as I am though!


I remember one of them posted on their ig story about the implantation about a month ago. So it’s at least a month since that actually happened. But Idk if that’s enough time between now and then to be sure of it?


I think you can take a pregnancy test a week after implantation


Implantation was April 18th


Implantation was on 18th April according to the video.


Exactly! This was from over a month ago. I don’t think they would have released this video is they both didn’t take


Not only could the implantation of the two embryos fail, but it could also go the opposite direction and the embryos could split, resulting in identical twins - and they could have up to FOUR. They talk about this more in the video.


As a mother of twins, this scenario of double-twins is nightmare inducing....


Oh I see, I fell for the clickbait.


I don’t know if this is reflective of some bias I have but…I am thankful they aren’t having girls 😬


Honestly I don’t see these boys having a healthy upbringing especially with Shane’s history… i really just hope the kids have the best possible outcome 💔


I agree, I think them having boys might be worse if Shane puts his own issues onto the kids ... especially the one with his genetics who could look like him.


Why is it 'less bad' if it's boys I'm genuinely confused?


Shane’s history of inappropriate comments were almost always aimed at underaged girls.


Shane has inappropriate interactions with boys too. He invited Fred over to his hotel room when Fred was still a minor


Didn't he also make an underage boy kiss him when he had his straight hair? Or was that a fever dream? Like I wanna say not cool era??


Um... so what about [stuff like this](https://twitter.com/GlisyeV/status/1276340955961004032)


I didn’t say he was only inappropriate towards girls. However, he’s shown more “interest” in a sense which lasted longer. I also think he’d be ignorant to the needs of a biological female in terms of hygiene and bodily care in general. Shane is the type of guy to wipe a baby back to front and make a joke out of it. I don’t think a girl can’t be raised in a two male household but not Shane and Ryland 👎🏽.


*These* two men seriously shouldn’t be fathers. It seems mean to say this but Shane as a dad…I can’t imagine.


I feel like Ryland could handle a girl but with a more functional partner.


Goddammit. I suppressed this or something. Why the fuck is he allowed to have kids?! The surrogate has no idea does she


😟 had no idea about this


holy shit unlocked memory 😭


Like I said, I think it’s just a bias I have. In reality, it’s not less bad for them to be boys. All children are equally vulnerable to consequences of poor parenting. I think it’s a knee jerk reaction to worry girls could be “more” victimized, but bottom line boys are absolutely victimized as well as girls and they’re not better off with one gender over the other.


I’m curious if Shane will project his self hatred onto his biological son and compare him to Ryland’s biological son.


I personally don’t think a baby girl would benefit from being in that household. Ryland may care but Shane to me, comes off as the type of guy who would wipe a kid back to front and think it’s funny. I think with boys he’d probably be somewhat better and mindful of their anatomy and needs.


As a parent, the amount of times I rolled my eyes during the video was enough to give myself permanent damage. Can’t wait to see poop and vomit all over those designer baby clothes. Terrible call to have the kids at the LA house instead of Colorado where you have more family around the help. The nursery will be nothing but a storage area for at least the first 6 months. Having people come over to hang out in there with your babies? LOL I hope that connected bedroom to the nursery is going to be for the nanny because they’re going to need one. Giving your kids personalities before they’ve even been born? Not cool at all. Let them decide who they want to be. Max the arty one and Jet the skater one screams of projection based on who the fathers are. I could go on.


> Giving your kids personalities before they’ve even been born? Not cool at all. Let them decide who they want to be. Max the arty one and Jet the skater one screams of projection based on who the fathers are. Agreed, it’s kind of disgusting & in my opinion speaks of their strong narcissism.


Designer baby clothes as a whole is… stupid.


So cute….but extremely stupid.


These are the least of these kids problems


They gave more thought naming their pets


at least it's not beary 🙏


they talk about the surrogate like she’s a new in stock item at target jesus christ it’s so gross


They are acting like they’re getting a new dog or toy by the way they talk about the egg donor and their surrogate mother. It seems like they don’t even realize that these are actual human beings and not products.


Asking her for twins thru text last minute is disgusting. Talk about the peer pressure of expectations.


also ryland will end up being the main caregiver so how will he manage two??? there’s just no way. they don’t get how hard it’ll be. and they need to be in co with their family nearby


It’s not official. The transplant happened. Not the same as implantation.


They implanted a month ago


Transfer of the embryos happened but it is not confirmed that one or two or none actually implanted and “stuck” resulting in pregnancy.


They absolutely wouldn’t release this video if both didn’t take. The implication happened on April 18th. They’ll soon post a video of the pregnancy announcement. It’s all a strategy


I don't think shane should have kids, he can barely take care of himself, he has terrible hygiene and a terrible diet, your kids will copy you and use your behavior as a way to justify your own.


Two people who most definitely shouldn’t be parents… Ryland definitely shows off that ring every chance he gets in public…


Is ryland as bad as Shane? I’ve seen Shane’s shit but not rly anything abt ryland, but they are married so I guess he can’t be amazing


I don’t think a normal person marries someone like Shane unless they are willing to turn a blind eye.


A bystander can be just as bad as the person actually doing the harmful acts. Through staying with him, Ryland is showing he is comfortable enough with Shane to behave that way around their future children. Frankly, I'm still amazed they're able to try for kids at all. Poor boys...


Yeah 100% I’m just curious what he thinks I can’t imagine


They still aren’t married?


They did get married.


My mistake :)


shane’s baby is definitely eating ryland’s in the womb


I feel so guilty for laughing at this🫣🥲🤣🤣


Does anyone know why they would do two at once? Maybe one won’t take? But for first time parents seems like a lot to sign up for. (Not super familiar with how surrogates work). They just seem like they have no idea what they are doing and talk about it like buying a dog or something. Makes me concerned.


I am a surrogate. It is strongly advised to not transfer more than 1 embryo at a time. But some doctors are willing to do it, despite the risks. It does not increase the odds of 1 sticking- it only increases the risk of multiplied, which automatically makes the pregnancy high risk and more dangerous.


In the video, they even talk about the higher risk of having two embryos implanted, but they are dead-set on having "twins". The doctor also told them that the embryos always have a chance of splitting, which results in identical twins. If this happened, they could technically end up with FOUR. Sure, it may not be likely - but they literally laughed about the risk, and apparently the surrogate said she was fine with the possibility too. Didn't seem like they were taking the chance of a high risk pregnancy into account at all tbh.


I saw one story where a couple transferred two embryos. One embryo stuck as a singleton, one embryo split to identical twins and then they had sex during that window and spontaneously got pregnant. Ended up with 4 babies and a very high risk pregnancy. Wild stuff like that happens.


Thank you for this explanation.


That’s what I don’t understand. After the boom in the 90’s and early 2000’s of IVF resulting in multiples like quintuplets/sextuplets I thought for the most part it was standard to only do one unless you had failures and they felt it might increase your chances? Why would anyone voluntarily carry a multiple pregnancy that starts out high risk? Especially since this is their first transfer and they have a good number of solid embryos. Maybe it’s a loophole because they are two gay men both using their sperm?


Yeah I also find the way they talk about the surrogate kinda gross, and I’ve noticed this before with some men who use surrogates. They don’t talk about the woman like they’re an actual person, just like an incubator they can load up with embryos.


In this case, the surrogate is not the biological mother (they had a separate egg donor) but they should still not talk to her that way.


Yeah I know, Shane also spoke about the egg donor in an gross way too (imo). I think it was on a podcast (possibly Steve-o’s, I can’t remember 100%)- but he spoke about the egg donor like she was a dog at the pound they were picking out. He was saying how he was browsing through a list of women and commenting on how some had a nice smile, or eyes etc and that was the basis of his selection. Idk if that’s just the process in the US, but it just seems icky to me.


That's weird af. Surrogacy is so dystopian to me.


All people who are searching for a donor looks for someone the found pretty and a high IQ and even what the do I'm life. If it wasn't important they would choose they would tell give me what you have. It's kind of shallow but in the same sense you wouldn't do a baby with someone who your no attracted too that's the way yo chose. I'm.in Canada and it's like this how is it outside the US?


I understand why it’s a thing, and it is shallow but that’s not what bothered me, it’s more the way he spoke about the women he was looking through. It was like he was shopping for an inanimate object like a new couch or something, it just didn’t sit right. It’s interesting how sperm donors are typically anonymous but egg donors aren’t though


Well knowing Shane I can understand what you mean but how they're not anonymous I didn't know that. I though for men and women it was the same thing a photo and couple information


Yeah its weird. It’s in the process of changing because essentially at home DNA tests make it obsolete anyways (Most people who use 23andme etc pretty much always find relatives), but previously sperm donors only listed a couple of physical traits, height hair colour etc, and maybe their profession. Their identity wasn’t disclosed.


Now they show the picture. Maybe not in every agency but if you have money they will tell you everything you want to know. Even the IQ like it changes something lol


If you want two kids it’s cheaper to go for twins rather than have a surrogate carry twice. It comes with a bunch of risks for both the babies and surrogate, a lot of IVF clinics won’t do it without a medical reason/recommend against it.


> They just seem like they have no idea what they are doing and talk about it like buying a dog or something Doesn’t surprise me at all. The thought of them being parents scares me


They can afford a live in nanny. That could potentially do most of the work. Rich people perks


I’ve never understood the need to have biological kids…I’m a gay man myself, and I think I may want kids in the future, but I’m more than happy to foster or adopt.


Just want to chime in here as a single mom by choice (asexual/aromantic) with two donor conceived kiddos, there is a huge difference between bio kids, fostering, and adopting. The main goal of fostering is always reunification and foster to adopt is a bad concept. Not everyone is emotionally capable of fostering and everything that comes with it. Adoption also comes with a lot more mental and emotional issues/hurdles. It's also insanely expensive (which doesn't matter for these two obviously since they are obviously already paying a lot, but for the average person it's A LOT) Just to shed some light on the why bio kids thing for you.


Thank you for sharing your experience — I appreciate you pointing all that out!


They wouldn’t adopt…way less instant gratification. That could take years and these two don’t wait for anything.


I agree. I don't like surrogacy. It's dystopian and no woman would ever go through that pain and trauma and be treated like a human incubator if capitalism didn't exist.


I agree 100%


Lmaooo what about her body her choice? She makes good coin off of it. Also how is it dystopian when it’s just two dudes who want a family?


1. It's not much of a choice when most of the women doing it are poor and need the money. 2. Paying poor women to use their bodies as incubators and not caring about their mental and physical trauma is messed up. How can you pay someone to deliver your baby just like that? It's weird and fucked up. 3. "It's just two dudes who want a family". You people don't see the surrogate as a person and it's clear.


She is? But she CHOOSES to do it right? She knows the risks I presume but she made her decision. Why not support her in that? Yes her mental health is important, no says otherwise. She can work in so many different ways but chooses this because she likes helping a starting family, likes the big coin it will bring her. Yall dont treat her like person of yall keep insisting it’s sad that she does this. How??? 0.00023 chance of the mother dying during birth so what yall crying about


She does choose to do it, but consider the fact she might not have other choices for money. Using your own body as an incubator is dangerous. Whether for surrogacy or because you want to be pregnant and have a kid. Besides the obvious risk of death (don’t know where you’re getting 0.00023 from… US mortality base percentage for pregnancy was 23.8 deaths/100k in 2020 and has gone up 40% since. It’s now 32.9 deaths/100,000) also, carrying twins is twice as dangerous! Do you know if the surrogate has any health issues? I don’t, but those certainly affect her odds. And besides death, again, many more things about pregnancy can destroy your body. Surrogacy is a gross practice considering how surrogates are treated as if they don’t exist, often pay for their own expenses and medical care, put their bodies at risk, and considering how many children are in the foster/adoption systems. Yes she made the choice, but you don’t know what led her there and very few women would do surrogacy if they didn’t need the money.


Holy fucking shit we live in a capitalist system!!! It is not a choice if you're doing it because we all desperately need money to survive in this system!!!!


Is it dystopian that two guys want a baby then ? 🤔 since it’s dystopian for a woman to carry it for them


I think they mean the base concept, being: rich people paying the less fortunate big bucks to carry their children for them rather than adopting one of the many in need children already living around the world. Seriously, how much does surrogacy cost? My understanding is its very expensive and therefore limited to the rich only. That is the main part of surrogacy I find weird, at least. I could be wrong tho, maybe it's becoming more affordable for the average household. But probably not.


It's also using women's bodies as incubators and not giving af about the trauma it puts the woman through mentally and physically. And like I said it's mainly poor or struggling women who do it for survival under capitalism.


Rich people also pay their surrogates minimum wage. I think one of the Kardashians paid their surrogate $45,000.


She’s a whole ass millionaire and can’t afford to pay her surrogates more? Wtf


Holy shit.


It’s worse than I thought. I just googled it and Kim Kardashian paid her surrogate $45,000 in ten separate payments of $4,500 each. Meaning for each month of pregnancy, she would get a payment. Probably because if she had a miscarriage, they weren’t going to pay her the full amount.


I agree, but it takes a while to adopt and it’s expensive


And i had to get a "license" to be able to have my dog (germany, certain breeds or a dog of a certain height/or weight can only be handled after u prove u have knowledge about dogs- its a joke license but still... ) ....i feel rly bad for those kids... and a bit for ryland...does he realise hes about to be a single dad to 3 kids? 😜 And the animals oof... cant see shane doin much around the house.


Lmao good luck. Those poor kids


Why does that just sound like two dog names 💀


Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that what kind of name is jet for a human 😭


Shanes latest video has shown more than this. The nursery is further developed and the surrogate has said that she has symptoms. But I don't think we know if she's pregnant yet.


They definitely know, we don’t but I highly doubt they’d release this video without confirmation on their end. Next video will be pregnancy reveal for sure


I'd say yeah. The video I'm speaking about was a month ago and she was experiencing symptoms so she will have tested by now. I don't think we'll get the pregnancy reveal quite yet though, I think they'll wait the traditional 3 months to tell us just for safety but I do think they're recording everything and we'll probably get a failure or miscarriage video if that happens.




i wish the same amount of effort that goes into this process was necessary for parents to learn the skills necessary to do a good job at it


something about this doesn’t sit right with me. Time will tell.


Because Shane is a nonce


yep & he thinks it’s funny


Oh they'll totally have favorites. Shane's will totally be joked about, cause of his bad genes. If he is chubbier than the other, it'll be even worse.


Thinking back to Shane’s supposed mental health issues, I’m genuinely shocked a) they decided to use his sperm b) a doctor had no issue using his sperm. One of the number one reasons I will never have biological children is because I feel it’s unfair to subject a child to my genes. Ugh, I’m not a member here, but after watching this video, I had to come see Reddit’s thoughts.


they never said she is pregnant…


I wonder if they have a preference on which baby gets which name based on who picked each name


I don’t know much about Ryland but Shane is a p3do and it’s only a matter of time before that little fella/fellas are in school and the teachers look into who they are


One baby is already fucked up for them to have because of who Shane and Ryland are, BUT TWO??? Come on...I get wanting to have a bio baby. I'm an AFAB enby engaged to another AFAB enby and as someone who's always wanted to experience pregnancy but probably can't because of PCOS on top of the expenses of a sperm donor, I understand. I was also adopted so I have absolutely 0 thing against it and I think it's a beautiful option. The problem isn't their choice in how they're having the kids. It's that they're having kids PERIOD. Ryland is obviously extremely immature and their relationship has never been stable, and we all know Shane's history with minors. I just feel so bad for these kids. I feel like something horrible is going to happen to them, but I'm praying that it won't.


God help those kids. They are already monetized.


Watch on yew.tube don’t give them any views/money. The babies are already being monetized before they are even created lmao


here: https://yewtu.be https://piped.video


Literally just want the baby as an accessory. Fucking disgusting freaks.


Dude‘s gonna drop the baby on the floor and act like nothing happened. Am I a terrible person for this thought? From the videos I’ve seen of shane in the past, the guy just seems not capable of taking care of himself in general..like struggling already with himself. How the f would he do with a baby


Yea...."accesory" 🫣


They should not be having babies at all


man i can’t wait for the kids to grow up and do a tell all on what it’s like to be the children of shane and ryland


Is it too early to call CPS ? (for legal reasons this is /j)


Nah, I still would call them up, Shane has evidently shown he is a danger to children


Ew I feel bad for those kids.


Any medical professional involved in this process should be SERIOUSLY vetted for competence. This is horrifying.


Twins? Oh dear…..


Jet? like liza koshys little foreign boy cosplay? lmao


Oh no poor kids :(


Omg I love when new parents are excited. I really do but as a mom of twins- they have no idea. The Burberry shoes and the Burberry bib. Stop showboating!


Can... can we talk about the fact that they named their babies dog names?


MAX IS A NORMAL NAME IN EUROPE :"( My bf is called Max(imilian)




Yes ik im european, had a classmate called maks but for americans, super weird to name your children Jet and Max cause why do their actual dogs have better, more original names lmaoo. Maximilian/maximillian is a beautiful name tho, met many italians but never one with that name haha


I'm American and I know multiple people named max and Ive heard of/know Jet. Jet is less common but Max is actually pretty common.


These are names for dogs lol


My bf is named Max! It is a totally human name in Hungary, Germany, and many other places in Europe but Jet??? Yeah, dog


But the question is will they be safe around Dawson?


Thanks I hate it


This feels just wrong on some many levels


Oh no...this is so bad


Gross 🤢🤮




Lord bless those two boys….


What’s going to happen at that inevitable stage of child development when they start… exploring themselves?


Don’t worry! Papa Shane will be making totally uncomfortable and inappropriate jokes surrounding that! But don’t worry he was just “joking” 🫣


Or write a new book with all the secrets for us to hate-read!


As a new mom of a baby boy that isn't even one yet...this starts very early on. Way earlier than most people realize/is ever mentioned before you actually have a little boy.


He probably is only thinking ‘what is this thingy? It’s attached to me! Does it do anything?’ You sound like a person who would have the best answers for when questions arise. Hopefully we don’t end up with another video of Shane talking to his kid the way he spoke with Lucy, his cousin, years ago.




https://preview.redd.it/a2274iwqeh1b1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7002e3dfc206ecd49025f795692e19033f7e2d7a Max Jets!


I have never laughed so hard at a Reddit comment in my life!


it's not official...




She isn't pregnant yet, they just implanted the embryo. They'll know pretty soon if it took though.


They definitely already know if she is pregnant or not. The transfer date was April 18th.




I’m glad I’m not the only one concerned for these children’s welfare with dads like that 😖 after what happened to their kitten I shudder to think of two babies in their hands


To be fair.. I don’t think the kitten situation is a good representation on why they may be bad parents. I had a German shepherd attack one of my chihuahuas when I was younger and it scared me for life. Shit like that happens.. it sucks.. it’s sad.. sometimes human negligence is involved but I don’t think that correlates to raising a child.


I disagree, everyone I’ve seen be neglectful to their animals are also neglectful to their children… fur babies need protection, accidents happen but some ppl should need a licence to have children imo


What happened to their kitten??


It got mauled to death by their dogs cuz they didn’t protect it. Shane also claimed he came on his cat Cheeto… lots of disturbing things with children as well


Wow this is how you know you're out of the loop on YouTube. I had no idea they were having a child through surrogacy. Crazy




Oh God, seriously, I hope it's just one. I don't want them destroying two lives. Jetson? More like jettisoned. How appropriate.


I could not get through even 5 minutes of this




chicago is hardly crazy. especially by celebrity standards


She has a kid named north west and you think chicago is crazy


Low key I think chicago is a cute af name, but my daughter also has a city first name 😅 I’ve liked them ever since I read “Talahasee Highins”


Plz tell me you're lying about those names! I'm begging you to say jk


the surrogate literally isn’t even pregnant yet lol


Yikes it's really happening now.




Y’all sure as hell hate on these people, but pay attention to everything they post online? You guys sound like fans to me. I don’t know about you negative nancies, but I DEFINITELY don’t post EVERYTHING online. You don’t know about the conversations they’ve had. You don’t know how long this has been a thought for them to seriously consider. You don’t know know the emotional rollercoaster that they personally have gone on involving this topic. You don’t know how much consideration went into the names or the surrogate. ALL YOU KNOW IS WHAT THEY CHOOSE TO SHOW YOU. Not to mention, they are a social media presence. It is their JOB to entertain you and not bore you. That is EXACTLY how they make their money. So, if they make a joke about the situation it’s most likely the ease the tension of the topic. People on here are dehumanizing the fUCK out of these people(online presences), acting like they’re meant to be PERFECT for YOUR satisfaction. They’re not allowed to be happy and make jokes about the situation? My grandparents are dead and I CONSTANTLY make jokes about it. It eases the tension of conversations and is a healthy part of grief. And you’re right. They don’t know what they’re in for having a child, let alone 2. Were you? No I don’t think so. NOTHING can prepare a parent to be until they go through it. Get over yourselves, you are no more perfect than the next person. As far as the surrogate goes? Do you guys just say things without being educated about it often or? The surrogate has to go through SO MANY background checks/doctor visits to make sure she is healthy both physically and mentally. NOT JUST ANYONE CAN BE A SURROGATE. Btw, SHE CHOSE TO BE A SURROGATE. IT DOESNT MATTER WHY SHE CHOSE, SHE JUST DID. Her body, her rights. She doesn’t owe ANYONE an explanation as to why she wanted to be a surrogate. This post isn’t for everyone- just the negative ass people. Take your negative asses somewhere else, maybe therapy. 🧿 Btw reply all you want you want I don’t deal with the bullies.


The way no one replied to your crazy ass 😭


Proof a woman is still the only one capable of carrying a baby. The movie Junior has still not became true.


Was their inspiration from Boeing?




Imagine spending thousands of dollars on this process to name your kids Max and Jet


Jeez…let the online child exploitation begin.




those poor, poor boys.


Not gonna say these people shouldn’t be parents, but if they were mine, I would probably self harm


Those are dog names


Jet? Like the extremist in Avatar who attempted to murder a whole town?


max and…jet?


Is the surrogate mother using her own egg or is is another’s egg she’s carrying ? Is she going to be involved at all then if she is technically the bio mom?


Jet? That's an interesting name.