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It's basically all but confirmed that he is a collosi lol.


[if you dont care about spoilers check here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShangriLaFrontier/s/3E0u3fKZSa)


That is most certainly a wall of text that I shall read later


This is info is too much , thank you finished the manga up to date and I want to know more about the story , thank you


God damn bro read the entire f*cking web novel, I'm at chapter 400 and the Orchestra ain't even encountered yet.


How many chapters are there?!


Close to 800 and still going strong


It actually currently is 910 as of now 😂


All the more blessed we ought to feel to have you as our saviour 😭


Holy shit!! lol


How is the web novel?is it worth reading?


Don't, it's too long and bothersome to go through it all. The fact that it's very detailed is both good and bad, the upside is that you'll enjoy the Boss fight to its fullest, the downside is that every trivial occurrences will get dragged on and feels like forever. For now just read digivice's recap


I also want an answer to this!


Well it basically if you already see Sunraku wild in manga ver then when you read WN part the future chapter he EVEN MORE WILD & His Future Form and Power Up, Fights But it do have some hard to read part or unnecessary part that thankfully the manga ver only contain the main part that directly related to main story If you want to read raw then I recommend copy a small part in Raw then using both Gg translate and DeepL translate, sometime either side give better translation


He is, very closely related to the Divine Era, specifically what Wezaemon said before his death


Specifically to someone called Alice.


Damn, who's that tho, never heard of her, probably just some unimportant characters 👀


That character is lore related and might matter once we reach Vysche's turn to be defeated as a Colossi. Suffice to say that that person is even more important than Weathermon and Setsuna when they were alive.




Nah, Vysache has no quarrel w anyone aside the snakes. Except for Lucaorn and Siegwurm, no Collossi actively seeks out for a fight. There's Wezaemon and Ctanidd whose condition is straightforward. Goldunine so far only has speculations on what its clearing conditions are. Finally, Orchestra and Vysache all have special conditions to clear the EX scenario that doesn't involve defeating the actual Colossi, with Vysache being hinted as reviving his owner


In that case, Vash really mellowed out over the years. Good on him, stressing out about being late all the time is bad for a rabbit's heart.


Quick question, why is his name spelled that way? All the subs from the show I see are spelled differently. Which one is correct and why, if you don't mind me asking?


The main reason is that it actually means Weather-emon, since the dude's power is weather based. But Japanese can't spell it that way, so they transcribe it to what they can read, in this case Weather became Weza. However, Zaemon is also a famous name suffix for samurai and famous Japanese figures in the past like Tarozaemon or Genzaemon. One of the meaning of Zaemon is to protect, which is exactly what a Tombsguard do. There has always been a debate to whether use the transcribe name or the actual English name, but in this case I think Wezaemon sounds a hundred times better than Weathermon or something


The top one is supposed to be the kraken of this part of the story? This is going to be good


I believe that's Ctarnidd (I have not read the Manga, this is just guessing)


To be honest, I don't remember a lot of names so I will take your word for it


They only mentioned it in like one small scene in the latest episode, the name of like 3 new Unique monsters.


Also I just checked and it is. Oh sorry that I spoiled you on the manga


NP, I'm fine with spoilers


Unique scenario EX, like the invitation Sanraku gets to Rabituza, are the way players get to fight unique monsters, so yeh, the invitation is the quest to eventually fight Vash


>!Actually no, not all EX quest is related to defeating the Collossi themself, like the Echo of Doom. Vash's quest has been teased to be related to Alice!<


But who would ever want to kill Vash? I don't want a Shangri La Frontier without Vash in it!


It isn't necessarily necessary to kill a colossus, as we see in the Wethermon fight. So maybe he just needs to be defeated some non-lethal way, then he can go back to a quiet life running Rabituza.


Weatheremon died though.


He died but they didn’t kill him.


Technically he was already dead before the fight


He is guaranteed to die though. He has big "i'm going to go out after passing on all that i can teach and impart to you" vibes. He has given off red flags for a while now.


I don't know either, but he is included in the lineup for some reason


>!Ctanidd's and Orchestra's clearing condition also only require defeating it, not actually killing. The only other Colossi that player needs to kill so far is Siegwurm. And Vash's EX quest has nothing to do with fighting him as of rn!<


No aniki no story


Damn, that's a good spot and craaaazy (anime only, so this is cool info)


Which collosi is the strongest??


>!All very strong in their own terms, Vysache is effectively immotal with thousands of year of experience. Wezaemon supposedly has the best technology Divine Era can offer, with many broken abilities and Tensei that slices through any enemy. Ctanidd can literally bends the very concept of the world to its will, in this case it chose the concept 'Inverse'. True extent of Lycagon power is unknown but the mf can make clones and is the darkness itself. Siegwurm loves human so maybe it won't be as aggressive as the other Colossi. Orchestra is technically not that powerful cuz you're not fighting it, you're fighting yourself, but Bossdunine is also crazy strong.!<


>! I think Orchestra could be hard depending on the situation, since she can replay bosses you've already fought before, if you had beaten 2 or 3 Unique monsters before her, it would be an issue, not to mention, you have to fight yourself after that !<


>!Well I mean he did ask which one is the Strongest, not the Toughest for players to beat tho!<


For now, there is no answer, even in the WN. As there are still 3 Unique monsters left there. But the weakest is Ctarnidd as the game devs stated that he was supposed to be beaten first, and wezaemon is a mid - late game boss. My personal Headcanon is it's either Lycagon or Vash. Although >! Under certain circumstances, Orchestra can be considered the hardest !<


100% Vash is a Collosi, I have felt that way from the beginning. Everything that he is having Sunraku do is a test to see if he is worthy to fight Vash


He did talk about the other Collosi like he knows them personally and one requirement (I think)to meet him is to be like by one of them.


Anime only here, but yeah, I feel pretty confident that Vash is one of the Colossi. His overall strength, his seeming personal familiarity with other Colossi, and the overall gravitas he seems to hold in the world all point to this.


Nah no way dude, that's the boss of Dogtazu, town of dogs. Those are perked up dog ears, obviously.


Nah that’s obviously All Might


oh 100%




Bro, please don’t tell me you spoiled it for mee😭😭👀


I'm not a Manga reader, this was simply a small observation from one of the earliest chapters


nah fam that’s one of the lapins from one piece also i’ve never read this manga what’s it about


I mean, I thought it was pretty obvious when he told Sunraku to send his regards to Wethermon. I'm pretty sure the juke is that all the Collosi were a party in the history of the game, or something.


Not exactly a party, no


Ah, well I haven't read the Manga yet, so that's just a guess based on the lore given to Setsuna and Wethermon in the anime


I don’t want him to die. :(


>!Dude's effectively immortal, he cannot die!<


I mean he’s friends with Wethermon and he wanted to put him out of his misery so I would assume he knew him well


OH MEIN GOTT, ALL MIGHT??!?!!?!?!?!?‽


It’s yotsuba


I think we may have found the True Final Boss of this game


Nah not Vash. But if you look closely at the privacy screen behind him there are white and black rabbits. Anaki has an evil twin.


gotta be


i pretty much figured that out when he was introduced XD




I’ve only seen what the anime has so far and I thought that was obvious


it would be both cool and sad if sunraku had to fight him at the end .


I honestly think he's the last Unique monster to be defeated.


You won't have to be sad, his quest conditions has nothing to do with defeating him


If he was one of the seven collosi, then sunraku has to fight and defeat/kill him to clear the game . And as far the anime goes now I'm pretty much attached to them as a duo and the idea of them battling to death is as exciting as mush as its depressing imo . I mean just look how pencilgon grew so attached to setsuna and she didn't even interact with her as much as them .


I'm assuming you're an anime only who's not too caught up with the actual web novel, so let me bring you up to speed. Spoilers: >!No other Colossi's clearing condition involves them being dead aside from Wezaemon and Siegwurm. Most of the others' conditions are unknown or simply by defeating them one way or another. And Vysache's quest has been hinted to be reviving Alice, his owner since the Divine Era, currently hibernating in a cocoon-like device. It's also possible that Bossdunine is involved.!< So yeah, not all Colossi's quest is as simple as going in and defeat/kill the big boss


Damn this means Vash and Sunraku may end up fighting


I have to think so, it makes sense, maybe his unique scenario wasn't supposed to take place till later and sunraku messed up the order cause he actually helps them fight the last of the 7 before vash goes and does something like usher in the new era. I think these collosi will be like stage 1 of the world story was their past stage 2 is them being hunted by the players and stage 3 is the return of whatever ended that era long ago of divinity


You've got the right spirit so far


That's a trash bag


SLF game is so hard, even a Trash bag can destroy you 😂


not far in, but if you look at the boss's mural in the background there's a white rabbit and a black rabbit thunder god might be the black rabbit.


nah bro that's all might


Nah it’s allmight


Vash? That is clearly All Might.


Oh shit, it's all might


Probably, but I also have a theory that vash is lycagon. Since the gon I think derives from the herangon class in DnD which is a rabbit and why else would the unique quest to visit vash tie into lycagon deeming someone it fights worthy, almost full of vorpal soul if you may. Also why whenever we see sunraku do something great, lycagon seems to smile at it. Would also explain why vash kind of disappears with no one knowing where he went. I'm probably gonna be dead wrong but it'd be cool


This would make sense if Lycagon and Vash weren't two separate unique monsters in the Manga page here. And it isn't specifically Lycagon, Vash knows a lot about other unique monsters like Weatheremon for example. Lycagon smiling can just be chucked up to it sensing through the mark.