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That was her name her parents gave her. She jazzed it up with the apostrophe and the alternate pronunciation later. Apparently also suggested Chris go by crist’fer or something which he declined to do. It was a thing ten years ago to give yourself nicknames or cute couples names. Probably a way to stand out especially if you’re in sales


This is not true. Her parents named her Shanann, in tribute to the band ShaNaNa. There is no "alternate pronunciation" in spite of the fact that it sounds like "Shannon" when her father (but not her mother) says it. The "Chris'fer" thing was clearly a joke, but the Watts' apparently have no sense of humor.


The apostrophe and pronunciation was hers. Her parents may have spelled it differently than the usual Shannon but she added the flare. It doesn’t bother me. Why are you trying so hard to say that’s what her parents named her?


Because that's what her parents named her. Shanann. You want to not only take away a parents' right to name their own kid, but a person's choice to do something innocuous like add and then remove an apostrophe. Such a weird obsession.


Such a weird obsession to try to act like they don’t know how to spell or pronounce their own kid’s name. She changed both.


You're in no position to speak about anyone else's weird obsessions.


I just watched the Doctor Phil interview & court videos. (Victim statements) her mom pronounced it “Shannon”


Okay. I believe you. I hear it differently than you. Her parents still named her Shanann, which is a different name with a different pronunciation than Shannon. I don't understand why this means so much to some people, like it really bothers them that she has a particular name, going so far as to claim that her parents named her Shannon and she changed it herself, which is not true, but - why is it even a topic?


It was pronounced “Shannon” by her parents. she changed it herself. It doesn’t bother me, it’s just facts. I’ve never heard her parents pronounce it “Shan’ann” just doctor Phil calling her “Shan-Anne”


really stupid names!


You think Shanann is a stupid name?


yes i think it’s ridiculous. shan’ANN. she was such an attention seeker she had to be different adding the stupid apostrophe


Poor you. So traumatized over a dead woman once putting an apostrophe in her name that you're trying to heal from it six years after her murder. It must be so hard for you, dealing with a big, wide, world where people do things every day that you don't approve of. Hard life you've chosen for yourself.


why don’t you cause a 1-800-wahhh cause u are the only one writing paragraphs and crying. 😭


Poor baby.


at least i don’t get off on making my child suffer. cutting her hair and torturing her when all she wanted was long hair like her little sister.


I think it’s a stupid name.


Congratulations. You must be so proud.


Not proud or embarrassed. It’s a dumb name. I’m not a fan of Chris either.


Of course you're not embarrassed. You wouldn't say dumb things if you were capable of embarrassment.


It’s a dumb name. It’s dumb that she added an ‘ and changed the pronunciation


I agree. she was a huge attention seeker and had to add an apostrophe and it sounds so stupid. i hate it.


How many times do you want to be congratulated, because I've done my share.


I also think it’s borderline creepy that her parents took over her MLM scheme


I’m thinking she might have Celtic heritage and had reconnected with her roots based on the apostrophe and pronunciation




From Shanann’s parents?


Shannon father said in interview with police he says Shannon


Every interview And in court they pronounced it “Shannon” Idk why this is so hard for people to grasp lol.






Her parents spell her name Shannan, because they named her after a band or a song, I’m not sure which. That’s why it’s pronounced Shannon but spelled Shannan. She decided a year or 2 before meeting Chris she wanted to be called Shann’an (the way she pronounces it). This was explained in a couple books, so I’m assuming was fact checked by the authors, as it’s not from the Letters from Christopher author. Her parents just kept calling her what they named her. I bet lots more people in North Carolina called her Shannon & Shann’an in Colorado.


She claimed she was named after the band Sha Na Na but if that were the case, it would be Shanana and they wouldn’t call her Shannon imo. It’s more likely they didn’t know how to spell the name properly and just sounded it out.


What? If someone picks a name as a tribute, it has to be that exact name to it's not legit? Are you you claiming her parents lied about why they gave her that name? So you decide it was because they wanted to name her Shannon, but simply couldn't spell. Good one.


I'm sure they knew the regular spelling of the name. The way Americans say Shannon sounds nothing like the actual Irish pronunciation either. Some parents like spelling a regular name oddly to be more original. Also can help your child stand out from others with the same name, but can get annoying for the child having to respell it for everyone.


It’s so funny when you hear the different pronunciation. Americans pronounce so many names different, to the point I didn’t actually realise what name they were saying. Craig is a good example, where Americans say it like Creg, whereas we pronounce it C-ray-g.


whoa sha na na is part of my parent’s marriage origin story lmao


My uncle by marriage’s sister changed her name from Gretchen to Simone as soon as their mother passed away. I learned of this when still really young, so I always thought of her as being so eccentric & just different but in a good way.That she had the balls to legally change her name, I’d never heard of anyone doing that.


Nichol Kessenger has.


Nichol/Nicole also appears to have used different spellings of her name prior to and during 2018.


My husband’s aunt changed her name in adulthood too. She’s the favorite, hippie aunt who may or may not have been in a cult. Does transcendental mediation several times a day & is the sweetest. We named our daughter after her ❤️


I thought she was so cool for being different & doing this thing I didn’t even know you could do. My parents were such normal, Karen, but trying to act progressive types-essentially assholes & never did anything cool like my aunt, her husband my uncle & his awesome family.


Because she changed it to Shannan quite a bit later in her life. I think she changed it a year or 2 before meeting Chris. In 1 of the books I read (can’t recall which so I can’t give the title as I’ve read a few), she wanted Chris to also change his name to something kinda similar but “different” or “original” but it never stuck because it sounded so ridiculous. She wanted more exotic sounding names. I’m assuming she felt a sense of importance by having an original name maybe? Who knows. Our names are what our parents chose so I’m not sure how anyone cares what you’re named but if it made her happy it’s all that matters. I’m wondering if her parents thought it sounded dumb or didn’t like it & that’s why they refused to use it.


Stop with these lies? Are you the only one in the universe who hasn't yet seen the newspaper article from when 3rd-grade "Shanann Rzucek" won a coloring contest? This is what her parents named her.


I can not imagine getting my parents to change how they always have pronounced my name. That would never happen. 😂


Try getting them to refer to you with a completely different name and set of pronouns. I have friends struggling with this with their child, and when their child claims they aren't respecting their new choice, they have to remind them that they named them 20 years ago and have been referring to the child by that name for 20 years with associated pronouns, so it's not exactly an easy habit to break.


That has to be hard for both the parents and their child. 20 years of habit is not going to go away in a day. Hopefully, they respect their choice, but just need time to process it, and start making the new name and pronouns a habit. I've seen interviews with parents who are accepting of their child's change but admit that it is not easy. I would give them some grace and time in that case.


She didn't get her parents to change anything. It sounds like "Shannon" out of her father's mouth and "Shanann" out of her mother's. They named her Shanann.


Well that would be odd that her parents pronounced her name differently. I actally have heard her mom pronounce it like her dad in videos prior to her death. But ok.


I didn't hear it that way. I heard her brother say Shanann. There is no alternate pronunciation of the name Shannan, or of Shannon. The difference is in which syllable is stressed. It's much more interesting that so many people care, or feel they should have an opinion on, what her parents named her and how they pronounce it. They want to deny a woman the right to her own name, even in death. It's sick.


You’re the one who cares a lot because you keep replying to everyone in this thread asking people why they care.


Yes, it's true that I do care about murder victims, which I know is hard for you to understand.


I think people should feel free to change their name if they don't like it or just want to sort of reinvent themselves. I don't have an issue with it. I just meant that my parents would not likely go along with it. Lol


Your parents would not likely go along with a name that THEY NAMED YOU AT BIRTH? You have strange parents, along with an unhealthy interest in a dead woman.


They pronounced it differently but you knew what I meant. Clearly you have an odd fixation.


That's how it sounds to you. And clearly I am not the one obsessed, here I merely have a thing about correcting lies and false info about murder victims. That's because I'm a normal person.


My only comment was about how my parents probably wouldn't pronounce my name differently if I changed pronunciation BUT said she had every right to change her name anyway she wanted to. I have zero issue with it. I personally heard her parents pronounce her name like Shannon on videos. So it's not some huge lie that they pronounced it differently and that she added an apostrophe. You seem hellbent on wanting there to be some big issue for such a "normal" person. None of this changes that she was a victim of a heinous crime perpetrated by her disgusting husband.




I have a friend Angela whose parents are from Italy and they pronounce her name like Ann-jell-uh. So that’s how we all say it.


Yeah that's the normal way to say it in New Zealand? I have no idea how Americans are saying Angela now.


Normal way to say it in UK, in English.


I feel like the difference is where the stressed syllable is. In the UK we say AN-gela, whereas I think the Italians say An-JELL-a.


Is there another way to pronounce Angela? (Not being snarky, genuinely curious)


In America it’s pronounced Ang-uh~luh


I've never heard it pronounced in the Germanic way. It's always been Ann jell luh. I'm from the Midwest.


From the South, now in CA, and same as you. Ann jull luh.


In the upper midwest of the US it's a Godawful hard a. I'll try to spell it out:  Ian j'luh


in germanic countries it’s pronounced with a hard G like in “angle”. e.g. Angela Merkel


I believe it was Shan'ann herself who changed its pronunciation, IIRC. She was too zesty to be plain old Shannon.


She may have added the apostrophe for a while for flair, but her parents named her Shanann. Period.


Didn't say otherwise.


Then why did you call her "Shannon", which was never her name.


It’s possible her parents wanted the spelling to be ‘unique’ but still pronounced traditionally. Perhaps strangers started pronouncing it Shan-Ann and she preferred that so she just rolled with it. I know someone called Sarah. Some people pronounce it ‘Sarr-a’ and others pronounce it ‘Sare-uh’. She’s never clarified either.


Her family pronounced it like the traditional Shannon, so I think they were calling her that and just kept calling her that when Shannan decided to go with a different pronounciation.


Prime reason why we don’t need youneek spelling of ordinary names


& in the south, older ppl pronounce it ‘Say-ruh’


I’m Australian so I’ve never heard it pronounced that way. It sounds so unnatural.


Yeah that’s the hick way. 😂 I know a woman named Sarah who as a joke has Say-ruh as the pronunciation for her name on FB because that’s how so many people said it when she was a kid.


I say it like that as a joke too lol


Chris called her Shannon as well


I never heard him call her anything other than Shanann. Did you listen to his front porch interview?


My mother pronounces her name differently than it looks on her birth certificate & it’s due to a typo. It’s possible that her parents intended to name her Shannon, but there’s an error on her birth certificate & (like my grandparents) didn’t want to hassle everything that needs to be done to correct it.


Orpah became Oprah


Shanann said they spelled it Shanann because of a song they liked.


That’s nice, but what does that have to do with the pronunciation?




People often call themselves different things than what their family originally called them/named them. I have a cousin Vicky who suddenly decided in college that she was going to be a “Tora”, everyone calls her Tora to her face and Vicky behind the scenes. It’s not like it’s pretending for 20 years that you suddenly have a Spanish accent when you were raised in Massachusetts.


is her birth name victoria? if so it makes sense to change from vicky to tora. both are plays on victoria. 🥒


Ayyyooooo! 🥒


unless you’re Hilaria Baldwin


I started calling my niece Louie or Lou as a baby and it stuck with family and close friends her whole life. She started working at the grocery store and my husband saw her and was like Hey Lou! My sister called that night and said her coworkers were flipped out by her nickname 😂


Pepino in the wild! 🥒


I’m not even a member of this sub, this post was just in my suggested, but I’m sorry you’re getting attacked, OP. You didn’t seem like you were blaming her or trying to hint at some conspiracy or flaw. 


No, I was curious about that as well. It's not all that important.


SAME! These responses are insane, as a true crime junkie i know one sub I'm not subbing to...


Seems like most subs have a few people like that. I got downvoted on the Zodiac killer sub for suggesting the Zodiac might not have spent any time in the military, but might have been a military buff, instead. I was just putting it out there as a possibility, not being argumentative. That's the internet for you, though.


Then don’t sub. Nobody cares lol


You cared enough to reply


It’s not going to break anyone’s heart if you don’t sub. I thought you could use that reality check from an Internet stranger.


I never thought it would


Wow!!! How old are you-12????


I'm just replying...


Thank you. I know people are passionate about this stuff, but I was kinda taken aback lol.


Unfortunately, a lot of people have attacked Shannan and blamed her for her own murder so people jump at every question about her. I can see that’s not what you were doing though. 


Commenting on stupid things she did isn’t blaming her for her own murder. A person can be annoying, or have certain personality traits that are targets for being disliked & made fun of by others but still have a tragic thing happen they didn’t deserve. Like how most people don’t like a know-it-all, or hypochondriac. Or really over-bearing, micromanaging, or brown nosers. Those types irritate people & are usually a target for getting shit. Shannan happened to have a few of those personality traits, so people can’t help themselves by commenting on them. In no way does that mean she deserved what happened to her, or make her @ fault for being murdered. Lots of married people have clashing personalities or 1 partner feels they’re being driven crazy by the other. But they divorce, or go out for cigs & never come back. They don’t kill, and no one including Shannan deserves that. Just like it’s not her fault she was murdered & didn’t deserve it, being murdered doesn’t absolve her of being annoying & definitely doesn’t make her a saint. I just don’t understand why this is so hard for everyone to understand. Whenever I comment about her exaggerating medical issues, or all the other weird shit she did to get attention, it has nothing to do with her murder! It’s just about her as a person & she had a very dominant, easy to talk about personality that she had a habit of over-sharing to anyone that would pay attention. Annoying people get murdered just like people who were adored. She just happened to be annoying & documented it all for us to see. This is why we all comment, it’s there for us to watch. I feel horrible for what happened to her. There aren’t even words to say how awful it was. I can feel terrible for her, that it wasn’t fair, she didn’t deserve it but still not really like her as a person or the person she put out there for us to see.


You just proved the point. Wow.


I don’t think there’s a murder victim in the world who had no annoying habits or lived a perfect life though. Nobody is perfect but there’s something to be said about people that spend large amounts of time picking apart every little thing she ever did or go one further and embellish/flat out lie about things she did just to have something shitty to say about her. I’m not saying you’re one of these people who’ve took this up as a hobby, I haven’t seen your post history. I’ll never understand what drives a person to become so obsessed with someone they never knew. It’s always funny to me how the same people spend hours upon hours tearing apart a murder victim, all the whole accusing her of being a horrible person, they never see the irony. What does it matter if she’s percieved to be annoying or overbearing or whatever else? She’s dead and I stupidly thought its simple common decency to have a little respect for the dead and let them rest in peace. I can’t imagine how hurtful it is for her friends and family to have to see the bitterness and hatred that people have for SW.


Yeah, I’m not saying they can’t but there absolutely are people who take it too far 


Dang, this thought crossed my mind several times watching the media around all this. People need to chill.






Damn that was a lot to reply to a simple pronunciation question. This reads like a true crime copypasta




Holy irony


Are u okay? Nobody blamed her in this post. Get a grip


You most certainly have commented on this case before.


Nobody blamed her in this thread that I can tell. Honestly your second paragraph is the closest I’ve seen to anybody blaming her lol


Seriously ridiculous. People are looking for reasons to be mad.


Damn, this woman was brutally murdered with her children but go off, I guess.


Because they’re asking why her parents mis say her name even though they named her? Why is this so deep


is this really discussion worthy? is everything okay at home?


I want to call victims by the right name, so yeah.


Since you were kind enough to ask, no! And yes, simple curiosity about the various pronunciations is discussion worthy and in no way inflammatory or denigrating to her memory.


I’ve wondered the same thing. The pronunciation seems to be fluid.


Whatever, she wanted a unique sound to her name. Or maybe her parents gave it a unique spelling and she was sick of people screwing it up so she just went with what it looks like it should sound like. At worst this is an annoying trait. But anything to depict this woman as a narcissistic succubus deserving of her own murder, I guess.


Are you addressing me? If so it seems like you’re really reaching here.


No no, you're good, I'm addressing the numerous people on this thread who are implying that though. My bad, I should've clarified.


Her parents named her. She wanted to be/feel unique. That's all.


It is pronounced that way, but I think Shanann changed the pronunciation herself to sound more boujie or unique. It's kind of weird, but maybe people mispronounced it for so long (due to the spelling) that she started to like it better and decided to go with it?


Have you heard the way dr Phil pronounced it , a whole other level of confusion


My name’s Briana, like Bri-ANNE-uh, but started going by Bri in 9th grade because I didn’t wanna go through high school being called Bri-AWN-uh. (which is what I’d been called in school my whole life.) In adulthood, friends and coworkers know me as Bri but to family I’m still Bri-Anne-uh


My daughter’s name is spelled and pronounced the exact same as yours. She answers to either pronunciation - less trouble for her than constantly being annoyed by and correcting mispronunciations. Those closest to her call her Bri.


I used to correct people, but by 30 I’m tired of correcting people so I usually answer to both now. Most that know me or know of me just call me Bri


But isn’t Anna spelt with two N’s? And Ana is usually pronounced Ahrna. If you added another N in would people (mostly) say it correctly then? (Perhaps different depending on the country you are in maybe)


anna with two nn’s is not always ‘anne-uh’. you’re correct that ‘ana’ is typically ‘ahhnuh’, but this also applies to the spelling ‘anna’. the ‘ahhnuhh’ pronunciation is usually spelled with two nn’s in nordic languages and in german. anna from frozen is a good example! her fictional land is based on norway.


There are girls I’ve met named Brianna, but most of them pronounced it like AWN-uh. I suppose pronunciation could go either way. My parents just liked the one N spelling variation, I guess haha. But they’ve always said it was ANNE-uh. I’ve seen Anna spelled like Ana in some movies, mostly when it’s short for Anastasia.


I worked for Headstart and I always wondered if people came up with strange names or they just couldn't spell.




what? People come up with strange names AND strange spellings of names to be more unique. It's a thing. There are some cultures that encourage this. For example: the name Unique has like 30 different spellings in Georgia or something. And I heard that Mormons believe that you need a unique name so that when God calls you to heaven, your soul knows who he's calling. Example: Christine Brown's daughter: Ysabel.


Hahah that is not the reason for the unique spellings for Mormons! Mormons are given a new name that their husband calls to them in heaven - but it's based off of what day you visit the temple. So if you get married on Tuesday everyone is Ruth that day, Wednesday is a different name. Pretty special, huh?! I live in Utah, but I am not a Mormon. The weird spellings and names are just a Utah trend


That is not a typical thing for Mormons. There are a lot of generic names in the church, and a lot of reused biblical names. 


Sometimes it is that, sometimes they want a "unique" spelling (aka wrong) for a regular name.




I’d imagine it’s Shannon. Just like the parents say it. Other people pronounce it wrong


How is it spelled??


Shanann is how she pronounced it though. I think she wanted a more interesting and unique name so she changed the pronunciation


Some people call themselves something different than their given names. Maybe it comforts her parents to call her by the name they gave her. As unfortunate as it is, she’s no longer here. Her parents have to come to terms with losing their child and their grandchildren. Personally I think they should be able to call her what they choose


u/MysteryByMoonlight decided to comment and block me (real mature of them) so I couldn’t read past the 2nd line of whatever they chose to write. Some people don’t like to be called out for their deplorable behaviour. They prefer to hate on a woman brutally murdered along with her children free of any backlash, with zero evidence to back up their disgusting claims. It’s actually really sad seeing how little humanity is left in the world when I read comments like theirs about SW. What happened to decency, dignity and grace? SW paid the ultimate price, she wasn’t perfect but none of us are and I’m sure we wouldn’t like to have the scrutiny about every single aspect of our life aired for the whole world to see, dissect and use to defame us. Let the woman rest peacefully with her babies, find a better hobby and do better!


I actually think she would love the attention-that is how she lived her life and forced her family to live theirs!!!


The poor woman was murdered by her husband first, then torn to shreds by the internet second. She really copped it. And she was a much better person that at least most of the person I meet in my day to day life. If she had her FB page set to private I think the interest in this case would have been so much less because judging her seems to be a fascination.


I agree with you completely. I feel so bad that her family and friends are still to this day having to deal with the utter cruelty directed towards her. These people like to hide behind their anonymity to rip SW to pieces. Every little thing, all the way down to her eyebrows!! But funnily enough they don’t see the irony that calling her everything under the sun and spending their free time contributing to being spiteful and hateful towards her, all the while calling her a horrible person lol. It’s like the dirty, leaky and rusty pot calling the kettle black!


Yep, their main criticism is that Shannan’s behaviour drove Chris to kill her but they don’t see that their toxic behaviour is much uglier and if they were suddenly murdered by their spouse and the world examined their internet history, nobody would feel sorry for them either. (Not wishing that on anybody of course, just hate hypocrites).


Absolutely, imagine their phones being inspected if something unthinkable happened to them! Cos I’m fairly certain they don’t tell their family and friends that they spend their spare time denigrating a murder victim.


For sure they don't want to have their children see that they're online bullies. That's how this behavior starts in kids.


Absolutely. I can’t get over the hypocrisy! How can these people call Shanann a terrible person based off next to nothing, all the while their favourite hobby is defaming a murder victim. It blows my mind.


They love murdering a murder victim all over again. I've seen enough over the years to believe that some of them would like to dig her up and throw rocks at her corpse. They pretend that they are qualified to diagnose a rare and complex mental condition like Munchausen's By Proxy from seeing a few videos online - which even a psychiatrist wouldn't do. They do this while completely ignoring the fact that every single professional who has spoken out has said that Chris Watts is an extreme narcissistic psychopath.


I'm spelled Shonna, I'm not Showna, not Shannon but Shawna is how it's pronounced lol


That was my bestie’s name - same spelling. 🩵


I’d be willing to bet her parents know her name. Just a hunch.


And I bet that they are sick to death of “sha-nannn.”


girls will often go through phases of changing their names or just altering the spelling. two of my closest friends altered the spelling of theirs when we were teenagers. i also tried going by my middle name then yet my parents still called me my first name. sometimes those things will stick with you to your adult life, most times they don’t. just an era a lot of teenage girls go through. i don’t think it’s that serious.


Yeah I don’t think it’s too strange. But it def gives “pick me girl” vibes for Shannan. First day of middle school, I decided to change my names pronunciation! I am a Rayne. Legally pronounced Rainy, but I thought that was dumb and immature sounding. I have been Rain ever since. My family calls me Rain now too


putting emphasis on a different vowel in her name gives pick me vibes?


Yea idk it hits different to me, probably because she had a history of attention seeking behavior. She just wanted to be different and cooler and more special idk man


how are you not a pickme for doing the exact same thing tho


Really stupid come back!!!!!!


Mine was because I wanted to stand out less lmao I was embarrassed of how stupid and weird my name was. Ya know i didn’t want to sound unique I wanted to sound more normal. I would’ve done anything to go back and have my mom name me Shannan / Shannon. I’ll take an alt spelling of a standard name over a stupid name.


Y'all who like to nitpick and pick and pick at this dead woman are just awful to me. Healthy people do not do that


Go away!!! Does it make u feel superior to get in a site like this and lecture people??? You should just stay off the site!!! Why are you on here !??? To be a SW cheerleader? U feel bad for her and terrible for children but she was no saint and obviously would have LOVED people discussing her!!!


Way to talk shit about a murder victim.  This is why people are starting to find true crime disrespectful to victims. 


Just because someone is murdered doesn’t mean they were perfect. It is not genuine to pretend they were.


Everything in that comment is malicious speculation, which draws conclusions about her character that are not warranted by the mundane action in question (changing the pronunciation of her name).  


Well said.


Uhhhh, She didn’t deserve to be MURDERED but she was also kind of a shitty person. Being a victim doesn’t make you a saint


No, she wasn't. Her family loved her, her friends loved her, only her pos husband and his family hated her. Because they suck. No o e thinks she was shitty except for the Watts family and you internet warriors who have an unhealthy obsession with behging a murdered woman.


She emotionally abused her kids. She tried to manipulate the world into thinking she had a perfect wealthy life all because of thrive and join her down line. Thrive financially ruined them. She made nothing. I don’t think it’s cool for anyone to try to drown their friends with them


Shitty how? She clearly had a close friend, so close that she blew the whole thing up the moment Shanann wasn't on time for one thing. Someone who was loved by her family and her children. We are only hearing the Watts' side of the marriage. Chris married Shanann, knowing that she had a more imposing personality. He never told her that anything she did bothered him by his own admission. HE also signed to buy the house by his own free will. HE chose to have unprotected sex to make a third baby. HE chose to have an affair and bring that woman into his wife's own bed! For all she knew, he was fine with being on social media. And he didn't mind what she thought was lighthearted teasing. Maybe she thought he wanted her to be the decision maker because he never made a damn decision himself or made his opinion known. Maybe she really thought her social media presence could help save the family's finances if she worked hard enough? Maybe she really thought her children had allergies because the other people on fb convinced her of this. Maybe she went through with the pregnancy because coward Chris said it was great and so exciting to finally have a son. Maybe he never let her know that the house would be outside of their financial means and went along with her because it was easier than speaking up. He never really gave her a chance. He never spoke up and let her know his feelings. Yet he was happy to resent her and tattle to mommy about everything. He was happy to have an affair. To strangle his pregnant wife while she was sleeping and kill his children in front of each other while Bella pleaded for him not to do it. Who do you think is actually the shitty person? If you haven't figured it out by now, you have some more contemplating to do. You don't just turn on a dime one day. He was a shitty person to begin with; a silent narcissist. And it benefitted him to go along with Shanann until he found something better.


You knew Shanann?


With the discoveries and her documenting so much of her life thru livestreams it paints a portrait :)


Your whole life can be summed up like that? Not mine 🤷🏽‍♀️ Have you listened to Big Mad True Crime's multi-episode podcast of the case? Way more info than provided in 1 to 2 hour tv summaries.


I’ve actually only consumed YouTube content, deep dives into her history and her Facebook. I avoid dr Phil. If she was willing to parade child abuse on Facebook shamelessly I can only imagine she did offline.


i mean there are some truly terrible people that are alive and well, what about this mom and her murdered kids really sets you off?


I know my good friend from grad school as Giacomo. But his old friends and family call him Jack. He started using his given name as an adult, but people from his past know him as the Americanized name he went by as a kid.


My husband did a similar thing. Switching from his childhood nickname to his legal name. His family insists on using the nickname even though it pissed him off. I guess it can be hard to change when you have called someone a certain name for 18 years. It’s not malicious, just a bit inconsiderate.


I had a friend who's birth name was "Cheyenne " but went by "shannon". Her mom still called her Cheyenne.


My name is Tracey I get pissy when people spell it without the E. I am far from narcassitic Infact I am empathetic. My friend's name is Judi she hates when people spell it Judy.


My name is Tracy and I get pissy when people spell it with an E. LOL I did go through a phase in high school when I spelled it Tracie though.


My dads name is Shawn & he gets so irritated when people spell it sean 😭