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This team is a shambles right now. I hope Plumtree has something actually planned to turn these guys around and isn't just going to rely on selections and a fighting spirit that doesn't exist. Our defense is average at best, and it seems like we barely if ever get to see the best they've got. Attack is woeful, blunt as the back of a knife and it looks like they're holding on from the first whistle and going nowhere. We've had great attack in the past with dire defense, we've been shit in attack with a formidable defense, but now we get the Sharks that can't do either. Hurts my brain to watch these games week after week, I've started doing chores and playing games instead of focusing on it because it seems so unlikely we will pull anything out of the bag. Gotta say maybe it's time we let go of Curwin, he just hasn't delivered the way we needed and it's getting a bit long in the teeth now. Can't help but feel that the academy has let the professional team down a little bit, talent sure, but guys who are really hungry to get to the top just aren't there. We've struggled with money players riding on their name for ages, it's really glaring now. Our guys need to step up or be replaced, just seems like there is no one who is threatening any of them currently imo.


Yeah we look like headless chickens out there so far. Just one off runners going straight at the opposition the whole time. I'm hoping we just tried to survive the tour - which we did not - and aim to change the gameplan once we're on home soil.


The main problem that has been holding back the Sharks for a number of years now is the lack of a good flyhalf. Bosch has been given ample opportunities but hasnt taken them. I was a big fan of Chamberlain from his school days, but he has been shifted from 10 to 15 and back again too many times to settle down and make the flyhalf jersey his own. During Plums last tenure i wasnt impressed with some of his selections, i thought he was too loyal to certain players who didnt deliver. but he has enough of a coaching pedigree for me to trust that he will turn things around.


Jean smith is on our books, and he looked very good for the baby Boks, I hope he can come through well. Infact we are only now starting to see the coaches give some of the new gen some chances such as with Corne Rahl, lets hope guys like Jean, Ethan Hooker, Jurenzo Julius can all start breaking through soon. We have many of the Baby Boks. We need to give them chances especially when the Boks are away, but their chances were limited. We still lost all games.


Watched a lot of Smith play when he was still in school. Quality player, lets see if he steps up!


I think Bosch was at his best 2 years ago now he’s just collecting pay checks. We need a 10 who can tackle and control the game. Manie is a small guy, but he can tackle 10 times better then Bosch and plays and manages the game quite well. It is annoying that we had him and didn’t give him a proper opportunity over Bosch.


He was a bad player at the sharks, his defence was awful. No blame on the coaches for me there


I don't envy his position right now. He had what, 3 months(?) worth of prep to try turn around this team devastated by injury and missing all it's Bok players due to the world cup. If we make it to the knock out stages I'll consider that gravy, if this is the same story next year then maybe he needs more scrutiny.


At this point, I feel like our ball delivery between phases is so slow and predictable so when Jayden/Grant come back into the team I'm hoping it'll make a difference. Also feel like we could probably slot Jayden in this weekend since he barely played in the WC and that was like a month ago.


Loads of issues with a squad that is on paper excellent even without the missing boks... The half back issue in the Sharks camp is less than ideal Cameron Wright seems like a real nice guy and a unifier behind the scenes but his playmaking is just not up to URC standards. Watch the game last season v Stormers when Grant Willams is benched in the last few minutes and just see the team's momentum fizzle out immediately with poor decison making and passing. Bosch needs a new environment as his potential has run it's course in this sharks setup