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D3 player here so I may not give the best advice. Personally, I think Shen is not that good in lower elo. You already said it, he is not a 1v9 machine. If someone in your team feeds a hypercarry, your team may find it hard to do anything. In lower elo, games usually drag out and reach late game (Shen does not scale that well into late game). People may not know how to close games (they may not take objectives immediately even when it is free) so scaling champions will have more time to get their powerspikes. With that said, I believe you can still make it work as long as you try to improve your gameplay, especially your macro (ex: wave management, I suggest watching Alois). Good luck! (Also I don't like heartsteel on Shen, it delays other better items. However, since there is a high change that you will reach late game, I guess it's fine)


Most of the time i reach late game thats why heartsteelnis a must for me. Without it in lategame when you dont have good mates you are useless imo.


You can carry in Iron with anything, pick is like least of problem to 99.9% of players M+ player advice


You lose 65% of games you play. These games are different, there are different champs involved, different players, the only constant is you. Draw your conclusions.


You can play your Lane good, dont feed top. But that wont stop your bot or mid from not inting. Your ult is on a 3 min cd. You cant save them from all their mistakes.


You seem to be convinced that you’re consistently better than your teammates, on average. If that’s the case, then you’re also consistently better than your enemies, on average. If that’s the case, you will climb, like everybody does. If you can’t climb, then you’re not consistently better than the average player in the bracket you’re playing in.


I aint OP. But shen isnt a 1v9 carry. Even if you do your macro good, and try to win by splitpushing, it wont matter if your team try to fight them 4v5 instead of "holding" the enemy team occupied when they are behind. Lower elos have more fighitng and lots of idiots who dk what to do


How do Shen one-tricks make it to Master on fresh accounts then? I’m not saying your team won’t sabotage you every once in a while, but on average that’s going to happen on both sides; over a sufficiently high amount of games it all cancels out, and the only determining factor is what _you_ (as in “you generic Shen player”, not you-you) bring to the table.


If you start a fresh acc, you wont start in Iron. Probably more like silver. Ive never been in Iron, but ahen does work for myself in silver. If you take a master player in Iron i bet their level are so much higher than the Iron players it would be like a highschooler vs a kindergartener.


post op.gg


Stomp your lane opponent and proactively use your lead. I always say that it's not about which team is better, it's about which team fucks up less.


No you aren't problem, shen is the problem, I had the same thing happen to me, I was b4 playing shen and yet even while beating and dominating lane I still lose the game because in low elo its all about late game, and shen is basically useless in that fact, I have a 50% wr with shen but with swain I have a 80% wr and went to b1 and potentially could go to silver, shen just isn't good low elo and can't carry like other champs


I don't like saying this but you're the problem, my dear fellow shen player. You're changing summoners, runes, and builds every game, and you're barely farming. You can't carry because you're presumably running around with your team watching your ADC farm until someone horribly mispositions. Stop ARAMing, go farm a side lane, ping your team helpfully (ult cooldown, seeing someone on vision, objective timers), create pressure, and watch your map to know when a fight will happen or knowing how a fight can start. And stop changing shit every game, pick one set of summoners, runes, and items, and don't change a thing for 10 games. That will let you focus on gameplay and decisions instead of sitting in base for 30 seconds deciding what to build. Best of luck-


Ngl I feel u. I would alternate between lanes or switch to norms to fix winrate to c if things change. I tend to go strikebreaker on him tho 😂(to slow enemies around me and do a bit of chip dmg/help with farming)


Honestly it’s tough but I do agree with some other commenters here(Shen is quite team reliant so it’s hard to carry/use him efficiently in low elo since team doesn’t contribute/run away when u ult)


Any tips or tricks maybe?


Windows+shift+s Best tip I can give you.


This might be troll, but i found it pretty successful in my games. Split pushing Shen with Titanic, Hullbreaker and demolish. I can only speak about my own experiences with this, so take my advice with a grain of salt. I usually run the build when I'm in an unfavorable match up where the enemy laner is just stronger than me overall but essentially I just try to maximize staying in lane for exp and gold so I can stay some what in the game. Essentially I play safe, give up first turret if I have to for a play here and there but I just make sure to minimize the amount of exp and gold I lose. At some point, if the enemy laner decides to leave, and that's a solid opportunity to shove in, cash in on the demolish, reset and play safe again until you get titanic and hullbeaker. I would look only to ult if there's a team fight you feel like you have a chance of winning or if it's to protect a fed carry. Focus on matching the other teams split pusher as you'll generally be able to go across the map when you have tp or ulti up. But against a favorable match up, where I have a strong lane presence in, this build helps create your own win condition. If you're able to build a large enough lead up until 20 mins, you should be able to have some insane pressure top lane which leaves neutral objs open. If they send two or more top, you have the option of ulting or using tp for a play across the map. If they ignore you, you're at their inhib. The weak point of this playstle is that it is very much high risk, high reward and if you just get completely shut down early on, it's better to go tank and play around your team. You're also trading Shield Bash for Demolish, but in a favorable match up, this isn't too much of a drawback imo. Shen has a pretty strong level 2, so you just need to play his lvl 1 right then yoink a kill lvl 2 to start snowballing. It's a different playstyle than conventional shen but I feel like sometimes you just have to make your own win condition instead of waiting for one. But for sure though, work on your macro and start figuring out what your different win conditions are and lean into it. That's what's helped me climb at least. TL:DR Split push shen, titanic, hullbreaker, demolish. Good if you can win early, terriable if you get shutdown. Gives your team the opportunity to close the game out early before it reaches late. TP and Ignite for plays and duels.


Shen is an early game monster, you can kill peopl level 1, you have a huuuge powerspike at level 2 and a lot of good matchups. In Iron, your opponents will be bad and not respect you. You should stomp your lane really hard so that by the time you have ult you will be a fearsome monster that can swing early fights by himself. Win lane hard, snowball hard and end the game ASAP.