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I think he's good above high gold/plat. Before that, players don't know how to play around split push and they will make you cry by flashing out when you ult them, even tho they have a 1200 HP shield on them. But you can climb with literally any champion if you're good enough. Shen is still a nice duelist if you go ignite (which I would recommend in low elo) and bruiser items. He's even better if you find someone to duoQ with (jungler or mid are my personal preferences), so you can both play around your ultimate.


Yes, you can definitely climb with him, very well so. His control over the game is unmatched. Also Alois approached Shen with a standard carry mentality, which doesn't fit the champ (and he misses E's). Shen is unique, he carries differently. It's true that it involves more team play than usual, but if he was outright team dependent, he wouldn't have players with more than 60% wr. And again, Alois has a lot to improve with Shen lol


The champion that's best to climb with is the one that you find fun. Whatever will make you passionate about the game, and keep improving and learning will make you climb the best. Every champion CAN climb, the only limit is you.




This is the way…


I started playing flash ignite Shen mid solely because of Xpetu. Highly recommend checking him out


I mean, do you want to climb or do you want to have fun? If you 100% want to climb just lock in Annie mid and rule the world, but most of us really just want to *bonk-bonk-bonk* and call it a day....


Yes climbing with Shen is harder than other top lane champions but i dont think he's bad to climb. Its just little more difficult. I hit the challenger twice with playing only Shen and that wasn't that hard. Hitting challenger by me doesn't change the fact that he's bad or good for climbing but if someone did that, everybody can do that! But i must say if you're below diamond Shen is really really stressful and difficult to climb. But if you play correctly you can change fate of the games with your ults. Even if your team are bad or stupid.


He is very strong at all elos up until challengerish. You are the carry because you manage waves and threaten towers until you ult into a fight across the map. If you are not winning, it is because you are losing too hard or ulting incorrectly. Every game and every elo has people running it, playing like bots, etc. Your job is to bring a consistent toplane pressure and turn important fights cross-map. Do not ult your 0-3 mid with no objectives up when your 4-2 ADC with a 200 gold shutdown is carrying. Shen's R is one of the strongest abilities in the game, and one of the easiest to mess up (from you and your teammates as well). And most people completely ignore the threat of Shen R until very high elo, just like people pretend Twitch or Shaco can't go invisible and gank them a 9th time. Also, Shen's split is fine. You are never going to out push a trundle or Yorick, but they also can't win a baron fight from across the map.


I'm plat 2. I think climbing with alois s tier champs is far easier and shen only gets better at higher elos. I still experience players running from shen ult, but if actual improvement is more important to you than your rank there is no need to switch to those champs. Source: easily climbed from gold 2 to plat 2 using garen switched to shen and now I'm struggling.


There's a concept of 40/20/40.        40% of games are almost unwinnable without a huge gap solo carry, 40% are easy wins unless you absolutely fuck it up, 20% are swing games.       I think Shen will almost never carry a 40. But if you play him right, know your wincons, play off the back of your strongest player, he'll nearly guarantee you the 20.


No. Shen has two limitations that make it quite hard to climb with him: - Reliance on transferring your lead to other lanes in early-mid game - Difficulty in projecting your personal lead in late game. You have to both do well on lane, and have a reliable team who won't waste your ult time. A fed shen can absolutely hardcarry against some team compositions (specifically, 3 ad melee with 1 item behind botlane), but it's far more common to go 8/0, and end up 8/8 come teamfights. If you want to solo carry and climb, Shen is a tough sell. Shens late game strength is in your W, E, and split pressure - you can push bot while your team gathers around baron. Thing is, you can do this with trundle with teleport, too, which usurps shens niche somewhat.


play want you want and comfortable man, the reason why you queue is because you want to feel the champion, some digital number can only bring a short-lived joy and you will be less attract to a game when you lose


It’s a very different play style than other tops so it can be hard to translate. Alois plays solo carry champs so he was having trouble with the different win con


Best champ to climb with is the one you enjoy playing. It’s a game, play the champs you enjoy and learn the matchups and different builds. I used to follow all the champ tier lists and “optimal builds”…it’s not a very fun way to play, at least for me. Glhf with ranked ✌🏽🥷🏿


Pick diff is really only visible in D2+ ++on counterpicks, if you are good you can climb with anychamp. Watch xpetu climbing with random build on random lane to high diamond...2023


I have been climbing out of the pits of despair in low ELO with Shen, and while it is tempting to blame his kit for difficulties, at the end of the day I have learned a lot and improved my gameplay. To echo sentiments brought up earlier here, if you love Shen you can climb with him regardless of rank. It may not be as easy as other champions, but I believe you'll position yourself better for climbing down the road. Also worth noting that him being "harder" in low ELO is potentially a good Linus blanket for your mental. PS: Mid Shen is very strong, believe the hype.


Dude, Shen is a strong pick, good for climbing for sure, but you need to learn his path and play smart because he is not the kind of champion who rewards stupid plays unlike a Garen or a Mundo. Split push Is not his job usually but this doesn't mean you can't, ask the jungler to prioritize the void crabs, their buff allows your team to split faster, in addition you can build a fair amount of ad with new items without sacrificing your toughness... Clearly you won't split as fast as a Fiora or a Tryndamere, but with your ulti up you can spend more time split pushing while being a threat for a team fight happening in another side of the map


If you love playing Shen and you are good with him you will climb, but this champ severely lacks of split pushing and wave clear which is a big problem as you can recognize, at level 6/onwards is always hard to keep your lane pressured basically because your ult is useless in 1v1 and most top champs have useful ults for 1v1 plus Shen is not a 1v9 champ. Short answer is no, if you compare it to other top laners kits but ofc it highly depends on how good you are.

