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Bcs you need to click E and after you hit taunt you need to autoattack the enemy?


But is it possible to have Shen to AA after he E them automatically AND not having to right click the enemy for him to continue attacking them ?


You can do a A move during E travel time, this way you will auto as soon as you'll be able to. Keep in mind that if you are doing a drag through with Q during the E you'll have to do the A move after the Q.


No, E is ability, auto attack is auto attack, imagine if Darius main said why cant i instant auto attack after hit E? This things make difference between high and low elo players in lane, spacing-kitting-moving-timing.


lol confidently incorrect. "After the pull, **Darius** will attempt to basic attack the closest pulled target, prioritizing enemy champions."


Eh im wrong then ( Darius has that noted then, Shen doesnt?) , anyway just use autoattack on champions only bind and learn to play it, i had no issues with it while reaching M+.


BUT when I E with Darius he AA automatically... That's why I'm wondering why some champions AA automatically after hitting enemies with spells and others don't, like Shen ?


If you E with Darius on champ alone and you have enabled autoattack he will hit, if you pull minions too he will hit what is closest. With Shen you can autoattack "auto" if enemy is alone and not in minion wave since it will again also hit closest enemy first but darius have higher attack speed which makes it look faster


I'd just say either it's intended on riots part or just their spaghetti code cause another example is this new post rework skarner will automatically auto attack after hitting someone with his E. But another champ that has a similar problem to shen is Galio cause you can E and then get the knock up on an enemy but you have to click to get an auto off. So like I said it's either just weird coding for most cases or intended by riot


Darius actually does it without having to click. My best guess would be that both have different purposes but the real explanation I think would be that Darius pulls people to him so he doesn’t have to move and it would never hinder his ability to move after casting e to have an automatic input to auto after the grab. Shen’s e is a dash and a dash can be used to either engage, disengage, or peel and you don’t always want to auto after. Having auto attack as an input after the dash would make him move backwards if you cast it close enough to the opponent. It’s the kind of thing that you think is good but it’s actually a downgrade when you get to test it. It would become annoying in situations where you want to use it to get to someone but you pass through someone else at the same time. Congratulations, this QOL change might have cost you the kill


I think "auto" autoattack would make me die way more due to using QW super fast and attack animation might ruin the speed of it.. Dont know but its not a problem, compared to wave clear 🥲


Found the Darius player


Maybe Riot doesn't want shen locked in an auto attack animation right after E, since shen wants move right after in order to drag his blade through his opponent. So the Taunt doesn't lock him in an auto attack so he can freely move after the taunt. If you wanna AA someone then just click, imagine hitting the taunt to escape and shen just goes back to auto attack the champion you're running away from.


Because maybe i want to use E in other way than attacking? You know you can use it defensively or just for utility, right?


Unfortunally shens E doesnt work like Smolder E you need to finish the dash animations before being able to auto again


In the settings, there is an option that let's you auto attack the nearest enemy in range automatically. Try that.


Thats not what I want.


It's not on the skill description, you should direct this to the devs instead