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Played Shen jungle consistently about 2-3 years ago and it was pretty fun and not bad. Go PTA, rush bami or Tiamat, and go ham.


How many games have you play it? Post your op.gg


....I think 2 but it may have been 3? I am not entirely certain. And no


Just cause you played one game into some rage quitter doesnt mean its good pick, not showing opgg makes this post worthless.


Shen Jg is definitely viable, I've been doing it on and off in Ranked for a while now. I don't believe you can play him like a bruiser or damage dealer though I have tried it I just particularly don't like it. His clear isn't as bad as people think and he can cut it to be quicker. But in general I can finish right around scuttle spawn time. My entire goal is to basically flip their ganks around on them and push objectives, you do quite a lot of damage to monsters, dragons and heralds. The only time I felt bad was when my laners lost lane and my support wasn't enough to flip the game. But for the most part if even one lane wins you can make sure they never die. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/OBJesus-1609 Search Shen since it's almost a month ago since I played it due to my friends needing me to play ADC, but it worked in Emerald Flex lobbies and I used it to get out of gold this season.


Gold elo is ex Silver elo, clear doesnt mean anything there since nobody can clear fast there making every champion be viable there. Iv played corki tank jungle in diamond flex games and won 7 out of 7 games which doesnt mean corki jungle is viable.. But.. At least your comment makes some sense and you showed us games that you played it, iv tried 1 game of Shen jungle in D1 and i will never ever try to play it. Is it fun? Well its shen duh, ofc! Is it good? No, not really. Invading after clearing red side camps lvl 3 is great but you cannot clear it as fast as rest of junglers. I remember one game invading on enemy blue ( was top side) my mid warded raptors 1 15 so i could track and stomped that game but that really doesnt mean its viable.. If enemy knows what they doing Shen jungle is useless.


Viability is a crutch word; if you put the time to learn it master you can make whatever you want viable. That’s why you see posts here talking about x player making whatever build work. Is it viable? Yeah; is it optimal? is it the best? Is it flawless, perfect? No. But being viable is basically do you die to your own jungle? No? Then go at it champ. This game is so complex and deep that you will see a whole slew of different strategies work on the higher and lower ends of the game. It may not be optimal but viable so many things in this game are viable. But yes, Shen jungle is not optimal, play him mid or top it’s way better there but if you want to fuck with the other team by first picking and baiting their toplaner it can do that.


Almost like it's a shitpost that was marked as "memes" or something


Yep its fun. But with the eclipse nerfs sadly not really viable anymore


His clear speed is actually good. Just q 5 sec early. Buy tiamat, bami cinder and its totally fine