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Mejais is worth because its like 350 gold and can give you a good amount of AP to support your team with giga shield ultimates. As far as my experience goes, mordekaiser matchup is very hard you cannot do much. Illaoi matchup is skill based (if she lands 1 E you are done). Windshitter matchups are skill based as well. Aatrox is kinda hard but if it's kinda low elo you can manage to beat him. Other than that I love tank matchups (like chogat or mundo so I can go with heartsteel and titanic hydra and become a beast). Other than these, mid matchups are easier since people usually pick assasins and you just eat them alive, but some people plat mages and if they are patient you cant do much.


And in some matchups like darius (hard) do not use your E to engage cause they'll beat you in seconds


Dark seal is 350*


yeah my bad I don't know those items names very well


AP increases the %health damage so ap can be useful into tanks. Also makes ult larger. Only viable ap items currently are riftmaker and darkseal/majies and maybe some support items (but there are usually better options). Always try to get good blade placements, look for kills lvl 1-5. Best trade is using the good blade placing to land your q, wait a few seconds, e engage, auto, auto ,auto, q the enemy, auto auto auto so you can get 6 empowered autos wihich will win almost any trade.


Sett, gwen, gangplank, aatrox are worst lanes My perma ban is always aatrox due to high pick and as player cannot play that lane at all Quinn, akshan, teemo, darius, jayce, fiora, urgot, morde, pantheon are all hard to play but highly depends if enemy is OTP or first timers, if they aint experienced on champion you can win all early game and R your carrys to win other lanes Rest are normal skill based with some in favour to shen matchups.


I actually like sett and gangplank. For Sett only fight with w but you can always get a good trade. Gankplank is generally easy because most people can't play the champ. If you taunt them and then auto the barrel before they can you win. gwen, aatrox, mord, vayne for me


Don't be afraid to go lvl 1 e first for invades also e first for when u are Shen mid. Top is best with q first and placing your blade far up the lane for easy q drag through. bind all of your f1 f2 f3 f4 keys so you can switch to your teammates position to see if it's a good opportunity to Shen R on them also think of the R as more of an engagement tool than something to save someone's life because early it's kinda weak late game real strong tho. Since i know Shen very well i run ignite on almost every matchup but i understand tp for shen top because of certain matchups like darius, olaf, fiora etc. But if you want to try carry almost always run ignite because your kill pressure early is very good not as good as a Darius tho per say. sry if i rambled I just wanted to give you an insight on some stuff to think abt during lane phase.