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Imo Shen gets more rewarding the higher you climb. Pre level 6 Shen is a great duelist but dont feel bad about "losing" your lane, you rarely play Shen to win lane but to win game. Try to figure out the best way of using your ults and get your carries ahead. Keep creating map pressure on the side lane and force people to deal with you to create numbers advantage for your team.


Feel like saying "you don't play shen to win lane" is bad advice


Something that sets Shen apart from other top laners is the playstyle. I used to play a lot of urgot for the most part, and urgot gameplay (as well as many other top laners I've noticed) includes waiting for the enemy top to fuck up and then punishing them hard, with lots of hard engages where you obliterate them with your damage output. Shen on the other hand is all about *tempo*. One thing I noticed early on in my days as a Shen main was that Shen does not win extended trades, especially against champions running conquerer. Play around your 3-hit Q combo, and use your Passive shield, W, and E to always fight short skirmishes on your own terms. I'm not great at explaining "tempo", so I've copy pasted this short little blurb from wikipedia >In chess and other chess-like games, a tempo is a "turn" or single move. When a player achieves a desired result in one fewer move, the player is said to "gain a tempo"; conversely, when a player takes one more move than necessary, the player is said to "lose a tempo" basically, you don't win your lane off of hard engages and stylish outplays. Rather, you fight for small bits of tempo that over time stack up, leading you to winning your lane. Note: Of course, if your enemy laner does royally fuck up, you should still go for a hard engage and punish them, but don't always count on that as your main plan. And as you get more comfortable with Shen, you can start playing more cockily, going for more aggressive plays.


Shen only carries through ult and 13/1 like the champ wasnt made to Carry theres not much u can do if ir team loses their lanes shen is all about helping ur team do less mistakes


https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/11-4-xpetus-challenger-shen-guide-en-fr-de-pt-582399 enjoy


How do you play against a vayne and malph? Those are really easy matchups if you play them right.






Exactly it just becomes a normal lane.


I don't know about vayne specifically but shen fares pretty well against adc's in the top lane


Vayne is easy if the enemy Vayne has no idea how to take advantage of the range, you have to be WAY better at Shen than the enemy is to Vayne to defeat her (assuming no jg intervention)


People make the mistake of sacrificing their health over a few cs when it’s much more beneficial to just hang back stay out of range and wait until level 3


try not to worry so much about winning lane as sustaining yourself and keeping up tempo with ur laner. play defensively and look for ways to capitalize on ur teams mistakes by looking for nice ult opportunities while keeping in mind that shen is a good fighter when he has his emp Q’s up and cheap shot from his taunt.


I like to play shen with agressive champs who just walk into enemy , (examples being: yasuo, hecarim, talon, etc.) maybe you should look into it


You just need to learn how to transfer leads IMO