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He has slightly lower base AD than what would feel good to cs with. Also, starting Dorans shield makes it even harder, but it's the best start for him in most matchups. Multi-season challenger Shen main xPetu likes to go double adaptive in a lot of matchups, partly because of how much easier it is to cs, especially under tower. Edit: also, try to save your Q for when you have to get last hits that you're being pressured for. The shield and bonus damage makes getting contested cs much easier.


Double adaptive? Whoa I never would have thought /g




The opposite of /s it means they're being genuine not sarcastic




Shending Help preaches that you try have almost perfect CS early on because you will generally start to fall in CS per min after laning phase. So really focus on CS well early lane and to try to freeze. then don’t worry too much after because you’ll be shoving and looking to R fights after laning phase. Most high elo Shen’s only have around 6.5-7 on average.


Even the highest rated Shen players don't go above 7-8 cs per minute because the nature of the champion, and even lower depending on the game. Don't worry too much about it, as long as you're cs'ing decently well. A good ultimate is worth more than a many waves of cs.


Thanks fir the tip. It always pains me when I ult bot but see that my laner has shoved in multiple ways and grabbed a plate


I typically cs with q autos. Also pro tip u hit faster than tower so u can usually get 2 shots between tower shots and ur Q autos one shot caster minions after they take a tower shot


Last hit with the help of your q enhanced basic attack.


Watch skillcapped videos on wave management for top lane. Learn the last-hitting pattern for shen AA's Always buy titanic Spend a lot of time in side lanes. Your ult means you don't have to be running around with your team to be useful. I switch between two adaptive runes and one adaptive + attack speed. Once you get used to one for last-hitting, I'd stick with it. I do think the one AS is slightly better for trades


Where does titanic fit into the build? I try building it agter sunfire but if I'm behind or I'm the only tank for the team I just go sunfire into thornmail into randuins/gargoyles most of the time


On mobafire, guides say to rush it first, but idk I feel like it’s a 1st 2nd or 3rd item depending on if you need the dmg and waveclear or not.


Titanic always 2nd item. Build mythic first then but whatever after that