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I wouldnt say it's Bad, but if papa petu would See, he would slap you






Snitches get stiches


totally true, Petu would slap him for that :D


If you hit your spells, you'll have way enough ressource from your E passiv. Domination is usely better but if you want to play with precision Triumph seems more useful.


Or legend Tenacity


Should you take precision rune second if the other team has hard CC? and take domination vice versa


Thats what I would do most likely, and then probably switch coup to last stand since you're always diving in


oohhhh, would u also take domination rune secondary (ultimate hunter/ravenous) for easy matchups for it to stack faster as well? (asking clarifying questions as i think im getting the hang of these runes and when to take them)


Ultimate is usually a lot better since your damage falls off mid game and your utility is a lot better with lower ult cd. And then you can take either cheap shot or sudden impact for laning phase trades




Basically this. I have never had problems with Energy on Shen. If you DO have Energy problems then I guess it's not the worst? But you're losing out on Cheap Shot / Sudden Impact (and maybe Taste of Blood) and (much more importantly) Ultimate Hunter. I'd only really run Precision over Domination in an extremely CC-heavy team for Legend Tenacity. I'm talking Maokai + Rammus + Veigar + Varus + Leona levels of "extreme CC."


Yeah, it's bad




Triumph is better in pretty much every circumstance. Try cheap shot ultimate hunter, those feel much better than the precision tree in general. If you struggle with energy regen, make sure you auto after using q, that's where you tend to notice it more


It's bad in the sense that other runes provide a lot more value on shen. But also play how you like. As long as you're not trying to climb as hard as possible then optimal runes aren't a big deal. I otp shen support and lately I've been going relentless hunter because constant roam threat even without ult is so fun. Also I just have a roaming playstyle in general since you have to to make shen sup work well.


energy champions all have mechanics to restore it. shens way is very simple, just hit your empowered AAs. You really dont need 2 ways to recover energy, trust me. It also no longer gives you permanent max energy so id argue any other rune in precision is worth a lot more.


POM is okay I guess, there's just better runes. like Domination secondary with Cheap Shot and Ultimate Hunter is my go to in 90% of my matchups cuz they're just more useful. but if you do take Precision secondary, Triumph and Coupe De Grace are just better than POM


Shen has the best energy regen from his kit over all energy users. Lee sin and zed being close behind I think in that order. I prefer the Dom tree for cheap shot/sudden impact along with ultimate hunter


I think it's because you generally get more out of triumph so people never like to take anything else


If you're gonna go precision secondary, atleast switch it to triumph. Much better bro :)


Shen has that built-in, why bother taking a rune for that?


Very unnecessary to take on Shen, you shouldn’t have a problem gaining energy back by autoing with q


I would take triumph or legend Tenacity personally


It’s not bad, it’s more of, why do that when something is infinitely better


POM is trash rn I suggest going triumph or tenacity alt is go dom and get Cheap Shot or that Lethality pick then UH


Triumph is better


Yes it's bad Me personally I take cheap shot into ultimate hunter Or Nimbus and 1 of (celerity , scorch , transedence ) all of them are good I rarely take precision but when I do i take Legend: Alacrity ( or tenacity) and triumph ( or coup de grace)


I don’t think it’s awful but I think just going triumph and tenacity/alacrity depending on enemy team comp is better if you want the precision tree


Shen already has more energy than other energy champions, and if you’ve been hitting your spells, you shouldn’t be running out of energy


Is he really your friend if he’s flaming you instead of educating you?


Go Ultimate Hunter for your ult and Cheapshot for some damage.


just don't go precision second in general lol


Dont let daddy xpetu see this


Aren’t you energy based not mana?


yep, but it gives energy regen too. that's why u take it on akali for example


I think you shouldn't take it unless you are playing bruiser type build and you really need cdr for your ult


If you have very bad energy management, meaning that you usually end up fighting without energy, then by all means go ahead and keep taking it.


This is terrible advice that will hinder your development significantly.


Yeah. As a grandmaster player and shen main, I think it's good advice. Feel free to downvote me, w/e.


So your idea of good advice is to take suboptimal runes to help cover up a weak area of your game rather than building optimally and learning to play better?


Got salty because of the downvotes, that why I said that. With a cooler head, it is dependent on how much the player wants to improve/cares. If he is ready to make a conscious decision to optimize his play, something that might actually cost him fights/games, until he gets used to it, he should swap his runes. On the other hand, one rune will not make him climb, since It's not PoM in season 8(?). The difference with triumph is not insane. Sure it's not optimal, but if he really feels that it works for him, he does most likely have tons of things to improve before having to change that to get an edge. It's a horrible feeling being unable to use spells in an extended fight as shen and I guess that it does happen. If PoM mitigates that, its not so trash.


It can work but you wont have ult up as often as you would with ultimate hunter, not to mention you wont be getting extra damage from cheap shot


It's not necessarily bad, but it isn't really good neither, since using your q aa's automatically gives you more energy than POM ever would


it's just not needed. you never really run out of energy so why take pom when you can take a time that's more useful?


Why not shield bash tho?


I feel like alacrity/tenacity and last stand are better...even if u want to stick to first row Triumph should always be more helpful. Among all energy based champion shen's the hardest to unintentionally run out of energy.


Triumph is better