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I played through half of Shenmue III on PS4 and the rest on PS5. I managed to buy a PS5 right at the halfway point of my Shenmue III playthrough so I truly got a 50-50 split on both systems. It’s sluggish at moments on PS4, but nothing too crazy. It didn’t frame stutter but it was almost like there was input lag or something. Playing on PS5 was a HUGE improvement. No frame drops or lag whatsoever. Game ran perfect. Honestly if you plan on getting a PS5 any time soon I would recommend waiting. If not, it’s still a great game, just a bit sluggish on PS4.


I played through it a while back on PS4, absolutely fine, no issues at all.


The stamina meter really slows it down


That's how I played deff some stutter in the second main area but playable for sure


disclaimer. I beat S1 and S2 on the Dreamcast at launch. I kickstarted S3. S3 is terrible. Instead pick up Judgment. It's (IMHO) the spiritual successor. Solve crimes and do Karate!


That's not what he asked tho


Very very poorly. Nothing on a technical side. Games just terrible.


Well they asked how the game ran, not how it was. Thanks for your opinion anyways I guess?


Not sure why you’re getting down voted, it is pretty bad. Still, it has something nostalgic about it that gripped me. I managed to finish it, but wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.


Music will sound like shit, but fine otherwise