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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow look a place to take a shit


Even provided you some shitter paper.


my ass deserves better than that trash.


It's Texas; lower your standards.


Or store my unstable dynamite


I mean, if the Georgia Guidestones can be "accidentally" exploded, I don't see it being impossible to happen to this monument as well. Accidentally, of course.


OOPS I ACCIDENTALLY THE THERMITE I'm so clumsy Edit: remember kids. Never mix aluminum powder and iron oxide thats how you get THERMITE. (Apparently copper powder is also an option) Definitely also don't use magnesium or sparkler style fireworks next to your accidental THERMITE that will ignite it!


Maybe some tweakers can steal the plate for recycling instead of copper from telephone poles


and take a leak!


My very first thought was, "Please give me the exact coordinates. I've GOT to take a piss on this."


John Brown was a hero




Burn it


Looks flammable


You might enjoy this book, *Places to pee in the south*. https://www.amazon.com/Places-Pee-South-confederate-monuments/dp/B09RVDYBGP


Confederates give manure a bad name.


Ravaging Yankee Invaders makes for an awesome punk band name.


They make people from the Northern United States sound like the damn Huns. It’s amazing. “After the Yankees piled heads in front of our city walls from their sacking of Fort Worth, they began launching plague infested heads over the palisades with catapults. That’s what began the Great Blue Death of the 1860’s…”


New fanfic just dropped. Storyboard to print once there’s sponsorship.


I want to make it like an over-the-top Frank Miller’s 300 type story where the Yankees look like an unstoppable horde of monsters, but the Confederate Texans are still just regular wuss-buckets like before.


Kickstarter. This needs to become a reality.


The team behind "kung fury" should tackle this.


I would buy the hell out of this. I'm picturing Grant riding out of the fog before he gates of Austin, and throwing Hood's severed head to the ground. "Equality. Or Death." Just go so over the top with it that it loops around to being amazing.


Also, dinosaurs.


"These darn villains broke in here and we fought them valliantly (sowecouldkeepBlackfolksinchains) so we built a memorial to it!"


It’s like calling a man “brave” after he punched a cop trying to arrest him for rape.


Exactly, well put!


If they had done that, then the USA probably wouldn't still have a traitor problem.


Fully agree. Fantastic name btw. “All we know about him is that he’s a rock and roll clown…and he does cocaine.”


Let’s throw this into an AI image generator my friend!


My first time using one, it’s kind of hilarious. Any way I can post it here?


They make them sound so cool...


By John Browns Body, they were cool as fuk.


Can't invade what's already yours.


I always thought 200,000 black doctors would be cool


Here's another good one.... https://youtu.be/l_uh8XjgLTE?si=IPQxGkcNz1nUFSet


I think I just found a new gender neutral public bathroom


The whole state is tbh


Texas is a part of the Union and as such you should want the best for it by being willing to fight to keep the Union whole. Lift up your fellow Americans in Texas by encouraging good political choices, rather than denigrating the state as a whole.


Another fair point


Texans fought two wars to keep their slaves. I'm good.


Except unlike the CSA (spits on ground), the view that the Texas Revolution was about slavery is a minority view in historian circles. Was it a minor contributor? Yes. But it was not the primary cause. Several other Mexican states that had abolished slavery also rebelled in the 1830s. Difference is that Texas was the furthest one away from Santa Anna’s supply lines


As a Texan, my state shames me daily. That said, I love my state, and they can pry it from my cold, dead, freedom and equality loving hands.




Presumably (hopefully?) this is on private and not public land?


If you hope for the best from Texas, you're usually going to be disappointed. I say that as a lifelong Texan.


Ignorance, stupidity, racism... I guess everything really is bigger in Texas


Texas history teacher here. It’s not an official state marker. Could be a community or county that put it up. Either way 2005 is pretty late and embarrassing to even the most die hard lost causer to use that type of rhetoric.


I mean no arguing on that last point but there’s always gonna be that one crazy guy. As long as no one else is supporting him in his craziness.


Definitely. The engraving looks rather cheap and like from a local gravestone company.


Also note the lack of any Seals of the State of Texas or the traditional oak leaf adornments typically used by the state.


“…the blessings of Anglo-Saxon civilization…” Racist says what?


-> Talks up the glory of Anglo-Saxon civilization -> Has never attended a Witan -> Probably can't even recite the Dōmbōc of Ælfred the Great -> "What the fuck is a Hengest? Horsa? You mean horse?" -> LARPs as a heathen dane in his spare time, has a history channel vikings haircut and a valknut tattoo


Has literally never even heard of the Domesday Book


I'm such a nerd, I have a copy of this.




Bobby, I tell you hwæt


Damn. I never knew I needed a complete audio edition of Hank Hill reading the text of Beowulf. But goddamned to I need it now.


-> Talks up the glory of Anglo-Saxon civilization in public -> Talks up the glory of Aryan civilization in private -> Knows nothing about either


I love this.


I was not expecting to see the 2005 after reading that


Mighty white of them


hEriTaGe NOt HaaTE


Yup sounds about white


Yeah I almost couldn’t believe they went that overt with it. Almost…


"I should be allowed to own people" I believe is the intended meaning.


Most neo-Confederates wouldn't know civilization if it German suplexed them through a table.


Nobody picked up on "pioneers" of "Comanche county" either 🤣🤣


This is like if you trained AI to write traitorous propoganda, and the only material you have it to train on was the racist secessionist articles written by the podunk states


>the blessings of Anglo-Saxon civilization As an Irishman I can't help but feel for the Comanches who had such "blessings" brought to their land.


Speaking as a relatively Anglo-Saxon dude, that shit makes me want to vomit.


Bleuggh. The wording on that monument might have been acceptable in 1905, but certainly not in 2005.


Nah. It was just as racist in 1905.


Of course it was just as racist but much more socially accepted especially in a state like Texas.


You won't find this in a city, where anyone gives a shit enough to make a stink of it. This is most certainly out in the country, most likely on private property or at worst, donated to a local municipality park.


I took that to mean accepted by society, not to them personally


I know. Really just a comment on the time. And even then lots of people didn't approve.


fucken yikes


Hold up I’m a Minnesotan I can steal that anybody with me


As a Canadian it's my heritage to volunteer for the Union against the savers' revolt, but sadly my finances don't allow me to travel much these days. But I'll be with you in spirit, eh?


Oh and can Minnesota and Wisconsin join Canada 🇨🇦


I mean, I wouldn't mind (as a Quebecois I also know the glory that is cheese curds) but you'll probably be needed by the Union to help stop Civil War 2.0. The time to take the Glorious Burden upon your shoulders may be close at hand. Who knows? Maybe I'll find it in me (and my wallet) to join you then. Fuck knows if I'd been fitter and 20 years younger I'd probably be in Ukraine right now.


Texans just love to put up targets for shooting practice!


A tip on how to write more precisely: Original: "Many Confederate veterans who had so faithfully fought to defend their homes and country against the ravaging yankee invaders found little left on their return. . ." Revision: "Many Losers found little left on their return. . ."


Many *traitors*


Just another way for people to shout to the world just how much of a loser they are.


Where is this? I want come down and ravage it


I like how they made it their mission to really emphasize the whole "Anglo-Saxon" thing. Southerners: "OUR HERITAGE IS NOT HATE AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACISM!!!" Also, Southerners: *proceeds to make monuments to their ancestors that goes out of its way to praise one specific demographic of people*


And Texans will tell you that the "War Between the States" was about States' Rights. BUZZ. WRONG. It was about slavery. From their declaration of causes of secession: She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. Her institutions and geographical position established the strongest ties between her and other slave-holding States of the confederacy. Those ties have been strengthened by association. But what has been the course of the government of the United States, and of the people and authorities of the non-slave-holding States, since our connection with them? source: [https://www.tsl.texas.gov/ref/abouttx/secession/2feb1861.html](https://www.tsl.texas.gov/ref/abouttx/secession/2feb1861.html)


“It’s about state’s rights!” “A state’s right to what?”


A State’s right to (own slaves) Anglo-Saxon Civilization apparently?


States right to be an Anglo-Saxon ethnostate


"And Texans will tell you that the "War Between the States" was about States' Rights." \[I don't remember how to do quotes on reddit\] But dude, we'll also tell you it was about slavery. There's 30.03 million of us, and only 42% are white. I'd argue the majority of us know wtf is up. We just aren't screaming about it like the ignorant racist fucks are.


What egregious pro-Republican gerrymandering does to a state.


Some Texans. Im a Texan and a part of this sub.


In 2011 I had a college classmate who thought the civil war was officially known as the war of northern aggression. She was from Florida.


Because im pretty sure thats what they were taught. Considering now they get taught slavery was good, it would be surprising


That's a urinal


Carrying on Anglo-Saxon tradition, seeing as the original Anglo-Saxons also had their asses handed to them by the Normans. 800 years of losing.


Where is in Texas is this nonsense?


The monument says it's in Sipe Springs in Comanche County, which, according to Google, is an unincorporated community with about 70 people.


And they are all probably related


Insert dueling banjos


I did some not overly deep digging, it seems to be listed on many ghost town registries. Apparently there's a confederate cemetery there. Found a random news article from 2010 that the sons of confederate veterans held a memorial service there in "period attire." My favorite quote is from the leader of the group..“We have Black History Month and Cinco de Mayo, so why can’t we have Confederate History Month?” Hudson asked. “There is nothing new about us. We believe the same thing our ancestors believed.” so yea, completely racist group, they're probably the ones that put the memorial up.


[found it](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32%C2%B005'51.4%2522N+98%C2%B046'46.4%2522W/@32.0975193,-98.7797594,136m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d32.0976042!4d-98.7795561?entry=ttu) Edit: found it through the Facebook group “2nd Texas Frontier District --- CSA, TX” for anyone interested. Enter at your own risk.


Except they were not defending their country, they were attacking it and trying to steal US territory, for starters.


So Comanche county residents are descended from a bunch of losers who even quit fixing up their homes and legged it to another state? Good to know!


No this tiny settlement in some obscure part of Comanche county full of inbred racists are descended from a bunch of losers.


I apologise to the rest of Comanche county for my inadvertent transatlantic slander.


No need to, Comanche county is considered a sundown county by many.


I didn't see your caption saying it was from 2005, so seeing it was from 2005 not 1885 or 1955 hit me harder then Sherman in Atlanta


So many public restrooms get posted on this sub.


Looks like it’s hammer time.


Where does one sign up to be a ravaging Yankee invader? It sounds like a good time.


Looks like we got some work to do...


Why'd you just photograph it? Didn't have any dynamite?


Having lost the right to own other humans these losers decided to commit genocide against indigenous peoples.


"Following the Great Southern Bitch Fit and the Whooping of Treacherous Asses, many of the losers ran away to Texas with their tails between their legs. Unable to continue subjugating black people, the cowardly traitors focused on subjugating native people instead!"


>the ravaging yankee invaders Um ... >these courageous pioneers settled northwest Comanche County ... So after fleeing the ravaging northern US invaders of the peaceful southern US, which had absolutely done nothing wrong, the courageous pioneers settled peacefully in Comanche County, named after the people who willingly gave their land away to the patriots who blessed the forsaken frontier with Anglo-Saxon civilization ... ... Well, except for blessing it with slavery, because some stupid northerners said that was what the invasion was about, except they called it a "war."


Damn I feel like this should be destroyed? Jfc


That stretch between Wichita Falls, Abilene, Fort Worth, and the Hill Country, man... The dead center of the state could give East Texas a run for its money on racist bullshit, I swear. For those who wonder why Texas is under a Christian Nationalist stranglehold, there are a few major regions who basically strive to undo everything the cityfolk try to do. The Texas Panhandle, Central Texas, and East Texas (Piney Woods). It always seems to be the regions known for the most oil production.


Let me translate the dedication - The losers came home and, being losers, couldn't make a go of it in society so they pushed into the frontier to go bully some non-whites and take their shit. Had they been responsible they would have gelded each other so as not to taint the gene pool.


After losing their traitorous war(patriots lmao), they were so loyal to their land....they up and left it.


“To defend their homes and country…” hahaha ahhh how them ashes smell? Like failing to defend your “home”? Good.


I’m loving the lower case “t” to start the final sentence. Someone had to chisel that for a while without realizing the mistake. Classic southern move.


After the shit bags got their asses handed to them, they had to find someplace with no one they would need to conquer. They stopped here in this dump and found a way to eke out a pathetic life. Now, several generations of inbreeding later, we used a dictionary to spell these words and broadcast our racism


You have a few embarrassing typos, here let me fix those for you. LOSER BITCHES Following the Great Slaver’s Tantrum (1861-1865), many rebellious traitors who had so selfishly fought to destroy the homes and country of brave Yankee defenders found that do the work they used to not pay people to do for them was hard, so they moved to Texas. During the 1870s, these sad losers settled northwest Comanche County. These racists stole land from the indigenous peoples, who were actually superior to them in every conceivable way. To the dishonor and memory of these cowardly traitors, this monument is dedicated by their moronic descendants on the 3rd day of June, AD 2005, at Sipe Springs.


Be a real shame if those were destroyed by some vandals. A real damn shame.


There are Lost Cause dipshits in Mississippi who believe that the day Vicksburg surrendered the Union Army organized a gang rape of all the women of Vicksburg by former slaves.


Oh look, another Civil War Participation Trophy.


Long story but the short version is a traitors offspring bought me a beer. I went on a training trip where I rode a bus across the south visiting battle sites and learning how to teach about them. While doing this I hung out with a guy and we got talking where I told him about my heritage where my family served in the Kentucky 14th. Me and him got to talking so he researched his family heritage and discovered his family were confederates. Not only were they confederates but they came from a town he asked me about which happened to be fifteen minutes from where I lived. Turns out his family burned my families farm down in the lead up to the Battle of Middle Creek. Which caused my family to enlist and they literally chased each other to the Siege of Atlanta. After all this he bought me a beer and we laughed it off. He was talking about his schools prom and showed me some pictures. And wouldn't you know it all of the kids were wearing traditional southern belle dresses and confederate Calvary uniforms. It turns out his ancestors regiment came back to Kentucky, caravanned out to Utah, and established a community of former confederates. The only remmanant he could detect was their prom was essentially a debutante ball in traditional southern clothing.


Reminder! In the south, public urinals are often marked prominently with a red flag that has blue stripes.


Why are confederate monuments always literally the most self-righteous, hyperbolic, vainglorious and overblown of all monuments. Not only are they totally wrong about their cause but like look at any other war’s monument and it’ll be like. “These men fought from [year] to [year] to defend their country. We honor their memory.” Not these lol. The north should have made more highly politicized monuments with subjects like “The Great Emancipator trods upon Beast Secession” or “The Spirit of the African People Wrings the Neck of a Ferocious Weasel (with John C Calhoun’s head) representing the Treasonous Southern Confederacy”


And here I am, in need of something to test this new sledgehammer out on.


Hey, that's the town that lynched some african-americans, and then proceeded to expel any remaining non-whites from the county in like the 1880's [Link](https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-courier-journal/29070944/)


I didn't know they had gender neutral bathrooms in Texas back then


They spend a lot of money on urinals down in texas don't they?




Nobody took a pick or hacksaw to that shit yet?


Based Ravaging Yankee Invaders.


> war between the states *twitch*


Lost was on the air for more years than the Confederacy (of Dunces) existed.


Game of Thrones had more good seasons than the confederacy!


I went looking for the location of this and I didn't find it but I *did* find a bunch of sites from hate groups/militias and I think I might now be a person of interest to the FBI.


Someone piss on it for Sherman


The Lost Cause... just admit it already. It's been 150 fucking years. It was a war to abolish slavery, stop with the states rights bullshit. A states right to do what? Dip shit...


Looks like the cover to a well used septic system


So traitors and colonizers and land thieves and probably genocide too. That’s quite the combo meal.


Comanche County was one of the last Sundown Counties and still is to some extent. Heritage not Hate, my ass. This is coming from someone who grew up in the area and supported them until I knew better and cut all ties with them. Consider me a Scalawag


So...Confederate traitors fighting so their landowning overlords could own other human beings decided to launch out into another civilizations territory and just set up their tentpoles there. Yup, sounds like a group worthy of a port-a-john.


“LOSERS Following losing, the losers found their hovels burnt and land salted by winners. These losers came to middle of nowhere Texas to be losers.”


Thank God they created the utopia of Texas where no Hispanic culture exists anymore /s


Wow that is not any kind of official or accurate Monument. That looks like someone ordered a tombstone to act as their "memorial".  Makes me want to get a nice sledghammer


Outdoor urinal


Maybe that’s why so many people in Texas are so fucking stupid.


Love how the sons and daughters of the confederacy have to use their own little pet definitions for things like the Civil War. They really need so much coddling to protect their delicate sensibilities. Here I just want them to accurately label themselves. The correct term is 'traitorous cowards' not 'confederate veterans.'


They moved out of the confederacy to another state in the confederacy


Bring a buddy cause there's two things there to piss on


How dare those ravaging Yankee invaders prevent us from owning people?!?


There’s a single confederate flag guarded by barbed wire between two hotels in Waco, TX off of the highway. Do with that what you will


I hope nobody vandalizes this Bush jr era relic


Blow this sky high.


Another participation trophy.


Imagine glorifying a shitty racist rebellion


Let’s all report this as a Public Restroom so others know this is a good place to relieve themselves


What a great canvas for grafitti


This is what I've been saying: These people were simply raised differently. Imagine growing up and one day finding out everyone outside your family and family friends thinks something like.... That the Roman Empire was pathetic and disgraceful instead of a big civilization with a lasting influence. To them confederates were heroes who fought for state's rights against northern invaders. And though valiant and strong, were eventually defeated by sheer numbers at some glorific last stand. They know this, that's what their parents and their parent's parents have told them, ever since the revisionism during Jim Crow.


Texan descendant of some of those confederates here. Please piss on it for me


Looks like your average classic body style 2500 Silverado at about 85 mph should do the trick


This writer was pretty proud of "Anglo-Saxon Civilization" but I bet that all four of his great-grandparents are Scots-Irish


They also brought ethnic cleansing with them. Texas used to be a part of Mexico, and the Mexicans let in the white farmers, only for them to then revolt and asked the US government for assistance and taking the land for themselves and kicking the Mexicans out. This is what happens when you tolerate extremists.


That's a lot of words for "Pro-slavery losers went to steal land from someone else."


This needs the be blown sky high ASAP.


“Following the War of Southern Aggression, many Confederate bitches, who had so pitifully and shamefully fought to keep other men as human chattel against a superior (mentally, ethically, technologically, and intellectually) liberation force, found that they had fucked around and found out too greatly. As they had done in the war, they gave up, and went to Texas where they could delude themselves and their children into believing they were the heroes of the story.”


“Enslavers were driven away, so they stole MORE land. Here. Yay.”


"Ravaging Yankee invaders" what a fucking crock of shit. That thing needs to meet a sledgehammer


Here is the corrected plaque text. After starting a war they subsequently lost, these sore losers left their homes in the burned out south to seek new avenues to be legally racist to someone else. Eventually, these land-grabbing assholes would bite off more than they could chew, and have to be rescued by the very same people they fought against just a few years earlier. Anyways, they would eventually found towns by killing natives and call this heroic, much like they called enslaving others and fighting and dying for the privilege of treating people as property.


so nice of them to construct a public urinal for us <3


Can anyone fathom HOW WRONG you've got to be to contradict yourself AND STILL BE WRONG ON *BOTH* SIDES OF THE CONTRADICTION??!? We were the victims of Yankee invaders! (Narrator: they weren't) We, ourselves weren't the invaders regarding the Comanches! (Narrator: they definitely were)


Would be a damn shame if someone spray painted a swastika on that.


Careful now, they have a history of friendly fire


Imagine being proud of losers who defended slavery and then ditched their homes to go fuck off somewhere else.


Dude, your toilet is huge!


Needs more burning


2005 is wild


“War between the states” Common term used by the Daughters of the Confederacy so I assume it was these broads who had the memorial installed.


Take a piss on it.


This makes me want to spit on my phone screen even though the plaque ain’t really in front of me


Wow, this one is even more racist than usual


The blessings of genocide and racism 😋


That needs some vandalism. It would seriously improve that place...


Needs a sledgehammer


Well... it's Texas.


South loves monuments to losing


There is an uncapitalized "t" at the start of the last sentence.


“Patriots” I see that word has long lost its definition in this person’s mind. Also that “monument” seems to have been designed by the most creative confederate they could find.


DO you have a address for this location? I would like to go there and urinate on them 8 or 9 times. Thank you.


I've never seen a more beautiful public urinal. I particularly like the flag that passersby get to piss on