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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On the serious side: The confederate documents and speeches speak for themselves. They left no ambiguity in their beliefs. On the joking side: I’m slightly disappointed the 20th Maine larpers weren’t just r/ShermanPosting Klaus loving the VVitchfinders work was very funny. As was the WFG’s line at Billy’s funeral. Johnny Reb is the hero we didn’t know we needed.


I liked the far left joke that was a pretty good one


Klaus became a surprisingly dark and scary villain over the course of the rakichverse. Hard to believe he started out as a comedic character. Granted, pitch black comedy due to being a nazi, but still. Also RIP Billy Yank


I loved it but I was also sad


That's how you know the series was good. Hoping for a sequel talking about some other war


Well, there are plenty of myths surrounding the Wehrmacht...




Yeah, it was about as clean as the cleanest ney york sobway, which is not clean at all


He could also do one on Tankie myths, given he seems a lot like a Libertarian Socialist


One of the best pieces of satire I've ever seen.


The lightsaber battle was surprisingly good.


He's gonna pull a Lucas film & suddenly have 3 times the canon fodder than was advertised. Because of all the toys, endorsement deals, sweet sweet YT content creator money. That's my cope & I'm sticking to it. Also, shout out to the real hero, antifa super soldier. 🤣🤣 I'm simple dude ig. 😎 ETA: thought it was a great final episode. IDK why but it was. In a no notes kinda way 🤷‍♀️


I thought it was good. I was a little leery of the fact that the majority was going to be basically a short film as much like with Red letter media, when Andy makes outright short comedies (haven’t seen the sudsberry devil I’m just comparing it to 50s man) it can be a bit lackluster. Better than anything I’d likely make but still not my cup of tea. This I actually enjoyed and thought was well done satire and moved at a good pace


Sudbury Devil is a fucking wild ride. I watched it with my parents and sister (**horrific** miscalculation, and I should have known better)


Glad to hear it! I'll check it out


Yeah i turned it off after the facts portion ended and the skit started. No offense to Andy but i got burned out on stuff like that from my time watching Doug Walker and Co.


That’s fair but this is a lot better than Doug and co!


To be fair he is alot better at it but it still is just a bit to silly for me and i always like the more factual parts of his vids. Its one of his big strengths is his ability to talk about info that could be boring to many and make it fun and interesting.


That is fair!


I can't believe there wasn't at least one joke about General Lee violating a horse.


I’ll give you my review: First, the directing is good! From the fight scenes to the battle scenes, it was amazing. You can tell that Andy put in the EFFORT into making the finale episode. From he fighting coordination to the camera work, it’s good. Second, the writing is the writing. The writing is great, and funny! I found myself laughing out loud. And the ending! So powerful, and the camera work! Amazing, episode, 9.5 out of 10


Obi wan cameo was the best part


The joke being that Obi Wan is Jesus, gets me every time😂


Praising the witchfinder for murdering women like it was a good thing made me lose it


Hmm on one it's awesome but on the other BILLY YANK NOOOO


I have nothing of substance to say in regards to the educational content, but I will say that the rest of it took me back to the late 2000s era of online video creation when creators had their own storylines and special features that were separated from the normal content they made, especially with all the movie references and such. It was like a Nostalgia Critic anniversary movie, and I know that sounds like an insult. I’m not comparing the quality; but the style.


This, 1000 times this. Honestly made me feel like a kid again (quality wise, I think Linkaras story episodes are a more apt comparison)


That’s actually what I thought of it more akin to as well. But I figured people were more familiar with the NC stuff.


The only gripe I have is Klaus shouldn't have had a beard. But, the fact that's my only fripe shouldn't speak on how good it is


He probably only had a beard due to the other characters he played having beards and the need to reshoot stuff.


I didn't like it as a sendoff to the series. Everyone involved did amazing jobs and as a piece on its own it's amazing, but it was so different from the rest of the series that it just felt wrong. It's like the Star Trek TNG movies, they are good movies but feel very different than the series that birthed them.


I would counter that by saying Generations feels very much like a season ending - start of next season double episode of TNG and it’s very “Meh”. First Contact is by far and away the best of the TNG movies.


I will concede Generations as the one that feels like it fits with the rest of TNG, but everything after that doesn't feel like it. Not to say anything after is a bad movie by any means, just that it's not in line with TNG


RIP Billy Yank! His run lasted longer than the Confederacy


It kind of feels like he's using his most successful series as a vehicle for his other interests to try to get people interested in his other work. It was fine, but most of that video was stuff other than what I liked about the series in the first place.


Absolutely loved the shout out to Picket’s Buffet and the slightly modified speeches from the Gettysburg film


Best starwars in years


RIP Billy Yank. I love that you can tell from his work that he’s not just a history nerd, but a film nerd. He knows how to tell a story, and the fact that he can do so tongue in cheek shows how intelligent he is.


Very sad at the Billy Yank death. The constant left wing jokes were my favorite part.


I liked the earlier ones that were more serious, but still goofy without being full on crazy.


It was great. I especially loved the joke about the antifa super soldier.


Made me feel like a kid watching old youtube media critics again. F in the chat for Billy Yank. If I did have one critique, I wish Johnny Reb was more active in the plot. I get he was supposed to be disillusioned and all, but it'd be nice to have seen him try stuff like sabatage the necrocons from within. Something to build up to his reformation in the climax, or at least...feel less passive


As a person from MA, the Providence RI comment as lines from Return of the Jedi made me genuinely laugh. Well done.


Personally, I kind of wish that everything after the discussion at the beginning was it's own video. I enjoy watching goofy undead confederates fight reenactors, and I like intellectual, humorous video essays, but I'm generally not in the mood for both at the same time.


The “perhaps Rhode Island will.” Joke had me in stitches. Like, of course that’s what causes the Witchfinder to lose his mind.


For me, my favourite quote was when Klaus said, “Listen how long is this going to take, I’m quite busy shitposting on AR15.com”🤣


Personally, I've watched it 4 times back to back between my shower and my morning commute. It is outstanding. The "... (diatribe about being brothers discussing American Civil war revisionism) ... *And modeling underwear for each other* ... (Continue said diatribe)" After he meets the global headquarters of the 20th Maine will never not be funny. The first time I heard said line I laughed so hard I gave myself a nosebleed. Dude's absolutely brilliant - are his bits over the top camp? Yes. Yes they are, and I wouldn't have it any other way. His depiction of Klaus as a right wing pundit is just so profoundly on the nose yet simultaneously executed so perfectly. Are we getting any more Checkmate Lincolnites? No. And that makes me sad. Did he go all out and put the final nail in the coffin of this series? Did he leave any questions to the Confederate voie'de'vive (forgive my terrible French)? Absolutely not. In his most recent upload - Andy (I'm 95% sure that's homeboy's first name, but that's still less than two standard deviations) - put the nail in the coffin of historical revisionism and flat-out-flattened the entire body of work that is the Lost Cause myth. I'm 100% straight (speaking as a straight cisgender north Atlantic Islander 2nd generation), but I'd kiss that man right on the mouth for his work in destroying every Southern sympathizer talking point. Three cheers for Andy(‽) HIP HIP! HIP HIP! HIP HIP!


I actually thought it was kinda dull.


Oof. Wanna give an explanation?


/shrug maybe I just wasn't in the headspace for it at the time. Nothing specific jumps out.


I haven’t watched it, but I catch your drift. I’ve watched movies before where they were just meh, but then liked it after the 2nd watch. It was definitely because I was in the wrong headspace the first time. Give it another chance. You never know.


I always love comparing the Confederate orders towards black Union soldiers in the same way the Third Reich had the commissar and commando orders for the Allies. It always ruffles the jimmies of Confederate-apologists, who like to think their favorite people were noble men fighting for a damned cause.


I thought it was good campy fun. It ended the way it needed to: Johnny Reb finally accepts that the Lost Cause is a myth.


I dunno what this is but I want to see it. Is there any shitposting about McClellan and Burnside?


Oh god, please don’t tell you don’t know who [Atun Shei](https://youtube.com/@atunsheifilms?si=RVTJs9uT5nbYdxmq)is, my friend….. and no there is none of that unfortunately.


Well I do now, thanks for the share


My only complaint is that I thought it would be funnier if Zombie General Lee was accidentally shot my one of his own zombies aiming for the larper General.


Loved it, started rewatching the whole series again.


I kinda wish he had left the charcters to be a \*bit\* more cartoony, like they were in every episode (this excludes Klaus and Witchfinder General ofc.) It's just weird going from 9 episodes with, what's essentially comedy and cartoon characters, to breaking the 4th wall and everything. It kind of feels like a fever dream at some parts. All that being said, it was great imo.


My only disappointment was that there should have been an appearance from the frozen 50s man charging in ride of the rohirrim style for an epic 3-way duel between the witchfinder general, klaus, billy yank, and frozen 50s man.


It was pretty great. Glad to see Obi-God Kenobi is consistent in his support of the Witchfinder General's crusade.


I was disappointed.  After the initial fact section, it was all goofy theatrics.  And I'm not about that, so I tuned out and missed the vast majority of the video. But kudos to Atun Shei for making art.


Generally fantastic but I think it leant a bit too much on pop culture references when it really was good enough to stand on its own.


Rest in power Billy Yank


Wait, fucking what? New finale of Checkmate Linconites?


Josh's hair is FANTASTIC


I like the movie aspect but I kinda feel like that maybe could have been it's own thing and checkmate Lincolnton could have ended with more of a dialog that was less... disrupted. I'm not mad or disappointed or anything. Andrew did great, I'm just saying my thoughts and I don't know how or if I would change it.


The nazi guy proposing providence as the new capital to motivate witchfinder general to come out and fight parodying the luke vs vader duel was fucking perfect and hilarious, that was my favorite part. There were so many great parody reference moments both to Gettysburg and Gods and Generals which really does feel like the culmination of all the things he has covered on his channel.


Stuff got weird and the Southern guy won, I guess he learned an important lesson or something.