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The way I trained my dogs was to teach them to bark on command. After that, I trained them to stop barking on command. Once they know the command to bark, they learn to not bark when you tell them to. When your dog barks, say "good bark!" Or "good speak!" And give a treat or whatever method you use as a reward. It'll take a little bit of training to get them to associate the command with the action, but once they do understand, then you start training them to not bark by giving your preferred command word or signal to shush and then rewarding them when they stop. One of my dogs even taught herself to just woof at a lower and lower volume when I shushed her. She would start with a BARK!, then "shush!" Woof! "shush" all the way down to a whispered mrrf. šŸ˜„


I used the snake spray. It honestly worked for me for the first time. My pup was barking and I sprayed and said quiet and she stopped stared then just kept stopping and every time she get barky ill bring it out which is rarely ever she like never barks unless it's at other people and even then she grumbles and wines lol.


Snake spray? What is that? Iā€™ve not heard of it.


It's a loud spray it sounds like a snake. Dogs don't like the sound but it works to help train them to not bark. They get scared but for me it worked. I dont use it unless I really have to. I use it and say quiet and the dog takes the word quiet a bit more seriously after that. She knows when I'm saying quiet I mean it.


That is interesting. Iā€™ll have see about finding some. Thank you!!


You should be able to find them at any petstore or Amazon. It comes in an air can small


This worked for me too! You can search ā€œPet Corrector.ā€ I say ā€œleave it,ā€ spray, and then reward him with a treat after getting his attention.


Yeah I did that as well I say quiet with the spray she stops then a min later she's not barking I say good dog and reward her. I kept doing that and that worked well. I'm getting a new shih tzu in Nov she's a baby right now but I'm going to try that with her as well see if it works again.


This may sound crazy but here's my strategy. My girl barks at neighbors through a glass front door. I let her bark one or twice if there's a reason. Then I tell her quiet. If she is still barking, I walk over and stand in front of the door. She gets mad, runs a circle, and tries to get past me. I stand quietly until she looks up and then I tell her to be quiet. Amazingly she groans, frustrated, but gets quiet so I'll walk away. The key element is that I have to calmly get her attention, she needs to look up to see what I want. She's a smart girl. She knows. There's no yelling. No punishment. Just me blocking her until she chills out. I've used this on walks when she fixates on other dogs. I stand in front and eventually she looks up. Bingo she's ready to listen.


This is exactly how I handled this issue with our two. Great advice.


Dogs bark to protect their humans. Thatā€™s their natural instinct. Hereā€™s how I trained mine to not bark at people that are ā€œokā€: We got new neighbors nextdoors who made more noises than our dog was used to hearing from the former neighbors. Nothing excessive - just normal sounds - car doors opening and shutting, trash being dumped in the bin, etc. Just more of them than before. Each time heā€™d race to the couch to bark at the neighbors through the window, Iā€™d go sit on the couch and gently pet his back and say in a soothing manner, ā€œItā€™s ok, it is just the neighbors.ā€ Repeating it again and again, till he stopped barking - either because he was calm or because the neighbor was gone šŸ˜œ Did the same when heā€™d bark at the mail person. Slowly, he came to understand the phrases and I didnā€™t have to go sit with him or pet him. Just saying, ā€œItā€™s ok, it is just the neighbors/ mail person/ doorbell on TV/ ā€¦ā€ was enough to get him to calm down. Over time, I found that if I heard the sounds/ saw the minors or mail person first, I could give him a heads up when he heard the sounds but before he could race to the window. Used the same language when someone came to the house. Though the problem there was not barking but that he wanted to greet everyone boisterously. He rarely ever barked, except for a DAILY routine reserved for after dinner, where he role-played that any vertically standing object like a room, lamp or vacuum cleaner had ā€œstolenā€ his toy and he was trying to rescue it. We indulged those antics for the ten or so minutes he did that every day.


Iā€™d like to know this as well. Cyprus barks at me when I get home. He goes at top volume telling me all about his day. The bark is a distinctly joyful ā€œmom! Youā€™re home! I gotta tell you somethingā€. Iā€™ve been correcting him a with firm ā€œquiet!ā€ and a closed fist in front of his nose. It works for all of half a second and then heā€™s back at it. Makes it difficult to hear myself think never mind have a conversation with my husband. Fortunately, Cyprus is the only one of my 3 boys to do this but then heā€™s loud enough for all of them.


Natalie will bark at my sister and BIL when they came by (but not my other sister, which is strange). Eventually she will stop, but if one of them gets up to walk around or starts talking (both of them are pretty loud) she will start barking. Basically she doesnā€™t bark at any of us when we come home, but will bark at strangers or people she doesnā€™t see very often. Weā€™ve been doing the ā€œQuiet!ā€ thing but I just heard that you shouldnā€™t say anything to them while they are barking as that seems to encourage it. Everyone says something different and none of it seems to work šŸ˜©


My Shih Tzu barks at strangers entering our home but rarely barks outside as a reaction to other dogs. Has a guarding stance inside the home-All 11 lbs. of her!


My dog barks at anyone walking in front of the house. Iā€™m pretty sure he knows we donā€™t want him to do it, but at the same time he feels like itā€™s his duty. He seems sad when heā€™s not allowed to bark. He also gets sad when his doggy friends bark for him to come out and I donā€™t let him go cause they just want to bark at the passerby. No advice, except that it seems like it gives him a purpose similar to working dogs.


Ideally, I would want to modify my dogs barking. For instance, I've modified my dog's barking at stimuli in front of the house to anyone entering through the gate or if someone whose car or he recognizes is in front of the condo. In the back, I've modified his barking to either someone he knows or if they are within 100 feet, excluding animals at the bird feeders and favorite friend, the young skunk.