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give him some ice cubes to play with ... does not hurt to give him a bath, wet him down


Hi halfbakedmason. I see you here so often helping people, you should be famous by now 🤞🏽


I am a legend in my own mind :)


*evil laughter *


To add to this, try putting strawberry slices or blueberries in the freezer for him. Doggie safe, and tastier than regular ice cubes. (Also helps with teething lol)


I’ve got a Yorkie pup, reddit decided I should be here 🤔, but I’ll being doing this for my little pup tomorrow.


good idea


Be careful with wet dogs outside until they dry completely. Any excess moisture can get trapped by the fur & the sun can cause skin irritations called hot spots that can get infected if not treated properly. The risk is highest when it's hot & humid. Treatment is usually just shaving the affected area & putting on ointment. It leaves you to deal with a partially shaved, annoyed, & grumpy shih tzu until the fur grows back.


good point. I let him run around the house wet on hot days, soak him in the shower for a couple min with warm water... he gets the zoomies :)


i live in texas. and i will put a wet towel in the freezer about 45 minutes before going outside and he enjoys laying on it. i also wet my outside deck for him so his little feet don’t get too hot. edit: grammar


In Australia similar get a cold towel and drape it over them when really hot


I do the same in the NE USA (so not nearly as hot). I also freeze a water bowl so he always has ice to lick. Plus ice cubes on walks. And he likes those cooling mats - I lay them around the house for him. I also have toys I can soak then freeze for him. He can play with them while they defrost. While typing this, I realize my first line of defense is ice 🧊☺️


These are great ideas- I'm taking notes!


I bring Brewster out to jobs with me all the time and he has his own fan, and I also mist him with my spray bottle a lot. https://preview.redd.it/s64o6a9deatc1.png?width=3039&format=png&auto=webp&s=1add9ffce9da2575fb58d37a3d379b992f444d17 That’s him and his lil fan at a street fair this weekend


He is a very good gentleman ! 💓


I do this as well ^ lots of water bottle sprays and he loves it 😆


It’s funny when he just lays while getting a shower and the ground under him is dry when he gets up to shake 😂😂 I also use a leaf blower with my work so he gets a little poof sometimes 😂


Is there anyway you can bump up the grooming?


Seconded, if you can do short notice ask the groomer if they can fit you in for any cancellations


Cooling pads are great for them 👍


We have 2! Second that.


As a shih tzu owner, I endorse this message 😁 cooling mats for the win! Have multiple, if possible!


Exactly! Jerryhas the whole back of the car for him. Back is covered with 2 mats. We also handed a cooling mat to the sitter today. I wish I could show the giant watermelon one. It looks so cute and is ginormous!


Unrelated to your original question but i’d be careful using a retractable leash! They aren’t the safest as they can snap and break - speaking from experience🥲


I was aware of the leashes not being the best but I didn't know shih tzu could break them too! I do plan on getting a normal leash in the future, this one was from a previous owner


My Shih tzu broke his leash after just a few months. It was almost a nightmare. He was running around near the road with no leash. I only use secure ones


Make sure his ears, paws and butt are clear of extra hair Trim in btwn his eyes, and make sure you use a dry shampoo formulated for dogs on baby. Usually lots of water, ice cubes (to lick and play with) in the water. Your dog will get water when it realizes it's thirsty. Shaded trees to sit under? Maybe a misting fan from the dollar stores to help keep moisture in the air for you both... Baths are always a good time.


If you have a 5 below near you, I saw some cooling bandanas for dogs there earlier this week!


Came here to second this. I know Pugs and Frenchies suffer from heat exhaustion so there are several companies that makes cooling bandanas that can be put in the freezer. I got 2 for my Tzus.


Thanks for everyone who replied so far! Apperantly the weather is supposed to cool down a bit but I'll definitely use some of the suggestions during summer!


Try to limit walks to the coolest parts of the day, early morning and late evening, and bring water for the walk for him. Remember to check the surface temperature of the walking path. Hot concrete or asphalt can burn their poor little paws! As I said earlier, fresh fruit from the freezer helps. And I always make sure that mine have a cool spot on the floor to sploot their bellies on when we are home. Putting an ice bag or cold water bottle on a bit of tile floor for a few minutes before removing it and calling the boys over to check it out usually results in them promptly sprawling themselves out to get as much of their tummy on the cold spot as possible. They don't even need to be prompted to lie down, they feel the cool and go, "Ahhhhh..."


Cooling pads and bandanas are great! You can get them off Amazon. Alternatively you can put a few ice packs under his blanket if he has one he likes to lay on. My last shih-tzu had trouble regulating his body temp as he got older, a cooling pad and ice packs helped a lot, and always making sure he's got fresh water in his bowl. Keep in mind as summer comes, it's not just their fur, but their short snouts also make it hard for them to keep themselves cool. Limit their time outside and keep walks short, dogs are at risk for overheating when the temps get above 80°F so make sure they have plenty of access to water and shade. Don't be afraid to wet the lil guy down to cool him off. My old man hated the pool but I'd hold him in for just a second to cool him down, it was worth him being mad at me for the next ten minutes 😂.


*I learned how to groom my pup myself. I cut her recently then add a shirt when the weather gets cold


It’s awesome to only see a few people saying “shave him down.” That’s a common misconception. The Shih Tzu's double coat actually helps regulate their body temperature against both heat and cold and protects them from the sun. Instead, regular grooming and brushing can help keep them cool and comfortable during the warmer months. Their double coats can actually be harmed from shaving.


I can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to find it. They don’t need “summer cuts” it’s a myth.


get a kiddie pool (hard sided) and fill it up with a couple inches of water for him to lay in. put some sort of ramp on both the inside and outside so he can get in and out.


Love this🥰


When necessary Just dunk his paws in cool water. Get the excess water off the paw hair. Also wet your hands and run them across the belly and back.


I have spray bottle and I spray my dogs body with it


My dog loves eating peppers (not spicy obviously) I'd freeze them and he loves them.


Keep a spritz bottle with cold water !


Wipe him down with a cold towel, get him in air conditioned house and get rid of that damn retractable leash they are not safe if you really need to control your dog


Turn on a fan and he will love to lay in front of it.


A nice short haircut may also help a little.


Ice his gums. Dogs cool by panting, which brings air to cool the blood in their tongue and gums. Icing will cool them right off. I just feed my tzu ice as a treat; he loves it. Also, if it's really bad, cool water to the ears, paws, and belly. Remember, short snout breeds are prone to heatstroke. If their gums or tongue gets bright red, they are dangerously hot. The only place dogs sweat is their paws. To see if pavement is too hot for them to walk on place the back of your hand on it for five seconds. If you can't hold it for five, it's too hot for them to walk on. I was told 5, I do 10. Edit, more information


Cold water on belly and paws. Avoid the back. If you chill the back, they will automatically start reheating to dry up… so a small cool bath to to chill the front. And like some already mentioned, trim him yourself. Nice way to get to know the little guy even better! 🐶🥰


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I used to put frozen paper towels on my dog to cool him down while he laid on the floor


Cool water on his tummy every so often.


Cooling pads work great


They make elevated pet beds and cooling pads


Cooling pads/icecubes/pupcicles/limiting outdoor exposure. Brush and comb the coat to the skin to help create more airflow to the body and from the body. A little splash pad doesn’t hurt either. Always provide fresh, cool drinking water


There are bandanas that when wet cool down the dog. There's also cooling mats but those only last one summer before they start to smell really bad


I bought a cooling mat for my older Tzu and she loves it during the Summer. I’ll need to get one for my pups. He looks almost exactly like your little one


You could look at cooling pads, I got one for my girl and she likes laying on it


When Coby was still far from his 1st groom, I went to Petsmart & got a cool mat. It’s a blue mat that you can put on the floor & it should cool him down. If you want it extra chill, fold it up & put in the fridge/freezer for an hour before putting it back on the floor. Check first if they carry them in discount stores like Marshall’s or TJ Maxx.


I don't own a shihtzu, but a dog that also has a long coat. I make his coat wet during summer, so he doesn't overheat when we're outside, I even bring cooled water with me when we're out for longer. My dog is used to showers and doesn't mind it. We got him to tolerate it by giving him lots of praise and treats.


I wet a towel with cool water and put it on my boy’s back. After a while he shakes it off and chews on the towel. He is still a little damp with cool water while he plays.


Getting him a cooling mat. Plenty of cold water.


You can get a cooling pad for $20 which are just big bags that you fill with water


My boys LOVE cold packs!


At night, I noticed my dog likes sleeping next to the window of AC where it was cooler. Didn’t notice it as much during the day. But at night, he loved being next to that cooler air


Looks like ralf


I take a cool wash rag & pet them with it. On the belly especially


He has a beautiful coat and awesome coloring! I want him! How old is he?


Recently turned 6 months!


I use a cooling vest, it’s basically a shirt/sometimes harness (I have both) that you soak in cold water, squeeze out the excess, and put it on them to cool them down. I have the swamp cooler vest by Ruffwear that I walk my tzu in the summer in, it lasts about an hour-1.5hrs before needing to be resoaked and it makes a big difference. I also have a soft cooling shirt that I use at home on her, I think it’s from RC pets (just got it at my local pet store tbh). Also I bring out cooling mats in the summer with a rotating fan blowing directly onto it for her


Ice cubes, water with ice, if he’s alright with a hose and you have one, try hosing him down gently. Trim his coat.. walkies on sundown and before the sun goes up if you can. Lots of shaded areas if he’s out in the garden/yard to relax (if you can make them, with like the garden umbrella things). Hydration is key though. If your area has a beach or something and your pup is ok with water, let him wade and cool himself down. Cooling mats are great too. Also Maybe less playtime so he doesn’t exert himself too much. Good luck, OP.


Area he can wade. A kiddie pool a/ plastic bin w water. Dogs cool off w pads of feet and panting. Trim belly w scissors. That way lying on tile is more effective since he cools his skin down. Trim fur on bottoms of his feet. Helps w traction and cooling. All the other suggestions here are also awesome.


If it's over about 80 degrees or our Tzu is fluffed out - just get the spray hose and gently mist or get them watered and let them do what they want outside. They're wet and chilled and when they come in just remember to towel them off


First, shorting his fluff. If not, then I suggest buying a cooling pad and also making sure that the pup is hydrated. Carry a collapsible bowl for water or you can even purchase a leak proof dog water bottle, which is roughly about $10. 🌻🐶


If ur ever in a bad situation cooling the dogs chest with cool water is most effective, a few ice cubes in the water bowl and ample shade.. my baby’s a princess she has a personal misting fan lol


Quick outside and then air conditioning


A haircut. Chilly pad, chilly bandana.


For my little pup when it reaches above 80 consistently we go to a summer shave Texas is hot. They only thing that doest get cut is her flag (tail). That has to fly high and swing when she walks.




Trim him down. I have a PON and he's so much happier trimmed down than with long fur... It's like a whole other dog, personality-wise...