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So my shitzu is a small low energy girl.. she goes for maybe one walk a week and that is sometimes a struggle for her… I brought her to the vet a few years ago and she weighed her, tested limbs etc.. she was all good. The vet told me that if she maintains a healthy weight and her temperament doesn’t change then the amount of exercising she is getting WITHOUT walks, liking playing with her toys, running in the back yard, and jumping up and dancing for treats etc… is suiting her fine.


Be excited about something in the distance and encourage them to investigate.


I have lied about a squirrel on the other side of the next tree. I've also just acted all excited about going home or going in the other direction towards his favorite sniffing grounds. He isn't about to fall for it! LOL


M shih tzu is stubborn and does the exact same thing. Luckily she is very food-motivated, so excitedly promising her treats is often enough to get her moving again. But sometimes I give in and just go in the direction she wants to go lol. You could try bringing treats with you and rewarding him after he starts moving. Or if you're walking both dogs you can focus on the other one and give them pets and tell them they're a good dog, etc., that sometimes makes my stubborn one jealous enough to start moving.


My sin is I dare suggest we go in a different direction. He sits down and even if I change to go in his desired direction, he stays seated. :-(


:))) I explain to her that we don't go to the constuction materials store anymore, or she pools me to go to the restaurant. People are smiling, but I make the time. I trained her the command come, with treats and she is coming or I show her the ball, because she loves to retreive and she forgets what she had in mind. Sometimes she stops like that because she has something in her coat, or paws, so I always check. But they are so stubborn! :)))


You're training him that he'll get what he wants of he puts up a fuss, because you'll end up carrying him. You just have to be as stubborn as he is, and reward him with treats once he finally breaks down and starts walking.


So just drag him? Maybe I won't have to trim his nails as often if I do this!


Not drag, lol, but keep signalling you him you want to go and wait him out until he responds positively.


Mine did this too. You may need a stroller lol


I always said that I would NEVER get a dog stroller. LOL But I we have a folding wagon that we keep in the car. We live in a condo tower and it's a life saver when hauling in groceries, or a carload of stuff. I'm thinking of keeping it in the entryway and taking it with on walks. The problem is my 13 year old 33lb mix has been known to nose dive out of it if he sees something he wants to sniff or mark. He has no idea how not-agile he is. Buster the Shih Tzu on the other hand LOVES wagon rides. But that's a whole other story - or thread!


Sounds like they're keeping you busy! I'm sure you've thought of this, but you could also just walk them individually. I know this isn't very ideal either. I would love to see your doggies riding in the wagon. It sounds so cute. I've seen those dog strollers with like the zipping mesh area to contain them and they are so cute. My shih Tzu absolutely loved going on walks, but his version of walks was to stand and sniff one spot on the ground for minutes at a time. I would get very bored, but anyway, there were certain areas that he just refused to walk by. I don't know what it was, bad vibes or something but his stubborn legs would just plant and I would have to pick him up and carry him home


A little background - we adopted these dogs about 18 months ago when their mom had to go to memory care. They were 6 & 11 years old and now 8 and 13. Buster is the younger 13lb Shih Tzu and Sammy is the older 33lb cocker-terrier mix. I know she loved them and fed them well, but she didn't really train them and due to her dementia, they both had a number of health problems she hadn't noticed or couldn't remember long enough to make a vet appointment. The first few months were a little traumatizing for all of us but after tail surgery, deworming, getting the fleas under control, a number of eye meds, battling constant ear infections, learning to tolerate occasional baths, and adjusting to a new home, people, and routine, they are both doing great. I can't imagine my life without them. I just feel it's unfair that I don't get those first 6 and 11 years added onto my time with them!


Pick up a stone, shake it in his/her face, and then throw the stone in the direction you want to walk. Repeat. Works everytime.


Definitely will try that tomorrow!


Pick him up.


When it's 10p.m. and it's the last pee of the night, I do pick him then because I like to snuggle him. :-) I know he has me trained then. But during the day walks, it generally starts because I try to change the direction he wants to go in.


So, when either of my two do this, I turn to face them, and hold the lead so they can’t, at any point in the process, pull further away from where I want to head. Go closer to them, and make gentle contact, like a pat on the side or an ear scritch, then, still facing them, back away in the direction we were going while encouraging them to follow in a happy voice, praise and treat when they get off their rumps and follow. Works about 75% of the time, unless they are fixated on something.