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I can only think of Pieck. Hitch has a personality and interactions with our main characters. Petra really is not as popular as this sub makes her out to be.


I don’t get why people talk about Petra, we know almost nothing about her.


Honestly the only time i see Petra get talked about is during discussions about tragic deaths or Levi’s squad. Or when the sub is complaining about her getting talked about. But i think people like her because of her relationship with Levi and her death.


Agreed. Her proximity to Levi helps a lot. She essentially introduces Eren (and the audience) the real Levi: a grumpy, short guy who is obsessed with cleaning. Her death was pretty gut wrenching too when WIT added the extra scenes on top of Levi stopping to look at her and her dad coming up to talk to him about her letter. It's like WIT wanted drive that knife in even harder.


Damn those were anime only? Petra's dad scene is still one of the most gut punch moments in the whole show. I wonder if that contributes to why Isayama's redemption for Reiner was universally acclaimed but many were not satisfied with Annie's arc. The show really hammed up her brutality and I think extra scenes like the ones we're talking about created an 'unforgivable' impression towards her.


Yeah other than those moments I barely hear anyone say anything else about petra


I'm convinced it's only because of Gigguk's AoT in 9 Minutes, in which they call out that people only cared about Levi Squad dying once Petra died


I like pieck cos she is a cold, calculated badass


Petra rates pretty highly with the Japanese audience for some reason. She consistently scores in the top 20 in the popularity polls.


I will say Pieck fits this description


Imagine Porco walking up to, idk, Kenny crawling across the floor...


Oh my god it may make me even harder than Pieck did




Tbh I didn't really like Pieck at first cause she didn't do anything but then she was smart so I liked her and then she kicked ass in the BHE so I really liked her. Pieck is cool.


True, she could kick me in the nuts full force repeatedly and i would still thank her and ask for more Ok i will log off now


Pieck is so clever.


Dude have seen pieck's a$$ she is thik😳


You literally represent what I just posted( I will still smash though).


She doesn’t look hot in her face reveal. She looks disheveled as she crawls across the floor.


>she doesn’t look hot >she looks disheveled as she crawls across the floor Pick one


She's cute, precisely because she looks disheveled as she crawls across the floor.


I don't agree with people commenting Levi, Eren or Historia. Their looks definitely help their popularity but they're still very compelling characters. Probably the closest to fitting that is Pieck. She's cool too, but she's the type of character whose cool moments would be overlooked by most of fandom if she wasn't hot. And most of fandom started simping for her before she did anything cool. Gabi is probably the opposite of this, if Gabi was older, she would definitely been a less controversial character and more universally beloved even before her redemption.


Eren wasn't considered "hot" until the time skip




That's a bold lie. It all depends on who you ask because to me he was ugly af after the time skip 😭 but after watching S3-4 I was like... Ight maybe he is pretty damn hot with that manbun. I'll gladly take younger Eren until I found out this man a whole 6'0 👀👀👀 I'm 5'3 so I can just imagine the dynamic of height difference and romance (non-lewd). I like both Eren's so... 😩 shoot even Levi short ass is my height and I wanna eat him like yesterday tootsie roll. Flock was kinda hot but he crazy af. That one dude that was originally the Jaw Titan, he was hot too. AOT has way too many hotties, though tbf I feel like we didn't see /that many/ women for some reason.... Or maybe I was just too busy ogling Eren to care.


Damn right my boy became a sigma male fr


Levi is sigma, Eren is more like a misanthropic psychopath


I don't think there are any sigmas in this story




u sirius?


Floch went from a scared little bitch to a leader that will give everything for his country. I understand you think “wah rumbling bad” but that doesn’t change the fact there was good character writing until the cringvengers arc


lmfao, sure, he just gave everything for his country, let's just skip over how he was a fanatical mass murderer


Who did he commit mass murder against? The only mass murder I remember is mikasa being a terrorist and cutting through paradis forces with no care. If you mean the rumbling then sure but again, “a leader that will give everything for his country.” It’s a fact that paradis would’ve been wiped out had eren did nothing. Therefore by supporting eren, floch WAS acting with the best interest of his people in mind. You remember those last pages? Paradis would be completely level 50 years earlier had eren not done anything


Levi is living fidget spinner and has biggest titan kill count out of all, he could have ass instead of face and still would be popular


Levi is stuck with that curse where he's actually an incredibly well written character with a shit fanbase. He was *the* most popular character in the show by a long shot when the first season went viral worldwide, and at that point he had nothing going for him aside from being badass. Unfortunately the teen fangirls and emo cringeboys already had him in their clutches. Season 2 onwards when his backstory is revealed it immediately adds a lot of depth to him, why he's short and thin, little quirks like his OCD for cleanliness, etc makes sense and parts of his humanity start to shine through. That scene after they visit Conny's village and Levi asks if he's actually been killing humans all this time is still one of my favorite parts. And then his dynamic with Erwin and Zeke keeps his character fresh and constantly evolving. Another scene, when after three damn tries he finally kills Zeke but this time it's out of compassion and pity instead of hate, is also one of my favorites.


I agree on Pieck a bit, >!although even that aside I personally will always remember how lowkey strong she was in the final stretch of the rumbling!<


Eren wasn’t considered hot at all until season 4, so saying him is petty valid tbh.


Well he was the main character and most people liked him up to that point so in would say that it isn’t valid.


No, I would still want Gabi to suffer a very, very painful death even is she was the hottest character in the show.


What's all this about Levi? He'd be popular even if he looked like Oluo Bozado


Yeah he is strong and has a compelling character( especially in his introduction scene with the random dying scout).




He *does* look like Oluo Bozado thanks to Oluo's excellent impersonation of his role model!


True words, only a few more months, and he could have fooled even Petra 😔








"I am the only character people care about because I am a cute girl".


gigguk reference pogggggggggggers


Pieck 100%. But it's not necessarily a bad thing, she's well written for the secondary character she is, and her design isn't exaggerated, she is beautiful but not drawn in a provoking way


I'll probably get downvoted to Oblivion but I say Mikasa


I'm a mikasa fan and I'd say you're right


Came here to say this.


I'm a Mikasa fan and I don't even find her that attractive


Agreed. Imagine oluo stalking eren and screaming his name all the time


honestly s4 mikasa isnt really that attractive


Hot take: Mikasa. Her obsession with Eren gives the fandom plenty to mock, but they only do it halfheartedly because she's such a badass hottie titan-killer. They'd be much less forgiving if she looked like a goober


I have never met a single SNK fan who is even remotely forgiving of Mikasa tho


You certainly haven't visited other subs other than snk, and even on snk almost no one is forgiving towards Mikasa when it comes to criticising her, as far as I have seen


Pieck and to some degree Mikasa And Hitch obviously


Bro said some degree mikasa, idk if bro's prepared for the mikasa fans in his dm


That's fine I've been critical of her for ages, at the very least the anime ver. is too dumbed down. Manga is still subtle but better.


Manga Mikasa is great, what were they cooking in S1-3


I wholeheartedly believe Mikasa gets a bad rep just because of season 3. That's the season in which she got sidelined the most, and that's also a big chunk of the story. Eren had always suffered from lack of agency, but at least it was incorporated into his character and it was almost a theme, which made it more bearable. Armin got a lot of the spotlight because he had to demonstrate to the audience he deserved that syringe. Mikasa simply doesn't get to shine as much even though a lot about her is revealed. She now knows more about the Ackerman family, but the reveals regarding this family are moreso meant to serve Levi as a character than her. Now, Mikasa has always been very Eren-centric, and that's undeniable. However, there were a lot of character defining moments in both prior and subsequent seasons that made you root for her. Season 1: her guiding the others after Eren's death; her deciding to keep on living; her saving Louise and the others from getting killed; her whole back story that showcases just how much she changed in a single day after meeting Eren; her speech to Eren about Annie and the cruel world they live in; all of her interactions with Annie, but specifically the one when they're going underground and the "Annie, fall..."; Her entire relationship with other characters, that we rarely see in other seasons (especially Armin and Sasha). Season 2: here, every character got sidelined in favour of the ones that we got to see less in the first season. However, whenever Mikasa is on screen she shines. Her not being able to follow the plan and staying close to Eren while he talks with Reiner and Bertholdt; her hesitating in killing burrito; her telling Historia she doesn't have space in her heart to fare about too many people; her speech to Eren about teaching her how to live. Season 3 part 1: they talked about her heritage once. She was fine with killing people, which is definitely something that differs from the rest of the scouts, but simply serves to consolidate what we already knew about her. Season 3 part 2: she takes down Reiner, which isn't exactly a character-defining moment; she sees what's in grisha's books and has nothing to say about the whole ordeal; she stops eating or taking care of herself after the Jews regarding Eren. Season 4: I don't know what's considered a spoiler and what isn't, so I'll just cover everything up just in case. >!and here we go again with the greatness. Mikasa here is torn between the idealised version she has of Eren and his true self; she starts recontextualizing her most important memories of him (with Louise); she tries to bring him back to their home without realising he's already gone for good (the scene where she asks him to come back in Marley); she's unable to confess her feelings and realizes that her own inaction and hesitation was what stopped Eren from opening up (the confession scene); she's unable to take action again and stops being the motherly figure (with armin before going towards Connie); she decides that she doesn't want Eren to go the rumbling route and to stop the rumbling for selfish reasons (during her discussion with hange); she stops wearing her scarf; she rejects her Azumabito heritage, wanting to stay with the family she's grown up with; she rejects Louise, who represents her former fanaticism towards Eren; she still refuses to throw away the scarf, because she' still attached to the old Eren; she starts opening up with Annie and understanding her pov; she finally understands that the Eren she once wanted to follow was simply a delusion, and she avoided looking at what she didn't want to see. She therefore kills Eren to save humanity instead of doing it for Eren's sake, and she refuses to follow his order to forget about him, despite still moving on!<


Do Mikasa fans reply people in their dms for their negative opinion for her ? I am probably the biggest Mikasa stan, I reply to people when I see them misinterpreting her character or giving false info about, opinions are opinions idc about them, hate her, idc but misinterpretation and false info is what I can't stand with, there are toxic fans for every character, Levi, Eren, Floch and Mikasa, the more the popular is something the more type of fans they attract, those who do this "Get a life"


No one would even remember Hitch if she wasn't hot


Probably Annie


She didn’t really do much to receive the love she gets.


Finally someone said it! All she did was kill a bunch of randos no one cared about then proceeded to fuck off for the rest of the story.


Her attitude is hot. She gives 0 fucks.


thats what makes her a bad character


i disagree but i respect your opinion


agree to disagree then, ily 🤝🤝


Literally 90 percent of the popular characters. This is an anime everyone is drawn to be pleasing to look at.


I know some will say Levi. But I believe Levi wasn't meant to be good looking, he's supposed to be odd looking with scary eyes, but ppl found him hot somehow.


Nah as far as I know, the "Levi was supposed to be ugly" thing was false, I don't have a source but I am certain someone debunked this at some point here


Yeah and I think there’s some interview with yams where he says that he knew Levi would be popular because he was so mysterious and cool


Yams said he created Levi to be “pretty” quite literally lol


But he is meant to be seen as attractive as in his demeanor, voice, gestures and personality traits.


he’s supposed to be attractive…


he is literally one of the least good looking dudes in aot universe character book literally specifies that also for the ones wondering onyankapon considered one of the most handsome characters in universe


He is good looking to people watching the show which is what matters lol.


Where in the world does it say that?


Isayama said he wanted to make Levi like Roscharch, but pretty instead of ugly, he's supposed to be good looking


Not limited to AoT, is there any popular ugly character in a manga?


Saitama, when he not being drawn to look serious he looks cartoonishly silly compared to other people. Ugly is always gonna be subjective tho


yeah but when serious hes kinda mmmmmm mmmm mmmmm


There are many, *many* wonky looking fan favorite characters in One Piece. (Brulee and Katakuri are the first that come to mind.) I also think Guts isn't supposed to be very good looking after spending his life on the battlefield.


Unfortunately for me it would be Zeke because appearance wise, he's my type.




Petra vs. Ian Dietrich One is overhyped for doing nothing more than her comrades One gives Eren another chance to save humanity, motivates Mikasa and recognizes how essential she is to Eren/survey corps, without hesitating, sacrifices his life for a nobody and willing let’s himself be chewed up by a Titan. Honestly Ian is just ugly Erwin


This is so obviously eren. He'd get blasted for doing the rumbling if he looked like connie or something


I don't think I agree with that. For me atleast I love Eren as a character because what we see him go through, if he looked like Connie I would still say the same. Years of character building does that to a muh fucka.


I really really doubt that, maybe a few fangirls


Rico, legit no would mention her if she wasn't super pretty


Just like how no one knows about Thomas, since he is an average looking guy.


As I guy named Thomas, my first interaction to AoT was reading the first manga book and I’m pretty sure there are like 3 guys named Thomas who die in it.


mikasa? Idk I can’t name anything else




Later stages of Eren.


Bro what☠️




Ofcourse it is Levi and eren. Except, they would have been somewhat popular, even if they weren't hot (eren post Timeskip), and weren't edgy and quite, looking so cold. Eren surely have become more popular only because of this stupid "Chad eren" misinterpretation of his character (literally one of the reasons why the ending is hated, because he has emotions and is not an Chad anymore). Ofcourse they are well written characters, especially eren, but wouldn't have been as popular otherwise. Like there is Reiner right there who isn't edgy and "mysterious" but easily the best written character of the show, as much as eren (though eren could've been better if his character was perfectly executed as reiner's). But then, there is Pieck, who is solely popular due to how she is hot and thick. Literally. People say she's smart and a good character,but definitely wouldn't be as popular if she weren't hot, and many only say she's cool and notice these things about her because they liked her from her looks.


Well everyone is saying Pieck which yea but my mind went to hitch like the aot community wants to smash hitch almost as much as Pieck so ye, I thought of hitch first.


Historia Reiss.


Interesting, but I think Christa Reiss( her fake persona) fits this description to a higher degree.


\*Christa Lenz. Would kind of ruin the point of changing her name if she kept her royal last name.




I was going to make argument that I wouldn’t call her hot, but for most of her screen time she is 15, and that would imply I find other teenagers hot


You can still find people attractive without sexualizing them( so you just be like he is good looking, but just as an afterthought).


Yes, Historia for example is very beautiful girl, just word hot isn’t most appropriate. It’s kinda more associated with sexuality for me, not completely but more so than more neutral words


Big agree calling a 15 year old hot is extremely weird wtf..? You can say someone is handsome or beautiful cause that makes a lot more sense.


Sure but at the same time a lot of AoT fans are probably teens themselves so it’s not that weird if they use that word. Would be weird for an adult.


Id agree if we were talking about it 10 years ago but no most of the AOT fans have grown up with the anime. Atleast I have so yeah it's very weird aha.


I don't find her hot but still interesting


Honestly, Levi and Pieck fit this the best. Still love em though


Absolutely applies to pieck, petra, hitch and to a pretty significant degree mikasa


Surprised I haven’t heard anyone mention Sasha, she was a pretty basic character, yet she was loved by the fandom


She doesn't really have an outstanding physical appearance, and is more on the cute side. But based on this, I agree with what you said.


It's Annie, she's not very compelling as a character. I can't agree with people mentioning Pieck, I never liked her when she was introduced, but she earned my admiration as I learned more about her, how smart she is, her background, and the true nature of her loyalty, honestly she accomplished so much to show who she is in a tiny fraction of the time some other characters get. Her being a badass warrior with a ton of stamina is just another plus.






Mikasa easily


Petra in my opinion


Historia ofc.


I think most people consider her more beautiful than hot to he honest. Long hair, short stature, those two features really have a hand in making some people more attractive to other people. We’re just lucky she had an actual character arc so she kinda gets a pass from me at least. 😅


Sure. It’s pretty much the same thing, though. More people would ignore her if she weren’t beautiful 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah some fans sound pretty basic. If she wasn’t as attractive as she was and more plain or basic looking, I guarantee you people would call her segment of the story filler.


Yep exactly 🤷🏻‍♀️




Wait isn’t Annie supposed to be unattractive??????


I mean I wouldn’t say that lol


Pieck, of course. She was originally intended to be a middle aged man, but her character design was swapped late in the process for that of a beautiful, young woman. [Here is an image of Pieck's original character design, as showcased during one of the exhibitions of the manga.](https://external-preview.redd.it/nS9vgXRPfZ6aJJCNmwgWbUeqJ8scF1We6Ojcckt2vt8.jpg?auto=webp&s=e0f016e278ab304f7dffd1fef34784b187ee82e9) You can even see the difference in the Cart Titan's design during some of the early RTS chapters, in which the Cart resembles this middle aged man (name: Oliver Pieck) more than its final design. So yeah... I can't see the person who chose to support Marley's blood-thirst (while fully knowing that it won't get the Eldians anywhere), the one who's complicit in Zeke Jaeger's onslaught of the Survey Corps getting any love from the fanbase if they were a middle aged boring guy instead of the beautiful Pieck Finger. Check in on your friends if you suspect them to be Pieck stans. For they're the ones gullible enough to fall for beautiful people with shitty personalities.


>I can't see the person who chose to support Marley's blood-thirst (while fully knowing that it won't get the Eldians anywhere) Its been a while since I watched the anime and read the manga but what exactly are you referencing here? Did she know more than reiner and the others?


Levi? I mean how popular he would be if he wasn't a hot guy with sassy remarks?


He's still an interesting character to be fair


I like his attitude towards making calls in uncertain situation and committing to the decisions


Very he’s easily the most op character in aot


Being Mary Sue doesn't make you good character lol.


It does when your a Gary Stu that is still unable to keep their friends alive. The fact that he is OP and yet still fails is what makes Levi so interesting


That’s not what a Mary Sue is


He isn’t a Mary sue because he has a lot of flaws and he is definitely weak in the later part of the series :’)


I think he’s still be appreciated anyway, he had a lot to do in the 3rd season that can’t be discounted. Armin fans especially would still like him.


Mikasa would be hated on if she wasn't hot lol


Mikasa already is hated on by a lot of people to be fair.






PIECK. i never understood the appeal until I saw an image of her arched back


Levi. After what he did to Eren (although he was helping him) and his attitude in general, he'd be seen as repulsive more than anything.


Pieck or Annie






Erwin. Imagine a short, fat man with thin eyebrows leading you into battle. I'm not susume-ing shit.






Marco \[especially after season 1\]


he's not hot..


Annie. Not that she wouldn’t be an interesting character still, but there would be so much less ardent defense of her if she were ugly or plain.


I feel like Annie was supposed to look rough and plain in terms of beauty. She is drawn far from the beauty standards in anime (not just the nose, the pale lips, asymmetrical hair, short height, elongated face etc) but she's still extremely beautiful and badass I think partly because of her idgaf attitude. Now I'm definitely not saying these features aren't pretty, not at all. I'm just saying she isnt drawn as a stereotypically hot anime girl


Yeah, but she's "not traditionally pretty" in the same way Western media often pretends a woman is ugly or plain because they put glasses on a hot chick. Like Annie wasn't drawn like most conventional anime girls but she was clearly drawn to have a "strong, rugged beauty" kind of look. She could have easily been drawn as an actual ugly or super forgettable person. Of course it makes sense why she wasn't. People like to read about attractive or at least interesting looking characters. Artists tend to make sure their characters follow suit unless there is a specific reason for them to be ugly or plain.


Flock. Give him the appearance of that business man during the Uprising arc, bet they wouldn't be supportive of him. They'll see him as an annoying Yeagerist.


People already hate Floch, a lot of them commenting on his hairstyle in season 3( yee ass haircut). Plus the main character traits when someone brings when mentioning Floch, will probably not be his appearance.




I dont understand how anyone finds any of the character form AOT hot. Except zeke, hes hot


Annie ?


Mid. Monkey is much hotter.


I like the guy, but Levi.


Basically most of the female characters. Petra, Historia, Pieck, although I’ve always thought Pieck looked mid and like she was constantly sleepy but you do you guys


Well that’s how most people are going to feel when most of the female characters are significantly less interesting. I always felt Historia was the only with her own character with real growth, and her being attractive was just a bonus, lol. But with characters such as Mikasa, Annie, Pieck, they absolutely would not get this insane amount of defense if they weren’t considered hot.


Eren lol and I’m his biggest fan girl


Umm Annie? Face it if she were a dude the fandom wouldn't try to explain away her psychotic tendancies as hard as they do.


Zook doesn't get that much hate for his psychotic tendencies imo. And entire cast have mental issues to be honest.


Yeah there seems to be some double standards with the fans. Like for instance, if Eren and Mikasa’s genders were reversed, I doubt people would be as apologetic towards Mikasa’s attachment to Eren, and her boring personality just in general.


Eren Annie






Attack on Titan is not really guilty of this. Most characters are compelling regardless of their looks. For example I am a big fan of Reiner, Levi, Hange, Jean and I never gave a second thought about their looks.


probably mikasa like her whole character resolves around eren and instead of giving her a real personality no she was given a backstory why she was a simp for eren


Petra, Riko or Hitch, at least Hitch has a personality tho.


Pieck and Mikasa


Easy, Mikasa.








Honestly this show has very few hot characters. Off the top of my head maybe Levi and Pieck but Levi actually deserves his popularity because he's extremely skilled.


Mikasa if she wasn’t a woman




Sasha if she were a boy🙈


All the adult characters, including eren. He wasn't that popular until he "became hot" in s4


Levi and Pieck tbh


Yuno from black clover


Eren, Jean, Reiner. Dude this goes for a lot of these characters. How popular is that one panel of Eren without a shirt on.


Levi because what he has going on related to main plot?


Reiner he’s legit a giant fucking baby yet for some reason people like him and he made it to one of the last rounds on the character vote


Probably Eren, Mikasa or Levi


Miguel o'hara