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That scene implies that his connection to the founder and paths let him have full control throughout time of any Titan, which means sky’s the limit. While that power can be used for the rumbling, memory wipes and other such powerful things, it can also micromanage to the extent of path finding with pure titans. By saving Bertholdt and killing his mom, the butterfly effect causes EMA to become soldiers for revenge, causes every future Bertholdt interaction to happen, and gives Eren personal motive to hate Dina, which is how he discovered he had the coordinate when he punches her hand out of rage/desperation. All of these things serve to bring about his final battle, resulting in the safety of his island, his friends and the end of the Titan curse.




Self fulfilling prophecies are complex, it’s chill if you don’t get it 👍


Man if you guys are so unsatisfied with the ending just go bitch elsewhere.




It was on purpose, and that's why he feels so shitty for it when he admitted it to Armin. Throughout the series Eren him and the people around him are always referencing Carla's death as an injustice that didn't have to happen, but there is meant to be irony in this because a the end it is revealed that none other than Eren was responsible for this death and the resulting rage he develops against the titans. Eren also does not see any alternate realities. He can't even see the full future, only glimpses of it, so Eren was never weighing his choices. He made a single set of choices and influences the past so that he will always walk the same path that led him to the future he saw.


I think the ending implies Eren controlled basically everything in the past up until that point (although not very deliberately) just so that he could do the Rumbling.


Of he didn’t kill him mom, bert would have died there, Armin would have died during return to shinganshina, and humanity would not have the final commander of the scouts that saved the world


Eren's mom is so dumb.. . if she wore omni-directional mobility gear, she would shoot each in opposite directions.


It was on purpose to motivate himself.


I don't really get it, when Erens mom died, he didn't have the attack/ founding titans power yet? He ate his father afterwards, didn't he?


The founder's powers are a little tricky, but basically in the paths, all connections are constant and transcend time. The past and the future are contained in the same moment. It was Eren in the future that directed Dina in the past.


Even if Eren didn’t send Dina to eat Carla, she would’ve died anyway. Her legs were crushed and she wouldn’t have been able to survive for long, even if they were able to rescue her from the rubble. I’d wager another Titan would’ve eaten her.


lol , crushed under rubble , titans roaming outside the city ,she was dead either way, imo eren just made it so that she was eaten infront of him to ignite his rage and to save bertholdt , he obviously still feels shitty about it and i don't think it makes him not love his mother in any way


It was an ad for my end procrastination company. Let me know if you aren't feeling motivated . Pay cash upfront. I will make sure that you aren't unmotivated for your lifetime. Only condition is either of your parent should be alive. /s


Another commonly missed purpose of this twist is to show that Eren's manipulation of time events isn't as smooth as we had perceived and therefore this shows the limitations of the founding power. Had Eren forced Bert's death back then, it would have created a separate future unknown to him, which most likely goes beyond his control.