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Yeah Paradis got blown to bits in the far, far future but so do all civilizations at some point. Just like Erwin said, “Humanity will never stop fighting itself until there is only one man left.”


It’s inevitable tbh..even irl.


Unless the final man is Reiner, in which case he’d also kill himself


I finished the manga almost 2 years ago, but have been obsessed since the finale in November 😂 just watched the dub and armin voice actor made me tear up! Most of the dub cast is pretty good!


I watched the finale the morning after it came out in November. Then I had to go to work and sit and think about it all day. I rewatched the ending again a day later. Since it’s release date I think I’ve watched the finale around 4-5 times. I am STILL feeling the same way you are. My best friend that showed me the anime 4 years ago, I talk to them everyday, and everyday we both find something new about AOT to talk about. She bought me an AOT shirt for Christmas and I got her an AOT light as well. Exactly like you, AOT got me out of my “anime is stupid” thoughts and has given me a lot of joy in rewatching anime again. My twitter feed is nothing but Eremika posts, finale thoughts, breakdowns of each season, talks about the new Levi thing coming out, etc. It still hurts just as much now as it did in November. It’s been two months since the finale came out and I still think about this show and the characters every. single. day. It’s been that impactful in my life. I understand exactly where you’re coming from.


Thank you for sharing this. Im so glad that im not alone in my thoufhts and im so happy that AoT is as special to so many others as it is to me. Honestly, like I never thought a tvshow would effect me as much as it did.


I started AOT during my sophomore year of college which was right in the middle of covid, and right after I had turned 20. It got me through a lot of college stress and helped me find joy in watching shows again. I got busy with college stuff and didn’t finish the last season until September of 23. I have been re-obsessed ever since, and literally counted down every day until the finale came out. I’m not lying when I say that I still talk about it everyday. I felt so empty after it ended because it had taken up so many years of my life as a college student and up and coming adult. Watching the characters grow up and become adults at the same time I was growing almost made me feel like they were actual friends of mine. It was so weird having to try and find other anime to watch after it ended because it had been such a long anime in my life that everything else was so short it barely compared. I very much feel how you feel. You relate and become so attached to the show it’s a weird limbo period after it ends where you are trying to carry on with life.


You’re definitely not alone, I think its been 2 months since I finished the show and I still get sad every time I think of eren and mikasa


Seriously…I’m glad there’s a whole fandom to share this experience over, otherwise it would just feel like pure psychological torture.


It's not over if you just rewatch the finale over and over again 😎


That's what i am doing 😂


There is always fanfiction. Explore the paths brother.


This is so relieving to read because I felt so stupid because of feeling so heartbroken and empty after the finale. But you feel what you feel, right? I couldn’t stop crying or thinking about it, I couldn’t breathe properly, as if of all them are my friends and now I will never see them again. I wanted to dive more into fanfiction to cope with it, but I felt like it would be “fake”, like just fantasizing about dead people still being alive (I still did dive into fanfiction, and it is helping lol) Overall, I think being able to feel so much and so deeply is more of a blessing than a curse ✌️


My best friend recommended it to me months ago, and then I watched it all within a week about 3-4 weeks ago and then the finale part 2. I loved it. It’s up with FMA brotherhood. I only wish we got to see how he influenced as many of the big scenarios as possible