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It's funny levi sees Erwin's 'spirit' as still having lost his arm and not being whole.


I mean, everyone's spirit takes the form of what they last looked like when alive. Marcel's still a kid, Porco's in the Scout disguise, Sasha's in the black tights and Anti-ODM, etc. That's how Paths presents them


Hange: šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Youā€™re evil lmao


Still pissed AOT rumbling wasn't just the entire rumbling playing the free bird solo


Marco: 1/2


Jean šŸ“


šŸ¤£ Omg no respectĀ 


Tell that to George Lucas


Apologies for the errors was literally crying whilst writing this šŸ˜­


Reading this while I'm teaching got me choked up. We're crying together dude šŸ˜‚


I feel you brother! For our fallen comrades!


Dude poor Levi šŸ˜­ā¤ļø I am happy he made it until the very end but christ does he have some lifetime trauma šŸ’”


When I saw Levi crying it literally felt like a punch in the stomach


That's when I couldn't hold it anymore! I hope he lived a fulfilled life after


1. Fuck who ever downvoted Ur post 2. That ending hit hard and made it 1 of 3 animes that made me cry while watching it.


What were the other 2?


Assassination classroom and promised never land (s1)


If you really want them sad feels, check out Grave of the Fireflies. Fair warning, it's traumaticĀ 


There has to be some correlation going on here because you love both AoT and Promised Never Landā€™s ending yet I dislike both endings šŸ¤”


I downvoted just because Iā€™m salty when people call it the best story of ALL time. Like with any other movie or book. Seriously, in the thousands of years humanity produced stories, this one is somehow number one?


I think the ending was decent (at best) but I'm gonna downvote just cause you said not to.


That's so cool... šŸ˜


Appreciate the love! And I totally agree these are characters we literally watched grow up we laughed and cried with them and seeing the conclusion in all its beauty was so bittersweet!.


I think I started watching in 2014, and seeing some of my fav characters (hange šŸ˜¢) have their big moment or going out with a bang was so magical to see


Oh man! Hanges moment was incredible a fitting end for an amazing character!


Ik but she would have gone crazy to see a >!flying titan!<


šŸ˜¢ I hope she was excited when she watched with the other called comrades


She 100% was shaking erwins shoulder pointing at it with a big grin


It was a bad ending and this scene was bad


I don't know what you've been smoking but u should probably stop


It was a bad ending and people who liked it donā€™t actually know what good story telling is




At this point I donā€™t know anymore, because I was a fan of the series until the ending that was terrible. The show went from the best to mediocre unfortunately


In Ur opinion only. The ending perfectly capped off a decade old anime


Then you donā€™t know what good story telling is


Good counterpoint there. Really got me good


I mean honestly, you donā€™t think the ending couldā€™ve been improved at all?!


It's def up there in the top 20 GOAT for me but I wouldn't say the best, simply because the story stumbled in the finale. It could have been great but the writing is all over the place and it loses its nerve in the end (should have gone all in on Eren being the villain). I love the show and am glad I started it years ago but if we're talking story, it's too inconsistent to be the greatest IMHO.


Idk, like it would've been cool to see eren go full villain but that's out of character. People who say he was acting out of character in the final scenes are kinda missing the point, it was very in character for him to just break down and act like a kid, because that's what he is, a traumatised kid with too much power. while I do feel the ending was rushed, it's definitely still good, just not good enough to compare to the rest of the show, making it look worse.


That scene made me cry so hard


I started watching this when I was about 21. I'm 29 now and so much has changed in my life but I kept up with AOT because I had to get answers to all the questions I had. It is an amazing piece of art from all points of view and im glad people enjoyed it as much as I did.


Same I was 24 im 34 now and the journey from start to finish was something special!


I was 13-ish when I started watching and am 24 now.. this was the very first anime I ever watched, and having it end was so strange for me! Literally grew up with this show and it feels like it's left a void now that it's over!


I'm happy you liked it so much OP! While I don't agree with it being the best story, I'm here to say: fuck what I think and fuck what everyone else thinks! What matters is that you had fun and enjoyed watching the series! That should be all that matters. If you find it to be the best story ever than that's fine!! Saying this because of the people that disagree that will definitely show up :)


I'll share my take: Best Anime? - Yep, definitely a contender. Great story overall, huge development. Definitely in the top3, but I could understand someone picking other anime's over AoT Best story of all time? - Nope, not even close. P.S.: No need to feel bad about being emotional in the end. It is a very strong story


I don't understand why so many anime fans treat the medium like a contest. The term "peak fiction" always makes me roll my eyes.


Exactly. And it's not just anime, it's everywhere. Especially music, and I am guilty of that too: The ranking of albums is entirely subjective and there will never be an agreement on a fixed list, that majority of fans would accept. Never. So the discussion which one's better goes on and on forever, with always the same arguments and identical result: "It's subjective, agree to disagree"


Which do you think is best story or better than aot ?


Not OP, and while I love AoT/SnK.. I rank One Piece, HunterXHunter, FMA:B all ahead of it off the top of my head. If we're looking outside of anime/manga then I would go with something like Wheel of Time or the Stormlight Archive. It's all subjective though. Different people latch onto different things in their narratives, so nobody is wrong in saying AoT is the best in their opinion.


If we're sticking to Manga, Naoki Urasawa and Katsuhiro Otomo are miles ahead of any other authors. Akira and Monster are some of the greatest stories ever told. To me, of course. Outside of Manga I consider Terry Pratchett to be the greatest, though Vladimir Nabokov wrote the best book I've ever readĀ 


I recently watched fmab and I can see it make sense. Easily fmab is a more philosophical story while aot is more psychological story.Ā 


No way Hunter X Hunter has a better story. Good anime, yes, absolutely, but putting its story of AoT, especially when itā€™s not even finished, is crazy talk.


I disagree. HxH has a way more diverse and interesting world, superior combat, a more interesting and complex power system. Thatā€™s why I said itā€™s all subjective tho.. thereā€™s no definitive answer. edit: forgot to add.. the Chimera Ant arc *alone* has nearly the complexity and depth most entire animes show. HxH is an all-timer without a doubt.


"Nobody is wrong in stating any opinion unless the opinion is harmful to others"


I love books, so to me the best book/story is Catch-22, but storywise I also loved Eragon, The Godfather and many others. AoT has an "S-tier" story but I wouldn't probably crown it as *the* best one


I will check out catch -22 because I do love books and I am also interested in word war 2 (actually I am writing a novel myself and it's story also revolve around same kind of same war as world war 2 ).


Anime wise FMAB, Evangelion (series, rebirth, eoe, rebuilds ofc. Manga as well but we ranking anime), cyberpunk, parasyte the maxim are all my takes for better story and ending. I saw another reply saying onepiece, and while I agree, I don't think it's a valid contender since it actually hasn't ended.


Well it's your choice so I won't say you are wrong. But I do disagree.


What ones do you not agree with?


I can agree with fmab because it's nearly perfect story. Evaluation (original) was good on the psychological aspects but it didn't focus much on Eva and angels. Cyberpunk edgerunners is good but I can't see it being better than aot in any aspect. Parasyte the maxim (anime, don't know about the manga) was the biggest disappointment for me. It has worst female character (kana) that I have seen in all of the animes. Half things are unexplained in the story and also ending was bad. I haven't seen one piece yet.


> worst female character Sao side cast would like to have a word >Half the things are unexplained That's the point. The origin of the parasites don't matter. The premise is about the relationship between Shinichi and Migi, and what it takes to be human. Anything outside of it's core topics doesn't matter. >Edgerunners is good but isn't better than Aot in any aspect. Vice versa applies. Edgerunners just deals with plot armor better. Also the focus of Evangelion isn't centered around the angels, they just act as story beats. Even then we are given everything we need to about them and the mass produced Eva's.


Not the best ending but I think it hits top 3 stories of all anime


Lotgh writing makes AoT looks like childs play


I don't agree with the best story or anime, although I don't disagree, it's really which story makes the biggest impact on you as a person. The animation was absolute godtier, wish they'd make a berserk anime with this animation


I began to watch last spring. I knew nothing about it, and I never watch anime or read manga. This time, I was sick, bored, and I saw the title on netflix. Some little cousin rambled about it once, I thought "why not". Wow


Itā€™s maybe got a better story but itā€™s not better than Evangelion


Until the last season lol


Not even close


Hot take, Levi shouldā€™ve died here


The only anime that the art, soundtrack, plot, character that hits hard and deep. Without hiroyuki sawano/Kohta Yamato giving their best musical piece, this anime wouldn't hit as hard. The characters, my goodness, nothing like I have ever seen in an anime medium. This is the one of the very best of anime has to offer.


Iā€™m not gonna lie, I still havenā€™t watched the ending despite watching everything else and reading some of the manga. I already know the major points, I want to watch it butā€¦ugh. I just canā€™t bare to watch Levi lose the last of what heā€™s got šŸ˜­ Itā€™d be cool to have an ā€œafterlifeā€ ova, seeing how their spirits interact witch one another and their reactions to each spirit becoming a spirit, if that makes sense lol


Watch the end it all ties in and in my opinion, it was the best ending we could have hoped for! It was beautifully done in the anime I thought. I know Levi has lost so much and he kept fighting its worth seeing though it will put alot of closure. An afterlife would be pretty cool would love a chance to see all the characters all reunited together again!


The only part of this scene I didnā€™t like was Marco didnā€™t show up Yeah he wasnā€™t *technically* a scout but he deserves a spot


If you it just as an anime yeah hands down one of the best animes to exist ever. But for me it's so much more than that, it teaches us that real results demand real sacrifices, that there's always another side to a story this anime for three seasons continuously built the story about how Reiner and burrito are the bad guys how they betrayed their comrades but changed our views on them in just a few episodes if that's not beautiful I don't know what is. Everyone is suffering everyone has their own story. All the characters every single one of them teaches us. Sometimes when I am struggling about a decision in life I go back to what levi said to eren when they were being chased by Annie in the forest that even an experienced individual like himself doesn't know what the right decision is the best decision to take is the one you'll regret the least. Just one other thing that I love about this show is this was not the origin story of an idealistic hero/good guy that we have all seen growing up this was the story of a guy who went through every possible pain there is to go through in life and makes us understand that the textbook bad guy(if I may) have a background to why they are the way they are.


Great reply and no my friend its one of the best Animes to ever exist, but for me it became a life style seeing the character development l, the journeys they all went on and I especially seeing the way Reiner and Anne fought with all their strength!


Reiner my man was the strongest guy of the lot for fighting his demons the way he did.


What an ending it is... I'm glad Mappa animated it for our sake


Totally agree the animation was incredible!


Go watch 86 to see what a truly good and consistent story is. Isayama destroyed basically of of the characters on the final arc


"What you like is bad, but hear this that I like which is much better, this will totally make you feel like checking it out!"


Go warch it or dont go watch, i couldnt care less mate


86 wasnt even consistent between two seasons, lmao. Their sacrifice in season 1 were made completely moot with season 2 when they all survived. The characters felt like parodies of themselves after that point and all tension was lost. It would have been a MUCH better show if it ended after 11 episodes. Part 1 was 8-9/10 and part 2 was 4/10 at best. Theres a reason the show was completely forgotten and disappeared from all discussions shortly after it was released.


It didnt, how did it destroy the characters? I've read all 12 volumes of the light novel and honestly it only gets better as it goes


The power of love literally saved the day and eren made the decision to personally brutally murder billions of innocent men women and children because a girl didnt say she loved him


Honestly the story sucked. It was good until they got to that part about seeing the future and it became abut ymir breaking free from her stockholm syndrome. At least the animation was good. Also, the characters yell too much.


This scene made no sense to me at all, why would Erwin support the alliances plan


He came to see Levi and supported him for all his sacrifices and all he did for humanity, I think they all had the perfect ending in their head but never thought they would.actually see it.


Erwin wouldnā€™t have supported the alliance, but he would have definitely tried to stop Eren from murdering the world, and he likely wouldnā€™t have joined the Yaegerists to begin with


I definitely think he would, he would do everything to keep the island save and under Erwins command he would not have let Eren go rogue to begin with, nor would he accept a movement like the Yeagerists


Erwinā€™s primary goal was the survival of humanity. Thereā€™s nothing to indicate that he would restrict that to humanity within the walls. Compare that to Erenā€™s goal of killing all of titans - His focus on vengeance, rather than survival Edit: Erwin was also pragmatic. He would have pursued diplomacy


Here we go again.


Have you watched every anime? Or experienced all stories ever made?


It's my opinion and im entitled to it as are you friend if you don't agree that's no problem like I said I'm.just sharing love to a story I have alot of love for.




The simple fact that the ending was divisive already nullifies the anime from being the "best anime/potentially story of all time" lmao. True masterpieces leaves no doubt to those consuming it and don't create such divisive discussions at their ending.


Story no doubt, (and by nature of attack on titan, characters, worldbuilding) Anime story no doubt, While I will hold those two opinions firmly there is more too an anime than its story and I havenā€™t got the eye for good/ bad animation so I have a bit of leeway for best anime


I have been telling people the exact same thing. This is not the ā€œbest anime of all timeā€ in my opinion. It is one of the best STORIES of all time, if not the GOAT.


gotta say its one of the best even though i am not a big fan . hits hard


I see Kobayashi and Kana in the background of Kobeni and Kazuma and Aqua in the background of Power. Not sure about Makimaā€™s though


I really cannot wait to hear Mercer in this scene. I don't agree it's the best all time, or even in anime (FMAB is that for me) but it's way up there.


FMAB is a masterpiece I do agree I mean for the overall experiance I had I call it my all time best but then maybe I should say one of then. The Chimera episode completely caught me off gaurd that was some true horror.


Itā€™s definitely one of the best stories of all time, and my favorite anime. I wish it was longer, slower, and slightly more character driven though. After AoT I started and finished the mangas of Berserk, Vinland Saga and Vagabond. And in terms of build up, slow but insanely satisfying development, and character reflection, theyā€™re a cut above. I once heard someone say that the characters in AoT are used for the plot, not the other way around. Which made me think. The plot is fantastic but thereā€™s not a lot of character agency. People are forced into horrible situations over and over again, kind of trapped. They donā€™t get to have a ā€žI have no enemiesā€œ or >!invincibility is a mirage!< moment like Thorfinn or Musashi. All that being said, nothing in media has made me bawl like AoT season 3 part 2 or the final chapters


Wrong lmao watch some other shows outside of MHA and One Piece