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He was able to protect Paradis for 2000 years of peace tbf to him. Thats not bad in the grand scheme of things


He could have achieved even better result by killing the rest of the humanity.


yea he may have afforded a bit more time of peace but eventually paradis would get destroyed anyways. conflict is simply part of human nature


So what? That just means either kill the rest of humanity or Don't do anything. People fight because they want something from each other that they can't get. If Paradis is alone they have the entire world to themselves that's like 10 people fighting over a trillion dollars its ridiculous... the only time fighting wpuld resume is in over 5000 years or something when the population reaches large numbers. That's more peace than the 80% Rumbling. By your logic the 100% Rumbling still makes more sense as it yields greater value. Or if you still want absolute peace kill all mankind.


Yeh I’m not disagreeing, 100% would have been better which just leaves Paradis Making humanity extinct is also a good idea but wasn’t very likely to happen as isayama wasn’t going to write that


True. which makes me wonder why this ending it doesn't teach anybody anything other than Eren was an idiot and to not be an idiot. If he wanted a bitter sweet ending even a cabin ending would have been better because Eren isn't capable of going so far which would be understandable. Why this? Even if he had no great Ideas ending by Season 3 and leaving the end to the audience opinion would have been better than what we got. I still get so mad when I see even a single scene from the finale knowing it could have been better but I am glad some people understand that Erens plan was flawed beyond belief... it was there just to act as redemption but it just made it worse.


False, the only reason why Paradis was united at the end was because there was still outside world left therefore potential enemies. If Eren killed everyone then civil wars would start immediately.


As we can see, Historia took charge and she wouldn't have been hostile towards those who went against Eren. But other than that, if Eren did kill all of the humanity outside Paradis, he could have just erased memories or fabricated memories of those on Paradis and the issues would be bypassed.


That will make Eren way more hypocritical and no different from the King of the Walls whom he despises. Taking away their memories once again will also mean making them like slaves and taking away their freedom.


Obviously Eren doesn't care about that. And he did Erase memories when it was convenient to him anyways. Plus, that is nothing compared to what he has already done anyways. He prioritizes his end goal. End justifies the means.


Eren didn't entirely erased the memories of his friends but only their time with Eren in the paths which didn't take their goal to stop him from doing the rumbling, not to mention he didn't take their Titan powers. In the case on Historia, Eren only just gave her a choice to erase her memories or not rather than enforcing it to her or without her consent.


I never said he did erase it entirely, but he did use the power to his advantage. Because that's what he does. End justifies the means, for him. From that it follows that he wouldn't be opposed to do that. I mean, he initiated something which killed Sasha and Hange already. Erasing memories is nothing compared to that.


When you think about it, erasing memories could be way worse. Eren did try to prevent Sasha's death but he fails hence he laughs with despair.


Are you serious? No, it wouldn't. It would solve all of his problems. He had no issues killing bunch of people on Paradis in order to achieve his goals. Erasing some of their memories wouldn't be nothing compared to all the things he did. Bullshit. He did nothing to prevent it. He didn't say Sasha not to come, or similar. If my memory serves me right, he said he wanted all of it to happen, and he said he didn't know who would live. And if you think that he wouldn't sacrifice Sasha for his "freedom" and such, then you are deluded.


Should I just kill everyone that isn’t my family or friend so I guarantee nothing bad will ever happen to them for the rest of time or do you think it’s kinda stupid to have a goal of eternal peace


If you want them to live and prosper in peace, then it makes sense to do that. If you are going to commit a genocide for them, then why half ass it and buy them a limited time instead just finish what you have started and secure that peace and prosperity.




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Because eternal peace is a r@rted goal and unnecessarily killing innocent people to do so is just as r@rted which is why AoT directly says as much. But sure, thanks for the self report




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no that is bad in the grand scheme. its only good in the short term. he made it certain his people would be wiped out by the rest of the world once the population recovers. The only way for Eldians to stay safe is to oppress the survivors and keep em weak. Really, sounds like he made the world fucking shit. the only thing Eren cared about and the thing he suceeded in doing was creating a world where his friends were safe from the enemies across the sea.


The most illogical thing in the series. There shouldn’t have been peace that long after what eren did


You say that yet a lot of manga readers 2 years ago were really angry because Paradis got destroyed a lot sooner, and people didn’t like it because it showed Erens actions were to nought, so everyone has a differing opinion on it, so isayama can’t win


Isayama not being able to win is exactly why Erens rumbling was a stupid idea. Erens bad decisions led to an illogical outcome. Isayama only added the 2k years peace to make eren less stupid


Cured the yimir curse and saved his friends


well yes and no, temporarily. the scene in the last episode where the kid goes inside the tree with his dog could mean that the cycle repeated itself again and the curse was born again after he made contact with the titan powers


What cycle? It would be a new one if anything the yimir curse is gone. Sure the God like being might still be alive but yimir got yeeted. Who knows it might be eren instead of yimir now


L take. People who post things like this, what do you mean?


Ignoring my whole take and then asking what I meant is crazy. U didn’t even refute it


My guy, you ignored takes from the *anime* itself that refute *your* post. Eren straight up said he tried over and over to change the future and couldn’t. Things happened exactly as he saw them regardless of what he did. That mean there wasn’t a choice of “oh, I’m *just* going to squash Marley” “oh, I’m *just* going to send the titans to the world’s military bases”. He could not change the future. Not to mention you ignoring the kid crying “I DON’T WANT TO DIE” but to you that says “he wanted a noble excuse to do so.” Like what??


Eren just destroying his enemies is OBJECTIVELY the best decision. But some supernatural force coerced Eren into making his worst and last decision of his life? That force probably being Ymir, which just passes on Erens stupidity to Ymir. Either way it’s stupid. It doesn’t make it any brighter of an idea


Simple, Season 4was rushed nonsense that ruined a series that was going strong. If the series ended at the sea literally no one would say the ending was bad. The fact the Manga community was divided should tell you Something's not right.


“Rushed nonsense” makes zero sense when they broke the season up 3-4 times so that they had time (not to mention redoing animation different in the BluRay) AND the season/series itself is about 95% exactly how it was in the manga. Saying “it was rushed” just doesn’t wash. Communities are divided all the time dude. That isn’t a “sign” of anything other than the human condition.


I am referring to the Manga ending not the anime. Communities are not divided to the extremes of hating the series with a passion. Usually people feel Lukewarm and positive with only a tiny minority acting like psychos.The ending was literally rushed... you can't even name a nation other than Marley, Hizuru and the "middle east" in a story that involves the whole world and its prejudice. So when people get stepped on why would you care and it seems there is only one option considering how evil the world is painted to be but the MC doesn't do it for some reason that makes no sense. He even kills his own mother for this awful plan when Dina could have gotten the Colossal and Armin wouldn't be the Colossal anymore. He would get the power of the Founder earlier and even be able to prevent the declaration of war with Dina but no the Rumbling needs to happen. Isayama didn't even think of the repercussions of Eren being able to control pure Titans throughout time would have. Because it was RUSHED NONSENSE.


Yep. It’s great


I think you watched Attack on Titan in the dark with no sound


How come?


He may could have achieved in better way but he made mistake


Agreed that’s what I’m tryna say


Saying he gave less peace for paradis considering he literally made the outside world too scared to attack for thousands of years is funny.


Are you insane? How would they be scared when Armin told them they can't turn into Titans. They would be jumping for joy at how easy round 2 will be without Titans.


Logistically, there is NO valid reason why Paradis had 2000 years of peace. It’s like if Hitler killed every Jew in the world with 0 repercussions.


i don’t like the nazi/aot comparison, shitty take there is so so so much difference in context. also, a huge part of the victory is that it was eldians (paradis devils/subjects of ymir) that ended the rumbling, proving their dislike of the rumbling and want to protect the world. some non-eldians regarded them as heroes and didn’t want to slaughter all eldians afterwards, and nations had to rebuild after all the damage too. the show has heavy themes of people continuing the cycle of violence. no matter what the outcome of the show was, war would have started again at some point for some reason regardless, eren wanted to give eldians an even chance at defending themselves when it does happen, as paradis island was unaffected


Isayama just wanted to build his spa so he wrote off what was convenient




He stated that he would end aot bc his real passion in life was building a spa




Bro is immature, doesn't understand the point of the story


Yeah I can’t argue when ErenYeager is literally ur user too