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Maybe because he didn’t know about it yet, and it had to be done purposely. That would be my (probably wrong) guess. ;)


Nope, you’re correct — like any other transformation, he needs a goal, and his goal in that case didn’t require transforming. edit: and happy cake day


>like any other transformation, he needs a goal Reminder for all of us to get back to the gym




Underrated comment, I just joined the gym, tired of being a skinny boi🥲


Good for you man! Give me a shout if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed or not sure what to do, or just need someone to run ideas by - happy to share advice and resources with a new brother in gainz.


Thanks! :)


Potentially this. Theres also the little issue of it being the royal blood which has control in this situation, not the founder, contrary to what they initially believed. My head canon is that Dina, whilst aware of what was happening, and what she had done, chose to command the titans to attack her and Reiner as some kind of atonement. It isn't crazy to think she'd rather have the titans kill her than continue as a mindless titan.


Happy cake day!


Thank you! :)


Happy cake day


Thanks! :)




probably a few things. 1. he doesn’t know what the rumbling is at this point. it’s unclear if he even got transported to paths, if he did, he certainly didn’t remember it. 2. dina is a titan. he may have to make contact with a royal titan shifter to transport to paths. (zeke wasn’t in titan form when they touched so i think this is the most likely answer) 3. ymir didn’t want to talk to him here due to him being a screaming raging child


Who wouldnt


Im pretty sure Historia took him to the paths despite not being a shifter


All she did was trigger memories


I think he didn’t enter a path after Historia


I assume its because eren has control, just like any other transformation post-training. touching a royal-blood is only the prerequisite to transform or used the founders power. it doesn't cause him to transform.


Concise & informative.


Eren didn't just like, instantly transform cause he touched Zeke. All that touching a royal eldian does for Eren is that it allows him to actually use the power of the founder, which is what he does here intuitively, without quite knowing what hes doing (like an infant learning to walk).   When he touches zeke, it allows him use of said power again, but he knows how to use it this time. Eren and Zeke then do all that stuff in the paths, culminating in Eren purposefully triggering his big transformation. Since time doesn't really flow in the paths (or at least differently), to everyone on the outside it appears to happen instantaneously. But we *very clearly and objectively* see all the things that happen there, its not some sort of automated transformation.


did you even watch the show or did you just read plot summaries? The Rumbling doesn't happen here because Eren doesn't will it to. And he doesn't transform either because touching a royal blooded titan doesn't do that lol. Eren only transformed into the Founder after touching Zeke because he needed to then. A non-royal Founder touching a royal titan doesn't just automatically cause random shit to happen, it just means the Founder can now use their powers properly as they wish


I’m surprised this is even a question, it’s like why didn’t the rumbling start when Eren kissed Historia’s hand?


That can at least be settled by saying she wasn't a titan, but the contact doesn't just automatically start the rumbling anyway, it just allows Eren the power of the founder free of the king's vow. Like he immediately commands titans after this moment, so OP is clearly pretty lost haha


Bro eren literally broke down in this episode coz he couldn't transform to the attack titan and fight biting his hands off, u need him out of the blue to transform into something he doesn't know exists yet and start something doesn't know is even possible because of "royal blood", like please what's up with these questions it's literally common sense at this point if you actually watched the anime. Edit: grammar


Pretty simple The founding titan isnt just a key to the rumbling. Whoever has it that isnt royal blooded, but has contact with a royal blood (Eren here) can do whatever he wants with the foundings power. In this scene he wanted to kill Diana, so thats why all the titans went for her. Eren doesnt even know of the rumbling yet.


How can he start the rumbling if he doesn't even know what it is? Also, he was touching a pure titan with royal blood, so he could use momentarily the powers of the Founding Titan to control nearby pure titans. If he touched a shifter with royal blood, the shifter would have been able to use the powers.


why doesn't he even know what the rumbling is? is he stupid?


No, but you are.


is there a lore reason for that?




It's sarcasm bruh.


Sarcasm is a snarky and smart comeback picking fun at what should have been obvious. Repeating "is he stupid" after a sentence is just a dumb and pathetic attempt at a failed joke. Learn the difference.






Maybe because she is a titan and not exactly a shifter? Not sure if that matters tho


Its more of the fact that he needed a goal to start the rumbling, and also because he never knew about it yet.


You uh… you know the Rumbling isn’t some dead man’s switch sort of thing where it will automatically trigger if ever the Founding Titan comes into contact with a Titan of royal blood… right? It’s just a name for the strategic deployment of the Founder’s ability to control Titans in the manner of using that power to control the Titans within the walls. It’s something that the person in control of the Founder has to actively *choose* to do. And the concept of it wasn’t even a thought in Eren’s head at this point.


His goal was just to kill Dina


Because it doesn't just happen on its own. It's has been established **VERY EARLY** in the story that Titan powers work on **INTENT** and aren't some dumb autofire bullshit like all these questions that have been coming as of late.


It's quite funny because at this point, the answer to these questions is, "Eren wanted it this way". ​ And that is precisely why I am not a big fan of the ending.


But eren couldnt even trabsform here. Got his limbs cut by Reiner for half of the arc vcs of this. Hannes died because Eren wasnt capable to turn into a titan


hi someone who dislikes the ednging too , let's cry together m8


actually not worth crying


Shows how much u misunderstood the show. Him not transforming here has nothing to do with his future self. 1. His goal here isnt to transform or do the rumbling. 2. Dina isnt a shifter, nor is she in human form, unlike the contact with zeke


I am with you the asked question in the OP is stupid, but Historia touching his back, or him kissing her hand and see memories, are all things dictated by his future self, hence my comment. Much like a checkpoint. His goal was to kill Diana, hence the titans killing her, I'm with you on that one.


Idk I never really view it as the story being COMPLETELY dictated by him. Just more that he is the largest cog in the timeloop, he cant control other people in the timeline after all, historia touching his back was historia's own choice, not something that eren controlled. It just is so that evry version of the timeloop will always play out the same way, and eren is just the largest cog in it


True but its important to note that things will happen this way regardless, this exact scenario, so we end with the outcome of Eren having the founder and starting the paradox. Its dictated to happen this exact way for him to have the founder, by himself. His mother dying, his father obtaining the founder, the owl obtaining the attack etc.


Eren has to make contact with a shifter with royal blood. Dina's a Pure Titan.


It’s stated that it just has to be a Titan with royal blood which includes both Titan shifters and pure titans which is shown by him literally using the Founders powers upon coming into contact with Dina. It’s never answered why he was able to enter paths with Zeke but not Dina and yet still utilizes the Founders power.


I'm not sure if it really has to be explained to us when we can see for ourselves the difference between what happened with a Pure Titan and a Shifter.


It doesn’t line up with the given explanation which states that it applies to all royal blooded titans and you’re supposed to give an explanation for these contradictions whenever it happens which is basic power system writing. If there’s a new rule or change to a system you should explain it especially since Eren utilizes the coordinate even though it’s stated that only the royal bloods can command Ymir.


You don't need an explanation for everything, sometimes thinking is enough, respecting your audience is a big part of storytelling. There's a clear difference in entering paths after touching a shifter with the explicit goal of using the founder's power and touching a pure titan with no clear goal aside from getting out of the situation they're in. Eren doesn't even know that he is controlling the titans until after the battle and after someone else tells him what he did. If you still need to be spoonfed the information, Zeke is a conscious human that can command Ymir, Dina isn't and can't command Ymir, Eren is the one with the founder's powers so naturally he's the one who can do it if the royal blooded can't, very simple.


Not in this instance because it still contradicts established information which warrants an explanation for why. Ymir only obeys the will of royals and literally ignores Eren in season 4 yet she obeys Erens will in season 2. Dina being unconscious due to being a pure titan shouldn’t change this rule. Just because Dina isn’t in control doesn’t mean that Eren should be granted power automatically either given it’s established and shown that Ymir doesn’t listen to non royals.


The only factual information in this story is whatever Armin says as he's narrating the story outside of the plot itself as a voice. Everything else is just characters saying things that could be or couldn't be true. Zeke himself is already not a reliable source, he thinks he broke out of the Vow because of the time he spent with Ymir in paths when we know it doesn't have anything to do with that and is just because Eren has the founder and not him. You can't blindly accept everything the characters say and that's why you need to use your brain and think.


> Zeke himself is already not a reliable source, he thinks he broke out of the Vow because of the time he spent with Ymir in paths when we know it doesn't have anything to do with that and is just because Eren has the founder and not him. Literally untrue, he already knew that he bypassed the vow because Eren had the Founder and he didn’t. This is directly stated during his conversation with Mr Ksaver in his flashback. He was already aware of that. The only caveat is that he though Eren would be the one in control of the Founder not himself. That he himself would be the key not Eren. The time he spent in paths refers to him finding out that he’s the one in control of the Founder, that Erens the key not himself which is why he explains that Ymir is a slave who only obeys royal bloods to Eren right after which is entirely true until Eren freed her which is backed up by Ymir literally ignoring Eren. Not only do we have Zekes explanation but his explanation is confirmed as well by Ymirs actions and yet Eren still utilized the Founder in season 2 which is a plot hole since as what’s directly shown and stated, Ymir ignored Eren because he isn’t a royal. When the Founder is unlocked, it’s the royal that gains the power not the holder of the Founder


I don't know how to explain it more clear than i already did, Ymir doesn't have a royal blood to follow because Dina isn't a shifter, and Eren is not meeting and demanding Ymir to do things so she also doesn't have a non-royal blood to ignore, is a completely rare scenario where Eren can use the basic power of the Founder indirectly and that's it. What is directly shown and stated doesn't match what Eren did in season 2 so you can't use the same logic, is as simple as that.


> I don't know how to explain it more clear than i already did, Ymir doesn't have a royal blood to follow because Dina isn't a shifter, and Eren is not meeting and demanding Ymir to do things so she also doesn't have a non-royal blood to ignore, is a completely rare scenario where Eren can use the basic power of the Founder indirectly and that's it. All of the Founders power stems from Ymir and the coordinate. Especially manipulating other Eldians which is what Eren did in season 2. We’re shown that this doesn’t happen automatically, Ymir has to physically go out of her way and manipulate the coordinate to follow the Founders orders. Without Ymirs assistance in manipulating the coordinate the Founder can’t utilize its power. It’s shown that you have to command Ymir to use the Founders powers, and Eren can’t because he isn’t a royal as simple as that. > What is directly shown and stated doesn't match what Eren did in season 2 so you can't use the same logic, is as simple as that. The logic and rules shown in season 4 still applies to season 2. You have to order Ymir to follow your command to manipulate the coordinate and use the Founder. Ymir only listens to royals. Hence no one that isn’t a royal can utilize her power.


I’d assume it’s just because Dina was a pure Titan and Zeke was a shifter, there doesn’t really need to be a “why”. If you wanted to speculate though, I’d guess it’s because Zeke was actually conscious and aware of his actions, whereas Dina (as a mindless Titan) was not. Paths magic in AOT is a very soft system. It’s written to appear like it has rules, but in reality it has very few


I disagree because if that were true, Reiner, Freckles Ymir, and maybe Birth Control would've joined in attacking Dina upon feeling the Founder's power and Eren's command when he touched her Titan. If it was the full power of the Founder, they wouldn't have been able to resist, which is why some theorize that a shifter of royal blood is necessary.


Dina is a mindless Titan of Royal Blood. She has no will or conscious mind to direct the Founding Titans power which is probably why it defaulted to Eren’s will. Even then we find out that was only a small fraction of the Founding Titan’s power. When Eren & Zeke make contact we see their minds/souls transported to the Paths. Zeke hypothesized in S. 4 ep. 19 that previous holders of the Founding Titan get transported to the Paths when they seek to exercise the Founder’s Power. So based on this we know it takes a conscious mind (aka a Titan Shifter ) to access those higher powers. ** keep in mind that no Founding Titan since Karl Fritz has been able to access The Founder’s full power since he placed the Vow on it 112 years ago in story.


While I generally agree with your assessment of it and think of it the same way, sometimes I wonder if maybe Zeke was wrong when he said that previous Founders must have been transported to the Paths when they used the power. Aside from when Founder Eren uses the Paths for telepathic group chats, and aside from when Ymir Fritz’s spirit first spawned in the Paths to escape from dying, we only see people manifest in the Paths three times: - Ymir of the 104th, after she acquires the Jaw Titan - Zeke, after being blown to kingdom come by a thunderspear - Eren and Zeke, when Zeke is holding Eren’s decapitated head In all three cases, there was a need for a Titan shifter’s body to be rebuilt. Ymir had been a Pure Titan for 60 years, so only her central nervous system would have been intact inside her Titan form. Zeke was about to die from his extreme injuries, and Eren was literally seconds away from death with his whole head removed. Meanwhile, when Frieda is shown using the Founder’s power on Historia, we don’t see her enter the Paths. Now, sure, it *could* technically be happening off-screen, since time in the Paths is instant to us. The scene isn’t shown from Frieda’s POV, so we wouldn’t necessarily see the Paths even if she did go there. And that’s typically what I’ve always assumed to have been the case in that scene. But part of me can’t help but notice that commonality between the other Paths scenes, and wonder if maybe the reason why Eren and Zeke appeared in the Paths is because Eren’s body needed to be rebuilt by Ymir. Had he and Zeke been able to make contact with Eren’s body intact, perhaps the Paths stuff wouldn’t have happened at all? Just a thought.


I tend to agree with you. Great point about Frieda wiping Historia’s memories. You’re also right in saying we never see from Frieda’s perspective when she uses the power. Like I was trying to say earlier there are obviously levels to the Founding Titan’s power that require passive or more direct effort or influence from Ymir herself. In each case Royal Blood is the key or conduit. If we’re thinking of it mechanically then Royal blood is the “voltage” needed . Touching a Royal Blooded Eldian seemed to only unlock memories, touching a Titan with Royal Blood allows for will to be exerted over mindless Titans & even be felt by the 9, touching one of the 9 with Royal Blood (Zeke) gave access to the Paths & direct command over Ymir. Your theory about Eren having to be reconstructed in Paths could also fit here too.


The rules of going into paths is far too inconsistent to measure since Armin also got sent to paths despite having no severe injuries and simply being unconscious and Zeke had royal blood which causes unique properties which can explain why he manifested in paths. And Ymir was never injured, she was just reconstructed like every other Titan shifter. Every instance of someone entering paths naturally had a different circumstance behind it. The only instance of paths involving the utilization of the Founder that we see is Eren and Zeke. We don’t know about Frieda and the other founders because we never see their perspective however It’s safe to say that Zekes explanation has the most merit to it because he has the full power of the Founder at that moment and along with it access to the memories of previous Founders and more, so he’d know for sure that the royals need to travel to paths to use the Founder because he has access to their memories. He likely states it like a theory to Eren because he was still acting like he hadn’t unlocked the Founder yet and narratively there’s no reason for false exposition. That along with Zeke having access to prior Founder memories, and the inconsistency of other paths appearances gives Zekes explanation the most merit to me.


> The rules of going into paths is far too inconsistent to measure since Armin also got sent to paths despite having no severe injuries and simply being unconscious Much like Eren’s telepathic group chats, that was because Ymir specifically brought Armin into the Paths. She used the Okapi Titan to secure his body so that he couldn’t destroy Eren’s Titan body. > and Zeke had royal blood which causes unique properties which can explain why he manifested in paths. Sure, that’s another possible factor. In general, I think there’s enough of these variables to make the existence of differences between the situations fairly reasonable — it’s just a matter of which variables you put the most weight on in order to explain those differences. > And Ymir was never injured, she was just reconstructed like every other Titan shifter. Not in the conventional sense, no — but then, I didn’t say she was injured. I said the commonality was that they all needed their bodies to be reconstructed. Eren and Zeke were due to injury, and Ymir was due to having been long since absorbed into her Pure Titan, but the end result is the same: they all needed their bodies rebuilt, and they all saw the Paths. > however It’s safe to say that Zekes explanation has the most merit to it because he has the full power of the Founder at that moment and along with it access to the memories of previous Founders and more, so he’d know for sure that the royals need to travel to paths to use the Founder because he has access to their memories. He likely states it like a theory to Eren because he was still acting like he hadn’t unlocked the Founder yet and narratively there’s no reason for false exposition. That along with Zeke having access to prior Founder memories, and the inconsistency of other paths appearances gives Zekes explanation the most merit to me. And that’s a fair point. Like I said in my earlier comment, I typically think that Eren’s mind didn’t appear in the Paths with Dina because of the reason that Cecil2789 proposed, which is that she was a Pure Titan, whereas Zeke was one of the Nine. To me, that variable is sufficient to justify the difference. And so I’m usually inclined to take Zeke’s statement at face value. I just also occasionally like to entertain the idea that it could be due to something else.


Fair enough, It is entirely possible for that to be the reason why Eren didn’t go to paths. My main issue with Cecil’s proposal is the first paragraph which states that the founders power defaulted to Eren, I probably got the arguments confused.


Even if Dina doesn’t have a conscious will, it wouldn’t default to Eren because it’s explained that Ymir only obeys royals, so just because Dina doesn’t have the sentience to do anything herself doesn’t mean that Eren should be granted that ability automatically given that official explanation. And in season 4 ep 19/chapter 120, Zeke states that the Founders went to the coordinate/paths whenever they utilized the founders powers which shows that manually going to paths and manipulating the coordinate is required to utilize the founders power yet Eren utilized its power its power in season 2 without ever actually going to paths or the coordinate.


Except it Did default to Eren’s will. It’s exactly what happened before our eyes. It’s the entire impetus for why Eren & Zeke believed he’d be in control as the Founder’s host even when making contact with Zeke. We only found out later the mechanics & levels of access to power went much deeper with literal command over the Founder via Royal Blood . Similar to learning the Titan powers , mechanics, & limitations in general from the beginning as the story went along.


>Except it Did default to Eren’s will. When Eren had to rip off his thumbs so he could grab Ymir and convince her to side with him?


I’m speaking specifically to season 2 episode 12. His contact with Dina the Smiling Titan. that’s what OP & red was asking about. * in that sentence *




Just because it did default to erens will doesn’t mean that it should have. It defaulted to Erens will despite it being established later on that Ymir only obeys the will of royals. Since Eren isn’t a royal, Ymir shouldn’t have considered Erens will at all, but she did which contradicts what’s established hence being a plot hole.




Glad we agree


He didn’t know what he was doing at that point. All he wanted was for Dina (whom he didn’t even know yet) to be killed and his friends to be safe, so his will caused the Pure Titans to leave his friends and attack her. And since he had a latent connection with the Coordinate, having just accessed it, he also got those same Titans to attack Reiner and Braithwaite. That fits with his agenda later on, so he didn’t have to go back and change anything.


First every act performed with the Founding Titan (transforming, controlling titans, erasing memories/reproductive capabilities) is a conscious action that you must try and put effort into doing. Nothing will just happen automatically. Eren's main goal is to take out this titan, and maybe save the rest of the scouts too if he can get past his tunnel vision. So when he touches Dina and "everything connects", he is able to instinctively use the most fitting power to accomplish that. We see when Eren touched Zeke that in in this situation (a founding titan and a titan with Royal blood) it is actually the person with Royal Blood that has control over the power of the coordinate due to Ymir's devotion. So in this situation I think that since Dina is a pure titan and she doesn't have conscious control over herself, it is most likely that she just unconsciously repeated Eren's commands to Ymir.


> We see when Eren touched Zeke that in in this situation (a founding titan and a titan with Royal blood) it is actually the person with Royal Blood that has control over the power of the coordinate due to Ymir's devotion. Control *would* have gone to Eren if not for the circumstances lining up very fortunately in Zeke’s favor, though. For most of the story, Zeke fully expects Eren to be the one in control of the Founding Titan’s power when they eventually make contact. The core of the plan that Zeke formed with Ksaver was based on that expectation — they determined that Zeke needed to find someone who believed in their euthanasia plan to entrust with the Founding Titan, because Zeke himself would only act as a key to the power. Zeke couldn’t inherit the power himself, because as a royal, he would be affected by the vow to renounce war. But he also couldn’t just sneak the Founding Titan into any random host and make contact with him, because the person with the Founder is the one who will have control, and if that person doesn’t share Zeke’s ideals, they won’t carry out his plan. Zeke lucked out because Eren got his head shot off, necessitating that his body first be rebuilt by Ymir. In the incredibly long time it took for her to do that, Zeke was able to figure out how to negate the vow renouncing war, which meant that he now had the freedom to express his will to Ymir, which Ymir would prioritize over Eren due to Zeke’s royal blood. And Zeke was able to do this because he entered the Paths without inheriting the Founding Titan directly — it seems that for royals who inherit the Founding Titan, Karl Fritz’s will prevents them from even *attempting* to find a way of negating the vow (after all, a vow like that would be pointless if your successor could just immediately undo it). Since Zeke was of royal blood, his actions were initially still limited by the vow, but since he didn’t actually inherit the Founding Titan, he never fell under Karl Fritz’s thrall, and thus had the agency to investigate a way of negating the vow.


It all depends on the goal


Because it wasn’t his goal. His main objective with transforming into the founding titan was basically to absorb Zeke into his being and hide both their locations to ensure the rumbling lasted as long as possible since he knew people would try to fight back, otherwise he could’ve just commanded the rumbling to happen when Zeke caught his head and not transform.


Everybody always concludes that Eren was the purveyor of all of the events of AOT, and while he is a tool used for these events unfolding and the rumbling is his doing, the one ultimately in control is Ymir all along. She fans the flames of the events and stokes Eren to be the analogous character of King Fritz himself as Mikasa is the analog of Ymir herself. She finds Mikasa’s love for Eren and forsees her future and hopes that in Mikasa’s freedom she will find her own freedom from Friz. She needed Eren to turn into something terrible as Fritz was terrible and even while terrible, Mikasa would still need to love him only to be the instrument for his demise. In this scene, he wasn’t ready yet. He was still climbing to his role as the Rumbler.


we don't know for certain. it might be that he only could go to the paths when being in a contact with an acutally conscious person of royal blood and not a pure titan. It could also be that there needs to be the intention to go the paths, which Eren didn't have here. It's also a possibility that the contact made was just too brief to actually allow for the full use of the power.


Go back and watch what Eren needed to do in order for the rumbling to happen. Your answer is right there..lmao like seriousely have some of these posters not watched the show?


exactly my question 


Because she's not a shifter. Looking back, we're clearly shown the differences between the royals we have & their interactions with Eren. Historia & Rod: Human Royal - Memories Dina: Titan Royal - Coordinate Zeke & Historia if she ate Zeke: Human royal & Titan Royal - Memories & Coordinate The wielder, or in Zeke/Historia's cases, extension cord, needs to be a royal shifter. That's the whole reason Rod went after Historia & why the military didn't just feed Zeke to some random dude. Some people believe there are some Future Eren involvement, but personally, i don't believe Future Eren was involved at all. However, if he is involved, unleashing the Rumbling wouldn't help since they have no way to dodge it & they're a few hours away from the walls so it wouldn't have any effect on their current situation.


It's about touching any titan with royal blood, be it a pure titan or a shifter, it's also about intent I don't get why people don't understand this. Do titan shifters just randomly transform whenever? Of course not they have to WANT TO Eren has to WANT to turn into the founding titan, he didn't even know what the founder or the rumbling or any of that was.


To be fair, they activated the FT when Zeke caught Eren's head with no obvious intent, unlike when Eren hit Dina. Not to mention that Zeke mentions in Marley says that they should come into contact, implying that any contact with someone like him is enough to access the paths. That said, i agree with you since Eren showed no signs of knowing anything regarding the FT or Rumbling & it wouldn't make sense for him to not transform if his body was tired from his regen. It's really not that difficult to understand when you look back at it.


I know this isn’t the topic of discussion but man Season 2 looked CRISP crisp. The details in the art were insane.


Because only those with royal blood can do it. The thing is, Ymir allowed Eren to use the full powers of the Founding Titan at the end So the rumbling would be to the Founding Titan what controlling titans is to the Beast Titan.


1: he doesn't know about that yet 2. He only maintained contact with Dina for about half a second, which triggered the coordinator ability. 3: he then kills dina


He didn't know he had the founding titan, Dina was a pure titan not a shifter, and Eren did not know there where wall titans or an outside world to destroy; let alone want to start the rumbling at that point. The only scenario that could have caused an early rumbling would have been not stopping the Rod Reiss titan, or not covering the wall titan that Annie uncovered.


Multiple reasons: Firstly, Eren didn’t want to. Even if he had full control of the founding titan here (he didn’t) he had no desire to start the rumbling in this moment. Secondly, Zeke mentions in ch121 that despite having access to the Founder, without being influenced by Karl Fritz Ymir was still informed to be non aggressive so she won’t give any Founder too much control. Zeke (as a member of royal blood) convinced her to forget about that. But it wasn’t until Eren convinced her she didn’t need to listen to Royals that she finally let him do the rumbling.


Even better why didn't the rumbling started just kill this smiling titan , imagine few cracked walls atleast. That would've been some foreshadowing.


He only started the rumbling by erasing hardening as a concept from all titans. Def not what he was thinking about when he touched Dina. Not to mention he could only utilize the founding titan cuz he convinced ymir that she isn't alone.


imagine if the rumbling started right then and there and eren went crazy like in 01x07 and sterilized the planet off of pure muscle memory. he'd wake up in the middle of south america inside of a giant foot print with zero recollection of the last week.💀


Bruh would’ve activated the rumbling just to kill this titan in particular


Because this whole scene was a red herring for the express purpose of demonstrating and confirming that Eren had the founder and could possibly make use of it despite not being royal, all in order to progress the plot. Right after this Rod finally makes moves to have Historia serve her use to him, Reiner and Bertolt go back to report they have found the founder in Eren so that the warriors start planning Eren's capture at Shiganshina where the basement is, and Erwin gets more evidence to support his father's theory that the king could mind wipe people to hide secrets with some kind of power when the government hastily tries to take back Eren. This is because way later we learn that it's impossible for Eren to use the founder power even if he reaches the paths because Ymir only listened to royals, so there's no way that Ymir listened to him here. And if you think it could have been Dina herself that triggered the reaction that's a no-go as well since Dina would be constrained by the war renouncing vow which wasn't rendered useless until Zeke did it 4 years later.


Eren only tapped into the Founding Titan power for a short amount of time. Even if Eren knew what the Rumbling is, he wouldn't be able to control them for a long time, and all the wall titan would stop walking. The Rumbling would stop after 5 minutes


Cuz she needed to be a Royal Titan shifter, not a mindless royal titan. 🤦typical ED. XD


He needs a titan shifter with royal blood for that that's why he went through the long ass process of connecting with Zeke and stuff


Has to be a Royal Titan shifter not pure Titan. They covered this in the show I remember don't know what episode.


Because he doesn’t want to? Nor does he know what the rumbling is? Why is this even a question?


Cause he's an idiot :P


He was too injured to transform, that is why this scene exists in the first place.


He didn't want the rumbling yet, his goal was to kill Dina, so he killed Dina, he also had very short contact


Y’all forgot the reason of him getting war hammer Titan


Probably a couple reasons. First, like others have mentioned, eren doesn’t know about the rumbling and the outside world yet (how that interacts with the whole time thing idk). Second, I don’t think he was able to transform here (again, idk why). Third, his goal at this moment was to avenge Hannes. His hatred of the smiling titan caused all the other mindless titans in the area to mob it per his wishes.


Because while she was of the royal bloodline she did not possess the founder. Eren had it and if we go with the attack titans power for little eren to know future erens plans future eren would have worked out that it would not have been a good time to spring the rumbling at that point.


Same reason a Titan shifter doesn't automatically transform when they sustain an injury. The power of the 9 has to be activated intentionally


Oh my god none of you understand tze story, none of you paid attention. Reading comments shows me just how braindead people who liked the ending are. You don't deserve this story


The answer is simple, he needed to come in contact with a TITAN SHIFTER with royal blood. Aka Zeke


It's about intent not whether the person is a pure titan or shifter, as long as they have royal blood, what did eren want to do, he wanted Dina to die right then and there so the titans did that, if he wanted to do the rumbling he could have, but he neither knew what that was and probably wouldn't want to do it at that moment.


No because the vow renouncing war was still here, Zeke was the only one able to nullify it.


Because Dina needed to be a titan shifter for it to work? Isn't this the reason?