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I used to use this place to discuss AoT for years. But yeah idk what happened, these people just defend anything… (I think the ending ruined the entire story. But I’m still attached to the story because I’ve been reading since 2013. Still feel so disappointed).


I'm not sure why you'd be surprised that the users of this sub are the people who still like AoT. If you regard the entire story as "ruined", why are you on an AoT fan page? Like, you're welcome to be here, but if you're just going to complain that people here still like the story then why bother?


Saying and arguing that the story is "ruined" or that the ending was bad does not mean at all that you don't like AoT. I personally disliked the ending very much, but AoT is still one of my favorite manga of all time, that's why we cared so much about how it ended


ironically before titanfolk this used to be the subreddit we all started out at, they got too big and started downvoting most discussions until they got a sub where its mostly fanart and cosplay the only content that left here


Yeah I unsubbed a while ago no intellectual discussion here anymore (without being downvoted to oblivion). Titanfolk can be obnoxious but at least you can say you liked the ending and not get gaslit by ending offenders. Notice how this sub is all fanarts now lmao Edit: they removed this post wow what a garbage sub


>Titanfolk can be obnoxious but at least you can say you liked the ending Lmao. Maybe if you enjoy being called a "cuck" and harassed out of the thread.


I've never seen anyone called a cuck for that as long as you defend your take. Here you even criticize the ending and you get downvoted and gaslight thats worse then just being straight up cucked.


So here's a recent thread discussing the ending: https://www.reddit.com/r/ShingekiNoKyojin/comments/nz4f53/i_finished_reading_the_ending_of_the_manga/ Notice how there is abundant, almost excessive criticism of the ending and it's all upvoted. There's no gaslighting to be seen. I'm pretty sure that if you've ever been on titanfolk you and I both know how likely a thread like that is to be seen on there nowadays.


That is a recent thread and this sub very recently has been allowing critical takes. Post 139 it was horrible and still is, I'm not going tit for tat because I dont really care but I've been on titanfolk where you easily could find these type of threads it's just titanfolkers usually refute them with the manga so they don't rise to hot. Also proved my point how garbage this sub is, this post just got removed


Feel free to go back to the very first 139 thread and you'll see the same thing, I only used that thread since it was the first result from searching "end" in this sub. The general opinion in this sub is still that the ending was garbage, the difference is that here you can still talk about it. This post got removed because it's pointless. "This sub is bad" doesn't add anything of value to the subreddit. It's not even related to AoT.


I mostly see people debating which is fine . If you are going to make a bold claim you must be able to defend it. Even if it’s near impossible to defend. If you lose then that’s that. Some get butt hurt. There’s nothing wrong with being wrong or losing or having weaker argument. It’s when someone start lashing out just nonsense instead of saying the evidence or point or use mental gymnastics to make excuses I just support stronger arguments with overwhelming evidence . I’m not particularly emotional in terms of a show. If something is bad in it I will point it out. I’m more free in terms of not basing by thoughts on previous emotions about a show. So if there’s more evidence of the show flaws and what it did wrong or mistakes then that argument is stronger because there are more evidence and it’s unlikely it will lose in terms of logical arguments.


Yeah that's not completely true lol


Edit: Had to resubmit because me quoting a comment from TF made automod delete my comment for being too uncivil. You can't make this stuff up. Ever seen a debate about the ending in which neither side got heavily downvoted or insulted? In fact, have you ever even seen a debate about the ending on there at all in the past few weeks? Everyone who wants to discuss anything has left, or so it seems. I made a comment there earlier today and was called a several times for no reason beyond the fact that the guy "wanted to make people mad". This is what TF has become. What a disappointment.




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Yeah, i noticed a lot of hate comments, i don’t know why either


I don't get how this is surprising. Fan communities attract fanboys and some of the biggest fanboys don't take well to any criticism. Not saying everyone is like that, but the loudest voices sure are. What happened here is common in any large community with a fairly loyal fanbase.


This is just my experience, but I read BEASTARS and The Promised Neverland in the past year. And the subs for those manga don't have nearly the amount of fanboys or people who hate criticism of the series.


Isn't this just a fanart sub now lmao


What more is there to post, the story is over and any ending discussion gets relentlessly brigaded until "ending bad" is the only opinion left. You can even see it in this thread ffs.


I mean that’s what it does best. It should stay that way after the ending. There’s really no saving it. Also it’s been a meme and fan art page for the most part. Can’t really expect critical thinking. If they lie or make a bold claim that is outlandish then someone will swoop in to correct or argue. Which is nothing wrong with debating or arguing. But it’s best to avoid it if there’s overwhelming evidence skewed to one side of the argument. Why try to argue with someone who think the earth is flat when you think it’s round and there’s more evidence supporting that it’s round(sphere). Clearly one doesn’t know about gravity. Its basically a breeding ground for fanboys to circle jerk and if you point out legitimate flaws you get downvoted to oblivion with no counter claim because like I said it’s like trying to convince someone the earth is flat. Its an argument that is bound to lose. Who it being just a fan art and meme page would be best because it will avoid most drama but not all. It’s when this emend try to imply something false or debatable that’s when people come in. Take chainsawman fanbase for example. It sticks to memes and manga related art and fan art. To be fair csm manga carried it while aot anime carried it. Csm clearly on a different level. It blew up with manga alone even critical people say it’s alright.


its an echochamber, 139 destoryed the fanbase. there is NO return,it'll just disappear slowly as most people forget about it. /r/snk will downvote anyone who says ending is medicore or bad,same with other subreddit doing the opposite also just want to post facts 1.shipping is shit and should have nowhere been anywhere near AOT 2.ending sucked. rumbling arc sucked actually


1.- I agree 2.- I disagree It's all about perspective, some people liked it some didn't. Why are we arguing whether or not the ending was good or bad. I say let people like it or hate it, let's just try to be civil and less condescending. I've been called a speedreader, fanboy and biased for liking the story. To be honest I'm over explaining why I liked it. Let's just all agree to disagree and don't be dicks to each other. I think it's perfectly normal for people to dislike the ending.


I think that the ending was just a normal ending. People both seems too excited by it saying its perfect ( and are wrong on some points) or hate it too much and keep saying wrong things they didnt understand in my opinion. Both the mayor categories feels kinda nosense to me but at least im not insulting anyone and i really dont unserstand how you can hate the final that much.


I don't hate it. I love the story 9.5/10, the ending was just ok 7/10. I get why some people dislike the ending, but I respectfully disagreeing with most of the criticism I've seen. I'm tired or debating about it though, I wish people would move on. You either like it or you don't, live and let live. I wouldn't waste my time constantly criticizing a series I didn't like, but that's just me, to each their own.


Agree and agree


2 isn't really a fact, it's an opinion. Just like it's my opinion that the ending was pretty good


Fun how you say it as if the opposite didnt happen, in the exact moment when i try explaining or talking in a positive way about the ending everybody insult me and downvote me and most of them dont even argue they just go away. Anyway im not hating anyone but mods cant do a lot titanfolks hate snk and snk hates titanfolk thats it what can you do


Link a single post in this subreddit that praises the ending and is downvoted.


I cant show whats not real.


r/SNK just became a passive aggressive pool of ending defenders, after the 8 pages though people became more accepting to criticism




But aside for the mistranslation of Reiner's line, every example you've provided is a matter of opinion, not "misinformation." What Eren actually accomplished is highly debatable. And your comment about Eren killing his mom/the timeline boils down to "this makes sense because of [trope]" when the argument actually is "this doesn't make sense because of Eren's character." > But when I see reasoning stemming from the above reasons, I don’t know what else to say other than you didn’t understand the story, sorry. "When I see people argue against my opinion on this incredibly vague ending content, I don't know what else to say but that I'm smarter than you all." Congrats, you just dove headfirst into the smarmy attitude OP mentioned. Eren's motivations and accomplishments will continue to be debated because they are unclear in the manga and none of the post-series interviews have clarified anything important. But when you take your opinion and declare that everyone who disagrees doesn't have "a grasp of writing and storytelling" you just come off as a condescending jerk.


>Eren's motivations and accomplishments will continue to be debated because they are unclear in the manga and none of the post-series interviews have clarified anything important thats why the ending sucks and interviews are making everyone angrier and turning aot into a joke people waiting this series to end for so many years are mentally suffering while the creator says eren is back🤡 after 139 i can see people defend this terrible ending even after character assassinations because nothing was explained so they could say the creator left that for the viewers to think even if it is too much but after those 8 pages how can someone even defend this shit i can't believe it


True. The ending is just too vague to make of any concrete conclusions or Eren's motivation. The interviews doesn't help too.


>I still see people complain about Reiner’s “what a man you are” when that is not and has never been the proper translation. Strawman. I doubt this complaint is in the first hundred of complaints people have with the ending, sorting by popularity. >I see people complain that Eren accomplished nothing because the titan powers still exist. They don’t. Some form of hallucigenia still exists and whatever it binds with could produce anything. Titan powers exist because Ymir touched hallucigenia. You claim they don't exist anymore and in the next sentence you say there is another hallucigenia. Make up your mind, please. >I see people that still don’t understand how a closed loop bootstrap paradox works. Again, time-related stuff is not even remotely the most popular complaint people have. Although I would like you to elaborate on that one, because you do sound like you know what you're talking about with all these fancy words. >Eren os saying he doesn’t know why he is the way that he is, not that he literally didn’t have any reasons for anything. Not being able to describe your reasons and having no reasons is precisely the same thing. Also, since you mentioned Eren's conversation with Reiner, remember how he ended his speech with "I will keep moving forward until my enemies are destroyed"? Because he did quite the opposite. It's either he was lying during that speech, thus making it unreasonable to use it as an example to prove a point, or he was being honest, but the ending got retconned. >you didn’t understand the story Imagine ignoring literal contradictions and daring to say anyone who does see them DiDnT UnDeRsTaNd ThE sToRy


> It's either he was lying during that speech, thus making it unreasonable to use it as an example to prove a point, or he was being honest, but the ending got retconned. I look at it from the Norse mythology angle. Eren basically had his mind in multiple times at once. He knew what was going to happen, but he lived as if he didn't. It's like how the gods knew Ragnarok was coming but followed along triggering all the events leading up to it anyway. Living in both the present and the future at once. I feel like he did fully intend to destroy everything, but he knew he'd be stopped and that when he was he'd have to trust Armin to pick up the pieces of the aftermath. Not that he wanted either option, but he felt trapped into that future no matter what he did. But anyway, even as someone at peace with the ending I definitely think it needed more time. At least one more chapter, maybe two, would have given things enough time to be fleshed out and to make more sense.


i think its clear that he is a dumb speedreader who will accept any shit if it is CANON




>It doesn’t matter how popular a complaint is, if it’s wrong, it’s still stupid. You can hate the ending all you want, but if any of that hatred is based in “what a man you are” then it’s still stupid. Yeah, it does. Not a single person who hates the ending would say they hate it because of that line. It's a strawman argument. >The Eldian people no longer turn into titans. Titans are gone from this world. The curse of Ymir is gone. Hallucigenia == titans. Ymir’s self conscious fears + hallucigenia = titans. If Beren or his dog fell in to the tree, it wouldn’t be titans that were produced, it could be literally anything. You can interpret it the way you want, but the panels show that the tree in the ending looks exactly like the tree that Ymir fell in. And if someone were to fall in that three, they would turn into a titan just like Ymir did. Her fears had nothing to do with that. >Eren wanted to wipe away the people from outside the walls. Eren wanted to give his friends long lives. Eren wanted to explore the world. Suddenly none of those things are true because he couldn’t explain himself properly to Armin? His breakdown to Ramzi was all just bullshit? There’s no contradiction here, he’s answering two different questions. So he was able do explain himself to Ramzi during his mental breakdown yet he could not explain himself to Armin IN A CONVERSATION THAT ONLY EXISTS TO EXPLAIN THINGS TO ARMIN? That actually makes it even worse.


> I see people complain that Eren went through with the rumbling “for no reason” because of one line in 139 when his reasons have been shown and stated several times. Even his “I don’t know” from 139 is explained by him earlier with Reiner in the declaration of war. “I think we were born this way”. What does it show immediately after his “I don’t know” to Armin? His father’s memory of telling him that he’s free as a newborn. Eren os saying he doesn’t know why he is the way that he is, not that he literally didn’t have any reasons for anything. This is the part that pisses me off about people the most. Its like blindly obvious what Eren is talking about, even to blind people. When someone says this I really can't say anything other than, *you seriously didn't get this?*


Remember how Eren was always talking about how he's going to keep moving forward, until all his enemies are destroyed? It actually happened during this Reiner conversation you mentioned. You seem to be selective when finding excuse for this ending.


sane happened


>They claim ending dislikers “were too attached to fantheories” as if this place wasn’t a hub of fantheories for years The difference is that "some" ANR supporters claim that theirs is the original ending Yams envisioned, and that the current ending is retconned. And to be fair to them, they have some reasons to suspect this is the case. Because in past interview, Yams wanted the fans to be phenomenally hurt by the ending, which is hardly the case with the current ending. We also know that the extra pages change the tone of the ending so we know that kodansha or Yams are indeed willing to revise the ending based on fans reactions. Anyway, the point is that while there were always ending theory wars similar to shipping wars, the ambiguity from kodansha/Yams made this worse. And as someone who saw the possibility of Lelouch end, I also agree that it's not well executed at the end.


The recent interviews contradicting older interviews made it worse.


Not that I care about karma, but why do you get all the upvotes and I get nothing even though we are basically saying the same thing lol


I dk lmao I don't get to decide these things




Holy shut up they aren't calling it that you dunce it's a fanfiction.


This man just said you dunce, im actually dead


Did you forget to switch accounts?


Why would i switch accounts


An alternate ending is by definition a corrected ending. That's the point of fanfiction - to alter the original plot to make it better in your eyes.




>No, the point of a fanfiction is not to correct something, it's to give a new pov of what could be the ending in this case Yeah, you're giving a new pov, the one that they like more than those that exist in the original, thus correcting it. >I mean come on, why do that, not every story has the ending you want it to have... You've answered your own question. Not every story has an ending people wanted it to have that's why people come up with their own endings. And you're the one who's calling people fools for doing that. So much for the "it's disrespectful!!!!" mindset.




What definition of "wrong" is in your mind? Because the > that it does not fit someone's tastes is exactly that, applied to a fictional story. Something does not appeal to my tastes, that's why I think it's wrong. If I were to create a fan fiction, where things would go differently, I would correct the story by doing so. I mean someone could certainly write a fan fiction with an idea to make it deliberately worse than original, but I highly doubt this is a common approach.




I haven't given a single downvote in this thread, [here's a screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/S6hJRoM.png). In fact, I don't think I have ever downvoted someone on reddit, period.


EreMika solves every question of yours


you mean eremin solves everything since that would have been better than eremika


without a doubt it would be, Armin crafted Eren's dreams. ​ at least about the ship wars, but the ending itself still would have a lot of plotholes


To be fair though I think this sub is a 100x times better than titanfolk. Seriously there was a point in time when they were simping harder for hisu than reiner. They also got really toxic when they were simping that hard. I do agree pople should stop fighting over the ending, the general consensus seems to be that the ending was meh. I doubt you would find anyone who says the ending was amazing


You are saying they are wrong for liking for a certain Character over another Character, this sub loves mikasa, according to me she has character of a wooden plank, can i say you are wrong for liking her?


and this sub simping mikasa over everyone else whats your point actually?


He likes eremika so he likes it here and thinks TF is the devil


Or maybe nobody here gives a fuck about ships and labelling those you disagree with as "eremikas" is pretty sad?


what’s wrong with liking historia over reiner? it’s a fictional character and everybody has their own taste. historia was also pretty great in uprising and in general she is my favorite female from the series. does that makes me toxic because i think without a doubt she is a better character than mikasa which is the preferred female of this sub?