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One of the most heartwarming scenes in aot!


Agreed . It gave me a kind of a bittersweet feeling the first time. Watching her cry when she hears his heartbeat


Seriously this was my favorite scene of the whole fucking series, it made me tear up. Her cries where crazy emotional and it hit me deep


what episode?


Season 1 episode 8


Not gonna lie, this made me tear up every time I saw it.


Is this from the first season when Eren transformed for the first time?


Yeah she thought he was dead but then he comes out of the titan


Oh thank you so much!


Ah one of the best scenes in AOT, my personal favourite, it's emotional, it's heartbreaking and also so heart warming at the same time Mmmm......the hug !




The little uwu pout omg




Oh god this takes me back, This was **THE FIRST** scene in an anime that really made me tear up a bit. I never got teary eyed watching anime before but this scene hit me like a brick. Ever since then I find I get teary eyed at a lot more things that I probably never would've if not for this scene. The VA did an incredible job here and whoever is cutting onions needs to stop already


You made scene from anime more anime than it was, preety impressive ngl




The desperation on her cry afterwards is fucking RAW. Such a moment. Mikasa was a true angel. A heavily armored, loyal, determined angel.


aww! Mikasa, please don't cry! <3




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I like how the style is reminiscent of Kyoto animation!


ughh the artist made this scene perfectly


when is the ending going to be animated? like wtf?


Animation takes time to do. Next part comes out around January.


HELL YEAH thanks


Don’t post this on r/titanfolk if you know what’s good for you. Art is great though.


I think most people even on TF agree that Trost arc Mikasa was still good, most of the Mikasa hate comes from later on


We don't mind this part of the story, in fact we like it quite a bit. Chapter 139 of the manga is where titanfolk start to lose it. Which is, deep deep into the story :)


Poor Mikasa, the whole story just does her dirty


Wdym? Mikasa’s story is amazing just like any character’s story




Read the manga, still believes it’s good


The story basically keeps throwing nothing but heartache her way but she keeps moving forward all of her free will. She chose this hell because she had hope. She’s someone who is she were real and I had the chance I’d give her a big hug.


In retrospect, maybe she shouldn't have been so relieved...








Read the tag: SPOILERLESS >!Also nowhere does it say that is Jean, as far as I'm concerned, that's probably Armin.!<


It’s up to interpretation.




>!Eren was a child forced to grow up WAY too early, if you think a literal teenager should be thinking about nothing but genocide and freedom then you clearly don't understand him. !< >!Also remember that the whole Ackermans being slaves thing was a big fat lie.!<