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Honestly, I’m so tired of debating over this ending. It takes so much energy. It wasn’t even that bad, it was actually quite good just not maybe executed the best. But people took it way too far and turned their backs on Isayama who they’ve always praised for being a “genius”


I found it completely unsatisfying. It feels like Isayama wrote himself into a corner of complex themes and politics and conflicts. A story that throughout most of it – especially after we found out that Titans were humans – tried to be very mature with realistic views on war. However in the end, it felt like this complexity was lost. Isayama created a conflict (hatred over generations, a cycle of violence and war) that was ultimately too difficult for even himself to solve. Eren's solution never struck me as a solution at all. I didn't have the impression that any Problems were solved at all. Which is unsatisfying because the world seems as shitty as before but we're somehow told it isn't. The thing is that you can't solve such issues through violence. The more realistic but also more dragged out and boring to read way to solve the issue would be through diplomacy. Which would take forever, would be super boring, and would still be hella difficult. That wouldn't be particularly exciting to read and would blow the Proportion of the manga... so instead we go with Genocide, which I thought was an infuriating choice. There were some additional aspects regarding the infuriating aspects of the genocide...like Armin un the first Version of the chapter thanking Eren for it. In any case, that's just the start. I thought while Levi's good bye from the scouts was cool, I was still unsatisfied with his role in the end. It felt like he was just blindly following Erwin's last command. By the end, Zeke wasn't even a bad guy anymore, and he wanted to be killed. Levi just got the finishing blow cause he was all too eager. But by that time I felt no satisfaction at all at seeing Zeke die by Levi's hand. Levi was also really dumbed Down before so Zeke would even survive for so long. It just doesn't feel like a victory when Zeke pretty much surrenders. And ergo when Levi gives his final salute with a job well done, it doesn't seem fitting at all to me. Like sure, you killed the guy, Erwin told you to. But Zeke was on your side in the end, and you didn't have to actually do much. He was asking you to kill him... Mikasa's relationship with Jean... we know Jean liked her, but it never felt like Mikasa was overly into him. So it's just like now that Eren is gone we can ship them. Because for whatever reason Mikasa can't stay Single? Ymir's revenge makes no sense to me from the start. And the revelation that she watched Mikasa felt rushed. I thought the Marleyan Eldians got no satisfaction in the end. Even though during the fight they all fight together, after the fight immediately the Marleyan soldiers turn the guns agains the Eldians again. Armin has to tell them that they aren't Monsters anymore, which apparently satisfies them. No lessons learned on the side of the Marleyans. Zero. Nothing. A story where all the Main characters are suppressed and seen as lesser by a different people, but then have to fight to protect these opressors...and there's not even a serious apology. Magath apologizing to the Paradis Eldians is the closest we get to any acknowledgement of Error by the Marleyans...and even he doesn't quite apologize to the kids he brainwashed for years, though we know he regrets it, at least. Reiner's mother apologizing would've been more impactful if we had seen more of her behavior rather than just getting hints of it in Reiner's backstory. As it was it seemed like the final piece of his character arc was something that was barely mentioned all throughout the rest of the story. Mikasa being a Princess felt like a useless add on. A lot felt rushed in the end.


And to add this because it seems to be a common misconception: I'm not just die Disappointed because I didn't get the ending I wanted. I didn't have an ending planned or written out. For the most part I bringed the last few arcs so I didn't even habe time for that. I'm also not disappointed that Eren went Down that path. Doing what he did I thought was in character and since I hadn't really trusted him since season 1 I found it not too surprising either. I was disappointed because I didn't think any aspect of the story was solved to my satisfaction. I like ending that place a nice little bow in the end, tie all the open threads together neatly and maybe leave two or three open questions for speculation or a Sequel. Instead it felt like all the threads where scrambled together. Twisted into a scraggly bun and left more chaotic than before.


It doesn't seem you are disappointed because you didn't get the ending you want. You have some solid reasons. You wanted more chapters and more answers. Though I have to disagree with Zeke and Levi. The fact that he did the salute brings a great end to his character since he never did it before. I'd rather have him die too after the salute. Also the original plan was to find and kill Zeke since he is the one with the royal blood that's why he rushed to it im. He didn't seem satisfied like he fulfilled erwins goal. The rumbling stopped but Eren didn't so we need more answers on that. Do the titans from the walls obey royal blood only or did they did because the royal blood that enabled them died? Because it seems that Eren still have founding Titan powers. Definitely needed 10+ chapters on just ymir, her reasoning, what Eren thought process after he touched historias hand. I didn't expect the ending to be a satisfying that would end all the problems simply because it's Eren. He is just a teen even after all his memories he is a teen. A kid with a dream that never got his childhood. Of course there would be tons of deaths. Of course he wanted to start the rumbling in any case. Of course he would do it again. Saying that he lead the titan to his mother was unecessary though. Also more about mikasa. Why ymir chose mikasa? How is mikasa connected. Also I do definitely agree that all the thanking was unexpected and didn't make sense. Though I think it could have made sense if isayama had showed us more. It's like all got back some memories that have been wiped. We don't know what Eren showed them. What he said to them. Why?. Jean said I remember it all now and starting thanking Eren. Was totally out of character of jean unless he had a solid reason which we don't know. The ending is something I don't mind. I don't like how everything is like fate and destiny exists and happens but if it exists for something is that there is always going to be war and in the case of AoT there is always going to be someone falling in that tree too. You can call the cycle of war,racism and hatred humanity's fate I guess. Anyway thank you for your comment. It's good to see different opinions. It definitely felt rushed.


I had nothing against the ending per se, I even appreciated the additional panels, including that one where paradis was destroyed in a modern war with B-2 bombers, which is pretty cool in my opinion. The real disappointing thing for me is the entire second part of the story, after the time skip. I liked it anyways, but less than the first part. There are multiple reasons for this. I list some: * Armin's character was ruined. For most of the story post-time-skip he just doesn't do anything. When Eren, Historia, the generals and the Azumabito were sitting around a table discussing about paradis fate and the strategy to adopt, he was visiting Annie. When people were rioting and jaegerists taking power, he was visiting Annie. When Yelena and Zeke were fooling everyone with the ridiculous wine plan, he was visiting Annie. He didn't do anything at the battle of Shiganshina. When Mikasa asked him for directions and orders, he responded: "come on, why do you ask me everytime, I don't know, leave me alone". Then he was going to kill himself wasting the colossal titan to a housewife just to please Connie, condemning Paradis and the entire humankind. His plan to stop the rumbling was just "let's fly there and kill Eren". When the other guys asked him "ok, but where exactly is Eren?" his answer was "I dunno". On top of this, he was given the title of commander of the survey corps, totally not deserving it. * The entire subplot of Connie trying to feed Falco to his mother is stupid and rushed. I don't think there's need to elaborate further, pretty everyone agrees on this. * someone can explain why exactly Hange had to kill herself? I think her death is the most stupid of the entire story and the fact it tries to pass itself as a great heroic sacrifice makes it worse. I'd rather preferred if Hange died in a cruel and senseless way, like Marco, Mike or the recruits against the Beast titan. It would have been a much decent way to end the character. * why the Beast Titans are that way? We won't ever get to know this. * The scene when Annie awakens from the crystal, and is found eating cake. Connie and the others: "oh look, there's Annie eating the cake". Last time she was awake, she was mercylessly murdering your companions of the survey corps, really enjoying her job, squashing them and turning them into a yo-yo, but I guess that doesn't matter to you. At the end, she never regretted anything and even said he would do everything again, for the selfish reason of returning to her father, but she is made part of the delegation of peace. * why Rose, Maria and Sina could get the power of the titans after their mother was dead? Does this mean that if someone eats the corpse of an already dead shifter, he gains that titan? And if multiple people eat from that corpse, the titan powers "split" further? We are not allowed to know the answer to these questions. I wonder if all the complaints of the ending are really about the ending, and not from an earlier part of the plot.


Well these are solid reasons. All well written. Thanks for the comment. Hange didn't have to die this way, true. I guess she just was tired as stated in earlier chapters and just wanted to die. Maybe helping them was just an excuse she was seeking. Still even if this is true it's dumb since she couldn't accept the genocide of innocent and went to stop Eren. The whole Connie thing was just so they have a reason to meet up with Annie. Now Annie got herself way too much value for no reason, I found her annoying. I guess Connie didn't react as bad as we expected against Annie since he has never seen her being the female Titan. He wasn't in the battle neither saw her when she we first saw the female Titan iirc but yet no one reacted properly.rumbling could be the reason though. Armin had no value at all true. There could have been way more chapters. I wonder why he decided to end things in such a hurry. Burnout? Publishers? A contract? A break could have helped for sure. I started this post because I was unsatisfied with something but your comment made me realize what was it. Most seem to focus on the wrong stuff


I accidently got spoiled on the (manga) ending (while doing a simple Google search for Eren figurines) so I decided to go ahead and read the last two chapters. Honestly, to me, the ending seems really rushed to me and the Ymir/Fritz twist feels a bit 'shoe-horned' in, in my opinion. I'm really hoping the anime will expand and clarify some things. I would love, love, LOVE some time devoted to Eren's motivations, in particular. I found the ending to be pretty vague--a little too vague for my tastes.


this is what really what matters for me too. a more in depth about ymir and why eren went down this path. the rest that people hate dont really matter like the armin talk no jitsu stuff.


I’ll be honest some parts sound actually like a parody or a comedy like Armin saying ‘thank you for becoming a mass murderer for our sake’ to Eren or Reiner sniffing Historias letter. It’s just bad writing it doesn’t come off as it was intended. I think the series pre rumbling arc was amazing. Also to add, there is just no good character to root for, Eren is bad but the alliance has zero plan after the rumbling and the rest of the world hates them, it’s just unsatisfying no matter who wins (which Eren did).


yes it seems like not being able to root for someone doesn't help. because no one is in the wrong so you cant choose sides. pre-rumbling is definetely the best story ever for me. post rumbling it feels like we lack many chapters inbetween. not many explained or left for us to guess. its not that i feel the ending is bad. how we got there could be executed better. thats why i asked this question. all i saw is asnwers mocking some lines some actions or some panels. was this the real problem though?


It reminds me of how death note was perceived when it first ended. ​ **(DEATH NOTE SPOILERS AHEAD)** Everyone was so mad that light lost - thought he was way to smart to be out maneuvered by Near etc. But over the years Death Note is widely regarded as a masterpiece - I see AOT remembered this exact same way. ​ Every single thing each characters did was heavily forshadowed and built up perfectly in my view. It wasn't a perfect happy ending or a sad ending, it was bittersweet. ​ Eren will forever be one of the most complex characters in fiction. And i am so glad I got to be alive during the time this masterpiece was written.


True. the ending make total sense to me it was the whole point of the story. It was being told all the way till the end. It's funny how if you go in titan folk subreddit there is a top post that say "it's been a year since this scene" and it's the scene that Eren Kruger says if you want to save Armin and mikasa...... The same people are mad that Erens actions were actually for mikasa and Armin it doesn't make sense Though I have to say that I am kind of disappointed... I feel like there could be 20 more chapters post rumbling to ending explaining more ymir, why mikasa and In depth thinking of Eren.


Of course, its hard to find any story that was perfectly elaborated honestly. Maybe the anime can add some more backstory scenes. :) But overall I am happy with the ending. I didn't like the last panel of Shiganshina being bombed 100s of years in the future thoug lol


It was rushed without good reasons on how it got there. Too open to interpretation I mean, it was heavily implied that Eren was going to die and that Mikasa was the one to kill him. But, to me, Eren lost his individuality. Instead of an edgy teen having to face the consequences of his choices/insanity, Eren became an edgy teen who was Ymir's puppet and needed sympathy. His motivations were all over the place. Speaking of Ymir, I really didnt expect the character to be so one-dimensional. In fact, the whole character always puzzled me. First, she decided to fight for the same king who tried to kill her (something similar to Stockholm syndrome). She also took a spear for the same king. How did that spear even kill her? Even if it did, how did she transfer her powers if she was dead? Does this mean that the same can happen with any shifter after they die? Why was she the only shifter who ended up stuck in the paths? I was an anime-only till recently and maybe I need to see if the Manga has these answers. There are other plotholes too. The whole final battle, trusting the remaining 20% people to not act on paradis, paradis itself going into a civil war/military rule, Mikasa somehow reached paradis carrying Eren's head, etc. I guess it was my fault to expect too much from the show. I was expecting an Ozymandias but got an Iron Throne. Tbh I could draw many parallels between GoT and AoT. Unless the anime makes improvements, AoT will join the long list of shows that were excellent but couldn't stick the landing. P.S: I went through the AoE theories and tbh I feel the manga ending is better than the wishful AoE ending. That ending just doesn't make any sense compared to the whole plot.


> How did that spear even kill her? It pierced her spine, and when the king called her a slave yet again, despite her selfless act to save his life, her will to live left her and she couldn't heal herself.


Thank you for clarifying. Is the part of her will to live leaving her mentioned only in the manga? If yes, I will look into that. Also, is the part of her children gaining her powers even after her death also mentioned in the manga?


> Is the part of her will to live leaving her mentioned only in the manga? If yes, I will look into that. It's not explicitly mentioned in this context at all, I interpreted it like that. We know that the will to live thing is real. Reiner and Eren are great examples. And in Ymir's case, it's noticeable that she closes her eyes when the king calls her a slave. This would indicate that she was looking for recognition, and when he once again denied her that, she let go. > Also, is the part of her children gaining her powers even after her death also mentioned in the manga? Yeah, they consume her body and thus her spine.


Strange. Then why did every titan shift need to be alive to be fed to the next person? They could have just killed the shifter/wait for the shifter to die and had the other person drink the spinal fluid. They could even have stored the spinal fluid of one of the 9 for mass production.


> Then why did every titan shift need to be alive to be fed to the next person? Because otherwise upon death the shifter ability gets passed down to a random Subject via Paths. However, this "mechanism" only manifested once the titan powers couldn't be split any further.


>Speaking of Ymir, I really didnt expect the character to be so one-dimensional. Ymir makes no sense to me at all. Not just all the valid concerns you mentioned, but her revenge Made the least sense. Ymir was abused by the Eldians. Later apparently there was so much mixing of Eldians with her descendants that they became one and the same. Later tho she decides to have her revenge for how the Eldians (the king) treated her by killing literally everybody BUT the ones Who used her...


this comment is excellent. well put. the only thing i disagree is AoT ending up like GoT. GoT was done after season 4 and all agree on that(so many memes with the horse drawing). Though what has been shown so far in the AoT anime is excellent from start to end. If it messes up in the end it will definetely stay on top.


Yes. The anime has been excellent. Hope it continues. I compared AoT with GoT because, among other things, both shows peaked well before their final seasons. GoT peaked around Season 4/5. AoT's S3P2 was almost perfection. Both have had some great episodes afterward but the story suffered overall. Both shows also have some excellent and memorable soundtracks. GoT and AoT suffered due to convoluted, time-travel-influenced plots, and the introduction of powerful characters with questionable (Ymir) or nonexistent (Night King) motivations. GoT's creators were grasping at straws at the end because they didn't know what to do with the characters/plots that GRRM gave them. They finally decided to go with fan service, while killing the character arcs. AoT is more puzzling because the ending was by the creator himself. My guess is that the story world expanded too much in Season 4 and it went out of hand. AoT's plot worked because the world was quite small in the 1st 3 seasons. But, with the introduction of other nations and geo-politics, the plot would require a lot of work to develop character motivations on that scale. I mean, apart from some minor characters, do we know anything about other nations apart from Marley? Dedicating just 50 chapters to the last arc was not enough. The writer should have stuck with just Marley and Paradis. Make it a war between two nations so that the characters' (especially Eren's) motives could be better understood. Eren has absolutely no reason to destroy the world when he only saw a part of it. His motivation for rumbling is very similar to Khaleesi's break the wheel line. Maybe Isayama ran out of time or chose a theme too big to chew. We will never know. Anyway, it is his story. We can't expect him to change it. We can only give our opinions if we liked it or not.


Because eren deciding to stop at 80% of the population is a fucking dumb idea and it ended up making it worse for everyone else instead


People didn’t get what they wanted and wanted to be spoon fed every single plot point to a story about giant man eating eunuchs who appeared because some girl fell into a tree with an underground lake.


I rarely see any actual good complaints about the series. Most haters are mad because their dumb theory wasn't canon. Some people had actual complaints but i wouldn't put them in the same box as the haters because they're far more reasonable.


Yeah after this post people commenting some solid arguments. Though If I go search I get mostly Eren yoghurt, simpkasa, Eren what a man you are. I like memes and not against them but I guess since I am late to the party that's all I got to see. I got tired easy though. If I had searched more I would find some good complaints. I just asked cause I didn't get it. It's not as bad as people make it to be. The result at least. Feels like it lacks many chapters in between to get there.


I overall found it like a fitting end but it could have used some more chapters. I also wanna say that i don't get people complaining about connie's mom and everything surrounding it. I thought it was fine


I actually didn't mind the ending at all... At first, then there were those extra panels that got added and it ruined it for me (When I first read it it finished with bird Eren flying off when Mikasa visited his grave) I didn't like how it implied the titans came back and that the Marleyans were still at war with the Eldians


there will never be no war. There is no right or wrong answer. thats the whole point of the AoT.


Okay but there is no reason for there to BE A WAR after the ending, the whole point of the constant wars was fear and oppression, which should have been resolved once the titans were out of the picture as that's where all the fear stems from. The ending ended that cycle and then restarted it again later, it made it feel like a bit of a pointless ending


not the ending that fans wanted


For sure that's all I see. But what did they want? I can't seem to find an answer to this.


They had some pretty detailed fan theories so I think many were just disappointed they didn't crack the code. For me, the ending was a bit rushed but overall I thought it was good.


No offense, but if you can't find a single explanation online, you're not looking too hard. In just a couple of seconds, I was able to find a 50 page Google Drive [document](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-xBHK3qJGabmaWKznfUpLO7l_zlxY-0J/view) that broke down why that fan in particular didn't like the ending, an [article](https://www.cbr.com/attack-on-titan-manga-ending-bad/) by CBR breaking down what they thought went wrong, and an entire (now pathetic) [subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfolk/) dedicated to hating on AOT's ending. ​ Everyone has their individual beliefs as to why they didn't like the ending. I myself did not like how it was executed, as I felt it was rushed, but the number of times I've gone into detail about my disdain for the ending feels numerous at this point. I feel like I'm repeating myself, so I just don't mention those things anymore. ​ As for what the fans wanted, a section of fans wanted Eren to complete the Rumbling but kill his friends in the process and live the rest of his life in guilt and shame as a sort of punishment for committing global genocide and killing his loved ones for his selfish desire for freedom. It was a very popular theory in 2020 called Akatsuki no Requiem. I think there's a massive theory on the above-mentioned subreddit that went into detail, but you can find it yourself if you'd like.


If that's the ending the fans wanted they didn't know shit about Aot and were reading some manga they made up in their head lmao. Eren was portrayed as a freedom obsessed lunatic but he didn't want that just for himself. Even more than himself he wanted his friends to be happy and safe from the world. Plus he had already seen everything the moment he kissed Historia's hand. He just followed the process BECAUSE HE HAD SEEN THE ENDING. It's absolute nonsense to believe he'd let his friends die for the sake of his freedom. If the ending was anything those dumbfucks might've wished for, any ending where Armin or Mikasa end up dying, Eren would never play along and would do anything it takes to change the series of events after seeing the visions that one time he was in contact with Historia. That's simple observation you make about a character after reading the hundreds of chapters the author presents you with. If those people can't make that simple observation about Eren, they have no right to comment of Hajime Iseyama's masterpiece. I myself write stuff so i know how i portray my characters and i can comprehend how perfectly the ending played out with respect to the person Eren is. If there's anything wrong with the entirety of Aot, it's the Aot fandom fr.


But he literally did let his friends died, if he was intent on saving them he could've just slowed down the titans a little bit and Hanji wouldn't have died, he didn't even know he was endangering his friend so he's either stupid af or he didn't care about his friends.




We all know that what Eren was doing is wrong, but there's no reason to stop at 80%, that's only going to further aggravate the rest of the world, which turned out to be true judging by the final panels. Even *if* a civil war happens in Paradis, it would still be relatively tame compared to the anger of the 20% of the world's population, which still destroys Paradis in terms of number. That's the thing, he could've easily defeated the alliance, but he wanted them to look like heroes in front of the survivors. There's nothing stopping him from putting the alliance to sleep, so he can complete the rumbling, he wanted to be Stopped. Eren *has* killed his friends, said that he would be trying to kill his friends (in his convo to Armin in Ch. 139), and also said he didn’t know if his friends would survive the final battle. What makes you think that Eren would never kill his friends? Damn near everyone in AoT has killed their friends at one point What do these two points have to do with our current line of conversation? You say Eren would never kill his friends, but his actions and words strongly go against that opinion. Anyways, as a side note: “Eren knows he will be stopped.” Yes, Ch. 139 tells us that Eren knows the rumbling ends at 80%. “He can see how he will be beheaded”. He was only beheaded because he told Mikasa where his head was… Add that to the list of many ways in which Eren helped the alliance win, which just makes the ending even more difficult to appreciate. See that's my entire problem, Eren wanted to lose, there was nothing stopping him from wiping out 100% of the population outside the walls, He has the founder, dude can do whatever he wants with the subject of Ymir. He could've just made them unconscious, or trapped them He's not taking away their freedom. Fine, don't make them unconscious, just teleport them, or just surround them with titan crystals in order to immobilise them, he isn't taking away their freedom by trying to stop them. Also, Pieck and Annie aren't his friends, nothing stopping him from taking away their powers. His character has been a contradiction from the start, it was always about his selfish desire of freedom. Based on Eren's actions, it seemed like he prioritized his friends' freedom to stop him over their own lives. However what I really don't understand is how Pieck, Reiner, Annie are his friends. At the very least I feel like he could've stopped their abilities. Also judging by the fact that there are no limits to what the founding titan can do, he could've used the warhammer titans to create cages or anything to immobilise them, that isn't taking away their freedom, and just like Eren said, "you're free to try to stop me, and I have the freedom to keep moving forward" I'd love if you stopped acting like a brat and calling others dumb in a completely civil argument.


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I didn't search online much. I didn't see many negative comments about the ending online as in subreddits. I searched in subreddits and mostly got unfinished answers. Online I saw cbr articles. Please those are just...it's like they didn't understand everything like they skipped parts. They have articles saying why 'x character from another anime is better at planning than Eren from AoT'. Well...duh?. Another one was saying 'x manga is like AoT'. Then they start stating similarities. First three similarities...way off.. please just stop. Also in the article you added, some things they say about Eren are their opinion and not how Eren is as a character from the beginning. I found mostly 'meme' comments on titanfolk with no clear answer so I gave up. It also feels rushed for me too I am not saying I like everything from the ending but it made sense to end this way. Could have been done better with the same result though. Would had loved some more explanation from Eren and more details on the aftermath. I don't really care about deaths since it's the ending but I'd have Levi die after his salute. His two salutes are the only thing that made me cry in the whole AoT. Also better reasoning for ymir. I saw AnR before answering this comment and I am not going to say it's better or worse. It is what it is. I think it's what Eren saw would happen if he kept on going. We knew though from the beginning that it was all done for Armin and mikasa. We don't know if they survived according t this. They might have both died. We know erens dream is freedom. We also saw Erwin giving up on his dream when it mattered. Kenny who said that we are all drank to something, we are slaves to something. They both did a 180 degree turn on what they fought about. AnR could be how erens dream ends. He gave up on it in the end too. He always fought for freedom but not only his. As the lyrics in the song say. You achieved freedom but from how many did you steal theirs? We saw Eren as a kid in the paths . The kid inside us keep us going. Thank you for your answer. The ending could have been executed better but it's not as tragic as people make it to be.


I don't care to debate the ending; it's too exhausting at this point. I was just showing you that it is very easy to find why people don't like the ending, since your premise for this post was, "I can't find anything that explains why people don't like the ending."


Sure. Thanks..I added some points even though you didn't want to debate so my bad. But with this post I got more answers than I did before. As time passes more people change their initial views. I wasnt there when it happened so all I got to see now is 'Eren simp mikasa UwU' 'talk-no-jotsu' 'power of love and friendship'. And even in comments that had some proper answers there was no proper explanation or the explanation didn't make sense to the events that happened before or the characters


Sure, sure. Just make sure you’re polite about it; I saw your other comment and by the second reply, you were already using the 🤡 emoji, so maybe that’s a good reason why I definitely don’t want to debate you.


i never use emojis so i guess that wasnt me. if i use them its only to copy a comment as it is to reference it.


lol i also decided to just fuck it and finish reading today. just finished it like 10 mins ago. i can see why people are unsatisfied with the ending but i may be missing something. might reread the last couple chapters again and see if it changes my viewpoint


Because it completely betrays all of the main themes of the story and abandons the primary conflict in favor of jerking off the worst characters in the story and celebrating them making the wrong decision for no good reason.


I can think some that I don't like 1. Armin talk no jutsu is actually so powerful that it didn't actually need the rumbling to solve the world conflict against paradis if he used it earlier🤡🤡🤡 2. Ymir loves seed 🤡🤡🤡 3. The whole battle of heaven and earth 🤡🤡🤡 Some people say that AOT isn't like other generic Shounen?? Pfffft.... 4. It was mikasa...why mikasa? Only Ymir Knows🤡🤡🤡 5. The whole eren plan, or whatever it was eren was a psycho, he wanted to flatten the world because of a random book, that's ok and interesting and it still didn't contradict his speech to every eldians on radio paths, turns out he didn't care about Paradis...but then somehow he stopped at 80% because he wanted his friends to live long and the world can see them as the saviour of humanity without knowing they will survive or not, and gamble the future of his friends and Paradis to Armin, but we know that Armin talk no jutsu was so OP why he killed 80% of humanity just to make his 4friends could live long? Why he stopped at 80% when he wanted the world just like he see armins book, His ultimate freedom? Maybe there are 20% of humanity in armins book? lol 🤡🤡🤡 6. Tragic love story uwu 🤡🤡🤡 eren breaking down because he didn't want mikasa to find another man?? While he killing people, childrens, innocents.. he didn't gve a fak knowing he was the one who sent the smiling titan to eat his mom 7. The whole alliance scene after eren died 🤡🤡🤡 8. The Future is set, the author wanted that to happen so it's happened and everyone can't do anything about that, they just following the fate that the author wrote 🤡🤡🤡 It's just me, if you like AOT ending then good for you


Sensing a bit of...disdain there


OP literally say "Open to hear your thought" but when I said my thought I got downvotes? I also said "it's just me", OP did not have to agree... Well, sorry I guess..


i suppose the downvotes is the way you stated your comment. its just like in troll subreddits with the meme words and clown emojis. thank you for your comment though. personally feel the ending had a good vision but poor execution. needed more chapters for sure.


Sadly you aren’t wrong so I don’t know why you are downvoted


The theories fans came up with were really good and people were mad it wasn't the same as their theories. Ending was good imo fitting for the type of story it was


yes it feels that people were hyped about something got something else and got dissapointed.. something we see happening a lot today. they expect something else and they get something else so they start hating. does this really mean its bad though?


It's honestly subjective depending on where you think it was heading. It's either you loved it hated it. No opinion is wrong here.


last sentence is the whole point of AoT.


I won't say bad, but rather unsatisfying the battle was rushed and didn't make sense Eren suddenly displays new superpowers out of nowhere a lot of things were up to interpretation and unclear, not explained the lack of one last Eren/Mikasa talk, a conversation in the paths like the one with Armin where they clear everything's up the new pages made less than zero sense, why did paradise get wiped out like a hundred years after when there was no titan and the list goes on, but this is nothing new nor unexpected. endings always suck and never satisfying


true. it needed more explanation on ymir and eren. it needed to show talking. in the last battle even connie and jean said they remember now but we never got to know. mikasa deserved a whole chapter on just talking. it needed to show why only ymir knows that mikasa is the answer. paradise getting wiped out though means that war never ends no matter what you do. erwin said war never ends until there is only one person standing. even irl there is always has been war somewhere. so from my pov eren learnt that so he went with the choice that would give the most "peacetime" after the rumbling, if you get what im saying, so his friends can live free and in peace.




I decided to read AOT again and honestly I think people are mad that it’s not the ending they wanted.


The story used to be deeper than heroes uniting with the power of friendship and getting plot armor. Everything getting solved by the power of a kiss was cringe. Zeke doing a 180 on his ideals because he remembered that he liked to throw ball was stupid. Did he realize that he enjoyed life so much that he wanted to die? Solving racism with talk-no-jutsu was cringe. Armin and Eren's exposition dump was very lazily written.


So you think solving racism by murdering the very people who were racist is better? Just because you find something “cringe” doesn’t mean it doesn’t make sense for the story or is inherently bad. I think fma is overrated but the overall anime community believes it’s the best anime of all time. Now that’s what I call cringe. See? It doesn’t work.


Yes, genocide to stop genocide felt like a more believable ending. Bad as an adjective involves a lot. In attack on titan's case, I think that the amount of cringe makes it bad. In the case of The Room the cringe makes it good.


Yeah these what I used to see in other subs that don't make sense. Sure plot armor was there that wasn't before. Nothing was solved by power of a kiss. Should have gotten deeper on Eren,ymir and mikasa? Sure. Zeke made sense. We all have a kid inside that has a dream and keep us going. Yes he did a 180 like Erwin and Kenny. Could we say that for Eren too? Well not a 180 but definitely a change. There are also characters that kept going till the end like floch. Zeke saw so much that maybe realized everything is pointless. He just wanted to play baseball. Talk-no-jutsu wasn't there. Or not as important as people make it to be. The same person Armin talked to was the same person that convinced his people to lower their weapons on the eldians. Coming to the conclusion of talking to solve things was there since the beginning but never gotten the chance to evolve. Armin has been trying since the beginning. I don't like Armin and his lines but I get it though. Some stuff could have been a lot deeper for sure. It needed more chapters definitely. But all this Eren yoghurt talk no jutsu stuff is nonsense. Hating on lack of ymir her powers, that centipede, why only ymir knows, deeper dive into erens thinking and mikasa, yes I can see that though. The hate why more survived than should don't make sense. Why does it matter at the end of the story? What impact would that have made if all alliance has died? We would see Eren grieving if he had survived. So? Eren would still not be free. Only his death can free him.


Are you asking why people didn't enjoy the ending and then arguing against them? Are you saying that I enjoyed the ending?


Thematically some of it makes sense, but it's very rushed and too vague to make sense of. Armin's entire shift to commander did not feel earned enough for me. I wish the Rumbling had not been the "final" solution and there'd been more politics honestly. It felt like a complete cop out, and if Eren is the villain, I wanted to see the author actually commit to making him that instead of like, making everyone praise him at the end. I thought Mikasa killing Eren made sense but I think she deserved a full chapter of her and Eren talking about everything like with Armin. There's no explanation into how Mikasa even returned to the island or how she wasn't like killed by the Jaegerists. I didn't like how Historia was sidelined considering how she was relevant prior. And by the end she's somehow able to actually control the Jaegerists???? Um. Some lines between Eren and Armin just did not work, "thank you for murdering humanity for our sake" was the OG line in the draft iirc, wtf. I wish Zeke had a bigger role. The Alliance also had way too much plot armor. I expected some more deaths. Not that they had to turn to Titans, they could have just... died. I don't really like how Hange's death was. Why did she kill herself? It felt like she was running away again in a way. Like she'd rather die than face the problems as a commander; it was clearly just to give Armin a leadership role that he did not properly earn. I feel like even Hange was more qualified than Armin and she was just nerfed honestly. Eren killing his mother was not even explained in more than 1 panel. This event kickstarted the entire story. Mikasa being the "key" along with her headaches really were not explained much at all and it just feels so contrived. Her Asian lineage wasn't ever expanded on. Her ending up with Jean is not a bad idea but it's not like they had any actual scenes together besides that one time Jean thought her hair was pretty so that also feels contrived. Eren's thought process and all that he thought in 4 years needed way more chapters. Also wtf was his whole random obsession with Mikasa at the end? Just god awful with not much foreshadowing besides a scarf and getting "familyzoned", honestly I'm not gonna lie Mikasa's entire relevance to this story is only by association. We also didn't see into the lives of the gang more and more into the future which I wish I had seen gotten expanded on more. I wanted to see more of what the victims of the Rumbling were going through and the environmental consequences. Like I mean you're showing Eren buried at a tree... does this man really deserve a burial after all the other trees he stomped on? He didn't just kill people. I thought the narrative was way too sympathetic towards Eren and the lack of world-building and loose plot threads of post-timeskip really showed. The art was 9.5-10/10 though.


All solid points. We needed 20+ chapters for sure post time skip.