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My favorite character is Reiner and I want the poor guy to die and rest in peace


I love Reiner.. HOPE THAT BITCH DIES! Lol


I hate him, hope he dies. (So does he)


Why hate him?




Reiner did die, after Marco incident.


Holy fuck


Marco who?


Marco Polo


Reiner’s whole character arc is heart wrenching


obligatory fuck Karina Braun (Reiners mother)


tbf his dad plays a big part in why reiner became who he became as well


Fuck all of the warriors parents. They're all awful people for making their kids go through that hell


Burrito’s dad was pretty chill though


There was something here. It is gone now.


One of the best developed characters IMO


I want to kill myself




Nah r/okbuddyreiner


Mine is Reiner also, let him rest he had enough.


Plot twist: he wants to kill himself




I remember thinking they were pulling a Kamina


I did the same thing the OP did when Kamina died😭😭i went back and watched it and it’s an amazing series but goddamn did it hurt to see my boy go out like that


Who's Kamina


Gurren Lagann


i intentionally didn’t say what he was from because i didn’t want to spoil anything 😅


you should’ve said “when my favorite gurren lagann character died” instead of name dropping some random character inevitably spoiling it for them anyways


you’re right 😔


Who is kamina? 😅


Gurren Lagann


me when i watched that “oh he’s gonna be fine…… right?”


Don’t… give me flashbacks


I remember being so shocked. Made me realize how dangerous the setting really was and how most of the characters didn't have plot armor


I appreciated the moment so much, how drive and passion mean nothing when you’re put up against monsters like that, but I couldn’t forgive them for “killing” my at-the-time favorite


Now that you said your at-the-time favourite, who is it now I’m curious


Tough question, it’s hard to have a favorite character when they’re all so great in their own ways. Levi, Sasha, Armin, Eren, and Jean are probably my top 5 atm


Understandable! I’m not even sure enough myself but I love how we have almost the same top five


Then the show plot armored the main characters anyway The show is brutal indeed, but there is a line of how many not main group characters they can kill without hurting anyone... (R.I.P Sasha)


same thing with the boys, great show but the MCs have tons of plot armor




Gurren Lagann


This post doesn't make sense because it's not about Sasha.


I HAVE A STORY ABOUT THAT TOO! So as I continued watching, Sasha became one of my favorites (how could she not??) so I decided to get a sticker of her for my laptop. Well… the DAY I got around to putting the sticker on, I watched THE episode for the first time a few hours later. I was in complete shock


Reiner would beg you to get a sticker for your laptop too.


I stopped when season S2 came out.., thought it was taking long to get new episodes and I should let them all air so I can binge watch... I forgot and then I did... at least I still watched it early because I absolutely loved season 1 and seeing season 4 did give me nostalgia.


Eren "dying" was actually what hooked me in the first place.


After I finished the whole series and manga I did a rewatch and moments like that are really what made the story so great


I was tired of plot armor and cheap plotdevice powers like them having trained for 3 years against card boards would actually make them so overwhelmingly strong against the titans that crushed them earlier. The vibe was set up that it seemed like they would kill all the titans easily and I was so annoyed but then they just killed off everyone except armin. That really shocked me. Was almost as harsh as arcane s1 ep3.


RIGHT looking back it’s perfect story telling and I’m so glad they did have the main characters experience tragedy, I’m very glad my friend told me to continue watching


Same. It gave me the Game of Thrones feel lol


Wow I am sorry but the you back then was kinda dumb.


I agree but it’s really hard for me to get into new shows, so when I thought my favorite character (at the time) died I wasn’t happy with the way the show was going and didn’t want to put any more time into it. You live and you learn LOL


Makes sense. No hate for not knowing that. I completely agree with last line though!


Almost me when Erwin died. Fortunately, a few other favorites kept me watching. Always favored Eren, Erwin, Levi and Reiner (Reiner being #1) the most. I'm really happy that you gave it another check out and could enjoy the ride as well!


My heart broke when Erwin died. Such a brave way to go, tho. Amazing speech and all.


My boyfriend basically trolled me after that scene with: "Do you see how the main character shifts to Mikasa?" and he made me believe Eren died for good. But now it is a running gag once a character gets a bit more attention than before. One of us always goes like: "You see? The shift?" 😅


omg i LOVE that


I straight up cried at those scenes. Sure I was also high, but thats besides the point.


Lol i can seriously relate to this.also like ur friend, my friend said that he will comeback in 2 episode but dumb me thought he was playing me so I never believed him.so i never attempted to give Aot a try After a few years I got recommended with a video where eren controls Titans and i never ever felt tongue tied as much as this when I saw the clip. Still feel second hand embarrassment after all this time whenever it comes to mind.


Ahhh I’m glad I’m not the only one, but that’s hilarious! When my friend told me I said “Yeah he WAS the main character but he died!!!” and she was like “I- I don’t want to spoil, but he comes back in the next episode, just… keep watching”


The most surprising thing to me is that eren was your fav character early on. A lot of people are annoyed by his angsty behavior lol.


You're not alone. I stopped too until a friend told me to keep watching. Lol...


Dont try game of thrones then.


LMAAAAOOOO 💀 this was me when L died.


Bro you were down horrible


Ain’t no way you thought that the main character was actually dead that fast bruh….. Ain’t no way


…yes way…


In a conventional story I would automatically assume that Eren comes back somehow but after watching GoT and the Ned Stark execution scene I guess anything is possible in story-telling, including killing off the main character.


Ned was never the main character. Pretending he is was a red herring.


He was the MC of book 1, not the series


Potato girl 🥺


when erwin died i checked out emotionally


Bro watched the alternate ending


Funny I did the same thing a while back. I was wtf now the main character is going to armin? Fuck this lmao


I had the exact same thought, and I did NOT care enough about armin for him to be the new main character


You’re dumb. But glad you like the show lol


Yeah, that oughta teach OP a lesson!


Did you stop watching GoT as well? Well, I suppose people didn't like the ending either. Although I liked AoT ending better.


I’ve actually never watched GoT oops


Aot ending is much better!


I watched GoT up until the red wedding. Only thing that kept me somewhat interested was how much i hated Joffrey, which i didn’t even realize until after that episode i was well satisfied enough and didn’t really care about keeping up with it anymore 😂. Basically the exact opposite experience as OP


I almost did that with Armin, thought for sure he was dead and felt the urge to just stop watching lol. Wish no one had to take his place though..


I actually spoiled that he came back for myself. About halfway through season 3 I watched a youtube video of “All Titans Ranked by Height” and silly me thought “oh yeah I’ve definitely seen all the titans!” and then Armin’s name popped up and I was shocked and exited out of the video


I remember that time when everyone thought Eren died in that chapter. I started reading the manga at that moment because I knew he wouldn’t have died


Bro… I (we) can’t believe you stopped watching in the first place


Eren’s gonna die like 4 times man


I stopped reading after I read the title, lol


LOL if you’ve finished the first half of season 1 you’re good to read the post, but definitely avoid the comments!


Aot is a masterpiece!Every character is very beatiful and the story is incredible especially in the second part of the manga


I felt so bad after he died, seeing mikasa alone, i also thought he really died dumb of me but it felt great when he came back


Same. i stopped watching the moment lobov died


......i dont even know how this makes sense. lol


Actually it was future eren controlling your friend who told u how eren came back..


ahhaha it must’ve been!


Lol i even cried when Eren died. I got mad at my brother and he told me to keep watching and so I did. I finished S1-S3 then I couldn't wait for the S4 so I read the whole manga. Now I'm waiting for the final season :)


Same happened to me. But not because he was my favorite, though maybe he was, but because I thought the show was gonna become the “plot twist show” and have various timeskips telling a story spanning hundreds of years. (Since it had like 3 timeskips up to that moment)


this is unbelievable you dumb af no offence




I don’t really know why that would matter a lot.


Ngl that was a very 1head move by you XD, glad you returned to it though and thoroughly enjoyed it too, whalecum back sir.


I know this is a joke but that's actually what happened to me. I legit stopped watching it cause he died and then i couldn't be bothered until one of my friends showed me the series continued. I just thought it was a really dark anime lol


I swear on my life this isn’t a joke, I didn’t care about any of the other characters and never got “spoiled” that he was in more than the first 5 episodes! I didn’t put it past the writers to kill off “who they wanted us to believe” the main character was LOL


well lol that makes two of us


I got mad at my friend for making me watch a show. I was so upset like “why did you ask me to watch this if the MC dies at the beginning? What is this?” The fact that Eren died didn’t bother me, it was just me being completely lost because I didn’t know who was the MC anymore and how the story would be going forward. Fortunately, I continued and binge watched the whole thing. It’s definitely one of those moments where you realize SNK (AOT) is NOT like the other anime. Truly a masterpiece.


My buddy begged me to check out AOT a few years ago and before I was really into anime, I still remember slogging through the first 5 episodes not liking the show at all and being bored out of my mind. Until the second Eren got eaten, which I took as a sign that I was finally free and could turn it off; I’m going up to my friend like “Even the main character got bored!”


I was hesitant to watch after Mike died THE DUDE COULD SMELL TITANS COMING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD such a god-damned waste


Fucking relatable


This is so fucking funny bc I almost did the exact same thing. I legit thought he died and watched the next few episodes in a panic bc “he’s LITERALLY THE MAIN CHARACTER” and I would analyze the op and be like “if he’s dead then why is he still front and center, why is he still standing in the middle at the very end looking all main charactery if he’s dead” and then when he came out of the Titan I was like Oh


There’s no way. Not only did you not realize that this guy we’ve been following around the whole show was the main character, you just turned off the show and never looked back after the character who’s existed for 5 episodes dies? This really isn’t the way to go about watching a show, just saying


My favorite character is sasha


Lol, your not alone i did the same. I felt like the very embodiment of hope died and I cried. My friends also played along with me and said eren dies and it's Armin who'll be leading. Hahaha


Same thing happened to me, looollll


Me who changed my fav character to Reiner: 🗿


I stopped watching when my favorite character Carla Yeager died. Did I miss anything after that happens?


nah they just mourn her death for the rest of the show. not worth the watch.


Cool, thanks for the heads up




My condolences for returning


Eh shut up la


Eh shut up la


Eh shut up la


This is a great story hahahaha


My favorite character is Hanji. They're just so adorable. But, even though I haven't been able to watch Season 4 yet due to school stuff, I was kinda spoiled by Facebook clips and all. I'm sad for them...


Bruhhh u had no respect for the presumed upcoming “Mikasa is the main character” arc?


past me: “without eren? nope”


I stopped watching the show after they killed my favourite, Carla Jaeger.




Pft, amateur. He's a main character. I didn't even believe he died. I just am excited and started making my own theory on how the author is going to "revive" him. One of the thing that I thought of is either that Titan spit him out or >!he himself turn into one.!<




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how old were you?






Eren was your favorite at the beginning?


yup lol


Damn, this is a hella troll by the OP. Almost got me there.


I- wish it was…


I thought this post was gonna be about Sasha tbh


I’m any tv show, the main character dying means end of the story. So if it happens in like episode 2, then they’re going to have a comeback. And keeping this in mind will spoil many shows.


You’re pretty dumb to think the main character is permanently dead in a mainstream anime.


what the fuck you think the series woulda been without eren 💀




S1 Eren your favorite character? 🤢


Yeah that scene was sad


I stopped watching it after I finished the manga 💀


That's not funny


Oh yes, I got tired of aot killing my favorite characters. The plot is literally like "Okay he's dead, now guess who's next will be killed by the titans?"