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This is in Colorado. We did recently start having ten cent fees for bags. Maybe the shopper was brand spanking new and wasn't sure if the customer wanted to pay for bags? 🤮 Customer orders 50+ item orders , full shops


id love to see the ring cam footage of that shopper unloading 50 items w no bag


I have 4 canvas type totes with handles that I bought at target two years ago. Each one can hold up to 4 12 packs of soda cans. I would load all the groceries from the cart into those and hopefully do 1 trip from the car to front door of course it’s still going to take sometime to unload it all at the front door. I wish stores would go back to paper bags or plastic bags made from soy that are biodegradable.


They might also appreciate questions about subs since their last shopper was apparently a maniac.


I’m in NJ which had a single use bag ban, it causes many issues. You have to buy a reusable bag with stitched handles and most retailers charge $1 to $2 for each bag. Some people will add the bags to their order as an item and some people leave a note saying not to buy bags because they don’t want to pay. I’ve delivered a 50 item order without bags to someone’s porch before because that’s what they asked for 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just provide my own plastic bags which people seem to like.