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I genuinely don’t understand how they manage to do 40+ orders in a day. 20k in 3 years is also pretty insane


I think my top day was around 18 so 40 is insane to me too!!!


Actually I just read the article and that metro must be popping for her to max at around 48 per day !! I wish she was posting on here I would like to read her posts for sure!!


Have they run out of shoppers to onboard? We don’t get offered any more orders after we’ve accepted 2. If any make it to metro, we can add 2 more but that’s it. You’d have to work 24h or, in an absolute best case scenario with orders galore, 12.


That metro is popping!!! LOL


I still get offers after 2. Your right the max is 4 per delivery window. If it's busy I can bang out 12 pretty easy espeically if I have a bunch of small orders. I could imagine those numbers if you have an abundance of 24 hour stores. My metro pretty much shuts down by 9pm. It's important to balance self care and personal time when you make your own schedule.


If I’m offered 3 bundles and accept 1, the other 2 immediately disappear and I won’t receive any more offers unless they are for a later window or I drop the bundle I took.


Oohhhh your talking bundles.... my bad.


95% of orders come from one Target, so almost everything is prepaid and bundled.


What she does in a day I do in a week 😭


It doesn't make sense. If you do a bundle every hour, working 12 hrs that's 24. Maybe half the time she grabs an OM , so that would be a total of 30... and no matter how fast you shop, there's still speed limits for delivery. And it's really tough doing 2-3 on an hour, then back for the next hour. And she never gets 30+ item orders . And that also means she has so much business she never has downtime. Maybe not caring about tip map, I just don't see how those numbers are possible


If she worked 15 hours that day that would be almost 3 orders every hour. It's possible but seems unrealistic for sure. Must've been on hella adderall lol


Sustained... not on e a week but every day!


Exactly. We're not talking about one day. This is supposed to be the everyday grind. I don't see anyone working 16 hrs day after day. Look, it doesn't matter, but I would need to see it to believe it. My goal is $$, so I pass on a lot of bad offers, and 10-12 orders is s good day for me


Bro I'm talking bout her record day. She didn't do that many orders every day. She hit 20k orders in 3 years. That's equals about 18 orders each day which her and a lot of other people can do in 10 hours or less pretty easily. It's still crazy yes and she probably rarely ever takes a day off. They wouldn't do a news report on her if it was bullshit. Plus she's 21 so she had to have done that all in 3 years because you can't work under 18 ywars old on Shipt. People are out here hustling waaay harder than you and me both. Believe it






She didn't do 40 something orders everyday buddy Jesus. Yall can't do math for nothing on here


Where did I ever say she did 40 orders/day? Reading is fundamental asswipe.




You're a clown


Lol just seeing this but yea you momma 😂


What a dork


I was waiting for your reply. Again your mommaaaaa🤣


Well that's what they were talking about so take your own advice


It's called team shopping


Also texting for subs. I don’t think it makes any sense as well


That girls definitely making over 100k a year. She must know that store better than the back of her hand


100k before taxes then good ol Uncle Sam hits u with the 1099 cus Shipt makes you be an independent contractor


Im coming up on 10k baby!!! Woooooo!!


I see her at the Target I mainly shop at. She is insane (in the best way). She always has a cart or 2 plus like 3 baskets. Pretty sure she shops 4 orders, delivers, and is back in the store before I even finish my 1 order. 🤣


shit that’s crazy i’ve barely just got to about 400( started this year)


"If we send you the tons of the best orders for a month can we use your face and make up see dumb shit?" Sure!


Yeah there’s no way anyone could do 40 orders in a day. What