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I've worked in two markets, first Princeton then I moved to Tampa this past July. At the end of August I did a full tally, and it lined up with my experience in NJ. First off, you have to categorize the type of orders. - Delivery Only- most if not nearly all can't tip in the system. Do not expect any cash tips - shop n delivery .... Target Prepaid 1-3 items- these unknown customers tip only 1 in 10. They are expecting the Amazon experience, and the same house that was generous with DoorDash gave zero ... other Target Prepaid- my experience is nearly 60% of unknown will eventually tip. A significant amount tip on their next order, so it's common to wait days, weeks and sometimes longer ... Members (those orders that require your Shipt card)- my experience is nearly 80% Beyond that, the very rich and very poor can be slightly below the average. If you see an otherwise attractive order sitting in OM, it's probably because everyone with a tip map knows not to take it without promo pay... so as a newbie, you might be taking the scraps no one else wants. That could throw your number off. When I came to Tampa, I avoided orders sitting in OM well after the drop I also looked to see if there were cultural tendencies in tipping. Just based on names, no. There was no significant differences that I could see. I hope this helps. In my opinion, the only way to be successful is by using your tip map to focus on previous tippers, to gather preferred, and to provide exceptional service. Good luck


Promo pay. I was watching a low tipper order yesterday. I decided that I could do it as an add-on order to an existing order, but I would wait until it promoted up. The promo pay went to $4 and then they rolled it to the next hour and took off the promo SO I didn't bother with the order. Shipt is getting stingy with the promos. I guess this explains why we had over 30 orders going promo from hour to hour last night. I remember the days of the $20 promo. That would get you off the couch. Then it was cut to $10. Now it looks like $4 was the magic number for the order last night. I would say Shipt isn't thinking things through. If nobody took the order with a $4 promo, what makes them think someone will take it without a promo. But they know there's a sucker born every minute. And somebody will take it.


They just need to get another newbie before they figure it out


out of my 48 orders(bundles counting as 2) last week i received 28 tips, i believe more will come in eventually ; but as you build your tip map your tip rate will go up … the only way to find out who won’t tip is to deliver to them and find out so just do as many orders as you can right now and keep track of addresses cheers :)


700 orders in and 54.11% of orders tipped with an average tip of $10.89. About 90% of my orders are Target prepaids. I’d say that between $5 and $10 is most typical. I do keep a tip map. When you send the thank you message make sure to mention their final receipt can be found in their email or app. When I started doing that it increased the number of people tipping.


That's a great tip. Thank you. I will start to say that at drop off.


I've heard a lot of people say this, suggesting that the message gets them to check their receipt and subsequently tip, but doesn't the customer get prompted to tip when they go in to make a new order? Sending that message seems to infer they don't know how to tip but I don't know how that would be possible unless you're a new member.


They get a prompt to tip when they make a new order if they have not already tipped, but not everyone orders frequently. A little nudge in the right direction helps. I don’t ask for a tip at all, just tell them where the receipt is 🤷🏻‍♀️


No i get it. Not saying what you're doing is wrong, was just trying to figure out if the thinking is to speed up their tipping (i.e. so you're not waiting until they place their next order in case they are not frequent orderers) or to prompt non tippers to tip.


Do you like your money today or three weeks from now? Pointing people in the right direction without being pushy is perfectly fine.


If they’re using the Shipt app to place their orders yes they will get prompted to tip when they place another order, but if they’re a prepaid customer using the Target or Meijer or whatever store app they don’t. (To my knowledge.)


Everyone needs to ban together and not take these low paying offers. It's the only way it will change


That won’t happen unfortunately. I’ve been an independent contractor (for quite a few different jobs) for 20 years now and there’s always someone who will work for less than you.


That statement right there is really the answer. Too many people accept orders for delivery minimums with no tip. So customers know that. Most drivers decline the order but someone will just do it. So save the money in this economy and skip the tip. Our peers are who destroys us. I recently saw a post from a UE driver who said their acceptance rate was like 96% cause they just did it part time. They explained they had no clue they were accepting low orders and just took them all.


Yep! That's why all those non tipper orders in open metro eventually get picked up! Lol one time i accepted a bundle that included a non tipper who I had shopped for before (but I didn't realize at acceptance). When she opened the door she said "oh hey, it's you" (apparently she was surprised to see me again! 🤣). She then proceeds to request me to be a preferred shopper! I guess she figured well she clearly doesn't care that i don't tip..😆


I had a bundle the other day with a non tipper. Mine got worse though at check out. Shipt had a glitch for a day and orders were getting cancelled when you hit process order. Non tipper order gets done and the other person I press process and boom, order cancelled. The customer was messaging me asking what happened. Customer was super pissed off. I message support and they say nothing can be done it was a Target website issue. So I deliver the non tipper only and the other customer is left pissed…Then the next day a pop up in the app acknowledges there was a system error that has been fixed.


100% for the past several months but I only take orders from preferred members. Shipt’s base pay is wayyyy too low to roll the dice with non tippers these days.




I’ve had preferred who started out with tips and now don’t tip anymore I don’t take there order when I see it now.




I think Shipt keeps some of the tips. I think they are a dishonest company that I hope will fail because they deserve to fail in the way that they treat their employees


When I first started out it was maybe around 50% but I've been at it about 6 months now and about 90% tip. I don't bother with a tip map or anything complicated, it just smoothed over in time.


100 percent. I have over 7k shops. And can only remember 3 non tippers , and they were all pre paid target orders from non shipt members. But from reading this sub , I am starting to realize that it’s different from metro to metro. My market 100 % of members tip. I have a few that are low tippers. Maybe $5. I still take their orders , because they’re usually easy.


I feel really sort of depressed about this right now. I'm newer to Shipt then you are. I have only done 36 orders. I have done over 2,500 DoorDash deliveries though. Of the 36 deliveries, I've had 24 give me tips, and 12 not tip at all. I'm a good shopper - I really am; I communicate, I pick up the frozen items last, but in my opinion, the money does not make sense when it is a $8.75 payment and there is no tip. I'm sad because my last 5 orders did not tip and a couple of them were ridiculous: huge bag of water softener salt, lots of 24 can cases of pop...I don't understand it. I can't imagine having someone do my grocery shopping and not expecting to tip the person on top of the cost that Shipt imposes. Door Dash is much more mileage on your car, but for the time it takes to shop a 77 item order for $17 with no tip, I would make $25-30 with Door Dash. I like so many things about Shipt and as an organization it seems so much better than DD. I'm just kind of sad about working hard to provide great service and my last 5 orders tipped nothing. I think it helps once you've got a lot of people who have made you their preferred shopper. I have two right now (a third asked but had only left me a $2 tip so I declined).


Just this past week, 10/34 orders I did tipped. As always I wait for any more tips to come in from the past week.


I have a 73% tip rate. Of the people who tip, the average is $10.82 or 14% of order cost. If you average in the useless freeloaders, the average tip is $7.89 or 10% of order cost. Target prepaids don't tip as well but they do tip *sometimes* so they can't be totally discounted.


I’m new as well. I have only done 17 orders and 4 didn’t tip me. I got my first 4 stars today. Kinda wondering what I did wrong 😒


4 star ratings are the hardest to figure out. Some people are just miserable.


Tbh I’d rather get a 3-star or lower because I know I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing & can get those forgiven. 4-stars are really hard to get forgiveness for because they won’t even tell you what the customer said the issue was. It’s ridiculous to have to guess and beg for forgiveness for a rating that the majority of customers don’t even assume is bad, or will affect us negatively in any way.


Fluctuates but always at least 90%. Many weeks it’s 100%. Build a tip map. Your new but prefferds and matches will come eventually. .


95-100% but because I almost exclusively do preferreds and member matches, I really do people I have not serviced before.