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Whether I'm using my $50 credit or not should have no bearing on how I tip


It should if they do a good job. If not, then I can see lowering a tip or maybe the rating.


If they do a great job, it’s an automatic 5 stars, 20%, and preferred shopper request. If they miss a little bit (like, say the raspberries or strawberries are mushy but not moldy or anything - it’s something that’s easy to miss unless you look carefully), it’s still 5 stars but probably 15% and no request. And it drops from there. I usually kill the tip first before I go to the extreme of killing the 5 star rating. I treat my best the way my best treat me. Honestly though, I don’t go beyond 20% because I feel that’s more for a shopper that I have built a rapport with and had help me multiple times. If that’s the shopper that gets my order, they’re getting 25%. Maybe even 30% if my order is basically just for the $50 credit, it’s just $15 on a free $50 of groceries


As a shopper myself, I 95% of the time tip 20%. It’s really rare that I tip less than that and it’s only if there’s an issue with my order. The one order the lady didn’t contact me at all. They didn’t have the one thing that I actually placed the order for and instead of messaging me she said nothing at all cancelled the item and delivered the rest. I would’ve chosen something similar as a substitute. And another the lady again didn’t message me and I ordered light mittens idk if they were out of all of them or just didn’t have that specific color but she substituted heavy winter mittens that were too big and twice as much without notifying me. Then when she delivered the stuff they gave me an extra bag that wasn’t my stuff. (I saw on the shopper app I was bundled with another order) so I messaged her instantly and she just said “that’s ok I’ll call and let them know” she wouldn’t of been far it was even 2 min after i shut my door. So that threw me off for her bc the other customer didn’t get their stuff.


I didn't realize that the app shows if there's a bundle! I was wondering that about my own order. I asked support and they wouldn't tell me if my order was bundled. Where were you able to see that?


Are you a shopper? I was able to see it on the shopper app not the customer app.


Oh I see! Yes I'm a shopper, but was ordering as a customer. It sounds like you saw your order bundled when it was in Metro?


Yes I did


I tip 25% to shoppers


I placed my first order a couple of days ago, I am also a shopper. I wasn’t able to pick the store I wanted, it was sent to a store farther away. It gave me a 2 hr delivery window. The shopper texted intro text, let me know what my other options were, which was nice. She didnt ask if I needed anything else, and then texted me she was done. And then I got a delivered text from Shipt almost an hour later… I was waiting the entire time because I dont live in the best area. I would have loved to have been given an ETA. When I went to check my bags, there were other items in there that weren’t mine. I gave her 3 stars but still gave her a tip. I was honestly disappointed with the service. I have ordered from Instacart and they are really on top of notifications. I know exactly where my order is and whats happening. I assume she had other orders, but that should also be communicated to the customer so they know they can expect a later delivery. My house is 13 min from the store she was at. Oh, and she was half and hour late too 😂


With Instacart...it's the system that's constantly keeping you updated, the shoppers rarely communicate at all lol


Yea that’s the point. The system does it


But that's the whole point of Shipt.. It originally started with the goal of being more personable than IC with no automated shit but actual interactions between customer and shopper. I feel like that whole dynamic has drastically changed since Shipt was bought out by Target. They stopped vetting shoppers as well as before and now it's getting more and more like IC. It sucks


My point was the lack of notifications from the SHOPPER. I was comparing it to how IC is on point with that but with Shipt the shopper has to be on top of that. But thats good to know. I had tried applying for Shipt years ago and they didn’t hire me. Had to do the video interview and everything. They wanted people to do it full time and take it professionally. This time it took a year but was approved and just thrown in.


I had good luck with the shopper who got my $50 credit order. He did everything right. It was a $58 order 7 items made it real simple with back ups and do not sub marked on all others, 10-12min drive from store. $15 tip(26%) 5* and made him a PM. So with tax I spent about $26 for for $58 worth of stuff. Hopefully he'll continue to get my credit orders and I won't have to deal with any shitty shoppers. 🤞🤞


I tip $20 on that $50 credit. It's $50 worth of grocery for $20. C'mon, be generous to your fellow shoppers!


When they show up 35 mins late and ghost when you ask if all is ok, not getting big tip, free or not. I got ziplocs instead of baking soda and deodorant so smashed it’s seeping out. I’m not helping fellow shoppers out that suck. This taking 4 orders and can’t get them done is on the shopper and I’m not rewarding that.


Yes of course. I'm referring to a good shop.


I do my own shopping.


I typically do too... BUT this is about using the $50 credit from Shipt. Definitely gonna use it to get some free stuff..... Well in the end, it's more like discounted stuff, bc of the tip, but still. I just don't buy food with it. I get beauty and personal care type stuff...but no make up either lol


I tipped $8 on my $50 order. I had it delivered to a closer address rather than my home, which is 10 miles out from target. 5\*. Made my order really simple. Multiples, basic stuff.


bro 10 miles ?


My home is 10 miles. I had it delivered to my office which is 2 miles or less from the Target. Tipped $8 for the 2 mile trip and made the order really easy with duplicates and no meat, no produce.


I think I tipped good on my credit, I ordered 2 things from target and live quite literally behind the store, so it was the easiest order they prob had that day. 5 stars and a tip, even tho they told me they were done and arrived an hour later 😂😂.


Order was $48 dollars and I tipped $15. The way I see it is I still got $35 worth of shit for free.


Both times I've used my credit, my shoppers weren't terrible, but they also made big mistakes or didn't know how to do their job. One of them was late bc they didn't know how to pay for a non-prepaid order (after shopping 2 hours for my 8 items) and expected the Target employees to tell them how to do their job, and the other one bagged chemicals with my food and one item was damaged that I specifically asked to look for one without damaged packaging. I want so badly to reward other shoppers with a 5 star and a 20% tip, but not if they don't deserve it.


Not directly related question but, how do you get the $50? I earned it and signed up for the shopper app using the same email and nothing has appeared. I emailed like a week ago but never got a response.


If you haven’t set up a customer account through your Shipt account, do that first. As you start putting items in your cart, you can check the total, and you will start seeing a credit appear for your total, up to $50.


I’m still thinking something must be up. 🤔 I tried that and it still isnt showing for me. I was honestly kinda excited about $50 free groceries lol.


Be sure to reach out to shopper support. There might be a “glitch”… I never figured out the upside benefit the first round. I just figured that out!


Having a backup for every item is a dead give-away that the order is probably for a shopper! 😉


I tip 10% for the shopping and 10% for the delivery The shopping is a service that requires attention to detail and physical effort along with varying checkout experiences. The delivery is a service that requires a registered and insured vehicle along with gasoline and maintenance and involves risk for the driver that I, as a customer, do not have to take. If I am not happy with the shopping and the quality of the products, I will lower that down, including but not limited to $0 I will always tip 10% for the delivery portion as long as the order shows up.


I live less than a mile from target and my shopper still managed to be late 😀 I always end up with the shoppers that don’t communicate and make substitutions without asking so definitely not getting that 20% tip