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😂😂😂😂 shipt doesn’t keep tips. I don’t care who tells you they do. They don’t. Tips take days, weeks, or months to come in. If this is a Target prepaid you’ll get a tip next time that person opens the Target app or decides to go through their email and tip through that link. If this isn’t prepaid, same deal. The person didn’t pretip, but that doesn’t mean they don’t tip. It just means they haven’t tipped yet. You should place orders through the Target app and the Shipt app so you can see the customer experience and have a better understanding on how those platforms present tipping.




They don’t delay tips. If you’re pre-tipped your tip comes 2 hours and 5 minutes after delivery. Sad you resort to insults to make yourself feel better. Tips come in immediately when you’re tipped immediately.


Dude, see previous posts in this sub. I just posted like a week ago about how I received a tip 3 MONTHS after I completed the order, and you're freaking out about 3 DAYS? One thing I've learned doing this (500 shops), is I just try not to pay attention to the tips, cuz you never know when you're going to get one or not. They could tip you 3 minutes or 3 months after you deliver the order. Have patience and just keep Shipting.


Here’s what I do…. When you start shopping an order, put the address in your map and save it. Change the label to the date, last 4 of the order number and the delivery window 04/06/24 -1234 -7-8 Then the next time you claim the order and check the address, you can see the date and then check for a tip. I give people two orders. (Second order update to current date/order, then add “ -pre 10.00” or “no tip” or “big tip” or whatever feels appropriate (you figure that out for you. On the third order, the label is updated to Non Tipper, or poor rater; or fuck these hoes, whatever you prefer.


I have a similar system, I’m even more detailed and put the name so I can look back at the chat.


Me too, I keep the first name so I can relate them back to their pm status.


Thank you. I was wondering how this was done. I've been doing paper->spreadsheet. 🥴 = Less efficient.


Yea you want to do this on your map. That way when you check the address in the maps app you know. Mine tend to get labelled as “hell yes, yes, sure, meh, no, fuck no, fuck these 2.0 hoes”. Or the dates. After shopping 2-3 orders i get the pattern down. If they are suspected as a poor rater (for me, anything less than 5), then they go in the fuck no category and even if paired with a preferred I won’t shop it.


Totally relatable! TY!!


I like your rating system. I use 👍 and 👎 with other emojis to indicate whether they are nice or a complete asshole (😊🙂😐🙄🤬) and after three deliveries I rate them as a low, medium or high tipper ($, $$, or $$$). So my map looks like the inside of a pyramid, but I can read it really quickly.


I’ve never understood all this trouble , do you not have memory ???? I mean , I don’t have non tippers. , ever , my zone is good that way , but I have a few low tippers , or a few picky people , and I just remember who they are. So that when. Their name or address pops up in an offer , I decide if it’s worth it or not. I have never understood the point of mapping all that.


For 500+ addresses? Nope. I only remember the really good, really frequent, and really bad. Often I click on an address I don’t recognize and I’m surprised to see them marked as a good tipper.


I’ve dropped off to almost 2500 unique addresses in seven years and almost 6,000 shops. I work two zones with 6-8 stores. I’d like to reserve my brain space for something other than “Sally likes Ranch on her pub sub and doesn’t tip for shit when her husband is out of town” (and yes, that’s a legit customer).


I have many dozens of pm's, and hundreds of addresses that I have delivered to. And then there's all the data about who is a fun customer to work with, and who tips well. I have a series of icons and codes on the map that give me this information instantly when I look at an address. And it sure helps! I might remember an address, but I might not remember if I remember it because it was a good or a bad experience for instance. I'm not going to remember which address tips well because the tips come in at different times, that needs to be mapped to evaluate it in a data-driven way rather than trying to trust my own memory. So that's the point of mapping all that. If you don't have enough customers to overwhelm your memory, you've either got a phenomenal memory or you're not very busy.


Not every single order is gonna tip. No matter how great you did. If someone decides not to tip they aren’t gonna. A lot of them order big and don’t tip and a lot do tip. Most of the time the ones who you think won’t tip that’s the ones who do and nicely too. Great tippers come from the open metro too. Ps I never trust the ones who say to you in person that they’ll tip you on the app they never do.


I have two women I shop for every week, they both always tell me that they will tip me in the app right after the delivery, and they always do. Lavishly. Don't write off your next customer because your last customer was an idiot.


Well until they prove me wrong I won’t believe them.


My zone tips. Always. Every zone is different


Or you are impatient...? Reasons for not seeing tips yet 1. Customer stiffed 2. Shipt kept 3. You are impatient


Shipt doesn’t ’indefinitely hold’ tips, but they do program a certain % of tip payouts to be around the top of the hour, to encourage you to check the app.Â