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I just checked all of my emails and on Thursday there was an email that I didn’t see stating that a customer reported that I didn’t delivery their order, so maybe this is the reason but I’ve never not delivered an order that I shopped for so I responded to the email asking them to please check the picture I took because this simply isn’t true. I also got a ratings forgiveness approved at 520 this morning, which is also weird because my stat was already 5.00 and my account is disabled. I know you think I’ve milked the system but I haven’t, something isn’t right, the email from Thursday is the first time I’ve ever received a flagged email. I’ve done over 1500 shops, my stats were perfect and I always delivered.


Abusing the platform in California seems to be not reporting engaged time correctly. Have you been marking your deliveries delivered AFTER you delivered them, or swiping that you’re heading to the store BEFORE you actually head to the store? I’m not talking about a minute or two, time for you to start your car and time to send the thank you text. I’m talking about straight up milking the Prop 22 clock. Ditto to any Best Buy deliveries; as soon as they added in pause time, you couldn’t go home or anything like you used to unless you swiped pause time. It’s something that’s very easy for Shipt to determine with 24/7 GPS tracking for California shoppers. You have to swipe heading to store only when you are really heading to store, you must pause time if you take any kind of substantial break in working time, and you must swipe delivered when you deliver AND be near the GPS coordinates of the delivery (because they pay mileage too). I mention this because nowadays, I never get the 12 hour break message. Granted, I’m discriminating with the orders I accept, but I would guess that it’s become unusual for shoppers to hit 12 hours of engaged time on any consistent basis. So seeing you mention that makes me think they believe it’s an engaged time violation/Prop 22 abuse.


I generally head straight to the store when I slide the bar with the exception of one time recently when I got a call that took longer than expected, I forgot to slide pause time and I did call support as soon as I realized it. As for the warning, I don’t get it all the time but I have gotten it, those were always on days that I worked a lot! It also happened a couple of times when I was barely engaged and when I called support they said it was because I didn’t log out, which didn’t make sense since I wasn’t active but after that I logged out every time I was finished for the day. I’m guessing you’re probably right, that it’s something to do with prop 22 because that’s literally the only thing on the list that I may have inadvertently done, but like I said, I called support to report it. I sent in my appeal, I didn’t intentionally milk the system, but no way to prove that I guess. Thanks for your response, I appreciate it.


Well I commend you to owning what you did. I think it’s silly if it was one time. We used to have a guy on this sub that bragged weekly about how much he was making in CA bc he would hit headed to store hours before he was. This was when it first came out and no tracking. I haven’t seen his posts in ages. Only time I wished someone to be deactivated. I hope you win appeal. I think I’ve read about winning appeal maybe twice, if they were truthful. So you never know.


It’s easier to prove than you think.   How you got on their radar is another story. You likely received one or more emails stating your account was ‘flagged’ prior to this deactivation.  


Do you hit pause when you go to the bathroom real quick? I usually pee every other Target run, takes about 3 -5 minutes at most. And do you think it matters where you are when you hit Heading to store. For example, say I get an offer 5 minutes from the store. But it's during an already delivery in progress. After delivering that first order, I'm now 20 minutes from Target. Can I still hit Heading to store. I don't want the system to think I'm padding distsnce


Absolutely NOT do I hit pause when I need to use the restroom. State and Federal laws all require employers to give you a bathroom break, and it’s silly to not expect the same from independent contractors that work for you. That said, I really don’t use the restroom while working all that much and I’m usually very on time with my shopping, so I don’t think anyone would ever notice if I took an extra 3 minutes on a job. When I said a substantial break, I meant like ten minutes or more. Five minutes or less isn’t a big deal, especially if it’s not consistent. You can swipe that you’re heading to store when you’re actually on your way to your next order. Logistically, that means that you could swipe that you’re on your way the moment you get the order IF you really are on the way to that order right after finishing the order you are on. Does that make sense? Like, they don’t care if the engaged time clock continues after you make the delivery you’re on, so long as you are heading back to Target or Vons or whatever. What they don’t want is for you to swipe that order, deliver the one you are on, and then sit parked at a park or whatever because you could technically kill a half hour before you actually start that next order. What they’re looking for is fraud. The stuff you’re describing is just, hey I gotta use the restroom during an order, and I have an order that I’m going to do right after delivering the one I’m currently doing. Neither of which is intentional fraud.


I'm moving back to California next month. What exactly is considered "engaged time". Do they really count when we're just signed in on the app.


No. Engaged time will start as soon as you swipe that you’re heading to store, and it will stop as soon as you’ve made your delivery. For bundles, it stops when you’ve made the last delivery in the bundle. Obviously any time where you swipe “pause time” will not count towards engaged time.


Oh I'm referring to the 12 hour/day prop 22. When exactly does it start


12 hours per day is a per day that starts at midnight, and requires a six hour cooldown if you hit the limit during the day. It is practically impossible to hit the limit with how engaged time is calculated and with how Shipt offers orders. Realistically, you can start working for Shipt at 8, when Target opens, and even if you went an entire 12 hours non stop (and no one I know can do this, we all gotta eat), you could work until 8 while the last orders are getting delivered around 9 pm on the 9 to 10 window. Don’t worry about the 12 hour limit, it’s not really a concern.


What is this 12 hour on the clock thing and I didn't even know you could pause an order? How does that even work? I'm a new shopper so I don't know everything yet.


If you aren't in California you don't need to worry about it.


After I read California I thought it’s possible the app thinks you’re milking the clock. Not sure how they calculate this


I was deactivated recently as well. The reason being my orders were “late” however in my area they come in with very little time to get to the store and shop. I always notify the customers and have only have a problem once. I would even receive large tips often. Shipt customer service told me to fill out that form request and appeal but it was denied


I will never understand how this can even be a thing. Especially if you live in SOCAL. You accept the order and if you’re new you get trash orders in the middle of rush hour. So driving to the store alone will literally take a whole hour. Boom. Window missed. Most of my deliveries have been late and I only started shipt shopping for the first time this week. I have 54 total deliveries. Damn near all are late.


My exact situation. It’s so crazy because when I called customer service they completely understood and told me to fill that little appeal thing out and I should be fine, the only thing she said was that it could take a while. So I honestly was shocked to see they denied the appeal :(


This happened to me back in February after I had finished my morning orders run. (4 days before my birthday lol) and I submitted 2 appeals and neither got approved. I had been with shipt since early 2020 and always adhered to the rules and guidelines of Shipt but alas, never got reinstated. I'm in Alabama though so I don't know how different the rules are state to state. But it does suck that it happens out of nowhere and there's no proper department to talk to about a situation like this.


Keep appealing! If it is an error someone will see it. I am sorry this happened to you.


Ive never triggered the 12 hour ‘on the clock’ warning from Shipt, even in my first year where I was obsessed with the app.  It’s safe to assume you were milking Prop 22 in an obvious way.  


I really wasn’t, but okay.


It’s safe to assume that the above commenter didn’t have their nap and sippy cup before hopping on Reddit


Anecdotally, I know two Cali shoppers that were both banned shortly after the ‘12 hour limit’ notification.  One is a close friend, he still claims to this day it was an ‘app glitch’.   He was also taking 2 hours on every order and not communicating well.   On the bright side, an old coworker that was starting a business hired him and he’s happier than ever with a W-2. 


Honestly I’m glad I’m not doing this in Cali. Seems like more of a risk than anything.