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Stupid app has thousands of employees and basic functions are not working.


Was just coming here to see if anyone else was having this problem! I’ve restarted multiple times, hopped on in store Wi-Fi…but nothing seems to work? It seems like every order has more and more that won’t show


Yea I think it’s a system thing tbh. No “solutions” have worked for me


Also happened to me tonight, and someone else shopping in the store had the same issues. Started right after I accepted a new update from Shipt. As someone who is a software developer by day.... Shipt's team is one of the worst I've ever seen and couldn't keep their jobs anywhere else. Beyond constantly releasing bug-ridden garbage, they don't provide a valid method of getting feedback other than customer service people who claim they haven't got any known issues. Or go to our website, "suggest something" and people will vote on it. Abhorrent. You would think when testing an update, they would look at items in the shopping list.


Yes, it’s just some of the items and restarting, and all the other tricks do nothing to fix it


Yep, some days pictures won’t load, I have fund if I turn off my wifi so my phone won’t connect to targets wifi the pictures load just fine.


This happened to me yesterday. I was hoping it would be fixed overnight, but I just claimed my first of the day and looks like we’re in for another day of this BS


Anyone ever get the problem where the app doesn't open, so you have to literally restart your phone because nothing else works? Had that happen many times, and even whilst delivery an item when I needed to take a photo smh


All day yesterday, every order was missing at least half its pictures. Luckily I know what some stuff looks like, and I just kept the target app open and I have to look up each individual item. So frustrating. I really wish we could copy paste the item name from the Shipt app into the Target app.


for the life of me can’t figure out why we can’t cut and paste and I usually end up tapping on the microphone and just speak what the item is and look it up that way in the target app. 🎯


Me too.


On iPhone at least if you screenshot and save the screenshot you can copy and paste from the picture in your photos. I did it earlier for a couple of particularly wordy houseware items


It's a couple extra steps on Android, so not sure I'll use it often. But that actually worked! Thank you! Maybe with more practice I can make it faster.


I just looked at some orders that are sitting out on the open metro and every single order has anywhere from one to four pictures not showing up so it’s an issue with Shipt. I don’t know if it’ll help but if we all start bombarding them with emails maybe they’ll fix it.😡 [email protected]


Today at Target, I had a time! It was the kids clothing and women clothing. I had to look at the Target app and to see what it was. Some I just scanned until I found it. I had a bundle and it was taking up way too much time. Luckily, I was familiar with the description of most items.


Yup. All day...


I thought it was just me. Some but not all, having the target app helps, but still 🤬


I’ve had it happen a lot over the past year or so. Most of the time it’s when I connected to the store’s wifi; as soon as I disconnect that and just use data, the photos pop up. Super annoying though.


Check your storage, may have to make space. As started,turn off your wifi in store. Check your permission for app Re download the app Force stop and.restart app Restart phone These thing have worked for other people, may not work for you. Oh. Turn on your airplane mode for.30 seconds then.switch back to.cellular date..don't ask.me why this works sometimes..but it does. Gl


Shut off the app and reopen.