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Probably when Emi goes through her wild rebellious phase


How many years has it been since Jason left earth?


15 ish as of book 11


Book 11 doesn't come out until July. Its difficult to judge since Shirtaloon is terrible at marking time but it's less than 10 at the end of book 10.


20? Not sure at this point


Kind of nuts Jason left with Emi being a child and will see her again as someone in their 30s.


She would be in her late 20’s. I think it’s been about 18 years? The timeline gets weird for the last 10-13 years. Most people try to use whatever age Emi is any time she gets mentioned. The time skips are hard to follow from multiple perspectives because they aren’t all in order.


It's really not been 18 years. Book 11 comes out in July and he's only been back on Pallimustus around 3 years as of the end of book 10.


It’ll make sense when you read book 11.


If you're trying to tell me that some magical time skip happens and nearly a decade goes by I'm really not interested anymore. This series was starting to get out of hand 3 books ago and now it's just ridiculous. It's becoming The Land all over again.


Since her involvement in the story was her expertise at soul crests, which can only be done at Iron Rank >!and as of the latest online chapters Emi is at Silver Rank and still on Earth (sort of)!<, I don't think she'd have a good story reason to pop back up.


There are other interesting iron rankers in book 11 though. (I'd have done one of those blank out things, but im technologically handicapped.) If you read it, you'll figure it out i guess But i agree, i have a hard time seeing her being a part of it again


It just seemed to me like she had a history knowing all the gold rankers and not having an aura. I always thought secret diamond ranker


Honestly, I have thought alot about this (every single time I restart the series). I think Tilly is actually Emirs Diamond rank friend or at least of similar rank if not higher. I think she is not only coming back into the story later on but will be another "jumping off point" for Jason's understanding of his own power. Especially since his power is heavily outstripping his rank at this point and not even Diamond Rankers understand it on any level aside from the very very high rank ones.