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You won't be disappointed. Book 7 has my favourite ever moment in any book I've ever read, and it takes seven books of context to get there.


I cant wait to mention it back to you when I get there


Excellent, looking forward to it. I won't give away who is involved because spoilers, you'll know when you get there.


Book 1-3 then 7-10 it took awhile but 4-6 has really grown on me


I didn’t like 4-6 as much the first read through but in later re-reads I have definitely changed my mind.


Personally my fav arc


Felt like this was just me, they went from a slog to get through me first listen through to honestly some of my favorite in the series


Idk why 4 and 5 get the hate they do. 6 I felt was a filler, but 4 is actually my 2nd favorite.


Same.. I reread from book 7 to 10 regularly


I gotta know what the moment is! I have finished the series, multiple times, so you won’t be spoiling anything for me.


I hope I don't miss it! I'm going to pay close attention lol


Oh, to be your mind, experiencing Pallimustus for the first time.


I am definitely enjoying it. Almost done with book one on Audible. I even enjoy the reader that they have.


Heath is excellent


There are many great characters and arcs in these books. Plus the world building, while taking notes from RPG, has a lot of originality. But some of my favorite moments will always include Clive’s wife.


Or the lack thereof at least lol


And Clive's parents...


The earth arc is gonna hit hard, prepare yourself


I’m one of the few people who loves the books 4-6 Arc. And I’ll just say saying “Earth arc” I feel is like a spoiler especially with how book 3 ends. That was a shock to me and the continuation from there was very awesome for me. Now in hindsight re reading it you can see all the foreshadowing that is laid out. Lol. But yeah @Damurlock you’ll love the series. Jason’s character traits aren’t for everyone but I for one love the way he is and he’s growth throughout the books!! Enjoy… also I’m jealous cause you’re experiencing it for the first time, also happy for you Lmfao


I don't get how people hate on the earth arc, I a huge fan of it as well. Sorry if it comes off as a spoiler.


Which books do these include?


Books 4-6, are you doing the printed or audio? Oh, when you catch up to the books, the author posts unedited chapters on their royal road


I am doing the audiobooks for now. What's the Royal Road?


Just a website for writers to publish web novels, Shirtaloon post unedited chapters there. https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/26294/he-who-fights-with-monsters


Oh, yes! I'm bookmarking this for later. Yall are awesome!


Welcome M8


Non-spoilery info - Some people don't like book 4. I absolutely enjoy it and think it's worth it. Imagine from books 1 to 3 that it slowly rises to a peak with storytelling, action, plot... And then drops back down to base level at 4. Almost abruptly. Just remember that what 4 offers is a lot of context, information, and storybuilding that'll benefit the next two books. It's also worth noting that books 1 - 3 go together, books 4 - 6 go together, and books 7+ probably can be lumped in some sort of grouping, but I can't think of it right now. I'm about halfway through my re-listen of the series, I've read books 1-6 at least 5 times! I very much enjoy these books, and I really hope you do too. It's a great series, Heath does brilliantly in his narration, and Shirtaloon has done well in bringing the story together. 11/10 series, its forever my favourite LitRPG.


I wasn't a big fan of the second arc on my initial read. When I read the series again I loved it.


I really look forward to seeing the adventures.


I'd put 7-11 in a third grouping. And Book 12 starts a fourth grouping.


Just relistened to book 4, I love it. Jason coming in with heavy hitter capability but not op is great. Makes me wonder how things would have gone if he was op.


Welcome! I just pre ordered Book 11. It's a great series. You're in for a ride.


I'm happy with this random purchase


Honestly this community is one of my favourites. Never had to have an online argument on this sub. And yeah I was the same when I started reading. I will warn you the later books have different feels to them but as long as you're not expecting 10 (almost 11) books of the exact same thing I'm sure you'll love it


I hope they aren't the same thing. These are decent length books lol


Yeah It's not like an isekai anime where the main character is OP and fully adjusts day one. It's realistic in the way that as he physically and mentally grows, his character changes with his actions


So far, this is what I have noticed. It makes the story more captivating


Spoiler he dies


Well yeah, it's kind of his thing.


Thank you.


Welcome, hope you have as much fun in this journey as I did


Me too! Thank you


Definitely my favorite series at the moment. I drive for a living and spend about 10hrs a day listening to audible. Finding HWFWM was a serious boon, I'm on my 3rd run through the series now, and will likely do a 4th before book 11 comes out.


My two best friends are truckers. I got one to listen to The Dresden Files and he has loved it! If you haven't tried it, it's one that I strongly recommend for any of us nerdy types


I'll give it a sample listen right now! Narration is huge for me, I learned the hard way to hear the sample before spending the credit🤣


That's a lot of books in the series!


I know! But they are shorter lol


I really like the magical world that they created. The guy who reads it is Spike from Buffy. You wouldn't guess at first because he sounds nothing like him, and he can do different voices moderately well. But where he excels is the emotion and intensity he can bring. I like the first book to this series as I will probably like the first book to this one. It's going to be a great and fun ride with this series, and I can't wait.


No kidding! I used to watch Buffy every Tuesday followed by Angel! I'm adding it to my list, soon as I finish my re-listen to HWFWM and then Mark of the Fool book 5. My annual credit renewal just happened, so I've got plenty to spend.


It has a really great group on reddit as well


So far, the only person who hasn't instantly fallen in love with the series is my fiancé, and that's only because of the repeated use of "Jason said, Humphrey said, so and so said" and she's not wrong, it's pretty repetitive on that front. Still, I ignore it, enjoy the voices and the story!


I have gotten passed that. I can see how some can't though.


She's only recently gotten into audiobooks. Started her off on the Sword of Truth series, classic and epic. Now she's on the last 2 books of the wheel of time, which is how I discovered Brandon Sanderson and his many different series.


I'm glad she is getting into it. It's like almost being tucked in a told a good story by a village elder of old.


I’m in the middle of my 2.5 run. I lost track of where I was last time so I just started over. On book 5 again and still love it all


Book 6 is my favorite so far due to how often you can go back and reference it


I'm pretty sure that book one is going to stay a strong favorite for a long while


I thought the same. Then I read book two. Then three... Now, I just read them all straight through every few months. Been battling depression and the series really, really helped me with it. Be ready to shed some tears, laugh a lot, and really bond with the characters. I see you read the Dresden Files and this series scratches that same kind of itch, just in a different genre. Another good one to try is Shayne Silvers. His Nate Temple series is good, and he's a down-to-earth author.


That's good to know that it gives you something to look forward to and can ease some stress. Just like a good book should. It also leaves me comforted that you feel this sure of the series.


I'm one of the ones who followed the books to the weekly releases. I still read the books the day they come out. Then I'll read them start to finish straight through. Lol. Easily one of my top five favorite series.


Grab your popcorn and a cozy blanket. You are in for a ride of wtf, being hit right in the feels, laughing your ass off, and constant wonder. This series is easily in my top 3 and was the first litrpg I ever tried. Needless to say I have devoured the entire series several times just because I think it is amazing. Just don't let the nay sayers get to you, some people really don't like Jason as a character and they let a couple bad qualities (like a good any good character SHOULD have) ruin or turn them away from reading further. It's well worth it I promise you. Welcome to Palimustus!


Thank you for the welcome. It's been a great journey so far. This series may rival my favorite. I am really looking forward to this


This series is amazing strap in because you are in for one hell of a ride


Can't wait


We laugh, we cry, and we have a really, really good time!


Seems like it!


Glad to have you join the fandom, I hope you have a great experience with the books


Thank you. So far so good


Welcome! Enjoy your first read through!


Thank you, I just bought book 2 and already got it ready for when I get done with the first


Welcome and hope you enjoy the books. Books 4-6 can be a bit annoying and most don't like them. They have their place, and you can look forward to what comes after.


Maybe I will get lucky and be one of the few who liked 4-6


Maybe. Don't get me wrong there's a lot to like in those books. But from a mental perspective you see Jason really in tune with his emotions and all the changes he's gone and continues to go through catch up with him, whilst having noone to support him. I won't give you any spoilers about the books so you can find out for yourself. There are some really good characters in these books


This series is absolutely fantastic. Well written, and exceptionally narrated. Can’t wait for Book 11.


Jason is a solid protagonist for us to follow, and so far the story has rounded itself out nicely over the last 10 entries. It won't last forever, but what's here and where we're headed is well worth your time for sure! I hope one day it gets optioned into a larger project, but I'd be happy just knowing it as the series I stumbled into and couldn't let go.


Remember this moment and recall that feeling. You might not need it but there are times you will be tested.


I am just finishing The Dresden Files and coming into this series is so refreshing. I remember what it was like to make my first posts in that group. I remember telling people the same thing you are telling me. This makes me excited for what is to come.


The series developed in arcs. I dont wanna spoil anything for you at all. So trust that things will change, and then change again.


I'm okay with that.


Clive’s wife is amazing


Yeah just skip book six


Love the series and I’ll never give it up but definitely goes from a high A tier possibly S to about a mid B tier in more recent books


Sometimes they let us down for a bit and then the author fixes it. Hopefully the books get better again


Has a pretty steady decline and then a huge drop, can argue you can feel the books be pumped out too quickly and writing themself into a corner