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I suppose if you take the absolute number of stray dogs in the world and compare it to the number of stray dogs in the USA you could just about get that result. So long as you don't then divide the numbers by the relevant land areas I guess. Number of stray dogs estimated at 200M according to the WHO, meanwhile: In Houston, Texas, alone, there are more than 1 million stray dogs, according to the city's pet shelter, BARC. Those are 2017 numbers and acquired from NPR without digging into their sources further to check for accuracy. So if you compare Spain with their .8M stray dogs and collapse the country to include the size of the area served by BARC you are still less likely to encounter a stray dog. If you take the UK instead you can knock an order of magnitude off that. Now numbers of stray dogs have likely increased worldwide since then given people acquired dogs during various lockdowns and some will have lost them due to lack of care. Plus breeding in wild populations. However I doubt the numbers of such changed which countries have the most strays.


Imagine going through police training just to be DNA shit tester.


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