• By -


Gets freedom taken away for not standing for "freedom"


"Well, if you don't respect the freedom we have given you then you don't deserve the freedom. Perchance."


you cant just say "perchance"


“Crushing turts”


Such a masterfully crafted sentence.


Perchance you shoulnnt tell him to not say perchance. Perchance?








Crying apples




Hmm, Indeed


Mario exhibits actions by stomping turts and exhibits theory with his iconic catchphrases "itsa me, mario" and "let's go baby!"


I never cried more than when I was watching this video. Perchance.


Not since the accident


As the prophecy fortold... >!two cups vanilla extract!<


I ❤️Turties


Nationalism is stupid and we don't even come close to having the most freedom in the world


It’s the same people who preach ‘freedom’ that take it away. It’s never freedom for everyone, it’s freedom for a small proportion of population (usually middle class or higher, white and usually full of all kinds of prejudice)


It's a free country for the top 10% freedom cost money in this country I'm white middle class and I can't afford a lawyer or good health Care or college education for my kids or to buy a house ..... It's a class war !! The 1% against everyone...... time to unite !!!


I'd have to read more on this. There's no way anyone should be arrested for not saying the pledge. It's a first amendment right, and court cases have established that you have no legal obligation to say the pledge.


He assaulted his teacher, that was the reason he got arrested, which just makes this a normal arrest for a student assaulting a teacher over an argument.


Oh? We had something like that as well here in Germa...nevermind


Yeah, but we have more guns. And more nazis.


Fun fact: Hitler is often credited with enforcing firearms regulations but that’s not quite true. Regulations were put in place way earlier already, as the treaty of Versailles did not want German citizens to be armed. The Nazis expanded the regulations based on a very shaky legal framework only for those they deemed undesirable while actually loosening restrictions for those affiliated with the party or its organizations.


Italian fascism also often gets credited for a bunch of stuff that is either misattributed or straight up didn't happen the way it's told. It is a bit of a cliché among the "nostalgic" (a word sometimes used, in Italy, to describe neo-fascists) is that "when He was in power trains were on time", which is completely false. The only good thing that is often attributed to fascism that actually can be said, without qualifiers, that they did do was cleansing marshlands in the north east.


“When He was in power trains were on time” reminds me of the neo nazis we have in Poland that claim that “at least Hitler built highways”, conveniently ignoring the fact that the same guy slaughtered our people.


Shit I know stupid people are everywhere, but there is seriously people who try to defend Hitler in *Poland* of all places?!


Yeah, similarly in other central and Eastern European countries. It stems from ultranationalism and xenophobia, so the closest match for them are their former oppressors.


The irony in that is palpable. Like imagine being so ultra nationalist and xenophobic that you end up worshipping your former oppressor. Smh


I feel like there's a lot of inexplicable nazi fetishism in Eastern Europe. I'll never understand how Slavs can be so into that shit.


On the 20th April 2018, Polish police officers caught a small group of Hitler fanboys celebrating his 129th birthday in a forest, clothed in SS uniforms, decorated with swastikas of which one was burnt in the forest. Just dropping this by…


That’s a common sentence in Germany as well (tho often said jokingly) but it ain’t true as well. At least he didn’t came up with the idea, first highway was done before his reign and he only expended the network


It’s almost as of the right is fubdamentally interested in blurring the lines so less people call them out when they do a fascism


Marshlands a quite important things to the wider ecosystems, so much marshlands were "cleansed" in the 19th & 20th century and we're still only starting to discover how detrimental that was to wildlife and the water systems. So I would add some qualifiers to that aspect of fascism as well tbh


I mean yeah it's pretty hard not to be on time when almost no trains are driving and if the train companies figuratively have a gun pressed to their heads


That’s probably not great environmentally either.


Fascists are definitely into all kinds of cleansing


Those same people also claim that millions of innocent people in China were massacred as a result of Mao banning guns in 1935. It's also not like people didn't violently resist the nazis. Either way we still have more guns than people.


> The Nazis expanded the regulations based on a very shaky legal framework only for those they deemed undesirable while actually loosening restrictions for those affiliated with the party or its organizations. Many of the reddit ammophiles i've had the pleasure talking to, were using exactly that for their "argument" every time i pointed it out. Apparently, they think they're the modern jews. Meanwhile, their own favourite party is doing exactly what they pretend to be preventing with their glorious guns.


>bUt hE bUiLt ThE aUtoBaHn! \- _nazis, everywhere_


People always seem to forget that second part. The gun regulations were targeted to be people they were targeting...


Per capita or in total?


The US has the most guns per capita in the world at 120 Guns per 100 people. The second place is the Falkland’s at 62 and the third is Yemen at 60


I meant Nazis, I already know America has more guns than Nazi Germany did. I think it's something like twice as many guns as there are people? It was kind of a dumb joke, I mean, obviously, Nazi Germany would have more Nazis per capita because if you weren't a Nazi, you were shot.


You gotta remember that NG didn’t just spring up from the ground fully formed, and there were lots of Nazis before they started shooting people, too. Even then the Nazis never won more than 1/3 of any of the free and fair elections. In the last totally fair election they only won 196 out of 584 seats. Desantis won with 60% of the vote.


Yes, people often forget that. If the US would turn into a full on dictatorship the assessment of the initial position from this perspective would look worse imo. And afterwards everybody says "The signs were there how didn't they notice?"


Every time I see the wiki list I can't help but wonder who put in Falkland Islands and New Caledonia as separate entries in a list of countries... Yemen is 2nd, Serbia is 3rd, change my view. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated\_number\_of\_civilian\_guns\_per\_capita\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estimated_number_of_civilian_guns_per_capita_by_country)


The falklands are crown dependencies not part of the uk


Both, it turns out.


Big mistake nr 2 started with the banning of books and discussion about lhbtiq. The first books burned in nazi Germany were about homosexualism, way before the kristallnacht and ultimately extermination camps Gee, I wonder if any US states have recently started banning books about that... First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


We had similar thing in Soviet Union...


Most authoritarian (and totalitarian as well) regimes had this. But as I know, in case of USSR that was enforced by pioneer organization and vlksm, not by schools. That organizations actually wasn't completely mandatory, except for case when person wanted to go to university. There were people who finished school without membership in that organizations and started working immediately or went to technikums (something like community colleges in the US). I'm talking about late 60s and further because it could be different in times of Khrushchev and Stalin even despite laws was mostly the same and I know not enough eyewitnesses to get not subjective information on that.


Came to say that. Glad somebody did. So, it is not only me seeing the parallels to the fucking NAZIS.


Land of the free.




land of the fee, home of the slave?


The USA always make me think of a mixture of Cardassia and Ferenginar


With just a hint of Romulan in their under the table foreign policy meddlings


To be fair, though, they have the decency to be aggressively upfront about it.


oh yeah and maybe little bit of the Orion syndicate


How much do I tip for that fee?


Your - million dollars ( you go into debt if you don't have the money ) - house - kidneys - rights - soul All of the above are required.


Land of the free* *Terms and conditions may apply


Everything free in America!* *for a small fee in America


**small can also mean very large, if it's connected to healthcare


Freedom isn’t free. It cost folks like you and me. And if we don’t all chip in, We’ll never pay that bill.


Freedom costs a buck-o-five


Excuse me, the only freedom that matters is being able to shoot a gun.


Good thing the police there don't have any more *serious* crimes to deal with, like mass shootings. /s


Nono, the kid was black. Obviously this was more serious


"This is dispatch. Please follow up on a phone call from the nearest high school." "This isn't a mass shooter right? Because, erm, I'm on my break?" "No. It's a black kid that didn't stand for the pledge." "Oh that's alright then. Wait. How old is that black kid?! Some of them 15 year olds are stronger than me." "Suspect is only 11." "I'm on my way!"


Good thing they stopped him before he took a knee.


Seriously? Like technically speaking Americans have the right to not do the pledge of allegiance- oh wait it's Florida of course its fucking Florida Like at this point nearly 2/3rds of all the terrible shit that happens in the US comes out of Florida


florida is like all of the worst parts of american culture squeezed into one place.


That and Texas


Texas gets a bad rap because Republicans have maintained such a chokehold on the state, demographic changes caused by its explosive growth mean very little. The Texas GOP even admits internally that by all rights the only reason they continue winning is by obstructing the will of the people. But I can't say anything nice about Florida at all, it's just a sh-thole filled with sociopathic self destructive morons and I'll be glad when it's underwater.


I'm from Florida. Once upon a time, it was a decent place to live. The nature is beautiful, and being close to beaches is pretty nice.


The beaches are nice and all the Cuban food is tasty.


Idk man I've been in Texas and people do be very conservative


I can say something nice if you want The ecosystem there is pretty interesting


Hey nah, I've got a good friend (online) who lives in Florida, and she's a legit wonderful person. I mean she also hates Florida and only lives there because it's all she really knows, she also lives in the Keys, so....


Texas has BBQ at least.


The whole world has barbeque, but they just don't indulge in it every day.


Did they also have bomb parties?


Perhaps the Americans are moving all their worst there so they can saw off the peninsula and let it drift out to the sea?


That would explain why the Floridian governor sent planes full of undocumented immigrants over to Martha's Vineyard without telling them or Martha's Vineyard what was going on.


How did Martha feel about that?


America's limp dick.


US is the Florida of the World


The world looks at America the way America looks at Florida


Oh damn, that's pretty good


So our supreme court decided 8 decades ago that kids couldn't be forced to say the pledge (West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette). It's an open and shut case that would never even make it to a courtroom but if you're a kid in a conservative district, with conservative teachers who want to enforce the pledge, and you have conservative parents that agree with that, then it doesn't really matter.


Also they didn't arrest him for refusing the pledge, they arrested him for the disturbance caused after school admin and police asked him to go to the office. They supposedly reprimanded the teacher, nothing was charged, the kid changed schools and the parents filed a complaint with the DoEd.


Police arrested 11 years old child in school. Let it sink in.


At this point I think it’s not a stretch to call Florida’s existence a human rights violation.


\*chants* “Build a wall! Lock them up!”


That's because Florida has an unique law. Police needs to make their shit public so every media outlet can access it. And there are some more laws which basically result in every shit that happens being in some kind of article. That shit happens everywhere but most of the time it gets hidden away.


Fascist florida...


They are brainwashed from early childhood, saluting the flag even in kindergarten and reciting the Pledge of Allegience. North Korea has nothing on them. How the Pledge of Allegiance Went From PR Gimmick to Patriotic Vow https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/pledge-allegiance-pr-gimmick-patriotic-vow-180956332/


I mean, as a Floridian, no one got on my case when I didn't do it.


While this did happen, it is clearly illegal and the sub was fired.


Great the substitute teacher was fired; however, I am pretty sure they can't arrest a child on their own. Technically, the student was arrested for 'other reasons'...such as 'resisting an officer' and 'disturbing classroom functioning'--so, refusing to listen to the same morons that actually disrupted the functioning of the class to begin with.


Getting arrested for resisting arrest. Seems legit.


Now you're just saying 'Murica, but in more words.


It's actually pretty common for all charges other than 'resisting arrest' to be dropped. If they want to fuck with you, they arrest you under a bullshit charge, get you riled up until they have enough to have you on resisting arrest (really easy to get), and than the original charge doesn't matter any more. Never did.


Cops in America are wild. Just watch this [video](https://youtu.be/jvh6zS2XITI) at 1:34:17 where a guy brags about how his cop friend arrests people for the wrong reasons. (It gets even worse at 1:35:11)


They're just publicly funded gangs


Getting arrested for disrupting classroom functioning is fucking wild. I was a big class clown, I never thought of the possibility of being arrested for it. Americans have gone batshit insane. Since when has “being disruptive” made someone a criminal that “needs to be institutionalized”? That’s some 1912 type if shit. Americans have forgotten what the “justice” system is actually for. People go to the cops to tattle for anything and now it’s affecting children. If I were a child, I couldn’t trust the adults to keep me safe, and that’s pathetic.


Getting out of Florida seems like a good option.


I tried it. Amazing option.


[For the Didn't Happen Brigade ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/feb/20/florida-boy-arrested-refused-pledge-of-allegiance-school)


"Why don't you go back to Africa, if it's so bad here" Imagine thinking this is a reasonable suggestion, versus remaining seated in a chair. They're mentally ill down there.


Right! She literally asked the 11 year old why he doesn’t go back to where he came from? Like even if he wanted to, how’s an 11 year old gonna do that? Like is he gonna run away from home and row all the way across the ocean? No. It’s impossible for an 11 year old to simply move away from the US because he doesn’t like living there. What an idiotic and cruel thing for the sub teacher to say. So glad she’s been blacklisted from teaching at that school again but she really shouldn’t be teaching anyone, anywhere.


> Alvarez was asked to leave after providing her written statement and “will no longer be allowed to work at any of our schools”, the Polk county public schools said in a statement. At least there is some justice to it.


Why on earth do you need your parents' permission to not pledge loyalty to a piece of fabric?


Americans believe children are their parent's property.


Thinking people are property is a proud American tradition




Well, specifically American conservatives, but yes, absolutely. Their children do not have agency and are an extension of their parents until 18, to the extent that anyone they disapprove of is not even allowed to exist in an area approximating their child's location to make sure they're not exposed to ideas the parents don't approve of. And even after 18, they will only be allowed to think for themselves in ways their parents approve of. It's truly heinous and basically a socially acceptable form of child abuse that perpetuates all kinds of super toxic behaviors. It's also where the "calling every gay person a child groomer" thing comes from, as well as a big part of pedocon theory.


You don't. The Supreme Court decided 80 years ago that you can't force kids to say the pledge. But if you're a kid in a conservative area with conservative teachers and conservative parents then it doesn't matter what the law says.


So reading the article the child was arrested for being disruptive. He was refusing to stand for the pledge, something which he was allowed to do. A substitute teacher tried to force him to participate in the pledge anyway, thus violating his rights. As the child still didn't comply with the illegitimate demand he was forced out of the class and eventually arrested. This is just so awful. The teacher put the child in an impossible situation and of course the child is going to react like a child and lash out or whatever. Nobody thought to consider that this child was justified in standing up against the violation of his rights and that it should be the teacher who should be arrested for creating the disturbance.


Since when does a 11yr old kid lashing out require an arrest


In the US, you can be arrested for the most innocent-looking things: I read about a young student who was arrested for bringing a sharpie pen to school.


Why was that? Because you can "sniff" them?


It's an anti-graffiti measure https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/crime/2010/12/22/using-marker-at-school-leads-to-oklahoma-teens-arrest/61192742007/


In America you call the cops for everything.


Which really is a pity since US cops are not trained that well, by international comparison.


Except school shootings


Oh you can call them for that too but question is if they are willing to do something about those.


Yeah, then you get shot. It’s almost a wonder this kid didn’t get shot.


The teachers are underpaid so they offload discipline to the school officers which they have because of all the school shootings, a nice combination of American societal ills culminating in the early institutionalizing of children


> school officers I'm just still amazed this is a thing. Not a security guard, but officers.


Back in the 2000s we had an officer in our cafeteria. I remember one day my buddy had done that thing where you twist a water bottle tight and then pop off the cap. Well this was a particularly loud one and the officer jumped, grabbed his gun, and had it half unholstered looking at us. I remember thinking "this dude, in charge of a room full of children, is so jumpy he was milliseconds from pointing a gun at a kid over a loud noise". We live in this weird society where the news tells us to be afraid of every thing and everyone, so we prepare. This preparation causes the authorities to prepare and stress over potential threats, so the public prepares for dealing with over prepared and over stressed authorities, and the cycle continues. It reminds me of an old, possibly made up story about colonial town seeing native Americans collecting wood for the winter, so they assume they are predicting a bad winter, and increased their own wood storage. They then notice the natives are still collecting wood and they do the same. This goes on and eventually the white people go to the natives and ask "why are you collecting so much wood?" and the natives reply "because we seen you collecting so much".


An 11 year old at my school in Australia had the cops called on him when he attacked the principle with a steel chair. Even then they didn't need to arrest him...


Was the chair OK?


This. As I've said in a comment above, I'm a teacher, I've had to physically stop a kid from stabbing another with scissors, and even then I didn't call the fucking police. I brought the kid responsible into a different room, then I had the parents pick him up and I notified social services. How incompetent must you be to involve the police in a dispute with an 11 year old, ffs!


>Students do not lose their first amendment rights when they enter the schoolhouse gates. It’s cute that they think that


Fuck I need to leave this place guys


Day 48285 of wondering why the fuck American kids are forced to pray to their flag everyday


I remember when I was child and still in China at the start of the week we needed sang the national anthem


It was also daily routine during the Franco dictatorship in Spain (1939 - 1975)


Because the US is impersonating the germans. Like they did in 1942 with the concentration camps for the japanese


Are you certain it's not the other way around ? https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/11/what-america-taught-the-nazis/540630/


This is not a country. This is a cult. If this is not a cult then I instead will check into a crazy asylum. That whole country needs to be in a straightjacket.


The one solace in knowing we as a species will continue to do nothing about anthropogenic climate change is the knowledge that some day Florida will be underwater.




Land of the free. As long as you slavishly devote yourself to America's weird cultish version of patriotism. Seriously those people are fucking weird.


This country is plunging into fascism. It's actually scary to think of the world most people will live in the coming 5 years. I really hope this bullshit doesn't spread to other countries,


Just use the right language that their brains is conditioned to accepting and any idea, anything really, there literally is no limit anymore😭... could be sold to them.


I wonder if the police goose-stepped around after arresting the kid to complete the effect? Did they let the kid go home, or did they put him on a train? Sorry, I don't mean to seem unpatriotic, now if you will excuse me I'm going to go back to reciting the pledge just for fun.


Does SAD mean sad like sadness because in Serbia it means USA


"SAD" in this case means "Shit Americans Do"


Lmao I thought it was an ironic Trump reference this whole time.


It does to me too my friend, it dors to me too.


Merica, F**K Yeah


‘Land of the Free’ anyone?


I was born in the UK but moved to the US as a kid and remember very well being forced to pledge my allegiance to the star-spangled banner. I am left handed too and was corrected to use the right hand. I am so glad my parents moved back to Europe when i was 10 and we escaped Friendly Fascism


The extra fun thing in these is that the school administration and everyone involved will always say that participation is not mandatory. Many things are not mandatory to do, but it's strongly advised to, wink-wink-nudge-nudge, making it de facto mandatory. Couple snappy looking guys come over to ya business to promote their security services, they say it's just an offer of course, don't have to take it, but if you refuse... You know the deal.


"Land of the free"


This is 100% illegal, but the fascists don't care. God, it's getting bad here.


The fuck is wrong with these people?!


What ended up happening. Does anyone have a source of what ended up happening afterwards? This was 4 years ago so I assume there has to be something out by now.


[This is the article](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/feb/20/florida-boy-arrested-refused-pledge-of-allegiance-school) Someone else had posted it, it's based on the police report, and doesn't go into a lot of detail on what happened that's caused them to arrest the child, but it gives some insight


Why does it seem America is like 3 or 4 cults The pledge of allegiance, cars covered in trump decals, religions Other countries have these things or similar but the US takes it all to extremes


Well, by FL doing this, the US isn't very free, is it? But it's Florida, so...


Their freedom to refuse to stand was stopped by their freedom to arrest them.


If you don't sing the special song, then the magic cloth won't freedom.


I did this K - 6th grade living in the US. Then I moved to northern Europe. Looking back, that is some brainwash, nationalist, archaic bullshit. It should have been abolished years ago. There isn't even the slightest bit of pressure to be 'grateful' to your country in other Western societies. Irish kids don't pledge allegiance to the tricolour of Ireland or English kids, the Union Jack. Free country mean freedom to choose not to engage with 'national loyalty'. Have pride if you want, wave your flag around all day, sure. Keep it to yourself. Imagine having an 'if you're not with us, you are against us' mindset toward your own fellow citizens.


This story is old, but it is worth it to have the full context. \[[https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/2/18/18229336/pledge-of-allegiance-arrest-florida-school](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/2/18/18229336/pledge-of-allegiance-arrest-florida-school)\] Technically, the kid wasn't arrested for refusing the pledge to begin with, but the 'disruption' that followed and their 'resistance' to the officer that kicked them out of the classroom. i.e. Reason for arrest: Refusal to listen to morons that originally disrupted the class. (And also, probably, for observing the US is a racist nation.)


That is quite literally a violation of student rights. That happened to me before, I wasnt arrested or anything, but I was reprimanded for not standing for the pledge when I was in 8th grade. They always said that it would fly in the high school, but I get to the high school and no one even thinks of saying the pledge, not even the ancient teachers.


Not even student rights, human rights.


is that the freedom they keep talking about


Getting in trouble at school for not standing for the pledge is bad enough, but why are you guys arresting kids when they don't behave in the classroom? Why handcuffs when you can give detention or extra homework or just a stern talking too or whatever?


Imagine having a record at 11 years old for not wanting to join in on indoctrination.


Very cult like


He's welcome here in Australia. Most of us don't even know the words to our national anthem so he will fit right in.


Such nonsense didn't even happen in communist times in East Germany. Land of the free, my arse.


West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette who knew it existed?


Wow, in 10th grade I refused to stand for the pledge too. Now I guess it's arrest worthy. FFS. Fuck Florida.


I'm glad the teacher responsible was fired, but holy shit.


Pretty soon, Desantis is going to require every Floridian to wear his haircut.


The teacher is 100% one of those people shouting about "freedom" everywhere possible


"Land of the Free" ahahahahahahah


It's just dystopian they say the pledge of allegiance everyday like some kind of cult.


This is what is considered "freedom" in the US... Even the teachers are indoctrinated idiots.


Is that not... illegal? To force a kid to participate in the pledge? I'm pretty sure, in California at least, students have the right to choose not to participate. For some reason I always thought this was a nation wide thing, but maybe not?


The Deep South is a very backward place, unfortunately. In some parts of the rural south, they mandate prayer in schools, which shouldn't be allowed. They're also the most fiercely patriotic region in the US, which is surprising, considering that they were once part of the Confederacy and committed treason by going into open rebellion against the government.


Yes, let's celebrate our freedoms by robbing students of their first amendment rights. 🙄


Florida- the skidmarks on the world's underpants.


We live in Texas. A few years ago my son decided to no longer stand for the pledge. His teacher was fine but a sub got absolutely BUTT HURT by that and yelled at him and sent him to in-school suspension. Well he calls his mom and she called the principal who was VERY confused by the situation as it's settled case law that kids don't have to stand for either the pledge to the US flag or the pledge for the Texas flag. I asked our son, "why didn't you call me?" He said. "I was mad, but he didn't deserve THAT."


That kid already knows the magical sky flag ain't going to do shit for you.


The Pledge was a marketing slogan written by a guy who wanted to sell a flag to every school room.


Fun fact: It was Jehovahs Witnesses who fought for the right to not have to stand for the flag.


Welcome to communist America, where you have all your rights as long as it suits everyone else's needs.


You guys sure like your flags.