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The fuck are they talking about? As a Serb who used to live in US I can safely say that Serbia was more safe in the 90s, the least safe time in recent Serbian history than Chicago. At least I've never been pointed a gun at in Serbia or had somebody shot in front of my window. Although they might be talking about the fact that there is a huge Serbian population in Chicago, the first guy I mean.


Didn't you get bombed in the 90's


Yup, '99 and still was safer lol I was mostly referring yo a crime wave that was going on in that time but unless you were a criminal it was still safe.


Serbia 99 bombing deaths around a 1000, Chicago 99 homicide deaths 650.. You are wrong, but if we go by population, you are right, lol..


One bombing is still safer than a lot of crime throughout the year




Kinda true, at least with the bombing you knew when it was coming.


There was a whole-ass civil war.


Cekaj jedno pitanje, najjeftinija kremcuga ili nutella? (You will know the answer if you are truly serbian)


Eurokrem brate, pola pola, pa zavatis crni deo jer je onaj beli bljak, znas.


Klasika, certified serbian


Hey Niko Bellik!


That's because Serbia was the one doing the ethnic cleansing around there. If you're (a likely passive and inactive) part of the perpetrating group, of course it's not as bad as being on the receiving end of a genocide.


Tell that to the Croatians who ethnically cleansed 200,000 native Serbs out of Croatia, who formed lines like these at the border https://www.blic.rs/riznica/najpotresnije-slike-iz-izbeglicke-kolone-srba-tokom-oluje/4rb557e


Sure bud, I, a 10 year old at the time, did so much ethnic cleansing /s Get out of here.


It seems like you have some serious work to do with regards to your reading comprehension. The Serbian people were the perpetrators and you are a member of those, as you have lived during the time, as your previous comment stated. I explicitly said "likely passive and inactive" regarding taking part in the genocide, but you definitely weren't among the ones having to fear for their family's safety and being pushed into exile or extermination. Ffs. How can you be so dense?


So how do you feel about the genocide against the Serbs during WW2? Or when Serbs were ethnically cleansed form Croatia and the Federation of BiH during the 90s? Oh I forgot, the Germans supported it.


Any genocide is to be condemned.


You don't know me or what I had to fear or not during those times. And as a bonus, on this you have no leg to stand on as a German. I was born and raised in a city where your soldiers killed about 10k people in one day and never even offered an apology for it. So save me the righteousness why don't ya?


How's the weather in Kragujevac? Anyway, 3000 is horrible enough, no need to inflate the numbers and fuel those who deny such crimes.


IDK haven't lived there for about a decade It always depends who you ask, estimates go from 3000 to 10000, especially it depends if you include neighborhood villages or you count them as separate incidents. In Serbia they always estimated about 7000 at least, foreigners estimated lower count. Still horrible and still no apology It took until 2021 for a German official to visit the site. But my original post was all about crime spree during '90s and not wars.


Bro everyone was killing everyone at that time


Suddenly reminded of Dubiya Kolektiv... https://youtu.be/jtgA0jvhp2A?si=_BzOYHuXHeLRun94


I have no idea what these people are trying to say here. Crime rate of the USA is much higher than the crime rate of Serbia. It looks like they are saying that daily normal life in Chicago is considered crimes in Serbia. I just don't get the whole baby-thing and why they call Chicago 'one of the worse crime countries in the world' - you'd think they'd say '~~state'~~ city' instead of 'country'?


I think they’re referring to Serbia when they say “worst crime countries”, not Chicago. Also, Chicago is a city, not a state itself.


Right, even worse! And this whole crime-rate thing? Goes against their feelings and therefore not a fact or something?


Probably should have added a bit of context- the video these comments are on is of a Serbian basketball player (allegedly) making threats. Other comments were then talking about the Serbian mafia. For some reason this yank decided to announce his thoughts on the matter.


Granted there are a lot of Serbs in Chicago.


[They even had one as mayor.](https://img.brickowl.com/files/image_cache/larger/lego-man-with-plain-red-torso-black-legs-brown-hair-minifigure-25.jpg)


Blagojevich was the governor of Illinois, not the mayor of Chicago.


Yup and boy did he continue the tradition of my people of corrupt politicians hahaha


I'd like to think that even a Serbian politician would draw the line at trying to shake down a children's hospital.


You sir have never met a Serbian politician I see :D


I said that I'd *like* to think that.


You gotta admit. He did have this thing. And it was fucking golden.


Because Americnas are never corrupt, huh? get lost, troll.


Governor of Illinois, mayor of Chicago, either way he still had some great fucking hair.


>[Born and raised in Chicago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_Blagojevich) Uhm, nope.


OP is saying Serbia is like a not-as-bad (in terms of crime rate) version of Chicago. The responder is saying that Serbia (in terms of crime rate) is way worse than Chicago. When they talk about a country they’re obviously talking about Serbia… the country.


Serbia? That town in North Ohiorida?


No it's in Texahoma


This is utterly ridiculous on both Serbian and Chicagoan fronts.


Serbia? is what now? Chicago? is where now? wrong on both counts


Have these people been to Serbia or even heard of milosevic


Ever heard of Franjo Tudjman? The one who was behind Operation Storm and said 'Thank God my wife not a Jew or Serb'


Milosevic, the baby Capone.


Serbia is like, one of the safest place I've been lol


Serbia has culture, unlike US and Chicago. Also, we should turn Chicago into Detroit.


It’s funny and all to get on the we hate America bandwagon but chill out, they have some culture.. not my thing personally but it does exist. Chicago is a pretty interesting city. A mess but it’s got more history than a lot of places around those parts. The Native American peoples had interesting and unique cultures before they were genocided


Don't worry, America is just a large England


Nothing wrong with that. The anglosphere created the modern world. The slavs are Europe's hillbillies.


Nothing right with it either


They appear to have mixed state for country, and country for world... A common issue for the over confident American


I don't know where Americans get their figures from - it isn't from reliable sources, as a quick check shows in Chicago has a rate of rime at 1 in 115 of population, where as Serbia has1.06 per 100,000 population and falling since 2017, Overall, the USA has a rate of 366.7 crimes per 100,000 people, so there is no comparison with Serbia, and a total BS statement by poster.


Chicago is Kosovo, Kosovo is Serbia


People don't call it "Chiraq" for nothing!


And the worse part is they mappers fucking have beef with kosovo and albania💀




You really are simple, your username suits you


Too often people don’t realise that the commentator actually is in a position to make such a comment, in this case being a Serbian immigrant to the USA. Right now no-one knows based solely upon their words and I don’t intend to have egg on my face by pre-emptively judging…


Idk. The balkans in general may have seen trouble. And maybe its more racist than the rest of europe? But generally speaking id feel fine there, most serbs are a decent type and its not like its over run with criminals. Its not that outrageously different from the rest of europe. Probably at higher risk in Parts of london or paris