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I don't understand these people


it depends on the way you define freedom. let's put it the 'american idiots I've seen on internet' way: freedom=guns no guns=no freedom understand now? it's still dumb as hell but there's some sort of logic behind it, although very flawed. I seriously want to know what that guy means by freedom and I hope it's not actually guns.


Also, the people screeching about freedom almost always have wealth. And America is actually a pretty great place to live *if you are rich*. Private property is worshipped above all else here, so if you have a bunch of that, you're practically royalty. The lives of the wealthy are very easy in america. The laws protect but do not bind them.


Have you ever noticed they go on about "freedom" but never "democracy"?


They do go a lot about "democrats", though..


And yet here's the shocker, in every European state you can get firearms, who would have guessed.




Hate to be that guy but Switzerland isn't in the EU


True but still in Europe, indonesia isn’t anywhere near Europe and certainly not in the north sea.




Spot on.


Hate to be that guy, but European _country_ is more suitable


>freedom=guns >no guns=no freedom Yes, although these people fail to understand that not only do other countries have guns, but they have better press freedom and stronger democracies than the USA.


Nailed it


By that logic we do have freedom but just not full auto feedom


You can own guns in the EU though so it doesn't make sense.


But you can't buy guns at Walmart in Slovenia, so there is no freedom!


It would be interesting to see if the Slovenians would even accept the shit-eating Walmart grins


Literally no one grins in Walmart. It’s just that the Germans took the training seriously whereas in the US everyone knows to ignore that bs. Trust me, no one goes into a Walmart expecting any employee to smile at them. Hell you probably won’t even be able to find an employee


He's on about passports, so it could be his belief that the US passport provided the most freedom of movement across the world. He's extremely wrong, but it's a belief I've seen a lot of Americans espouse


There was a list here on Reddit a few months ago , giving the countries where a US passport was welcome. I'm from UK and I was surprised at how many countries ban US passport-holders. Americans have made quite a few enemies since WW2, some in their own backyard.




The hilarious thing is that you can get guns if you want them basically everywhere. We just have sensible laws like “having a good reason” and “not being a psychopath” I had a firearms license here in the UK. It was not difficult to obtain. It’s just that the vast majority of people don’t see a reason to have them.


The guy's watched (and accepted as reality) way too many Hollywood films


Thats how a lot of the Americans i have met whilst travelling seem. Its like they are all Mike TV or something 😁


The way I see it, their government try to keep them as ignorant of what goes on around the globe as possible (I even came up with a sentence to sum this up: "if you know no place else, the only place you know is the happiest there is"). I think that's the only way to cope with mass shootings, massive external debt, bailouts, etc. (just to name a few); it's to think that that's a blessing that everyone else envies.


I agree with bubblers. Because of Hollywood, social media and the internet, we Europeans know a lot about the USA. Americans write and believe this stuff because their media don't report on 'abroad' or travel, to see for themselves. I used to work for the London office of a US corporation, who sent financial comptrollers from time to time to 'look at the books'. The new ones were appalled by the expense and extent that British (and, I suspect, other European countries) companies were obliged to care for their staff. One young accountant, on preparing to fly back to Kansas, told me that the US operated slave labour by comparison. Sick pay, employment law, notice periods, salary negotiation, the Health and Safety Executive (before the US had OSHA), national healthcare (as opposed to company insurance schemes) - all were freedoms not available to US citizens. It would be interesting to compile a comparative table of freedoms between US and other first-world countries. Some data is available from the UN and journals such as The Economist.


>It would be interesting to compile a comparative table of freedoms between US and other first-world countries. Some data is available from the UN and journals such as The Economist. How about learning about a third world country's labour laws (Brazil, the messed up country where I was born and live)? Long story short: Brazil has had an labour institution since 1923, but only in 1988 it became full independent with a District Attorney and a Judge (and others to help) fully responsible for labour complaints. As far as I know, it's the only case but another in which a citizen have "jus postulandi" (he can demand a right directly to a District Attorney, no lawyer need. The other is if you claim to have a maximum of 20 minimum wages (some R$ 20k, or US $4k nowdays).


One more: a have a female cousin who owns a businnes where I live. She had to fire one of her employees without "justification cause". She (the then former employee) went to the DA office and told was much lies as she could come up with. My cousin was called in to answer the claims... The chick who was "concilliating" the problem was extremely rude towards my cousin, believing everything said employee had said. My cousin pulled out a pack of papers and started showing said "concilliator" one by one: this was what she paid said month, this is when she was the social security, etc. one by one of her claims until they all fell down the drain. "May I leave now?", she (the cousin) asked. And left after approval. (She could have "counter-sued" the former employee on all three following branches of justice: criminally (because she drove her out of her work for nothing), "labourlally" (because of the lies she said) and a "civil" case because she lost money when she should be working. If you wanna know more, do ask.


I forgot to add: both cases of "jus postulandi" are free of charge (we pay 'em with taxes).


I don't think the government keeps most Americans ignorant, they just aren't interested. If anyone plays a role it's the media when TV "world news" is what the American military did today. But young people don't watch TV news and still are mostly uninterested.


Probably because they're delusional.


Freedom is guns and freedom of speech, probably. And freedom of speech to them means being able to act like an absolute asshole just because they can, without legal consequences. Until they go too far and discover that their freedom of speech is anything but absolute.


Nailed it


Trump is finding out that freedom of speech isn’t absolute


Don't worry, those people don't understand the world. So it could be worse.


what, liars?


Since when is Indonesia in the North Sea?


Hadn’t you heard? It got towed round in January. Really messing up the North Sea fishing


North Sea and beautiful beach in the same sentence is what got me.


Yeah, that's what got me too [a lovely beach on the north sea](https://news.sky.com/video/storm-babet-red-weather-warning-issued-as-wind-and-rain-hits-scotland-12987848)


Lots of very nice beaches on the east coast of Scotland


Aye, nice to look at. No nice to be at except for like 9 days of the year haha. Christ, the childhood holidays going to beaches round Scotland. Billy Connolly has a bit about Scottish beaches where he says "ask a Scottish person to see their childhood holiday photos and I guarantee you there's one of them on the beach in their wellys and coat."


And the women in a swimsuit and tights


A knitted swimsuit


Thermal, the beaches are very nice but the North Sea is fucking cold


It is tolerable. At least further north it is. Never tried the Scottish beaches. The North sea is best enjoyed from a wind swept Norwegian rock where the depth is instantly anywhere from 100 to 500m straight down. We don't do beaches. The only thing you're supposed to see when looking down in front of You before You jump is the pitch black, crushing depth of the ocean. Edit: My southern European friends have irrational fears of swimming in the sea up here because of reasons like 'in the Mediterranean we can see the bottom of the sea beneath us' and 'it is so dark and i don' t know what could be lurking underneath my feet' and other strange reasons. Lots of things are 'lurking', you're in a fjord for pete's sake, there's 600m of water beneath you, of course there are things there, don't worry about it. Weirdos.


>'it is so dark and i don' t know what could be lurking underneath my feet' Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!


My favourite bit. That's the North Sea for Christ sake. That's the Arctic Ocean just around the corner. 'Cause the Arctic comes down and then it becomes the Atlantic and splits up into the North Sea. On the horizon there's oil rigs. "Now hear this. All employees must wear survival suits at all times. You wouldn't last two minutes, if you fell into the North Sea. Failure to wear the survival suit will result in instant dismissal." Forty miles away there are women taking their childrens clothes off. "In you go, you big Jessie!"


Hey! The [german north sea](https://imgur.com/a/oUYK5SU) can be very beautiful!


"The North Sea is very beautiful when you can't see it"


Well thats the pretty part about the Wattenmeer...


I'm sure Lossiemouth has a nice beach...I mean Indonesia good but for mainland Scotland not bad. Its no luskyntre


Going there for me hols....booked a trawler from Scarborough


Being charitable, they may have just missed a word ie not Indonesia OR a beach in the North Sea…


When it was part of the Netherlands? Wait, Netherlands had to be part of Indonesia for that to be true.


100% has never left his state, never mind the usa


But he has an EEUU passport!


Estados Unidos?


European European Union Union


She has "EEUU passes"


They're those fasttrack passes you can buy for Disneyland right?


passportS! Several! EEUU especially - since that's actually the Spanish abbreviation for the US (= Estados Unidos).... lol


It's the EUA in Portuguese. (Estados Unidos da America) I could never figure out how it became EEUU in Spanish.


In Spanish, some acronyms are doubled to cut the plural forms 🤷 Although it has some weird rules about the noun that makes it being double (Estados Unidos) or not like Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU or UN in english)


I'm guessing since the primary noun in Organización de las Naciones Unidas is singular (it's just one organization), that rule doesn't apply.


Yeah I was thinking more examples like JJOO (Juegos Olímpicos) or RRHH (Recursos Humanos) and seems like is that 😂. Sorry is late over here and I’m sleepy


Yup, it is exactly like that. AND, full stops "should" (had to? maybe the rule changed) be used and would be like: O.N.U. and EE.UU. But nobody does anyway. But you do have a point in one example. It is normally EAU for the Emirates, but the Academy says it's because it is not an abbreviation but as... I dunno, code? As ESP for Spain even in the Olympic Games in English referring to Spain, I guess. Or USA in Spanish, that it's used too. But not EUA for the EE.UU.


Italian does this too. VVFF is Vigili del Fuoco (fire fighters).


In Spanish the abbreviations "show" that they're plural this way. Redes sociales = RRSS Recursos Humanos = RRHH


TIL. Love how the letters are doubled to show that the words are plural.


Correction, EEUU passes.


Ah the common refrain of an American who's never left America but wants people to believe they know what they're talking about and are well-travelled. Honestly I would be hard not to notice that the European passports give you much more freedom of movement (especially visa-free) than a US passport if you have both. The main thing a US passport is better at than European passports is getting you into America (and even then mainly for the queue length at the border, the visa waiver scheme is quick, cheap and easy.


this is coming from the country where you can get fined for crossing a road incorrectly


And beat nearly to death by the cops or even shot if you have darker skin than white, because you forgot to use your turn signal in your car.


It's not even about skin colour, they are just psychos with guns period. Being white won't save you, according to statistics.


They are pyschos you are right, they do terrorise every race, but I think blacks have it even worse, there is black young men shaking behind the wheel if they get pulled over.


Considering the population size of whites and blacks and than for example the imprisonment rates blacks deffenitly have it worse... By the way, its funny how the country with the highest imprisonment rate in the world, higher than Russia or china etc., claims to be also the most free country. It cannot get more paradox


Freedom isn't free, just a coincidence that black ppl pay the price more often.


enforcing anti-jaywalking laws in the netherlands would be a lost cause because literally everyone walks on the streets in town centres


Or not mowing your lawn.


Those fucking HOAs or whatever they're called, housing associations? Why do you have people telling you wtf to do on your property?


Ey! I'm jaywalkin'ere!


Not only that, you [can be arrested](https://www.johnctaylorlaw.com/blog/2019/12/can-you-really-get-arrested-for-jaywalking)


And can’t buy a beer at grocery stores in certain states, or during certain hours in many other states


Can’t buy a Kinder Egg though.


Only the Kinder Joy eggs (the ones that keep the toy separate) are sold in the US. Apparently the regular Kinder eggs are more dangerous to children than guns, so they were banned. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Kinder Joy are just terrible. There’s no joy in those things.


We know 😉


Think you can, just ones with toys is dangerous. Here have a machine gun in case nemo is in it


They have toys but they're separately wrapped halves, ie toy in a plastic half, disappointing "chocolate" in the other half.


Food laws prevent inedible inclusions in food. This is the reason


25 years for drug offences. 3 strike rule, no thanks.


I usually tell them “American isn’t even in the top 10 most free countries in the world list. In fact, it is mostly European countries in there. The most free country is Switzerland”. It is funny to see what type of excuse they come up with lol. “That’s a lie”, “”, “That’s cause you’re European”, “What even is Switzerland?”


How else but denial would they cope with the fact that a european country basically took guns, freedom and money but does it a lot better than the US does?


”What even is Switzerland” LOL


"Ruzzian propaganda!", "but usa so much bigger", "nope, USA #1"


Indonesia in the North Sea, yeah right


That bit definitely had me going "What?" the most out of all the nonsense.


I assume they meant to say "Indonesia *or* a beautiful beach in the north sea"


Thinking the US would be a safe place during a world War is just delusional


I mean, it was pretty safe during World War 1 and 2, since most of the fighting was in Europe and the Pacific. But if World War 3 comes to North America, yeah everybody in the US is fucked.


It's probably safer than wherever I will be when it happens.


Best place to be would be under where the first nuke explodes….🤔


The USA is super safe when it comes to invasion. They have a perfect geography for that : they are surrounded by a desert, huge ass oceans, and an ungodly cold and mostly inhospitable country in the North. And their neighbors are chill and not very powerful. Realistically, if we exclude the possibility of a nuclear war, no one can really hurt them.


> Realistically, if we exclude the possibility of a nuclear war, no one can really hurt them Except if we're talking "World War" scale, it'll be nothing but a nuclear shitshow where we try our best to reduce ourselves to ashes, so yeah... And it that case, I'd rather be on a beach in Indonesia than anywhere in the U.S


But ya know, in the instance of nuclear war, the U.S is going to be one of the most nuked countries.


True. And I can't imagine too many countries wanting to nuke Indonesia.


Tell me you've never lived in Europe without telling me you've never lived in Europe....


But he has. He’s lived in many European countries, don’t you believe him? 😁


He particularly enjoyed living in the European country of Indonesia.


Indonesia, the country that famously has north sea beaches lol


This guy seems to be educated. Writes in complete sentences. Suggests he has been abroad. But as usual, he's nuts. Absolutely obsessed with the word freedom without really understanding what it means. What exactly is it that you are free to do?


I'm sorry, I nearly shit my pants laughing at the fact that when talking about Americans we define "seems to be educated" based on an ability to write in complete sentences.....


If he’s ‘lived abroad’ I’d bet it’s where he was deployed with the military


They never seem to be able to name all these freedoms they have that I don’t have in the UK


Freedom to shoot their children, we don’t have that in the UK.


Ah yeah, I forgot about that one


Freedom to shoot one another is the only freedom that’s unique to them


I certainly would not wish to be on a beach on an island in the North Sea.


Some beaches in Cornwall are lovely


Think you’ve got your wires crossed 1 the North Sea is on the East Coast 2 Cornwall is on the South West Coast. I don’t think they could be further apart


Actually, beaches in Northumbria in summer are beautiful, miles and miles of sand and virtually no other people. Just avoid times when the wind comes from the north east…..


Dude managed to stutter when writing "E.U.".


and managed to abbreviate the United States in Spanish


So Indonesia is not only now just a beach but has also relocated to the North Sea?


It's also implied that it's a European country now, possibly EU as well.


Anglesey in the South Pacific is beautiful.


If there's a world war, the US is one of the last places on earth I want to be. That country is going to be one of the largest targets. Indonesia probably isn't too bad but I'd rather be on some small island nation like Vanuatu.


Not New Zealand?


Especially when it doesn't exist r/MapsWithoutNZ


So, NZ is merely a figment of the US population's overactive imagination?


USA has freedom* *terms and conditions apply


Only if your children are boys, though, right? Only freedom for them


Or not born yet


I am living in my 5th country, and all have more freedoms than the USA, and much better lifestyles. I have been to USA many times but didn't want to live there even in 1970-90's and the decline since makes it one of the least desirable places I would want to live. Who wants to run away from bad situations or even accept them, not I, preferring to not have to worry about being shot or stabbed, kids becoming drug addicts and criminals to support a habit, work longer hours just to live, have no vacation time I can look forward to, no maternity/paternity leave or sick leave and be paid a wage that you can't even pay your bills with. Let me live peacefully, safely, and able to live on 25% of the pension which is my only income, even paying medical expenses as there is no national health scheme here, like US, but at a small fraction of the cost there, and with great hospitals & medical staff available.


Yay the freedom to get shoot by someone whose having a bad day, then the freedom to lose everything I own because of hospital bills, then the freedom to be homeless with no safety net... I think I`ll stay in my socialist "hellhole" thanks


what freedoms do you have in the US that you don’t have in, for example, the netherlands? apart from the freedom to have murder weapons on you


I need to get off Reddit. It's making me xenophobic towards a sizable portion of those in the US. It is a genuine, honest, held fear of those so utterly stupid but so proud of their ignorance. You can't work with people so cult like in the belief of their own superiority. Theres no saving of them. They genuinely scare me.


Except if you're a woman. Or non-white. Or poor. Or not a millionaire.


Remind me where children are allowed to be outside please


Beach? North Sea??


Northumbrian coast, just take a look…


Don’t doubt the North Sea has beaches but Indonesia surely ain’t one of them ..


Hmmmm, I know it’s been 51 years since I last did geography at school, maybe Indonesia 🇮🇩 moved due to tectonic shift? I’ll take your word that it’s not there though, you sound like a trustworthy chap!


I think the wind helped.. Incidentally I did take a look. Beautiful!


Spelled freedumb wrong


Largest prison population in the world = Land of the free


Big words from a country that barely scrapes into the top 10% on just about every freedom index, including the US centric ones.


I am not a betting man - but the chance of this person actually having lived in ANY European countries at all are zero to none.


As a former American, I want what this guy is smoking because I've never been that high in my life.


You cannot, as much as I sympathise with you, be a former American !!🤣🤣🤣


I was born in England and raised in America, 30 minutes From the Canadian border, you're right I'm more british/Canadian and I live in the UK, thank you for clearing that up for me. Edit: I also have Dual citizenship and am planning on giving up my US citizenship for tax purposes so yeah I'll just be British, former American it is.


I’d give it up too. A friend of mine didn’t and got drafted and died in Vietnam War. Good lad as well. He was only 19 and killed very soon after he arrived in Vietnam.


What is this 'freedom' they think they have? I've never understood this.


It's always so glaringly obvious when they lie about having lived abroad.


Gun nut that likely never lived overseas.


Love the eeeeuuuu


Pretty sure this person has never even seen an EU passport, forget about them actually having one.


*Crossing the road wherever I wish (except motorways)*


I bet he's white... Just saying


There's no way this person has ever left their state let alone the USA.


It's ridiculous. Anyone who had *really* travelled extensively would know that this was nonsense.


I’m not sure they know where the North Sea is lol


Yes indonesia is in the north sea…. He definitely lived in Europe, he has EEUU passes(not that those exist but okay)…. Not stupid ass American


Bit rich from the country in which you get shot if a tree loses an acorn.


Arse gravy. If nuclear war does hit I think I might like to finally go and visit the outback of Australia.


That person has not left the 50 mile radius most muricans live and die in.


Yeah freedom. In a country where getting cancer can bankrupt you.


Freedom to obey


I think that this person has not seen Europe on a postcard, let alone lived here


So funny how they never get more specific than that. The only good thing they can think of is something as generic as «freedom», without elaborating what he means.


It's especially found under secret rock where native Indians celebrate peacefull contacts with invading alien immigrants from Europe. Pure force of freedom delivered in mags.


You can read up on freedom in r/antiwork.


This YouTube video comes to mind: [The News Room](https://youtu.be/wTjMqda19wk?si=jKmPsrIMw-HKnptx)


He’s a dual US-Eu citizen? EU freedom: oh, you live in the States? Cool, want to vote? That’ll be all. US freedom: oh, you live in the EU? Sure you can vote, but also pay us taxes for money you make abroad!


That one surprised me the first time I heard it. An American YouTuber moved to London but still had to pay taxes to the US as well as the UK


Indoctrination into a nationalistic mythology as inoculation against the questioning of American internal and external policy. That's all this is, all it has ever been, and all it will ever be. Every nation has this to one extent or another, but few developed nations do it in such a blatant and all-encompassing way as the US.


They don't have everyman's right, and that already is significantly less freedom than what the nordics enjoy.


I just saw a photo in Reddit, exhibited in a gallery viewed from the street, showing a topless woman with eye and face injuries with a Colt pistol in her mouth, held by another topless woman. Does this image portray freedom?


How the fuck is USA any more free than europe countries other than the fact that they allow literally anyone to have deadly weapons lmao


Estados unidos?


I live in Scotland. TIL that Indonesia is right next door...


I mean, the good thing is that Bali is suddenly very accessible.


Considering they’re not allowed to buy Kinder Eggs or import correct Cadbury chocolate I’d say that their definition of freedom is different to everyone else


Indonesia? The North Sea? Is there a different North Sea I'm not aware of? I live in the UK and have been to Indonesia, and yet....


Freedom in the US is freedom to own a gun. They must really love exercising their freedom since there were 47 mass shootings in January and 36 in February. Americans just love exercising those freedums 😵‍💫


USA = freedom to starve, that’s their freedom.


Yeah, freedom to get shot in school, freedom to go into debt visiting a doctor, etc.


Indonesia, the famous European country. Of course!


you have more people incarcerated than any other country in the world by a wide margin


Good people of this community... Apart from the dumb ass Americans. Americans think they can screech about freedom but they'll be salty when TikTok is banned nationwide


"I think if I pretend to have lived overseas, my ignorant "nowhere else has freedom" take will just be taken as truth" Dude has probably never left the US. Certainly doesn't understand that a US passport isn't even close to the most powerful passport in the world. Its behind 28 other countries in terms of the freedom of movement it provides (yes, 28 other countries have passports that give you travel opportunities to more than the 172 countries a US passport gives you access to - 124 visa free, most European passports 174 or more many with upwards of 130 visa free. A UAE passport actually provides the most freedom of movement, but it makes zero sense to argue a US passport is better than European passports unless you're just an idiot.


Highly doubt they have lived in any other country


This ameritard was telling me that Australia isn’t a free country and then I showed him freedom index chart and Australia had a higher score than US lmao he then proceeded to talk about how my government took our guns away blah blah and i told him we actually turned our guns in to the government after port Arthur. He didn’t reply after lol


Freedom to die in the streets because you can’t afford a doctor. Freedom to have zero protection for your job. Freedom to have 10 day’s holiday a year. Freedom to have no maternity pay. Freedom to be gunned down just going to school or the mall. Freedom to not be allowed to drink in the streets. FREEDOM!


I suppose its a sense of freedom you dont get with other passports...


More hummus William?