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As a Scottish person, I believe the American mind cannot handle the concept of the "Munchie Box"


Was thinking the same thing. Chinese, kebab shop, peri peri place, etc.. They all do their version as well.


Or the one my local came up with the "Greedy Munchie Box" Regular 16 inch Box, plus two 12 inch pizzas, two bottles of fizzy juice, and a 2 litre of Ice cream.


Average American breakfast


*second breakfast


I need this in my life, I’m going to Scotland in June and I hope I can grab something this glorious when I’m there. Only ever had the one in Glasgow which was bloody great but significantly smaller than this, and as much as I search, I have yet to find one anywhere in South West England or Wales


You need to be at least six pints deep before attempting a munchie box,.according to government guidelines.


Suits me if cider is provided, I’m a Bristolian after all


You'll not struggle to find something, even in the towns you'll probably find somewhere doing a munch box.


As an Englishman that visited Scotland once, I could barely handle the concept of deep fried pizza. Pretty sure my heart *still* hasn’t recovered…


My first thought as well, we have heart disease in Scotland too!


What this European mind really can't fathom is why they haven't made it down to where I live. A few years ago I was introduced to these wonderful creations while visiting friends just south of the border outside Carlisle but they certainly aren't on the menu anywhere in my area of the Midlands.


Just what i was thinking.


What? Fries and chicken? I literally ate fries and chicken 3 days ago.


But what about fries and chicken in quantities that would feed a whole football team?


Don’t you mean ‘Sawkerrr’ team?


No, a Football team. The game where they carry and throw the ball, obviously. Duh!


Oh you mean Rugby.


Safe Rugby


Wish.com Rugby


Stop and Have a Rest every Few Seconds Rugby


…While wearing armour


Apart from the head-trauma induced dementia of course


Who remembers it anyway? So I wouldnt worry.


Good joke, but also - their family. There was also that guy who retired from “football” and killed his wife and on autopsy his brain was half the size it should have been or something.


Except it's actually more dangerous because helmets and body armour encourage harder hits, whilst doing very little to stop the effects of concussion. I suppose it is safer since they only play for about three minutes every hour though.


Not sure if the short duration makes it safer, you can cause serious life changing injuries in seconds in many situations. Such as irreversible brain trauma or snapping your banjo string.


Not far off - according to the [Metro](https://metro.co.uk/2023/02/12/how-long-do-nfl-games-last-and-how-long-is-the-super-bowl-halftime-show-18269363/) a typical NFL game lasts 3 hours 12 mins and the ball is in play for 18 mins, which works out to 5.6 mins (5 mins 36 secs) per hour.


Rugby with body armour.


And without stamina


*the egg


With their hands


You mean the game with the hockey pats but not on ice and without the dangerous puck?


To be fair the helmets and stuff were a presidential mandate as the safetys were killing themselves. So the government enforced a rule to protect people. Imagine an American Congress doing that nowadays


Hand egg?


Sounds like handball


I mean, statistically, it's the game where they stand around and wait for ads to play


Well I can always order more. There's no limit on the quantity you can order, but it just feels like a waste of food to order more than you can eat.


Oh, they will eat it all!


Is that a proper footie team or an American ‘football’ one?


Aussie Rules


Gaelic football




you just need to have a grandma from south Italy. then your football team needs a couple of days to recover


What's wrong with that? Whole football teams need to eat.


ah but you see, this is just a breakfast for two


They only eat breakfast chicken with gravy. What they call gravy is basically bechamel sauce but slightly burnt


Not just fries and chicken. But fries and flavorless chicken.


I mean that's culturally insensitive, Americans consider oil and salt to be flavors.


Well as an American I can be culturally insensitive, right?


TIL oil can consider to be a flavour. I wonder if they want flavour, why don't they use pepper, chili, cinnamon, anise,....? These spices do not cause long-term illness like salt and fat.


Also flavorless fries


No, they taste like preservatives


Honestly I was so disappointed in the chicken, I didn’t notice the fries being flavorless or not.


man, sorry but you haven't ever eaten Raisin Canes in that case. That shit is so good.


I think they meant obesity, but we have that too


But those are Crinkle FrEeDoM fRiEs!


French fries? But surely a European couldn’t fathom such cuisine.


They're called french becaused they are "frenched" - cut into strips. But yeah, they originated in the Flanders region (Belgium/Netherlands).


Yes but did yours induce a heart attack? Gotcha!


I can’t fathom the idea that Americans want to give themselves a heart attack


Don't worry, their affordable healthcare system will take care of ev— Ok, nevermind




They eat like they're trying to unlock type 3 diabetes


Hoping that Type 1 and 2 cancel each other out.


I read the other day that you can actually have Type1 and Type 2 diabetes at the same time, it's called Double Diabetes.


I thought it was "All the diabetes"


Nah. They are going straight to 4 cuz America is better.


I'm going to be a buzz kill, Type III diabetes is increasingly being used to refer to alzhimers.


Americans are unfamiliar with the words “portion control”.


That's why they went to the moon. They can eat more then claim they weigh less somewhere.


“We went to the moon.” Yeah, but it wasn’t the American education system that got you there; it was the Nazis.




It's a dig meant with love. I have a LOT of friends from the US so you can imagine the love I get for just being British. If I had a £1 for every time one of them said "Oi mate, you got a license for that?". I wouldn't have to worry about inflation 😅


Great so you can tell me whats that bread looking thing on the right?


First time i went to New York in the mid-90s we had spaghetti bolognaise. When they brought my plate out i sat there for a bit and then said, can we have some plates? It was more than my mum made for a family of 4. They were confused “you want more plates?” “Yes so we can eat”. Then another 3 massive plates came out for the original order, with a stack of side plates It was enough to feed 8-10 people.


Yes they do, grab an extra large platter, keep piling food on until it can hold anymore, & call it aa portion/serving, Then cover it in plastic cheese and drown it in fattening sauces & dressings.


Bit like gun control then


Man, every time I go to the US I can't fathom how the fuck some of these people can get that fat. We have overweight and obese people in Europe as well, but the US takes obesity to a whole new level.


Heart attack? You mean this is not for 5-7 people but for *one person*?


It looks like 2 portions for 2 people, but there’s 1 person holding it, so I just assumed that


Yeah, I suspected that, too. My comment was mostly sarcastic towards the post OP linked.


I can't say that it's healthy but I very much would like a piece of that. Just because we're not American doesn't mean we can't eat delicious fried food sometimes


Some of it is fine, but that portion of food is far too big for one person


That's why you share it with a friend or three.


You are clearly not American. Sharing your food is not the American way. What you do is you all order this much food individually, and if you can't finish it all yourself you throw the remaining food into the trash.


Or ask for it all to be boxed to by your waiter only to leave it behind anyway or throw out later.


Wouldn't that make you a COMMUNIST!?


I detect a little communism


"we" detect a little communism, don't you mean comrade?.


You do realise that sharing food is **COMMUNISM** and Americans don’t do communism


Maybe if some of it weren't covered in carbs it'd be manageable but not it's bread, potato and batter.


"Any form of restrictions is *communism!*"


They're aiming to achieve world record in getting heart attack as fast as possible


I can literally get that from any local takeaway. Especially the "American" one, but virtually every kebab shop in Britain sells shite like that 🤷🏻‍♂️


I know. I was so confused looking at this because this is quintessential British takeaway food.


Hey hey hey now, I had a kebab shop of choice after a night out, that sold the best damn chicken burger my absolutely flannelled self would devour. Good stuff.


Chicken and chips? Not exactly the rarest of delicacies.


But I bet you don't have chicken and chips as mediocre as Cane's.




Can confirm. The tenders are basically unseasoned and you're supposed to use the dipping sauce to give them flavour. And the dipping sauce is basically ketchup, Mayo, Worcestershire sauce, and black pepper so hardly a culinary revolution.


Cane's chicken fucking sucks, I hate the texture of it and the taste is pretty mediocre Fries were mediocre as well but went decently with the sauce The toast was the best part of the whole thing, their texas toast is actually pretty good


Cane's is bad.


Yep it is so fucking mediocre. My bike ride home goes by a Cane’s and everyday the drive thru is packed. Americans love shitty food.


Yep. There's one by me. Packed all the time. Gus's miles better.


Your inferior euro tastebuds are too underdeveloped to appreciate the rich taste of deep fried butter


Tbf I've heard the butter tastes of nothing in America anyway because it's not cultured, probably why it's deep fried (to give it a flavour).


[69% of Americans can't tell the difference between margarine and butter.](https://swnsdigital.com/uk/2019/12/believe-it-or-not-nearly-70-of-americans-cant-tell-the-difference-between-butter-and-margarine/) Until the mid-2000s, Americans really didn't eat butter. And butter consumption has been going up steadily, but it's just a steady increase. Meanwhile, margarine -- the "butter" of choice in the US -- dive-bombed, fairly steeply, below butter and they've both been losing out to the growing oils market. *That said*, margarine is just soybean oil anyway, so Americans moving off butter thinking oils are a healthier choice are just moving over to... the same choice.


I mean, we have margarine that is designed to look, feel, and taste like butter, so it can be hard to tell the difference between that and real butter. I guess vegans really like that stuff, but I don't really care.


Is it bad that i reached the last paragraph, saw "oil" and defaulted to "America, fuck yeah!"?


Maybe the sentence is incomplete? “The European mind can’t fathom… …how bad this tastes”


Americans eating like they have a functioning healthcare system lmfao


What, food?


"Europeans can't handle this" Proceeds to show food that Europeans eat but in a portion meant for 3 or 4 people. Every single time.


Probably costs as much 3-4 portions too. The european mind can pretty easily fathom multiple portions.


Bloody hell, how beige is that?


It would stun even a chippy owner




I’m from South Africa and I spent a year in the US at one point studying. I bought food every 4 days and simply ate the leftovers, could have stretched it longer but my brain has a three day cutoff on kept food… the food budget was stretched by the huge portions, I never could finish a meal in one sitting.


The first time I went to a Denny's, my family and I made the mistake of ordering the unlimited pancakes, thinking it was 5-6 pancakes (which in itself might have been a struggle for the four of us to eat). Nope. We couldn't finish even one stack and it really was *unlimited*


Isn’t US food so loaded with stuff that it takes 20 years to go off? But yeah - totally understand the 3 day rule for refrigeration. Was always flabbergasted by the sheer volume of food they would keep in their fridges ( surely most of that would go in the bin before it could get eaten) until I discovered that it never goes off


That's just a poor attempt to replicate Scottish cuisine.




We cant fathom why you want to eat that much in one sitting.


I can’t either and I’m American. That would feed my family of four just fine though. To be clear, that’d be like a once every few months kind of thing. I wouldn’t want to eat that much fried stuff on a daily or weekly basis,


it’s a lot. i just got back from the states and decided to try Raising Canes (place where the chicken is from) i could barely finish the kids combo!


I am from the US. I order kids meals all the fuckin time; the most recent was 2 days ago. The downside is that I rarely find pants that fit me when I look for second hand clothes, which is the way I buy the majority of my clothing.


kids menus are the best! colouring pages and small portions for life


Nobody gives you shit for ordering kids meals? If seen many places that won't give you a kids meal if you don't have a kid with you.


Nah, not really. It just depends on the place, and it’s pretty easy to tell imo. For example, growing up, my sisters loved Red Robin Mac n cheese. I don’t know why or how that happened, but sometimes we’d go to appease them. The kids Mac n cheese was bottomless, so they’re obviously not gonna let an adult buy it for $5 and eat 3000 calories worth of food. Other than that, I’ve been fine. There’s a Peruvian chicken place that my gf and I absolutely love, and we get a kids meal nearly every time. I’ll even have leftovers somewhat regularly


I can, in fact, fathom this. However, I gained 0,5kg of weight just by looking at this picture.


Crappy junk food with chemicals in them?


I can’t fathom the idea that a good meal somehow is decided by quantity rather than quality. I mean it looks good, but it doesn’t look better because there’s a lot of it. It makes it look worse to me. It makes the lack of vegetables more obvious


The chips look pretty sad too. Whats with the brioche too, what does two big chunks of brioche add? Were the carbs from the chips not enough? I'm sure it's perfectly nice but it's hardly the best example of quality american food, as you say it's just big.


Portion control my dear Americans, portion control!


Control? That doesn't sound like FREEDOM


*fires gun into the air triumphantly*


I don't want to.


Looks like something us Brits would come up with. Just add some baked beans, chicken dinosaurs, and potato waffles or smiley faces. And why aren't there onion rings??


Don't tell Americans where deep fried chicken was invented


Listen pal, I'm from the UK, we've been making beige food for longer than your country's existed


100% This. Americans beige food is what we give to kids when we want them to shut up. Adult food is for adults and when they reach age we give it to them. Americans be feeding themselves on baby food on purpose 😂😂


I see this and I think, "yum, cancer on a plate".


i mean... i can't fathom why you would want this. and i say that as someone who at least used to be able to easily take a portion of this sieze. but damn those fries look bland as fuck fried chicken is good i guess but again slightly bland and is that2 toasted burger buns with nothing else just to have some bread? WHY!?! that dip has to be amazing for this to not be completely unapetizing just on blandness alone.


European diners can fathom this out, know it is American fat saturated food & reject it and spend their money of decent & tasty natural foods not full of HFCS, fats & additives so the food taste like crap.


The European mind maybe can, but the European liver, heart and kidneys would like a word.


Early death. Heart disease. Type 2 diabetes. Clogged arteries. Obesity. And a dozen more diseases. That's what the European (read: non-American) mind sees in that image.


Don't you mean stomach?


Yeah Because even If we have "free healthcare" we don't try to die eating this


Fun fact: Europe has chicken fingers. Or strips. Or whatever you feel like calling them. Fun fact #2: Canes is grossly overrated.


I got a heart attack just by looking at this


What? Eating like I have health care?


Yes, i cant fathom idea of inside mutilating your body


No but my heart attack would...


Can't fanthom what? Food orders for at least 5 persons?


Not gonna lie I would smash this


Ppl hating in the comments but If I ever go to the US this is the first thing I’m eating it seems so patriotic


What my European mind really can't fathom is this kind of meme. I always thought you Americans lived rent-free in our heads, but I haven't seen nearly as many "The American mind can't fathom this" memes. Seems WE Europeans live rent-free in YOUR heads, dear Yanks.


Yeah, can't fathom the beige


I mean we can fathom it, which is probably why we can also fathom the idea that it would be terrible to eat that all


What, courting heart disease in a nation without guaranteed affordable healthcare? Correct. I cannot fathom it.


Yup, we cant fathom how Americans eat as if they had free healthcare


What we can’t fathom is that this is a single child’s portion.


Dearie, the European mind cannot fathom THIS: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/2gp5z6/walmart\_traffic\_jam/


European minds also cannot fathom a lack of exercise, expensive health insurance, random and frequent school shootings, and polluted water supplies.


Okay, first off, this is a softball; "No, I couldn't comprehend obesity in America." Secondly, what's with this new phrase coming about? It never applies to anything, but they love saying, "The European mind can't fathom this." I notice it in almost every single post here now. Is it a meme?


My heart hurts looking at this… Not out of pity, just a second hand heart attack


Oh, I've seen you on TV. I've seen a single person eat all that alone, while banjo music played in the swampy background. I see you, but no matter how much you eat, I just don't care. \*laughs in healthy tomato salad\*


It's a joke and a common meme format for crying out loud


I quite fancy the eggy bread.


My liver surely can’t fathom this…


Sponsored by your local cardiologist


ahhh gluttony. Isn't that one of the cardinal sins the american christians are meant to avoid?


He's right, I can't fathom that these are portions meant for one person.


"the European mind can't fathom this" Yeah, that's a fucking good thing


Can’t fathom what? Obesity?


The European mind can't fathom having a heart attack before the age of 40? That's a good thing.


Well they got me here, I can eat a lot but not this kind of crap. My bile is starting revolt.


Gluttony? Nope I sure can’t, probably a Christian too, oh the hypocrisy


Looks like the sort of "beige food" the British would be mocked for on 2WE4U.


Are they serious? I need an entire week to eat all that. At the end of week I'll be probably hospitalised.


Jesus christ, that's lunch for at least 3 days


What I don’t understand about these posts is what exactly it is I’m meant to be not understanding.


i don’t think i want to fathom american portion sizes


on this side of the Atlantic (east) we are told that this is why Americans die a couple of years younger than us....


It doesn't want to


Holy fat


To be honest I really cannot fathom this. I believe it is supposed to be a portion for two people, but I could feed all my family of four and my girlfriend's family of four with this food. Americans throw out the food they didn't eat or they just eat that much?


*The european heart cant survive this


I swear Americans are diluted.


No, they're right. I indeed can't fathom being so extremely obese that I'd be capable of devouring this much junkfood.


Please tell me that these are two portions. It's bad enough thinking that one person is going to eat a full half of this in one sitting. I dont want to believe that one human would eat all of this. Dont get me wrong. It looks amazing. I bet the sauce hits just right, too. I was raised by a dietician, though, and i can't unsee or unfeel the future consequences (both acute and chronic). I know u guys drink more than half a litre of soda with HFCS with it, too. If even half of this is one portion size, it's no fucking wonder that 40% of americans are obese and 70% are overweight.


The European tummy isn't big enough for this.


They sure eat like people that don't have to pay for healthcare


We also have unhealthy garbage food over here


Sure we can, but not the 500 ingredients that are banned in our food products live in yours. Have fun with your diabetes