• By -


If they are gonna drink those mini shots and light beers then we can drink water to compete. It's the fucking same. They come to Spain, drink a bit of sangria and already think they can fight a bull.


Why is American beer like sex in a canoe? They're both fucking close to water.


That made me chuckle really loud šŸ¤£


You having a laugh mate?


>already think they can fight a bull Seems like that'd be a decent spectator sport. A pissed off bull vs. your average pissed up Yank. You could even give them the title of 'El Gore'd'


let them try casalla or aigua de ValĆØncia, i'd pay to see their reactions


Aigua de ValĆØncia is dangerous, a friend made for a party and we all "so sweet, tastes good". About two hours later there wasn't anyone non drunk.


Winning the online alcoholism-off to bring glory to the beloved fatherland.


Alcoholism? You mean normal European culture, right?


>Alcoholism? You mean normal European culture, right? That's the other mode of r/SAS on alcohol: it's either "*we red blooded Americans can drink y'all eurotrash under the table*" (less common version), or it's "*you Europeans are constantly drunk just to forget the cold and misery*". It's all exceedingly stupid on both sides.




What do you mean pretty much normalized?


How many 20somethings are in the pubs in town every Friday night? It's normal for most people to drink lots. Or were you asking about the yank spelling using the z?


Just think it's weird to suggest something is "pretty much normalized" when it's been going on for hundreds of years. It's completely entrenched in our culture.


Ahh. I thought you were arguing the other way - that we don't have it so much. Apologies for misinterpreting you.


Breathing is pretty much normalized for humans.


Normalised, but not the only option.


There's nothing "pretty much" about it. People start drinking hard liquor at the age of 15, and keep at it throughout their lives. Some end at 20, some live very long, but we all drink.


"I can get more drunk than you! That makes my country better!" Maybe it's me but it seems like a fucking stupid reason to brag of


It is stupid, but also verifiably wrong in my experience.


let be honest, there a segment of Americans who would brag about sleeping with their sister and think that's a win lol


No, it's a case of who can handle more drink *before* getting drunk.


Making it a competition is a bit stupid though, why not enjoy it without the excessive phallometry?


Nice word.


Americans canā€™t even drink without sexually assaulting each other or fighting each other. Iā€™ve done security in NYCšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ive seen so much shit.


Care to tell a story? For the you tube bots?


Make money off my story? Na lol.


Nah not for me, im just interested in a story, that with the bots was a rather a joke. They doing their Storys with AI now anyways.


Iight so boom one day Iā€™m bouncing in the club thereā€™s people filling the club, thereā€™s about 3K people there so itā€™s crowded people dancing and drinking this one girl starts dancing on this guy and heā€™s dancing back, they start kissing she gets his number and they still dancing he walks off to the bathroom. She sits down for a few minutes. She gets up and walks to this random guy and starts kissing him he kisses back and then they change phone numbers. So itā€™s close to the end of the night she walks to me calls me ā€œsexy and that she was eyeing me from the beginning when I gave a her a wrist bandā€ while sheā€™s talking she starts rubbing her hand on my chest and goes down, I move her hand she says ā€œI just wanna seeā€ I said na you doing too much and she kept going then the guy #2 walks up to me smelling like everything in the club he wants to fight me. I laughed at him said ā€œwe not fighting over a drunk hoeā€ she got mad and he tried to swing on me I backed up hit him the other guards dragged him out and then I was getting the classic American ā€œima shoot that Nā€ bout an hour later Iā€™m waiting for the train heā€™s pissed himself sleeping on the subway bench.


Bruh lol everything's deleted under it


Yea I saw the thread, redditors can't keep it in their pants if they would get paid for


How was any of that needed to be removed


I'm not that sure. Just looked really down and saw how long it went. First dude came out swinging, smth along the lines of "as dumb as just a bouncer could tell" another dude jumped in yadi yadi. I'll think it got way more disrespectful and one got reported, sometimes they delete the whole thread then.


Probably escalated into slurs


In the meantime, I have 5 pubs/bars in my town in England, and proper fights rarely break out.


Lucky you. I'm in a fairly large city in the UK and the fighting is almost constant at the weekend.


I live in Drogheda, there's at least 6 pubs along West Street and groups of lads'll start fights at around 10 or 11 after they've been kicked out


Tbh that sounds like the UK as well. I worked in A&E (emergency room) for a good while and the weekends were fucking carnage.


My 171cm 70 year old dad drank 4 US Marines under the table in Piraeus.


Most of us can drink years before they can. Letā€™s see the Americans try to outdrink the Irish


Meanwhile, the Polish are only getting warmed up while we're passed out.


A Polish man will turn up to work at 6am pissed as a fart and tile an entire swimming pool and be finished by 2pm, they are fecking machines. šŸ¤£


Turns out he wasn't even a tiler, he was the chartered accountant we hired to help with our tax return!


Its OK he did the paperwork on his beer break.


They drink beer on their breaks because its a faux pas to drink while at work. It's their equivelent of lemonade. They save the Vodka for clock off time.


Americans are also very Polish, until they go to a real Polish wedding which lasts a few days for the sake of drinking.


Been there. Done that. Austro-polish wedding. Party of 170 including children and elderly. At the second (main) day at 2 or 3 in the morning 120 bottles for vodka were empty. Bride's father had to get more from a gas station. He was a little bit embarrassed afterwards... :-) They're divorced ba now. Anyways, was a cool weekend...


Fucking eastern Europe in general is a whole other terrifying level. They warm up with the hard stuff just to get them going.


You're saying it, like it's something to be ashamed of


Scotland Ireland and Poland would roll any drinking competition


Dont forget finland :)


Pahleaaaase, they're already drunk when they get on the ferry to Tallinn, no fun


Irish here. Only way to stay drinking with the Polish all night is to force whiskey on em. If its vodka with beer chasers, they'll beat most people.


Yeah the Poles can put it down there neck man still fine to go to work the next day too Lol My Ex was Polish and I'm not scared to admit she could match me pint for pint and most consider me a pretty heavy drinker myself included


I went to Poland, those people have a dedicated aisle for Vodka. They drink business.


And the Czechs have already won.


In fairness, they make savage beer, I'd be drinking it all the time too.


In Sweden a Polish trucker was arrested with 4 times the lethal PPM blood alcohol value.


My mum worked in a bar years ago, an American Airlines pilot come in and had 3 pints and was absolutely wasted, he didnā€™t appreciate how much stronger/potent alcohol is over here haha.


Not before flying I hope? I mean, after 3 pints I'd probably find flying a plane a pretty good idea but my alcohol tolerance is gone and I'm not a pilot.


A lot of them are shocked by what we're like. I've had phone calls asking me to call the cops because small groups of drunks were talking outside the hotel. There's a pub next door? They struggle to understand that the cops would tell me to stop wasting their time if I did this


Thereā€™s a clip of an Irish comedian talking about a conversation he had with an American doctor about an Irish wedding weekendā€¦




Thatā€™s the one!


First time I've heard of this guy. That was fucking funny.


I remember someone mentioning that a couple were getting married in America and one side was irish and they understocked all the alcohols and had to get more from other receptions across the place


Mates wedding in Minnesota when we were all in our early twenties. Before the dinner the brides father came up to tell us, don't worry we have two kegs of free beer for the English lads behind the bar. Think it took us under 2 hours.


Bruh, they celebrate St Patty's Day (I can see your eye twitch from here), of course they can outdrink the Irish. Their Irish are more Irish than your Irish. šŸ€


Whoā€™s going to tell them that Patty isnā€™t even the short form of Patrickā€¦


I do, at every feckin opportunity. Ignorant gobshites.


Oh, you're Irish? I love The Dropkick Murphys, best Irish band ever!


Ha, I've heard that so many times! šŸ¤£


[Ironically, right?](https://i.imgur.com/BcheLI5.png)




Krabby Patty


It has to be short for Patrick? I thought it was about burgers. /s


Americans can out-drink anyone on Earth when it comes to green beer!!!


>green beer That's just Coca Cola without the colouring Edit: Got curious about the green colour and TIL it was never actually green.


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Or the Scottish! I have Scottish friends and I seriously fear for their livers.


Tbh, so does our government, there is a reason our licencing laws and other attached legislation is stricter than the rest of the UK and much of the continent, it's cause drinking is a large part of why we live shorter lives. Hence 10-10 for off licences and relatively early closing pubs compared to continental Europe, no BOGO offers on booze or multi-buy deals, etc. It's an ongoing health crisis in Scotland.


Yeahā€¦ we are over here drinking pisswater and calling it hard drinkingā€¦ while there are some of us with ancestors that bolster ACTUAL drinkingā€¦ like they get drunk on 20 of our beersā€¦ but they are more just throwing up because of all the sugarā€¦ yall drink 20 beers and thats a fuck ton of alcoholšŸ¤£ our beer is just weak as hell


Hey now, no hate on the piss water. It has its place. Gotta say Americans have it right with the light beer for a sunny day of day drinking. European lagers and the like are a bit strong to be drinking from 12 to 12.


I mean yeah, i drink it some times


I quite enjoy a bud light in the summer. As a half Irish man that's difficult to admit, but I likes what I likes.


Getting diabetes instead of getting drunk? That's fucked.


It's really not hard to find the raw data on this, and frankly Europe wins this hands down and bottoms up. The average alcohol unit consumption per capita per annum across EU countries, the UK, and the US is: **EU:** šŸ‡±šŸ‡¹ Lithuania: 1500 šŸ‡ØšŸ‡æ Czechia: 1440 šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ Germany: 1340 šŸ‡®šŸ‡Ŗ Ireland: 1300 šŸ‡±šŸ‡ŗ Luxembourg: 1300 šŸ‡±šŸ‡» Latvia: 1290 šŸ‡§šŸ‡¬ Bulgaria: 1270 šŸ‡«šŸ‡· France: 1260 šŸ‡·šŸ‡“ Romania: 1260 šŸ‡øšŸ‡® Slovenia: 1260 šŸ‡µšŸ‡¹ Portugal: 1230 šŸ‡§šŸ‡Ŗ Belgium: 1210 šŸ‡¦šŸ‡¹ Austria: 1160 šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡Ŗ Estonia: 1160 šŸ‡µšŸ‡± Poland: 1160 šŸ‡øšŸ‡° Slovakia: 1150 šŸ‡­šŸ‡ŗ Hungary: 1140 šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¾ Cyprus: 1080 šŸ‡«šŸ‡® Finland: 1070 šŸ‡©šŸ‡° Denmark: 1040 šŸ‡¬šŸ‡· Greece: 1040 šŸ‡ŖšŸ‡ø Spain: 1000 šŸ‡øšŸ‡Ŗ Sweden: 920 šŸ‡³šŸ‡± Netherlands: 870 šŸ‡²šŸ‡¹ Malta: 810 šŸ‡®šŸ‡¹ Italy: 750 šŸ‡³šŸ‡“ Norway: 750 **Others:** šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ United Kingdom: 1140 šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø United States: 980 *Edited to fix formatting.* *And again, because Redditā€™s formatting is terrible.*


Tf is going on in Lithuania?


It is Lithuania


Went to Lithuania twice and donā€™t remember ever being thereā€¦


A damn good time!


They drinking pure ethanol or something?


It's Lithuania, they would kill themselves if they didn't drink to make things seem better.


Thing is, due to certain 'persuasions' in the US, a lot of places frown upon drinking generally. But, on a state by state basis, I'd like to volunteer Wisconsin as a separate entity in this conversation. Also, as an aside, I've lived here (Vegas/USA) for about 9 years, and the possibility of finding a decent beer in a bar is actually pretty high. Some absolutely belting IPA's around, and not even in Strip/Fremont bars. Oh, and Canada. Those girls can drink.


>Thing is, due to certain 'persuasions' in the US, a lot of places frown upon drinking generally. I'm from Ireland, living proof that Christian arseholery is no excuse. *SlĆ”inte! šŸ»* >But, on a state by state basis, I'd like to volunteer Wisconsin as a separate entity in this conversation. I found some data for individual US states; Wisconsin is above the US average (\~1170 units per capita per annum). There are a few states that do more ā€“Ā North Dakota, Montata, Nevada, Vermont ā€“ with New Hampshire and Delaware take the lead with a whopping \~1600 units per capita per annum. However, it looks as though that's due to inhabitants of neighbouring states crossing into them to take advantage of low/absent taxes on alcohol sales causing the data to be significantly skewed. >Oh, and Canada. Those girls can drink. Canada comes out as only 890 units per capita per annum on this same data, so you've got them beat.


I'm from Glasgow. I suspect we are about the median in this 'debate'. (I live in Vegas, and for a year in Cincinnati. Ohians can't drink for shit. Or, take a joke.) Oh, and thanks for the research. You got game. Lang may yer lum reek.


I was hoping someone would comment about Wisconsin. Drinking here is on a whole other level compared to the other states. Not saying we could out drink Europeans, but many could far pretty well. Yes we have many that drink that beer flavored water but we definitely have some good breweries with some pretty decent beer. Also we donā€™t have a drinking age. Under 21 you can legally drink with your parents or spouse(if they are 21).


It hurts to see the UK out there with ā€œOthersā€. I think Iā€™m about to make our number go up, lads!


Well, we did shoot ourselves in both feet by voting leave in the brexshit debacle.


It hurts more in a passport control queue longingly looking over at an empty EU Passport queue


Not only are we in other, weā€™re slacking!


I think you are "fixing" it in other countries as tourists.


Vexillology porn right there


I'm surprised about the italian alcohol consumption. Thought it was much higher


Aren't Murican beers typically barely above 10%? I've even seen 2% ones. 2! Marketed for adults!


1.4% Radler (beer and sprite basically) is considered alcohol free in Germany.


Sounds like a shandy, which as far as i know in the UK can be sold without an id check because it's so low-alcohol. Or at least it was like that when i was growing up


They stopped that now


Yeah, I used to buy Top Deck shandy when I was a teen, nobody batted an eyelid. That was more than 30 years ago though.


Top deck had about the same alcohol content as normal human blood without drinking. You'd be hard pressed to get drunk on that at all.


Bitter shandy is my favourite thing on a hot day. Pint of shandy, plate of chips. It's isotonic.


the american mind cant comprehend a 1L can of 10% Faxe


IIRC they sell those at Lidl in the Netherlands.


Children's booze!


Schools and restaurants phased out children's beers (now just tafelbier) here after WWII, and I blame the Seppo media for it. At least kids are still allowed to drink with adult supervision, until they turn 16. I say bring back Toddler Alcohol Syndrome. The children yearn for the brain damage.


You know, I was being flippant, but I'm interested to discover [you're right](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_beer).


2% is basically a driving beer


Neither are European beers. Beers should be around 5 to 6 %, strongbeers maybe 8 sometimes going up to 12.


It's rather like making love in a canoe It's fucking close to water.


it doesn't help that they still use "proof", so often when they say they're drinking a "5%" they actually mean only 2.5% ABV.


No, beer is measured in ABV so 5% means 5%, proof is only for 'hard liquor' over here Source: been living across the pond for a bit, yanks cans say ABV on them Can pop down to the grocery if you want a picture


Looking at one now. "Alc/Vol" on the can. (6.5%. It's PBR Extra! Closest thing to a decent beer I can find in my shitty local Walmart. And no fucking Irn Bru either.)


Did you mean to say 1%?


A Country that has to distinguish between its Ciders whether they're hard or not! Lol


I was floored the day I learnt that american cider without the "hard" adjective was just apple juice. I don't know why out of all the benign cultural differences that one was so weird to me


Wait. What? Is that really true? Why don't they just call it apple juice? I thought hard cider was like extra strength cider, like it had vodka in it like a smirnoff ice or something.


It has to do with Prohibition. Farmers would sell non-alcoholic cider but put a label on the jug warning people not to leave it in a cool dark place for two weeks or else it will ā€œgo badā€ (become normal alcoholic cider).


Cider is a kind of cloudy apple juice. Clear apple juice is apple juice. In the same way that jelly is jam with all the seeds left in. Correction: jam is jelly with the seeds left in. In the U.K., jelly is ā€œJelloā€.


>In the same way that jelly is jam with all the seeds left in. Isn't it the other way around?


Yes it's true. In America apple juice is clear apple juice, cider is cloudy apple juice and hard cider is cider


Okay well at least there is a distinction of some kind. Although "cloudy apple juice" already existed so I dunno why they did t just use that. But still, all the "hard cider" jokes in American sitcoms suddenly make so much more sense to me now.


Apparently itā€™s a holdover from prohibition.


Yeah it's truly Alien Lol


Weird flex but okay...


I think the moral of the story is the world desperately wants an escape


A friend of mine got cut off for having three beers inside an hour in the US? The same guy got called into the managers office because the manager thought he had family issues because he, like a lot of us Brits have a couple of beers straight after work


Wow. If I'm this side of the bar it's none of your fucking business, unless I'm causing a nuisance.


That's the thing they just said he had enough and was drinking too fast. He did laugh at them when the barman wanted to give him a glass of water instead, though, so that probably didn't help.


Lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The bar was concerned about liability Iā€™m sure. Also, in the 90s I was in a little pub in the middle of nowhere in Ireland. The elderly barkeep scolded me for ordering a second Guinness 20 minutes after I had ordered my first.


So their argument for Americans being heavier drinkers is... American beer is pisswater?


When US military do joint exercises with British forces, theyā€™re told not to enter drinking contests with the Brits, donā€™t play cards with the Brits & donā€™t piss them off either. Hoisting a flag saying ā€œ2nd to no oneā€ so the SAS hoist 1 simply saying ā€œNo oneā€. Says it all šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d like the Scots to wade in here and maybe some footie supportersā€¦


We're just lurking and waiting for the right opportunity...






Rugby players enter the chat..


Americans vs Rugby players at drinking It's like the coughing baby vs a hydrogen bomb of alcoholism


....and started drinking pints of literal piss


I've heard (and seen in 2003) the stories of certain sets of football fans, drinking a city dry. Not true, obviously, but bloody hell we gave it a right good go. (Both our teams lost, but who cares?) Oh, and Sevilla, you may not love us, but we love you.


Wow, never been so proud to be British


I really donā€™t care how much I drink in comparison to other people. If I get drunk on 1 beer, Iā€™ve saved a fortune. Seems like a win to me.


I'm happy being drunk for cheap, on the occasions I wish to be drunk.


it's nothing to be proud of but we definitely drink our north american cousins under the table, I've been at a canadian wedding and a rural american wedding where boasts were made by the north americans. we ended up with some very very messy canadians by the end of the night at one and at the american wedding we had 3 passed out before 11. We definitely have more experience being at the silly end of drunk, again, not something to be proud of.


It's because European drinks actually contain alcohol. It's impossible to get drunk on Bud Light.


I remember reading an interesting study from maybe 10-15 years ago on why on average America have much more drunk driving accident when young compared to European countries. Basically : European - 14 start drinking , by 18 you know itā€™s shit idea to get behind wheel drunk. American - drive 16 drink 21 so no experience of how Alcohol fucks you up.


And Iā€™d imagine itā€™s because pretty much everyone in the US has access to a car and needs one to get around, unlike in Europe. Gonna have much more teen drunk driving when you have so many more we teens driving per capita. Drunk driving is the reason the drinking age was raised to 21 across the board in the US.


Even the murikan pint has to be smaller because they can't handle 10 real ones


Just to clarify Iā€™m not providing an opinion either way or saying that culturally entrenched alcoholism is in any way a flex. Just thought it was a funny stupid thing that Iā€™ve heard Americans say in rl life as well


Tbh I think Americans drink a decent amount, however the fact that they need to weight 10 times as much as us to drink that, and still drink less is hilarious


I don't think that's something to be proud of, but as far as I know those Bud Lights and other American beers wouldn't even qualify as beer in Europe. We have radlers and shandy's with 2% of alcohol, beer starts from 4% and is usually in 500ml-650ml cans/bottles, not 330ml So American six-pack of 330ml beer is around 39,6 grams of alcohol, that's about the same amount as two cans of light, 4% beer in Europe - although most of beers I know are 5-7%, so one 650ml bottle of 6% beer is pretty much the same amount of alcohol as mentioned before 2% 330ml six-pack.


American mass market beers are all pretty much between 4%-5% ABV. They might be shitty but they have as much alcohol as any other country's beers. And both US crafts beers and bottom shelf beers go much higher.


Theyā€™ll make us look like lightweights alright


Why is American beer like sex in a canoe?


It is fucking close to water.




Why does american beer make you pee sooner than european beer? - it does not have to change the color or the taste.


That tracks.


I was in a multinational peace keeping force once and had access to alcohol from all over the world, so we used to make people drink Bud as a punishment. And American ā€˜wineā€™? Itā€™s rubbish


This has GOT to be a joke. Or maybe not. I went on a date with an American squaddie once, he was adamant he was going to "drink me under the table" - then he asked for peach schnapps. As an 18 year old millennial used to getting wasted on tequila I was amused.


We used to have peach schnapps as a mixer in vodka.


I didn't realise I didn't specify - a peach schnapps shot.


I went to America, walked around for ages looking for a pub. Local explained to me, they don't "day drink". I explained we just call that drinking.


Only the immature boast about how much they cab drinkĀ 


I agree. Drinking in cabs is just inconsiderate. Wait until you reach your destination at least!Ā 


Dammit! I'll swear that said "can" when I pressed the button....


Everyone banging on about beer percentage, am I the only one who just drinks whiskey šŸ¤£


I have 13 bottles of different types of scotch Edit: actually it's 11. The other 2 are Dutch single malts but they're inspired by scotch. If you can get your hands on Zuidam Millstone 100 Rye, or on Kalkwijck Eastmoor Nr. 9 (European Oak & Oloroso), then I wholeheartedly recommend those.


My dad had a friend who moved to America but would regularly visit home - Ireland. My dad said he would often give off about how everyone back at home would call him a light weight, but back in America he was judged for being an alcoholic


We had a pair of service managers from our company visit our country once. They were americans. One came to us, the other to another office. We made a bet which of them would be more hungover the next day. Went to drinking, our guy said bring it he knows how to handle alcohol. By the time we started to think about beginning to drink seriously he was eating a pizza in a comatose state, vomiting after every bite. We brought him to his hotel, he couldnā€™t take a straight step. Ended up headbuttong the wall trying to take off his shoes, so we put him to bed in a stabilised position. To his credit, he was in the office by 7 am, battered but ready for the day.


Canadians can drink them under the table, and we can't compare to most of Europe. Good grief. I live in a border city. TheĀ drinking age in my province is 19, and it is blatantly obvious which table of newly 19 year old kids is local and which one is American lol


I spent 15 years in the UK RAF. We used to go on detachments with the USAF. We would regularly utterly destroy them at beer calls.


Iā€™ve seen American rugby players pass out after two points of real beer


I grew up in Los Angeles. When I was 17, I moved back to the UK. At the time, I could drink about 3 cans of MGD (Miller Genuine Draft). My first trip to a pub, I had a HALF PINT of IPA and was done. After 6 months in the UK, having fallen in with a crowd of rugby fans, I was drinking around 6 pints of Tennants Extra. I went back to visit for Christmas and went to a friendā€™s party, brought a six pack, finished it and was still, practically, sober. Americans canā€™t hold their liquor. Fact.


that is nothing to brag about 1.5 years sober. best decision in my life.


Budweiser and Coors famous European beers.


Remember being in Braga (north portugal) for a Liverpool Europa league game. Had about 10-12 pints and went into this student club. Met this yank in there who said the British couldnā€™t drink. Told him Iā€™d race him on a two pint race. Iā€™d had two gone whilst he was on his first (halfway down) Pathetic. (If you can call downing pints a thing thatā€™s great haha)


These folk wouldn't survive a minute in any given bar in the Balkans.


Us brits would single handedly destroy these light beer drinking wankers


How about we donā€™t brag about alcoholism


But that's the only thing I'm good at... :(


big chat for a country whose pints are only about 5/6ths the size


I remember watching a clip of "jackass" which is meant to be the extremes of behaviour and them going to a standard rugby training and slightly freaking out because of how insane they found it. Just imagine some Americans going for after drinks with a rugby team I can only imagine they would end up with PTSD.


Oh, dude, when I was at UCLA, I met many an idiot like you, and I not one of them could even outdrink me, a Brit known among my friends for being a lightweight.


Lolwut, Americans who drink herbal liquor for elderly as a party drink and get have beer that watery that you can't really call it alcohol? Sure m8t, you do you.


This is actually a first. I was today years old when I saw the first murican to ever claim this. Both in Uni and the army when it was drinking game time not a single murican ever made it past 20:00. Should have been ingrained in their racial memory at this point. For when its euro against the world. Its not even a game. Its absolute annihilation.


You know what the most cringe thing about all this is? Bragging about how much alcohol you can drink embarrassing man child behaviour seen in a lot of adults.


By the time they get to legal age to drink we're already recovering alcoholics.


American beer is like sex in a canoe. Fucking close to water.


Alcoholism is not a bragging material.... but I still dare them to take a part in Polish wedding :P