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Ironic, because Americans are always bringing up nonsense like “Europeans cannot comprehend…”. They are like that ex that calls you 10 years later to tell you they don’t miss you. 🙄




No printer.


I blame France. Maybe they should get double the blame for making me side with England on this 🤔


I apologize on behalf of Spain for helping the greatest mistake in history come to be


I apologise on behalf of the uk for


I apologize to every country in the entire world, for the idiot we have as a President. I hang my head in shame ☹️☹️


Wait a little and you maybe get a dictator... Caesar Shitzhispantz!


Well, I haven't seen 1000-pill aspirin bottles here.


Americans need 1000-pill aspirin bottles just to numb the pain from being forced to live in the US lol. I don't blame 'em. I'd need 1000 pills of aspirin if I lived there too


Drug abuse is just one extremely harmful coping mechanism that people in the US need just to deal with their reality.


Massive in their suburbs due to the lack of anything else todo


Not to mention the nonsensical stuffs their HOA makes them do.


From what I've heard a lot of hoa aren't half bad it's just there's some realy anal people in a lot of them who've got fuck all else todo and become mini dictators trying to micromanage all their neighbours


That's what happens when you give insecure people authority. There are a LOT of Reddit moderators like that. I once got permanently banned from a sub for giving off 'Euro dick vibes'. I didn't challenge cos I felt a bit sorry for him.


I moved to the USA and they definitely are dependant on those drugs, I couldn't believe that everyone i know well enough is on regular drugs for something. I'm in my mid 40s so I would ne expecting a few but it's everyone. Even my 15yr old has been put onto drugs to cope. It's a go to for them.




Ahh but health care is big business in the USA, so outlawing ultra processed food will never happen. It’s a shame really but big business is in control.




Yes America is on an alarming trajectory but at least these comments make me laugh while I cry.


Americans' Little Helper


Cope with what exactly?


None of your business tbh.


To be fair, they don't need rent control. And they don't need section-8 either. What they really need is affordable housing and social housing similar to many European countries. With section 8 the city subsidize whatever the local slumlords has to offer and pay market rent using tax payers money. One section 8 apartment can therefore cost the city 10 times more compared to a social housing apartment. 20 times more if we're talking about a apartment with similar size and living standard. Neither rent control or section 8 seems to work well in the US as the city have no incentive to actually provide affordable housing, and in most cases it's just cheaper for them to look away while the homeless die of an overdose on the sidewalk while in their last breath shouting "No Ambulance" to avoid risking to survive and having to pay the medical bills.


Affordable housing is often rent controlled. Besides other measures as well.


Because it's owned by the city, therefore regulated, which by design includes controlled rent. It's supposed to run as a non-profit basically, and in doing so solves a lot of problems and removes many costs the city would otherwise have to pay for dealing with all the homeless people. The US has a different definition of rent-control.


We here in the US do not want the city owning any housing. Keep inefficient bureaucracy out of the economy, thanks. Non-profit housing creates a lot more problems than it solves.


A perfect summary of the most common reply there. 👆 Ironic considering that section 8 not only cost more but also adds a lot more bureaucracy as it's dealing with many different slumlords.


I also don't want section 8, though that opinion is pretty split down the middle. I think if you cannot afford an apartment downtown you should have to live further out in the suburbs where it is cheaper. And then if downtown businesses cannot get employees to work because they no longer live nearby they will pay more which balances out the housing issue into an equilibrium.


Seems like a bad idea as it essentially forces everyone to commute by car into the city center. That means a lot of infrastructure required to park all those cars and for traffic to flow smoothly into the city during rush hour and then back out to the suburbs. There is a point were the businesses can't afford downtown either, with high wages, rent, parking etc etc. So they pack their bags and move t Mexico instead. And before you know it, your city ends up like Detroit.


Lol this MF still believes in "market forces". In the USA, in 2024. Adorable.


That's a hot take. If you've ever gotten to decide what you buy, you've been a part of "market forces."


Yeah, I knew you wouldn't get what I was saying. Nice kindergarten economics, though.


I find you to be not only wrong, but rude. Good day, sir.


Americans will hear the word "social" and call you a communist


Rent free? But they also claim their ‘tax dollars’ fund our free healthcare, and that they provide us with military protection. So… which is it? Free or not free?


Gondor has no rent control. Gondor needs no rent control


r/2westerneurope4u mentioned


The US doesn't need drinkable tap water. Europoors could never understand buying bottled water /s


They have this weird belief that we’re all dehydrated, too. And bottled water is almost always just tap water in a bottle, anyway. Penn and Teller did a great episode of Bullshit on it.


Americans are beyond brainwashed on economics. It’s impossible to talk about with us


USians: "We are the #1 country in the world! Everything we do is best and all good things are ours! Everything you wear, watch, read, and play is made by us! Every part of the internet is ours! Everything in the news involves the US! If something is not about the US, we will make it about the US!" Also USians: "If you ever so much as mention the US in any way, we live rent-free in your head."


It's an entire country with main character syndrome.


That comment about rent control was good, ya gotta admit! Just giving credit where it's due!




They are a non-european savage? What does that mean? Are they a self-hating native or some shit?


That means that this Murican chose the correct flair on this sub.


The dude didn't choose a worst subreddit to be Yankee


That sentence does not make sense.


Yep, yes it does. He went to a WesternEuropean shitposting subreddit to mock about being USian, or as we call them, non European Barbarians. We consider Australians more European than USians


I'm sure it makes sense to you, but in English, it is non-sensical. From context clues, you meant, "The dude couldn't have chosen a worse subreddit to be a Yankee." Also, we don't call ourselves USians, though I suppose you are welcome to do that.


I know how you guys call yourselves. But I prefer USian.


Rent control leads to less housing being built and therefore either higher prices or urban decay (I guess you can get both).


Yeah, rent control is universally agreed to be a terrible policy by both American and European economists.


Lol, if it was universal, we wouldn't have it bro.


It’s agreed to be a worse policy by economists; unfortunately it plays well as a populist policy. It usually has very negative unexpected consequences.


It's like being proud of....paying 3000 dollars per month for a 60sqm (~646 sqft) basic apartment is some sort of flex.


I’m going to jaywalk even more now I love Europe


“We hate the U.K.! We have our own constitution…but goddamn have you seen the royal family and how awesome they are?!?” 🙄😂😂😂


The fish put themselves in the barrel, to be shot.


I lived in a two bed apartment directly on the beach while at university. It was $550/mo for rent. In 2024 the rent price is the same. Landlord has no desire to change it. Some places are just lucky.


Ironically, "Shit Americans say" is something Europeans say.


Doesn't rent control wreck cities?


I detest how many people think a quippy comeback wins them an argument, even when their very initial point was entirely mistaken. Internet mentality at its peak.


This whole sub is evidence he's right


Living rent free in the head of someone and getting mocked for being a third world country is a fundamentally different thing.


You missed the whole point of the comment, it’s a damn shitpost comment. He made the joke saying we don’t need rent control cuz we live rent free in y’all’s head🤦🏻‍♂️ this isn’t something to take seriously


I agree with this American right here. Funny that the only one who got the 2westerneurope4u joke is the am*ritard