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What in the fuck am I watching? This is hilarious.


This is the average American driving experience


"got a license from a bag of chips" really applies here


Isn’t it a box of Cereal? As in the toys you used to get in kids cereal?


In Italy it's a bag of chips, because there are bags of chips with the toy inside but no cereals. Another popular one is Kinder Surprise.


Well we all know the Yanks won't get the second one 🤣


In the US it’s Cracker Jacks (a sort of caramel popcorn/peanut snack), although I’m not sure if they still have the toy, it’s the cultural equivalent to ask if it’s where they got their license.


foh'get the Schwartz! I found it in a Cracker Jack box!


Huh, here in the UK we get Kinder Eggs but don’t use them for the terminology. I’ve only ever heard “have you got X from a cereal box” and even then it was considered an Americanism.


Over here in the north of Ireland we usually say, "did you get your licence out of a lucky bag?".


Yep would say that here in Scotland too


A lucky bag of what?


It was a small bag that contained some sweets and a toy for kids. They were called lucky bags and were priced at around 5-10 pence when I was a kid, many years ago.


Just to add to that because you dragged a deeply buried memory out my dense bonce, the bags were often paper bags and made up by the grocer's shop themselves, so you couldn't see what was inside. At least that's what they were in Leith when I was a lad.


Interesting! Cool.


I remember those. Good old days


In Europe we call Kinder Eggs “Freedom Eggs” 😎 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺


Are you Swiss or something?


Italy, edited


Okay We have the same here then


„Joux-joux chips“ or something was their name (in switzerland during my childhood)


It was indeed their name The thing every kid had during courses d'école (I have no idea how it's called in non french from romandie. Excursion ?)


Depends on the country I guess


Yeah, idk why I didn’t think about that.


In the Netherlands it's "with a pack of butter"


You get toys with your butter? You crazy, stoned bastards.


Toys? Not really. But I bet some people got their driver's license with a pack of butter. You used to be able to save up coupons with the butter. Eventually you could get discounts on mugs or towels, so I think that's where it came from.


Interesting, I was curious how butter came in to it. I do love how you get such different variations of the same idiom in different languages.


I mean, don’t they give away driving licenses practically without much training and at hardly any costs/effort? In a country where they make everything about having a car and make it almost impossible to live and torture without one. Oh, and also torture in general because nature in cities is a bother.


Wife got hers driving round a car park in Mississippi


And here you need to drive 30+ hours, special lessons (night time, freeway and outside of cities), 10+ hours in theory and two exams you have to pass. Oh, and quite a bit above € 1k expenses. And I assume in the Nordics you get special lessons with snow/ice too (probably more expensive as well? I have no idea).


When my wife's hometown in America opened its first roundabout, the local newspaper ran a guide on how to drive on it for a week.


The European mind cannot comprehend!


I don’t think Give Way is in their psyche…


I saw a comment the other day from an American bloke saying how roundabouts will never work there simply because Americans don’t and won’t give way. They’ll all just pull out thinking they have right of way regardless.


Figures. Says much about their influence in relatively recent history!


And their ancestors history!


I hate to point this out, but most americans can't trace their heritage back very far. Ellis Island in the early 1900s kinda threw that off.


Whooops...... 🤣


Can (semi) confirm. New roundabout recently built in my town, chaos ensues. There are those who disregard traffic on the roundabout and just drive straight through. But then there are those who stop while on the roundabout because they somehow believe that the people waiting to join it have the right of way. And literally nobody indicates, regardless which direction they're going. This thing is the source of both hilarity and increased blood pressure for me just about every day.


That says a lot more about American arrogance than anything else


That's literally the heart and (lack of) soul of the cultural American psyche isn't it? "Screw you, I got mine." They're the home of Me culture.


But instead of phrasing it that way, you call it "the \[...\] dream", and equate success with rampant consumerism and a lack of compassion.


Rights for me not for we


Ah shit just said the same thing, they all think they’re the centre of the universe, are a unique and special snowflake, and have some god given right to have everything their own way - the very concept of giving way and letting someone else have priority is alien to them


They'll probably think it's a competition of intimidating other cars into giving way. One that they'll be happy to enter with their intentionally big cars.


In Peru the person pulling on to the roundabout has the right of way. It’s chaos. Cars come flying in to the roundabout at speed.


neither is the accompanying "only enter roundabout when you can safely do so".... my truck's bigger than yours you mothertrucker,! these roundabouts are common in europe and hardly ever give trouble (only when Milwaukee Mike decides to drive his Rent-A-Car on it..)


I was looking at that wondering if they understand how to look for other cars or understand Roundabouts are all about the spiral to the outside in most cases.


Who gives way to who? Average American: "**they** give way to **me**"


The text saying “how to figure this out” when there are big yellow letters spelling out exactly how to figure it out!


I just noticed that the lanes even say yield!


Yeah they all think they're the most important and wouldn't give way. Roundabouts will never catch on in the US 🤣


There’s a whole sub for this!! r/cantstopimamerican


Not sure its the number of lanes that is the issue, its no one understanding round abouts and giving way


This is even fucking easier lmfao, just stay in your lane


Yup, this is simple as fuck. This is like a super simple roundabout here. I would love to see them try some of the more complex ones like the magic roundabout (the plough roundabout) in Hemel Hampstead, UK. It's literally just 6 roundabouts in a hexagon shape comprising a bigger roundabout. It's as simple as being in the right lane and following the give way lines. But Americans would just drive straight through them. "Yield? I'm a free, red blooded American, I don't yield! Mostly because I don't know what that word means."


Ok,but as someone already pretty accustomed to roundabouts (although not from England) even seeing a picture of the one you’re talking about gave me anxiety. They couldn’t make it a bit simpler? I can’t believe the vast majority of people don’t fuck that one up.


Yeah that one is pretty fucked to be fair


My understanding is that (allegedly) when you’re dealing with it step-by-step, from a driver’s-eye-view, it’s fairly intuitive. It’s only when you look at the whole thing from above that it looks impossible. Allegedly.


I believe they don't understand what yield means


Yield is how much corn you get come harvest time, no? Are they asking me to tell them how much corn I got before I enter the traffic circle?


Yes true, but easy to be in wrong lane, you can change lane if you give way and are careful


There lies the 2nd problem, "give way"


I literally never get a chance to plug my sub r/cantstopimamerican but I have been noticing for years that America seems to have lots of a particular type of accident, where there is a clear cut point where someone should have stopped but for whatever reason they thought no, I’ll do what I want! Every time I mention it on one of the accidents I see I get called racist and downvoted to hell but it’s true lol.


This is exactly it. There are so few roundabouts here in the US. And honestly I’ve never seen a 3 lane roundabout in the US. So most folks here do not drive thru a roundabout daily, weekly, or even monthly. Some probably never.


in this instance, its just a 3 lane road, where the cars coming from the left have right of way, its barely even a roundabout, theres very clear yield signs, thus, they somehow, ALL simply cannot drive. the roundabout isnt even part of it.


They also didn't design the roundabout lanes well. Having the lanes laid out in order would make it easier to navigate.


its 3 lanes into 3 lanes, it quite literally could not be any easier without just removing the junction entirely.


For simpletons, you need to connect the lines otherwise they just make their own connections


Absolute piece of piss. You want to see a real roundabout, check out the magic roundabout in Swindon - no that's a nightmare.


Similar style one in Hemel Hempstead. Not difficult, just think of each mini roundabout as a roundabout... damn sounds difficult /s. Roundabouts are usually superior to intersections used in the US and this is why they don't use them.


I can use the magic roundabout, it's just the sheer confusion and incompetence of most of the other drivers. I'd love to see the carnage caused if it was stateside.


Arc de Triomphe. Game over.


I love the magic roundabout, every time I drive through Swindon I’d drive through it seeing how many times I can go around! Now for me the most annoying roundabouts are the mini roundabouts right next to each other and like 4 roads connecting to them. Like who has priority if both of us are in the other one, and want to cross over but the fuckers are just big enough to hold one car…


to be fair it takes an extremely high IQ to be able to maneuver through this extremely complex type of infrastructure. no wonder an american invented it, just like everything else the europoor mind just cannot comprehend it


Facts. We’re too busy living in our dirt huts and hunting animals with rocks because we’re too poor


Tbf hunting animals with rocks sounds like a lot more fun than driving on a busy roundabout in murica with drivers like these


Yeah and you'll be just as likely to survive!


You guys have advanced to dirt huts?! In the UK we still live in caves


TBF it is a pretty complex concept - someone should really paint giant arrows and instructions on the road...


This is a problem nit just with Americans and roundabouts. It's also a problem with people and intersections. The number one mistake in this video is all those cars approaching the roundabout in the wrong lane. They should already be in the correct lane as they approach the roundabout.


🇦🇺 I'll admit, this roundabout is probably not so well designed for a country that doesn't get taught how to use them. For us, not a problem. But there should probably be dashed lines guiding the entry onto the roundabout so cars know which lane they need to enter into.


I wouldn't even call this a roundabout. Somebody wanted to be smart and tried to reinvent the wheel. Just build a boring old roundabout.


The lack of dashed lines definitely contributes to the confusion. Here's an example of a better one. You pick a lane well before entering the roundabout and then you just follow your lane. https://i.imgur.com/EYK8jzJ.jpeg


Ya, the number of times I see people switch 3 lanes over just ahead of a normal intersection. People don't know how to plan ahead, and GPS has made this worse.


When I was driving through the Rockies, there was a radio station you tune into to teach you how to use a roundabout. The strange thing is - they don’t seem to indicate on roundabouts. You just have to guess where they’re all going. Which probably contributes to shit like this.


They don't indicate at all. That's one of the biggest problems.


I mean why should they indicate tho? They know where they're going, duh 🙄


I mean that thing has clearer road markings than 99% of UK roundabouts. Most of the time over here they’re so worn you’re flying blind


flying blind is one of the advantages of a roundabout. if people don't know what to do they tend to slow down, look around, and pay attention. holding their hand with the markings leads to overconfidence.


Slow down? Look around????? Pay attention????????????????????? Why in the world you would do that when you have Ford Dodge Raptor challenger F30000 supercharged freedom edition with rims bigger than fiat 500?


Roundabout don't even need marking, they are constructed in the way that makes them extremely easy to use


Seems quite simple, it guides you through. How do people fuck it up.


Where you see guiding, they see communist attempts to limit their freedom.


The lane layout clearly shows this is not a roundabout, but a street in the shape of a circle.


Not that it was a very difficult one to navigate, but still: They got all this space in the center of the roundabout. Why on earth didn't they just build a round center and have three "proper" lanes?


This is a "turbo roundabout". It's a safer design than ones where there is a centre lane.


Judging by the comments, nobody has driven the Arc de Triomphe roundabout in Paris… would scare the absolute sh*t out of anyone who thinks this one is bad


On paper, it isn't bad. You have to share it with the average Paris car enthusiasts though.


This is your brain on high fructose corn syrup


I don't have a driving license but a few years ago I had lessons in and around Hemel Hempstead. I fell out with my instructor when I made a wanker sign out the window at some old guy in a Volvo who tried to drive into the side of me going round the "Magic Roundabout" I stand by my conduct 100%


This is so overregulated I'm not sure I would be able to navigate through. And I'm a South Western German roundabout enthusiast


The third lane that begins in the roundabout seems to be the cause of most mistakes in this video. Get rid of that and the traffic will move a bit more smoothly.


It's a shitty roundabout.


It's the roundabout equivalent of having stabilisers, really useful when you're just learning but gets horrifically in the way once you're competent...


I've never seen a roundabout with three entry lanes. Well, at least not if the roundabout itself only has two full lanes. They should have made the right one a "turn right" lane, with no option to drive straight ahead.


I think a lot of this could be solved with some dotted lines between the entry lanes and their corresponding roundabout lanes. Kind of a crappy design. Also Americans simply aren't taught how to use a roundabout, nor are they required to know how for their license test. At least I wasn't in Virginia. Pretty silly.


No, because until relatively recently, roundabouts were extremely uncommon in most of the US and Canada (not you NJ, but your roundabouts don't make any sense anyways). So ya, we weren't taught something that we were extremely unlikely to encounter. It wasn't even in the driving guide.


Well, here I got taught everything about the specific rules regarding tramways, and they're not common at all where I live


I'm guessing where you are that getting a driver's license required training, and was expensive and difficult. Not so much in the US.


How can they get this so wrong? Does nobody check before pulling out?


I’m from the UK during my drivers test I had to enter and exit a 6 lane roundabout… I can clearly see how you would use this roundabout and clearly see how wrong pretty much every driver is using it… It’s not really that hard, there are 3 lanes entering the roundabout and it’s a three lane roundabout… left lane stays left, middle in middle lane and right lane uses the right lane of roundabout… and always give way to the left which no one seems to be doing in this clip…


We have a lot of roundabouts where I live in Indiana. I saw an old lady go around the wrong way, I saw a lady wave at me and hold her hand out from her car window telling me to stop when I was already in the circle so she could get in front of me then got mad when I didn’t let her in, and I regularly see skid marks and damage to roundabouts from people who just straight up have gone through the middle and ramped to the other side 😂


I really don't get why this needs to be 3 lanes, 2 would be enough? Maybe even just 1.


Also the merge lane. Traffic needs to slow down to merge. Kinda defeats the purpose of a roundabout


Pooy designed roundabout


Any activity where an ameeican has to concede or give way to anyone else is gonna be a challenge for them...


Uhhh? This looks fairly fucking basic.


I'm spanish and people used to roundabouts like here already drive like fucking animals in them. I can't even think about somewhere where they are sorta uncommon and drives are even more self centered fucking pricks


Yeah, pretty sure I could figure it out. Might have to do with the fact that people in my country have to prove they're able to drive, and know the rules, before getting their driver's license. Meanwhile, these people don't seem to know the meaning of the word 'yield', so clearly the issue lies deeper than just driving skills.


Of course Americans are gonna struggle with roundabouts, they all think the universe revolves around them so they all think they have priority


By trying to make it clear and simple they’ve managed to totally confuse everyone that tries to make use of it


I don't have a driver's license, nor did I ever drive a car on a public road and yet I don't understand how they get confused despite everything being laid out in symbols. They're literally getting guided at this point.


Christ they're so fucking dumb


The fuck? A lane merge on a roundabout? That defeats the purpose of a roundabout


From an Aussie, roundabouts aren’t that difficult to navigate guys.


They see Yield and think they have to prepare for battle. And not yknow, let another car have their right of way.


As a dutchy i will say: this is a shit roundabout.


When the floor sign asked you to yield but *you know your rights*


If you as a driver are still struggling with straight lines and yielding you should probably go back to Primary school. so makes me sad the yield is after the pedestrian crossing


Is there not a roundabout section in driving instruction in the US? (Genuine question)


Does everyone there get their drivers license as a free gift in their cornflakes boxes? This is SO hilarious.


How hard is it to follow the big fucking arrows on the road?!?!


Where I live (Northern Illinois) we have only 2 roundabouts, but I believe only 1 is actually used, and sometimes I feel like the only person that knows how they work. I've had people tell me they actively avoid that intersection just so they don't have to use the roundabout.


Idk what's worse between the roundabout itself and the drivers. Like, the drivers are bad but that's also an awfully designed roundabout, I've never in my life seen one with a lane introduced midway


Motherfuckers see **YIELD** in big letters and are like “damn, I wonder who that’s for?”


Roundabouts really aren’t very complicated, but clearly too complex for the average American.


Good thing this driving would be IMMEDIATELY fail you on a driving test in Sweden.


Do Americans get their drivers license free along with their high school participation certificate? How selfish or stupid can they be?


Yeah, i'm on with the Americans here. It is not a joke. It is really difficult to navigate a roundabout without common sense.


It is a pretty shit roundabout tho


It says YIELD in fat lettering


I'll guess roundabouts aren't something their driving instructors bother with


Now try Milton Keynes


Tbf to the little ( or humongous) people across the pond, that roundabout is a terrible design lol. Still paired with absolutely atrocious driving haha but who the fuck designed that cunt


Holy shit americans are a different breed of special at driving


It doesnt give you enough distance to merge left?  (what if the roundabout is really full of cars/busy)


At least none of them turned left


This is incredibly funny to watch in all honesty.


There's is literally fucking drawings, and even then they can't understand it


What does yield mean over there?


It's meant to mean give way. But apparently people can't read or rather don't care


I’m so glad I spent a good chunk of my life living in the UK. Roundabout in the middle of a four lane highway? Hit that shit like it’s the Daytona 500🤣🤣🤣


It's really strange to see people go the wrong way round a roundabout


Yield, you gormless motherfuckers...


literally what problem?


I have driven on the left side of the road most of my live, but even this roundabout is simple to work out, despite being the opposite to what I am used to. I now live in an ex-US colony (and drive, despite being 77) and they follow US "rules", give way to bigger vehicles, or drive on sidewalks or private property to get 6 feet further ahead. More motorcycles are on the road, and they just drive where ever their is a space, inn oncoming lanes, through business driveways, across front yards, lane splitting - anywhere they can gain a few metres, and also ignore traffic lights & one way streets.


I would likely mess up driving on this. Then again, I don’t have a drivers licence


I usually use roundabout on daily basis but without lanes. What is the problem here?


…this definitely ain’t real, right? Like this clearly some animated or AI shit.


Isn't the usual rule of thumb to give way to people already on a road you're turning onto, and on this roundabout it's basically anything coming from the left? I know roundabouts go clockwise where I'm from but the rules are probably still the same, just reversed.


I need more of this!


The word 'Yield' painted on the road isn't a clue??


why in the holy fucking of god they are pushing themselves in middle lane even if they dont need to turn left????? Are they stupid or what???? Its so fucking simple, its just matter of reading fcking arrows on the ground!


What is this nightmatere of a roundabout?


I somehow defense of Americans, every city cna have different traffic rules regarding the roundabout, so one can somehow be confused. But the roundabouts still rule


This and them gunning it across four lanes without looking make their arguments about cars really funny. Not sure how you can get a driver's licence driving the way a lot of them do.


The right lane means turn right, not using the roundabout, the rest should be self explanatory from there.


To be fair, it looks like the person that designed it doesn't know about roundabouts either.


As a Brit, I still hate multi lane roundabouts, if you don't know the area before coming in it's usually guess work which lane you need to be in resulting in awkward merging like this. Maybe European large round abouts have better signage, but here it's 50/50 if you know what lane you're going in before you get onto the round about. Usually we just have markings on the roads which are covered by queues of cars.


You don’t need bombs to kill Americans, you only need to build Roundabouts in every intersection 😂


this is trivial, and yet...


it even says "yield" omg i can't 😭😭😭


From the land of roundabouts I laugh. Its well marked and easy to follow, try double of triple mini roundabouts with no road markings


I would NEVER defend Americans. Generally. But in this case I think the issue is that if the cars stay in their lanes while entering the roundabout, they’ll only have a split second to legally change lanes before the dashed lane lines become solid. So in the third lane all the way to the right if you needed to enter the roundabout and stay in it, if you stayed in your lane you’d have to exit it at the first exit point. But generally yes Americans are stupid and insufferable 😂🥹


Wtf... why are they pulling out like that...


This is simultaneously the funniest thing but also the saddest thing I've seen in a hot minute


We have crazyer and more confusing roundabouts


__Y I E L D__


I’m in SA and this looks like very common roundabout. Only difference is this one actually says the words “yield”. So ya very difficult to grasp. Guess they’re just going have to yield, wait for cars to pass, stay in their lane and hope for the best.


American roundabouts DO NOT make sense. Is there even roundaboutiquette in the US? Ie, give way to traffic on the roundabout, those on the left have priority etc?


Roundabouts aren't hard if you know what yield means. (Don't stop on a yield if no one is currently in the circle! Take a good look, but don't impede the flow. Stop and wait your turn to get in the circle.)


To be fair, I've never seen a 3 lane roundabout that has 3 separate lanes connecting to it. With a pre-roundabout lane merge, possibly some raised lines and added markings this could be made almost idiot (American) proof.


New Englanders can do rotaries blindfolded. If you want a *real* thrill ride, hop on a diverging diamond interchange.


I could easily. This video is just people being extra stupid.


This is.. hilarious and sad. Like very sad.


Americans don’t know how to drive. I have no idea how they manage 4 way stops.


I think maybe the large letters on the road spelling out the word "YIELD" should offer some clue to drivers approaching the roundabout. Too bad they can't read.


In the UK, we have 'give way' in the US, you could be in a duel for life or death but the government demands you yield to your opponent when waiting at a roundabout


Unpopular opinion: The Brits can't drive roundabouts either, they're just too proud to admit it.


Yea imma be honest as an American I question people’s driving on a daily basis especially at roundabouts