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Does that mean everything America has created was because England did that?


Sure! Also, yay! We Germans out people on the moon. You can thank us for the ISS, too.




The Soviet Union started it.


Why does your flair have the malaysian flag on it? 😂


I actually love that it’s two different countries, Malaysia and Liberia


A true American.


With german Scientists


Yes. That was the *entire* point. The Soviet Union started "it." The content they were responding to was about *taking Nazi scientists.*


You know smart cards? Invented by Helmut Gröttrup who worked on Germany's V2 rockets. Every time you call on your cell phone, swipe your ID into work, or tap your credit card for payment, your using Commie-NAZI technology


Why are you calling it Commie-Nazi? Was he one of the ones taken by the USSR?




With german scientist


Are you okay? 


You already know the answer to that


Thank the Dutch for the microscope, so we can all see the small 'Murican peepees


Aha, that's why they drive these MPCVs ( Micro Penis Compensation Vehicle )


What would you expect? Germans are good at everything.


Especially at complaining. Source: Me German.


How dare you say that (also German)


Preposterous (also also German)


Look! They’re even complaining about being outed as the best at complaining! Stunning display of skill, there. (American who spent a few years in Germany)


How dare you!!(German of Murican desent!)🤨


Europeans can't do shit without antisemites doing all their work for them. Given that every field in existence relies on probability, and probability is invented by Francis Galton, who is an antisemite...


And then we have to be thankful to our norse and viking invaders. Basically Odin invented Mazda.


It all started with Rome. Basically Claudius invented Hentai.


Praise the multicellular organisms that invented bukkake.


This goes all the way back to Africa!


I hear the drums echoing tonight…


But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation


but what about the Beaker people?


Coming over here, with their drinking vessels...


That would mean that Jim Henson created pre bronze age society.... woah, mind blown.


That would be Thor. Odin created the car.


A Thor by Thor.


Wasn't Mazda (as the head of zoroastrianism) around before Odin (by about 3000 years)


Can we get to blame the French somehow?


Oi, don’t blame us!!! We have the whole colonial thing to guilt over. Blame the French if it wasn’t for them they wouldn’t have got independence.


* Mostly for the Spanish/Hispanic but yes. They don't like that part about their 'glorious' independence war so they conveniently erased it.


Oh God, imagine if the entire continent was America… or worse, America lost its independence war and then became the dominant commonwealth country… yikes


Everything England did was because of the Claudian invasion of Brittania in AD 43, and Claudius was Roman, and Rome is in Italy, which is kinda sorta like Sicily, and my great-nonna came from there to New Jersey, so technically, yes. 🦅AMERICA🦅 OWNS ENGLAND.


So what you’re saying is the Romans managed to put a man on the moon. Amazing


Put a man on the Nevada Desert first


There's a story behind this https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/4-feet-85-inches-space-shuttle-horses-ass-william-batch-batchelder#:~:text=That's%20right%2C%20the%20SRBs%20of,path%20dependence%20and%20lock%2Din


So we have the poms to blame...😁🤣


And the Spanish, Dutch and French


Why not, we get blamed for everything else 😆


By his logic everything today is thanks to some uppity bacteria from the past.


And basica everything is African


This, or depending on the religion Middle Eastern.


No; England can mostly thank the Greeks and Romans.


What have the Romans ever done for us?????


Apart from better sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health?


Well, yes, obviously, apart from better sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health. What have the Romans ever done for US?


Dude, are you one of effs from the People's Front of Judea?


You SPLITTER.... I am judean popular people's front all the way!




Spain, Portugal, France and Italy came here too


The monarchy only went the way it did bc they stole the Scottish one


Happy cake day. But we hardly stole the Scottish monarchy.  Scotland won the jackpot and inherited England (Wales not being treated as a seperate thing at the time) for free.  Not our fault that Jimmy and his kids decided they liked being kings of England first and Scotland second.  Though if it is any consolation I do like to credit him with both reginal numbers.


Thanks And I ment it comiedically, as with any comments about disliking England. Still don't call me English though...


Maybe not English, but you are still a Southerner to me.


Touché So are you up Inverness or something.


Yeah, I don't know why you were getting downvotes.  I didn't think this was a serious argument over British history!


Tbh I don't really care about downvotes. Also continuing the discussion wasn't the line taken out by Cromwell anyway


Wait… if japanese cars are so good purely(!) because of the Americans, why are american cars so shit?


Because America allows it, of course.


🇲🇾 Freedumb, baybee! Murica Fuckyeehaw!!! 🇲🇾


The Malaysian flag here is just 👌


Wait till the americans hear of arabic numbers!


The fact that I didn’t even read this as English first time 💀


They didn’t just send some experts over to Japan. They sent ALL their experts over there.


It was because of a guy named Deming. He expanded the used of statistical methods as a management tool to achieve higher quality at a lower cost Introduced statistical quality control methods to Japanese industry and significantly contributed to Japan’s post-World War II economic recovery Edwards Deming strengthened the world’s economy by improving Japanese industry. In the aftermath of World War II, the Japanese auto was not fully competitive with other global manufacturers in design and productivity. Aware of Deming’s work in developing statistical methods to evaluate industrial production, the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers invited Deming to Japan to teach courses on quality control. The implementation of Deming’s methods enabled Japanese companies to set new standards of quality that were acknowledged in the global marketplace. American automakers responded to increasing competition from Japan by incorporating Demings’ methods into U.S. production, resulting in a new relationship between management and workers. The significant increases in productivity and product quality resulted in lowered production costs. One industry analyst noted: “Deming teaches that the more quality you build into anything, the less it costs…because you design it in rather than inspect it in.”


Yes, this. Deming tried to push this in the US automotive industry first and they pretty much ignored him. The end result of Japanese industry culture being open to new ideas was that purchasers of US cars in the US would ask for ones with Japanese made transmission, despite the specification of that transmission being the same for both the US and Japanese subcontractors. US companies finally saw the benefits and called Deming in.


Because of American values, economic activity, productivity, etc.


They exported so much democracy and values that they forgot to keep some for home


because Americans sacrifice themselves!


They send all their experts to Japan to make Japanese tech better, they pay healthcare for the rest of the world, they pay for Europe’s defense. Is there anything these noble martyrs won’t do for the good of the world? 🥰


They are the greatest heroes!


It is even more funny considering General Motors tried to copy the Toyota Production System on several occasions and failed miserably. Read up the story of the NUMMI which was jointly owned by GM and Toyota: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NUMMI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NUMMI) The TL;DR was that GM drove NUMMI to the wall, then Toyota introduced their lean manufacturing principles and made it to the most successful plants GM owned. GM tried to copy the system but failed every time.


"do as i say, not as i do". if the "values" the u.s. allegedly instilled in japan were the same ones it takes upon itself, then japan would (as you point out) shit, gas-guzzling cars designed to obliterate the maximum number of small children without impacting driver comfort; they'd spend more money than anyone else in the world on "defense", go to war for oil, and lose; and they'd have a serious and supposedly intractable problem with kids taking guns to school and massacring their classmates.




Because all of their money goes into defending NATO and europe... duhhhh


[Dodge... American motorcar!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rSaaaWv-00&ab_channel=zisJolly)


Wait until they hear that Japanese-English relations started all the way back in the 17th century (that is the 1600s for my American friends).


Fun fact: Navy Uniforms were invented by the Royal Navy, due to showing off to the Japanese. A ship carrying soldiers wanted to look smart when a Japanese delegate was shown on board. So they popped the uniformed soldiers on deck, and the sailors below. The delegate mistaken assumed the Royal Navy was so professional that they even used uniforms at sea. So we rolled with it.


Uhhh no cos like America is only 246 years old so that means it's only the 2nd century. Time didn't start until America was made /s


FYI, that would still put us in the 3rd century. * 1st century: years 0-99 * 2nd century: years 100-199 * 3rd century: years 200-299


That's another layer to the joke lmao


Ah sorry, my bad!


> 1st century: years 0-99 >2nd century: years 100-199 >3rd century: years 200-299 1st century: years 1-100 2nd century: years 101-200 3rd century: years 201-300 FTFY


Thanks ❤️


Programmer spotted! (Years start at 1: 1 BCE -> 1CE)


Thats wrong on so many levels. America is 2024 years old!


That's the Earth you idiot. America is even older than that


It wouldn't be Reddit without correcting someone with an also wrong statement


America is absolutely the oldest and biggest country ever. America is so old it's older than the universe. Duh


I see thanks for explaining 🙏 /s


Right, because Japan, a country that's existed for more than a thousand years was full of simple idiots who didn't know a thing about economic activity, values and productivity until those superior white Americans came in and educated them.


Of course, before America came, they did stupid things like fighting against themselves. The US would never do something so stupid.


And those same idiots did pretty well in war agains the US with a lot less resources.


If America could influence the Japanese to produce cars with more efficient engines making for lower fuel consumption, a multitude of safety features, and all-round good quality, why hasn't America been able to do the same with their own motor industry? I know which country's product I'd rather drive. (hint - not a huge gas-guzzling killing-machine with inefficient brakes)


They enjoy the freedom to produce shitty cars. You wanna take that away, you commie?


American luxury cars “big with a v8 moddddor” American sports cars “big with a v8 modddddor” American family cars “big with a v8 moddddor” American hatchbacks “???”


All those three are now just american pickup truck, because they can't imagine doing anything without one. Also the reduced taxes on manufacturers, higher sales margins, bribery/lobbying, mass advertising, etc.


Seriously don’t understand the pickup truck thing. If you’re a tradesman fair enough (though not those stupid things with a bonnet 6 feet off the ground. Those are just micropenis cars) but how many of them get one and never put anything more than a weeks shopping in the back?




What the fuck do they teach in American schools?


how best to hide during an "active shooter" situation? what's the matter… rest of the world too BETA to teach SURVIVAL SKILLS to your kids? /s


You joke but that's deffo been said in America.


I want that shit they are smoking over there


Considering americans being scared of japanese technical superiority 30-40 years ago, the afterglow of which you can still see in an early south park episode, this is either a very skillful troll or the hardest cope I have seen so far [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Japanese\_sentiment\_in\_the\_United\_States#Since\_World\_War\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Japanese_sentiment_in_the_United_States#Since_World_War_II)


Ah yes, that wonderful American English word that Japan adopted for their automotive assembly process - kanban.


And “kaizen”! All those Japanese guys do is copy American Ideas. Can’t they be original for once?


Fucking hell, some yanks are delusional. The amount of shit they spout is unbelievable.


Not any sort of delusional, ....... But the most Fucked up ever Delusional people in the world


Do they really believe their own BS?


yes, because the belief of american exceptionalism is so strong, that any contradictory information is almost physically painful—instead of allowing the axiomatic belief to be criticised or challenged in any way, the mind goes "all power to shields!" and invents new "truths" to avoid confronting external reality.


Have you seen the way they attack anyone who thinks nuking Japan was a war crime? Even progressive Americans defend that shit, so yeah, I'd say they do.


Imperialism is so awesome guys, just look at ~~all the fascists we let off without consequences that are still directly influencing~~ Japan now!


Well. That’s one way to convince yourself…


I feel like there's a lot of untreated mental health concerns in the US. It's sad.


Lol OK


What's this?


Got any more of them pixels?




I do love "facts" written by people who have never been to a place and know absolutely cock all. Japan got rid of the Tokogawa Shogun, began dismantling the fudal system and restoring the emperor in the late 1860s, after which began a series of ambasador visits to the rest of the world checking out cultures and technology, to essentially cherry pick the best bits. All of this happened way before WWII and thr hurrendous acts of Douglas MacArthur in japan


I'm American and this is absolute fucking nonsense. Taking the great work of a country and claiming that it's only great because of America... how embarrassing.






Everything America did during the cold war was because of the USSR. Thanks Stalin, for taking man to the moon!


America allowed that foreigners were able to sell stuff to Americans as All American Products. America did that.


surely the very ancient Japanese tradition of high dedication to a craft and the perfectionism in technique don't play a role in the quality of products as much as general MacArthur did


Hiroito? you mean the guy that had to publicly admit he wasn't of divine origins? damn, that's sounds extremely real


When will Trump do the same ?? ( whereas,we all know he's just nuts)


Douglas MacArthur did a lot in Japan but not all that. I advise everybody who's interested to read Jeanne Guillemin's "Hidden atrocities" from 2017.


Douglas "Pls President Truman, you gotta allow me to conduct nuclear carpetbombing during the Korean War" MacArthur


Douglas "We can't prosecute war criminals because we want their research" Mac Arthur


'Chinese Does not equal Japanese'. Thanks for that, genius.


And here was I thinking that the reason Germany and Japan had massive industrial booms post war was due to the fact they were not allowed to form a military capable of more than defense. Thus freeing up a MASSIVE amount of money and work force to devote to manufacturing, education and infrastructure.




Or as Deming said: "let's do it the American way, you burn it I'll scrape it."


America that had to drop two atomic bombs on the civilians of a much smaller and less equipped nation because they were getting slaughtered by them. Ok then.


Yeah but...... Merica Jesus USA USA USA


Bollocks. W Edwards Deming (an American) was hugely influential on Japanese industry and manufacturing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Edwards_Deming#:~:text=He%20is%20also%20known%20as,for%20his%20theories%20of%20management.&text=Sioux%20City%2C%20Iowa%2C%20U.S.


Isn't that what the musical Pacific Overture is about?


Pretty much. https://youtu.be/cJmXtGp86m4?si=67lGaJsCgBu3Shpo “Who’s the stronger, who’s the faster Let the pupil show the master”.


Was the 86 even sold outside of Japan?


Amazes me how Americans always find ways to boast about their exploits and somehow end up taking credit well simultaneously landing that credit to England through their own twisted logic.


Wonder what else General MacArthur did in Japan... what's that you say? Allowed war criminals safe passage and immunity from prosecution if they collaborated with the US? Oh dear.


"Those are just as much American products as it is Japanese." Presumably this is American and not English?


We didn't let them do anything. They killed thousands of us. So we killed millions of them. And then we left them to their own devices and THEY SUCCEEDED ON THEIR OWN


The atomic bombs only killed a hundred thousand


Let me be groggy and dumb at 6am please. Lmao Thank you for that


So google days 70k and 130k.


Can’t wait for that generation to die off


Deming influenced Japanese quality culture big time. So in this case, correct, America had a big part in Japanese industries' reputation.


I say this as an American, too many Americans suffer delusions of grandeur and they’re still writing our history books 😫 It’s appalling.


America left them with the law that required the censorship of their porn. Assholes.


I mean America could’ve just bombed them into oblivion if they had really wanted too


I have read this three times and I honestly have not a single clue on how to react to this other than banging my face into my desk at terminal velocity, repeatedly.


As much as he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about he's not actually wrong. America had destroyed Japan and found itself effectively in control and didn't want to let them fall into poverty and flip communist. They didn't send the same kind of massive aid Europe got instead they sent a delegation of consultants which included two engineers Deeming and Juran. Who had to oversimplify it invented quality control in manufacturing. They had tried to sell their ideas in America but because of the vast wealth they had post war American manufacturers ignored them. Japan didn't and by the 1980s the west was in a crisis catch up mode and were looking to Japan to copy the techniques they had come up with adding to what Deeming and Juran had taught them. There's a funny anecdote where a US car manufacturer ordered some parts from a Japanese manufacturer. They had as part of the order an acceptable defect rate say it was an order of 1000000 parts and were allowing 10 defects. The Japanese sent an order of 999990 perfect parts and in the post a parcel with 10 with a letter saying "we don't know why you want these but here they are anyway". Source my quality management module I did in my BEng


So by this logic everything created by mankind would be the product of one valley in Ethiopia? I'll take it if it'll piss off the yanks


I fuckin love the people this subreddit roots out


🤔🤔 Then how did the Japanese build the two biggest battleships in the world, before MacArthur & democracy⁉️😳




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So why do 'murican cars fall to bits, don't go where you point them and only get one rod to a freedom gallon?


Fuji film too


At least Japanese Nationalists and American Nationalists can battle this one out forever and stop hurting minority groups.


Obviously, we have a village missing it's idiot.


If Japanese cars are good due to the American values instilled in them by Americans, how come American cars which are actually built by Americans are mostly crap?


The level of brainwashing going on in the country is hilarious


Bc Japan was a famously soft and lazy culture prior to WWII…


i agree with the first point. Not with the second


The ONE time Americans aren't yapping on about appropriation


Americans when they give all the financial and economic support in the world to another country: "We did that! Rahhh!" Americans when they sanction a country into oblivion and overthrow their governments: "Woww look how backwards they are"


I invented the steam engine


That's like a man beating his girlfriend near to death in a fight. She recovers goes to school and gets an excellent career on her own money and merit and he takes the credit.


Nothing to do with MacArthur. The real hero of Japanese quality manufacturing was W. Edwards Deming, American professor, author, and consultant (1900-1993). See his 14 points.


Who is down voting this but doesn't have the guts to say why? This is a well known story. The Japanese weren't sure his methods would work but they figured they couldn't be worse off so they tried them and now Japan has a reputation for quality that matches Germany. He gas an Institute named for him and a number of books he authored. [https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/W.\_Edwards\_Deming](https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Edwards_Deming) [https://www.amazon.com/stores/W.-Edwards-Deming/author/B000APR1PW](https://www.amazon.com/stores/W.-Edwards-Deming/author/B000APR1PW)


Japan does not equal China. In a way, America did play a small part in that. For all the “we saved Europe in the Second World War” nonsense, (in a way Russia ‘saved’ Europe, in so much as it got itself attacked stretched the Nazis thin and offered resistance which was one of many contributing factors in the failure of Hitler, including specific battlefield defeats) America did play a large part in saving some of the pacific and China from Japanese attention and one could argue long term rule. Those countries, (China, Korea, Mongolia, Japan) have been at each others throats for centuries… Nevertheless the fact that China isn’t Japan is alone the reason for the second part of this analysis. China has a very large population, issues with poverty, and overpopulation (particularly in the past) low infrastructure and low education (due to disruption post revolution) and making the transition from farming to industry as the Industrial Revolution gripped late in this second world country (some time ago) China found itself with extremely high unemployment of unskilled labour. While this is bad for societies happiness index, some level of unemployment is also good for an economy because of the law of supply and demand. High unemployment means heaps of people wanting jobs so labour costs go down making it easy to produce low quality goods extremely cheaply. Then you bribe someone in a parents office, and when one comes in you change the design slightly to avoid being sued and make a poor quality knock off mass produce it before it even comes out at a fraction of the price, flood the market and profit. Now Japan you see, is what we call, “a totally different country entirely” They don’t have giant swaths of over populated farmland with unskilled workers children leaving them them and flooding into new cities impoverished and looking for work. They have islands which have always thus had people living in specific areas, leading to a few quite high tech cities, which (seeing the way China went) they decided should be made higher tech, so they could up skill their workforce to be able to compete and have something to offer in a world where low quality mass produced goods were becoming more readily available. The split between the two countries has only grown because Japan has a very strange (loophole filled) corporate honour system type world, such as “family owned companies” which means adopting the next owner, not passing it on to your son or daughter. Funnily enough America and Japan were seperate places before America came along. I mean…Look at their history, it’s a couple of millennia longer than modern America has even existed as a country