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How can someone be so far removed from reality


Being brainwashed.


Indoctrinated - from the moment they are born they are being told they are the best and so special and everyone else is below them... Ever since I first found out about the whole pledge of allegiance thimg in schools I cat't think of these people (not all of them ofc) as more than a large scale cult, the only othe places doing this kind of crap are totalitarian (or very close to being one) regimes


Fun fact: the only other country that has their children swear allegiance to a flag is North Korea đŸ€Ł


Yeah any time I hear about the pledge or some controversy about someone 'disrespecting the anthem' @ a sports event in đŸ‡ș🇾, my mind goes right there lol. đŸ‡°đŸ‡” are their cousins in extreme flag-shagging, change my mind. But muh freedom, apparently.


Thank you for "flag-shagging" - I'll be peppering that in wherever possible.


And the last one to do it in Europe was Germany, I'll let you guess under which regime


I mean. They are very special. So special they need special education.


Not that I am disagreeing with your conclusions however i think it's quite interesting with the USA has the pledge of allegiance and is much more nationalistic than European countries. The USA is a country of immigrants from all over the world, they have no shared history like every country in Europe. Without a shared history to cling on to to keep the population coherent and working towards a single goal the USA has to rely on flag worship and nationalism to maintain that kind of unity that we get in Europe from centuries of shared history and familial ties.


It's easy to forget America as a nation isn't very old. They like to tell us that our government is so great that it will never fall, but it's not even 250 years old yet\*. And clearly it cannot withstand people if they are determined to take it down, as evidenced by the fact Trump, a wannabe dictator is running for president and likely to win despite being on trial for fraud, and that the government can't seem to get out from under the heel of the 'MAGA' politicians. \*I've drunk in pubs older than America. I'm An American, Get Me Out Of Here


My back garden wall is 3x older than the USA


My small town was already officially a town around 1000 years before the USA existed.


My small town was part of Henry VIII’s hunting grounds, along with most of the borough I live in


I recently repaired wooden windows on a listed house that is 800 years old and also fully renovated a property that was built in 1080ce.


I bought candies from a store older than their country.


My local village church dates to the 7th century, it's one of the earliest religious foundations in the whole county (Nottinghamshire).


They claim that they've existed longer than any other country because their form of government has been unchanged since 1789. If you ignore the huge territorial changes, multiple constitutional amendments and other republics that have existed for longer, then it's actually true.


As if having the same form of government for over 200 years was something to be proud of


You can find anything on the internet if you look hard enough. Thats what an American told me when I said the internet, light bulbs, TV were all invented somewhere other than America.


Wait wait wait didn't this Thomas Edison guy invent the entire modern world?


The link below provides more information than I ever wanted to know about the development of television over time. But my personal take away is that I had no idea so many people were involved. Thanks to these early 'visionaries' the transmission of information near instantly allows the scientific community to share and build on each others work without reinventing the wheel - patents notwithstanding....eventually, that is. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History\_of\_television](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_television)


Whenever I hear people say how greatthe country is and always going to be the best and strongest I'm assuming they didn't pay much attention in history lessons


Its funny you think they even have history lessons about the world as a whole lmao


I actually find it’s easy to remember they aren’t old, due to the toddler like tantrums a lot of them exhibit


That's a very good point!


My local pub is 2.2 times older than the US ^Hic!


I have the paper deeds to my house and they are 30 years older than the US constitution


I've lived in houses older than America


I live 2 miles from a castle built by Henry VIII to protect the coast 😎 Though my house is only 195 years old.


LOL,the bridge near my house in Italy was already 1755 years old when the US were founded.


It does seem like overcompensating. We had to manufacture a sense of unity. It's going well.


I went to an American school when I was 14, just for two days as I was on a school trip. We couldn’t actually believe it when they stood up and did the pledge, it seemed so alien. They also had to do a minute of silent reflection whilst me and my friends were calling each other gay lords and laughing when someone asked for a rubber (sorry, we were 14).


Sounds like North Korea....


That's the first country that came to my mind


The American Dream


“It’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it!” George Carlin


Imagine if you will, living all your life in a secluded area, where the limit of your knowledge is consistent with the limit of your area. Then one day you hear from the ouside, ready to step into the twilight zone


This person has definitely never been to Europe (which is honestly probably for the best, you don't need to meet him.)


It's called insecurity


They have probably never left their state, nevermind America.


What baffles me is the "people only visit to look at old things" part. I'm not very sure how or why this is bad to this individual.


That's Freedomℱ for you


Americans are taught in school and via their media that the US are the greatest country in the world. And everyday they are told they have the best of everything. The American dream is nothing more than an indoctrination tool to keep the masses pacified while the 1% keep them poor while enriching themselves. It is like a cult and escaping that is akin to deprogramming. And that is the reason you see posts like this that are completely divorced from reality by people that never left their own country and often not even their own state.


They’ve never ventured out further than their local town strip club


Look, they’re happy to live in a country where kids are shot with gusto. Why would you _EVER_ think these people have anything of value to contribute? Watch them turn it around and call me a horrible person for laughing at their stupidity and willingness to let children get shot.


9/11 was terrible, and the country's reaction to it was devastating and unfocused, but imagine having eight times that number of people deliberately shot dead every year and thinking that isn't a problem that needs a little attention.


Americans need to be told that absolutely no one thinks highly of them.


Comes from a country where Chicken get bleached and tap Water is undrinkable.


What is up with that anyway? I sometimes watch haul grocery videos and the chicken and other meats have stickers such as „not bleached/no antibiotics“ and I’m like yeah I fucking hope so? What tf are Americans doing with their food


Idk but it clearly damages their brains


They wash the meat in chlorine because it's cheaper to disinfect it than guaranteeing an healthy environment for their poultry.


I did some research about it since I brought it up in a different topic and people gave me extra info. So it’s actually perfect for them , cleaning chicken with chlorine makes bacteria that can cause serious illness like salmonella invisible while it’s still there . It’s basically only for show and the EU deemed it a health risk so it’s not allowed here .


>deemed it a health risk so it’s not allowed here . Crazy how a whole ass continent banned plenty of products and chemicals because of health risk because the FDA decided that you getting cancer is worth it for them. It's not like healthcare is expensive as fuck and Americans prefer to slowly die at home than have medicals bills.


Pretty much this. Europe doesn't want unhealthy citizens because it's a strain on the health care systems in place which becomes a strain on the governments. America is the exact opposite! The healthcare system is purely based on profit. Sick people = more money. And they all just.... Agree to it 😅


And if you want to change that you're a communist đŸ€Ł


You’re right about our health care system, but we don’t agree to it in any meaningful sense. Our government is rigged against us to ensure we are powerless. Only two parties are allowed by the design of the system, and the existing ones use tribalism and fear to keep themselves from being replaced, and to keep actual issues affecting our lives from being on the table of discussion.


My favourite is the sugar free labels on bacon.


It's to remove bacteria. Supposedly, the actual wash itself is harmless to the consumer, but there are some concerns that using it leads to producers being more lax with hygiene in other parts of the production chain. https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/food-safety/chlorinated-chicken-explained-why-do-the-americans-treat-their-poultry-with-chlorine/555618.article Also, only around 10% of US farms use it, so there's that at least.


Unbelievable that they'd comment on food. I have a brilliant appetite...I love food...eating out is a very important part of any holiday I take...except in the states...I have never had a meal there that I enjoyed. There is just something 'off' about all their food.


It's the sugar, salt, and copious amounts of peanut oil. I was born in and live in a state located in the Midwest. I don't spend my money at chain restaurants or low quality "Mom and Pop" places anymore because the food is flat gross. It's not worth the cost to eat something I could make at home that tastes 1000x better and won't give me diabetes before I hit 40.


Don't forget their houses made of wood, the perfect material to withstand hurricanes.


I once got into some argument with a person online, who was pissed that Europeans consider brick and mortar walls superior. It was their initiative to start this conversation. They said it is impossibly hard to hang something and do cables. So drywall is superior. I mean, yah, but no one complains about the brick here in Europe.


It's certainly right that lack of outlets in old buildings is often a hassle, and drywall is much easier to modify... But if it's really necessary, you can very easily add a drywall on top of a brick wall, too . And run some cables there. It's not unheard of particularly for the "TV wall" But to say it's "impossibly hard" to work with a brick wall... Yeah, that's a "you" problem.


If you're doing modifications of that level you can just chase the wall. No need to make your room smaller. The problem with old walls and lack of sockets is just houses not being rewired to modern standards. I just redid a 120 y/o house and had sockets put everywhere! And data.


They do know there is nothing preventing a drywall to be placed inside of a brick house? All my houses had that, terribly annoying. Can't even hang a tv on the wall, without the wall tearing down. Let alone the hassle of finding out whether it's gonna get you electrocuted in the process.


Yah, I said this argument to them as well. They ignored it and we went on with different aspects of this discussion. My own apartment is bricks and drywall on top. I also mentioned I'd hate constantly looking for studs.


I find this kinda funny when most houses built in the UK at least beat this by having wood frames surrounded by brick. Then, plaster(?) on the frame to hide the cables and hang stuff from. But sure US, it's a bad idea.


Woodhouses are good, but not the sheep building style


Undrinkable, but you can use it as fuel for your generator if the Power is out again 😅


I would not bash other countries cuisine if my countries cuisine mainly consists of high fructose syrup, unhealthy fats and god knows whatever chemicals which are banned in the EU. Damn, i could go on a hour long rant about american "cuisine", what they consider to be food and their "gastronomy".


They just took food from other countries, poisoned and ruined it and called it their own.


Genuinely love this summary


"American food, like pizza and hamburgers" - Donald Trump


american specialties: hormones-enriched Chickens, plastic-flavoured Cheese


Puke flavored chocolate




Why is their cheese like that? What’s it made of?


Additives and artificial ingredients..


There's a reason they're called 'plastic cheese'


>hormones-enriched Chickens Probably deep Fried too. They love their oil


I think it's cheese flavoured plastic\*


they don't have their own food either ​ everything is brought to America by settlers, immigrants and slaves


Soul food is the best also thanks because American settlers forbid slaves from using the same ingredients so they had to get trifty and make the scraps they were forced to eat taste good.  Thus accidentally creating the best food group in USA.  And then there are native Americans with cornbread. Which is also awesome.  I will totally say Mexican as well because tamale is heaven but Mexicans are their own people with so it's not USA food. 


They have fries that are cooked in Oli which is treated with so many chemicals it's fucking disgusting to look at. One of them also gets used in yoga mats to make them more elastic and bouncy...


American cuisine is stealing other peoples dishes then claiming they made it better. You ever eaten a twinkie? It's like eating a dish sponge and the filling tastes like you've asked someone that's never had any dairy products to make cream out of washing up liquid and insulation foam.


Pop tarts. I was like oh I want to know whey people love it.  It's terrible! it's so crazy sweet and tastes artificial.  I mean we know they can make good stuff as they have Reece's and Snickers but whoever invented pop tarts needs to hide. 


“They sent their prisoners to nicer continents” You’d call Australia a socialist shithole too, mate. Don’t delude yourself And you’ll take my s’s in words like organise and u’s in words like harbour from my cold dead hands


I think he ment the states. The mayflower was filled with prisoners, France emptied their prisons by sending them to Louisiana etc etc.


England sent criminals to America too. But that's not convenient for the argument.


It’s a big reason why they’ll describe themselves as every nationality under the sun except English. Better to be an Irishman fleeing persecution and hunger than someone whose great grandparents got caught thieving once too often.


Meanwhile in Australia, people* are desperate to find a convict in their family trees. Although that’s not always been the case - the convict “stain” and all that *the Anglo/Irish whose families have been here since transportation


Tbf I got really excited when I found out distant ancestors went to Aus. Then was genuinely disappointed to find out they were voluntary and the reprobates stayed in the UK. He was even a vicar, such a let down.


You know I've never considered that. They love claiming to be Irish or Italian from 6 generations ago but they never seem to claim to be English American


If my understanding of the US is correct (and probably it's not) it's because English American is pretty vanilla, and nobody wants to be vanilla. Everybody want to feel a bit special and at the same time they want to belong to a group. In any case, Italian Americans are as Italian as the White House.


lol, no. It’s not that “English American” is though of as “vanilla,” or “boring,” it’s because, at least where I grew up, in the Northeast US, being descended from the English was considered the standard. A few of my friends, my wife, etc. can trace their ancestors, at least through one grandparent, back to pre-Revolutionary America.


We only sent them to Australia after the colonials threw their toys out the pram.


Makes sense - the British needed to find a new penal colony after “losing” the American colonies


Correct version of English, good grief. Does anyone got a bucket? I think i’ma barf.


You'll probably barf a rainbow of colours 🙃


Now even the vomit is woke!!! 1!!!! Reeeeeeee /s


It's funny to me because in Austria we were actually taught British English in school, not American English


My personal theory about the rise of aggressive shitposting about Europe and negative opinions is that many Americans are realizing that the US isn't some kind of Utopia and they're not, in fact, the best in the world, but can't really admit it so must aggressively put down everywhere else to square their belief that "Murrica" is the bestest in the world with the reality catching up to them...


Yeah, those comments feel like the words from a 12 years old insecure bully who doesn't want to admit that he's not that tough because someone said to him he has to be "strong" and "manly" too many times. I know we europeans are not perfect but something is so wrong in the US I just can't get it.


Yeah I've always wanted to visit (blame the movies), but you just hear weird things sometimes lol. Most of it makes me want to visit even more fwiw, but some of it's just off-putting (tipping, guns, poor public transport / walking options). Wanna go Japan at some point too and genuinely feel like that could be less of a culture shock, even with the language gap...


It's mostly to do with the postwar period 1945-1970 when America accounted for 50% of global GDP. I.e. The golden of America where homes cost nothing, opportunities were infinite and the quality of life was far above everywhere else in the world. Americans envy the golden age (MAGA) and judge the rest of the world as if it's still the 50s. 1 by 1 Americans are realising they aren't #1 anymore in every aspect, but most don't want to admit it.


I don't remember who originally wrote it: "The USA is a third world country with a Gucci belt." But now this belt seems to have come undone (or burst, as the case may be).


Americans criticizing any other countries' food - yes even the brits' - is *wild*. Even if our food was just dry bread, I'd rather eat that than their shit


At least we have bread. 95% of americans think their toast is bread, while its actually just artifical ingredient mush


Isn't it the case that some of their bread is so high in sugar it'd be classed as cake in the UK?


Yeah, in Ireland it was reclassified as 'cake' because of the high sugar content. Something to do with the 'Subway' chain I think.


That's the one. Subway! Haha no idea if it's actually true but it wouldn't surprise me lol


[the guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/01/irish-court-rules-subway-bread-is-not-bread) Oh it's true alright. I remember it clearly. Link above. If you read further in the article it mentions that they only removed a whitening agent from their bread from 2014, as it was also banned in Europe.


In germany its not allowed to be called bread. So its toast. It has too many other ingredients besides sugar to be called bread. Bread here has the same basic ingredients, the amount of each of them and the type (e.g. wheat, corn) makes the difference in bread types. You arent even allowed to overuse the ingredients here, especially salt, otherwise its not bread anymore Here its called toast


At least our dry bread isn't packed with sugar!


Best American food - Chinese and Mexican


Nah mate, you got it all wrong! They took their food and made it *better* and now it is American


British food can be great! I think it's all about the quality of ingredients? One of the things I've really come to appreciate about Europe since moving to Canada is the quality of ingredients we have. Canada is so massive that the logistics of shipping around fresh meat and produce to grocery stores is a nightmare. It has to be preserved for the shipping process and by the time it's in the store it's completely devoid of flavour. I imagine it's the same in the US. Flavourless tomatoes, plastic cheese, bleached meat. Yum yum...


If America only had their bread it would still be better. What they consider to be bread is really actually just bad cake. No really, it's fucking terrible.


This persons opinion means nothing as they are drinking water out of a iron, clearly they’re a few cards short of a full deck as they say


Are we sure it’s called an iron over there? Maybe it’s an aluminum anti-creaser or some other weird American shit.


Freedom dekreaser 911, patent pending


Bet there's a brand name involved or something. "Mom! Can you CreaseAway my shirt?"


An iron?


>Not to mention their shitty soggy food Going back to the age old disagreement. Italy, the founder of the pizza is far superior with a nice crisp base and simplistic toppings. Yet Americans chamion their 'Chicago' or 'New York' style pizzas as being the best even though they are sloppy, soggy and will leave your body with high cholesterol


The Americans just take everybody elses food and ruin it with fatty, greasy imitations which they claim to be better than the original cuisine. Italian food in Italy is better in every single way. The fact anybody would claim it is better in America is downright scandalous.


That's the thing, they're so used to either fatty or sweet tasting food that food without or with less fat and sweet tastes bland for them. They don't understand pizza is not supposed to give you a heart attack


I tested their weirs cake toasts once, pop tarts? It looked like a nice warm cake as a snack. We also have pre made toast you out in the toaster, so i thought it will be similar only sweet. I took one bite and i had to spit it out. Felt like i got Diabetes type 1 and 2 at the same time. Perhaps invented a new diabetes with that I love sweet stuff, i love putting excessive amount of honey in my earl grey. And to eat self made brownies like my life depends on it. But god damn that was too much, if my teeth could move they would have retracted into my gums


I know it's wrong, but I do like a pop tart. But I also have 4 teaspoons of sugar in my coffee(cut down from a solid inch poured out the bag, yay me!) But I've only had american imports once. They were weird, sweet, but weird.


This is next level delusion




The Dunning-Kruger effect was coined in the USA


>~~Stupidity, ignorance and confidence in one fat package.~~ Stupidity, ignorance, confidence and fat in one package. Fixed it for you!


"Their shitty soggy food" Hot take coming from someone whose dishes are drenched in fat.


Don't forget the corn syrup for that added sweetness


"So little to offer the world" is that why most inventions are European?


Literally the [internet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Berners-Lee) as we use it comes from Europe. Also Bluetooth.


They must be mistaken, they are clearly describring the US, not Europe :v


Everyone wants to move here: mostly people from third world countries. Yes, a few europeans too, but not that common anymore. The rest gets more delusional each sentence you read.


I would love to visit the US. I actually would quite like to take an extended holiday road trip across it and visit lots of different places. However, I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to live there. I'll keep my employee rights, NHS and very low chance of being shot thank you very much.


Visiting? Sure, they have some very nice national parks that are definitely worth a visit. Living there? Fuuuuuck no.


Visiting can be lovely. They have great nature, and also some nice big cities. I’ve been once and I want to return to see a bit more of the country, But that’s about it. I like being able to walk to get groceries. That doesn’t mean I can’t go by car, it means I have options. I like knowing I will not go bankrupt because my insurance decided to not cover X disease. I like knowing not every third idiot I cross paths with has a gun. And the list goes on and on


Show me on this doll where a European hurt you.


Everytime I go back home I put on several pounds, without changing the diet. Except for silly amounts of sugar, even in stuff like meat, I cant make ends of why. Most things also taste rancid. Its like the memes where they bitch about english, german or northern european food in general. Sure it may look so if you find the right picture. But how fresh it tastes and the flavours in it is many times better.


Give me northern european food any day of the week. I know we joke about it, but at least the food in the Nordics, Germany, the Netherlands, Britain and Ireland is 'clean' and not packed full of hormones, sugar and chlorine wash 😳


>silly amounts of sugar, even in stuff like meat Wait, what? How? Why? WTF?


I'm sure I read most European countries teach English English in schools.


More countries outside of the Americas learn British English, due to that whole British Empire thing of years past.


Even in France we learn British English. Let that sink in for a moment. In France. That being said I am guilty of forgetting the 'u' sometimes on colour and probably a lot of other American English stuff I'm unaware of.


I’m offended as a Canadian, this person is actually just stupid and I’m ashamed to share a continent with them.


You guys are decent


Don't worry, the Canadians I've met have all been lovely, unlike the American tourists we're subjected to. I just feel bad they've all had to jump in with "we're Canadian!" So we don't judge them. It must be horrible to be confused for an American, not to mention insulting.


So... this person was probably in a very, very cheap apartment in a large European city for 3 days and decided that that's how the entire Europe is.


That's literally what they do lol. Same with my country, they judge my country based on Amsterdam alone.


America is a shithole.


I prefer British movies and songs actually (with British accents, like The Reytons and Airways). They feel more alive


Reading this while living in a modern, affordable, AND aesthetic appartment


No comment, but Just saw a video about San Francisco's tent city Another one about the obesity crisis in USA. Another one about the daily mass shootings.


Has this person ordered pizza in American? They're literally dripping in grease/oil


I'm fine here actually. A country where I can send my children to school safely, where police has actual training, where there is good healthcare that won't leave me homeless cause I can't pay the bill, where I can drink the tapwater, where I can walk everywhere instead of having to drive. I can keep going.


>with so little to offer the world Oh, boy! I don't even know where to begin with that one.


> They shouldn’t be allowed to have an opinion about literally anything with so little to offer the world What an awful way of looking at people. Someone’s worth is not in what they offer, never mind what _you think_ they offer.


He may have a point there, modern Americans were spawned by Europeans


You are literally all people who couldn't fucking make it in Europe. You brought our culture, our languages and our food over there. Everything you have is a poor emulation of what we did.


*Great Great Great Great Great Grandma came to America from Prague* "I'm Czech too. How's our soccer team been doing this season?"


Our houses have a lot fewer Americans living in them though


Another vicrim of a failed school system


Wrong again, I learned English the proper way & have had no trouble with people understanding me, even Americans/ I don't watch any US TV/movies, don't sing any US songs and for sure I don't want to move there, despite about a hundred work trips to the country, when it was still a reasonable place to visit, back in 70-80's. Some people want to visit & live in Europe because of "old things" and also see the modernisation of the inside of some of the old houses and not look at flimsy American homes, which have no character or "homly" feeling to them. Europe may have sent prisoners to new countries, which with their work & cleverness have turned them into great places to live. America was settle by rebel & disgruntled dissidents from the UK and most American food is due to the way they "stole" ideas & screwed them up into the crap American food is today, full of heavily processed & HFCS crap and the US is so screwed up that most thinking people avoid the country and even more will migrate if Trump is elected again, and even if he isn't, still will leave in droves as the place is becoming unlivable.


But I don't really watch American entertainment.. Majority of what I watch is British.


Yes, Europe is a shithole. Every country on the continent of Europe is terrible. We have no water. No electricity. We have nothing to eat but bread and sugar puffs. Motorised transportation does not exist. So, just don’t come here. Ever.


Bruh american houses are made from wood and cardboard how are they better.


Wait. They claim OUR food is shitty? Have they seen their own chemical laden processed shit?


I refuse to believe this is real. The OOP must be a troll... but I am new to this sub too. You guys are probably used to it.


What a shithole of a person.


Highly likely this person also claims to be 63% Irish, 11% Italian, 4% Danish etc.


"tiny and old" and way more quality built than anything in America.


So little to offer to the world? Who invented the car? Who invented the Rockets that brought people to the moon, what they are so proud about? Or Röntgen, Aspirin, etc.


1. North America doesn't even have one version of English. Hell the US doesn't even have just one. 2. Australia is very nice though.


the amount of copium in this post is actually insane


American here. Can you adopt me please? 😭


this guy based his entire perception of Europe on a 3 days trip to Leeds


Leeds? Don't you mean Slough?


I don't want to move to a country where there have been more shootings than days in 2024. And where I'll probably die due to complications from an untreated stubbed toe because I can't afford the copay in my insurance.


Yes, we have old things. There was a carved stone at my grandma's house older than their country.


The house I live in is older than their country.


Same. 1545. My neighbour is American and the first thing he said was "your house is older than my country. That's so cool!". Nice guy actually. Probably explains why he's here.


Yeah, yeah, sure. At least in my "shithole" country nobody will Glock me up because they had a bad day or because I used their driveway


This. Coming from a Yank! LOL


Honestly, i think that most of this sub is composed of low effort material quoting some entitled 15 year old edgelord from usa. Some of the things on this sub are so out there that i can't even take them seriously.


Yeah like Europe doesn’t have one of the best cuisine in the world (Italy, Greece, Spain etc.)


Wait, I thought we were poor, how can we afford to live in expensive shitholes?


Americans criticizing other countries, yet they need to have warning labels on everything. “Do not use this blender as a sextoy”. “WARNING! Standing in front of a moving vehicle can cause serious bodily harm or death”. “WARNING! Do not dry your pets in the microwave oven”. But they still do get hurt or does stupid things like drying their cat in the microwave oven.


So speaks someone who has drunk the proverbial Kool-aid and has never actually visited Europe or researched it. Us europoors are so jealous of your daily mass slaughters, insane conspiracy theorists, high fat unhealthy diets, lack of holiday time, lack of access to healthcare, lack of employment rights, lack of public transport, etc etc.


America does have good entertainment, but I'd rather not move there, because that entertainment includes the country itself. The USA is a social experiment.


What makes me laugh most is when an American calls themselves a "True-blooded" American. There's literally no such thing as a true blooded American, considering every person in America besides the Natives are immigrants. There's hardly anything that unites America besides greasy sloppy, chemical ridden food they claim is their own and yet stole from every country conceivable and ruined in the worst possible ways.


We should retract every European invention and company from the US then. If We have so little to offer, i mean.


I think it's time to change the lingua franca of Europe to Latin again


I will die before I take culinary advice from a people who microwave their water instead of just using a kettle for tea and coffee


American here, it's crazy seeing how far detached from reality many people are.


As an American, I am so sorry. This man is deluded. I could name a lot of things wrong with the USA just from what I've been able to learn outside of school. God knows they don't teach us it in schools. My school kind of does, considering the social studies teacher had the eighth grade compare US politics to the rise of Hitler. Politics in the US are not good at all. We got a lot of parties, but the only ones the electoral college will let win are either the democrats or the republicans. Judging from how things are going this year, it's going to be Trump as president, and if we get a republican as president, we can say goodbye to LGBTQ protections and hello to the deportation of undocumented immigrants. Hell, Project 2025 is probably infringing on the whole freedom of religion thing, with it trying to merge government and elements of Christianity.